1 set(files 2 __bit_reference 3 __bsd_locale_defaults.h 4 __bsd_locale_fallbacks.h 5 __errc 6 __debug 7 __functional_03 8 __functional_base 9 __functional_base_03 10 __hash_table 11 __libcpp_version 12 __locale 13 __mutex_base 14 __node_handle 15 __nullptr 16 __split_buffer 17 __sso_allocator 18 __std_stream 19 __string 20 __threading_support 21 __tree 22 __tuple 23 __undef_macros 24 algorithm 25 any 26 array 27 atomic 28 bit 29 bitset 30 cassert 31 ccomplex 32 cctype 33 cerrno 34 cfenv 35 cfloat 36 charconv 37 chrono 38 cinttypes 39 ciso646 40 climits 41 clocale 42 cmath 43 codecvt 44 compare 45 complex 46 complex.h 47 condition_variable 48 csetjmp 49 csignal 50 cstdarg 51 cstdbool 52 cstddef 53 cstdint 54 cstdio 55 cstdlib 56 cstring 57 ctgmath 58 ctime 59 ctype.h 60 cwchar 61 cwctype 62 deque 63 errno.h 64 exception 65 experimental/__config 66 experimental/__memory 67 experimental/algorithm 68 experimental/any 69 experimental/chrono 70 experimental/coroutine 71 experimental/deque 72 experimental/filesystem 73 experimental/forward_list 74 experimental/functional 75 experimental/iterator 76 experimental/list 77 experimental/map 78 experimental/memory_resource 79 experimental/numeric 80 experimental/optional 81 experimental/propagate_const 82 experimental/ratio 83 experimental/regex 84 experimental/set 85 experimental/simd 86 experimental/string 87 experimental/string_view 88 experimental/system_error 89 experimental/tuple 90 experimental/type_traits 91 experimental/unordered_map 92 experimental/unordered_set 93 experimental/utility 94 experimental/vector 95 ext/__hash 96 ext/hash_map 97 ext/hash_set 98 filesystem 99 float.h 100 forward_list 101 fstream 102 functional 103 future 104 initializer_list 105 inttypes.h 106 iomanip 107 ios 108 iosfwd 109 iostream 110 istream 111 iterator 112 limits 113 limits.h 114 list 115 locale 116 locale.h 117 map 118 math.h 119 memory 120 module.modulemap 121 mutex 122 new 123 numeric 124 optional 125 ostream 126 queue 127 random 128 ratio 129 regex 130 scoped_allocator 131 set 132 setjmp.h 133 shared_mutex 134 span 135 sstream 136 stack 137 stdbool.h 138 stddef.h 139 stdexcept 140 stdint.h 141 stdio.h 142 stdlib.h 143 streambuf 144 string 145 string.h 146 string_view 147 strstream 148 system_error 149 tgmath.h 150 thread 151 tuple 152 type_traits 153 typeindex 154 typeinfo 155 unordered_map 156 unordered_set 157 utility 158 valarray 159 variant 160 vector 161 version 162 wchar.h 163 wctype.h 164 ) 165 166 if(LIBCXX_INSTALL_SUPPORT_HEADERS) 167 set(files 168 ${files} 169 support/android/locale_bionic.h 170 support/fuchsia/xlocale.h 171 support/ibm/limits.h 172 support/ibm/locale_mgmt_aix.h 173 support/ibm/support.h 174 support/ibm/xlocale.h 175 support/musl/xlocale.h 176 support/newlib/xlocale.h 177 support/solaris/floatingpoint.h 178 support/solaris/wchar.h 179 support/solaris/xlocale.h 180 support/win32/limits_msvc_win32.h 181 support/win32/locale_win32.h 182 support/xlocale/__nop_locale_mgmt.h 183 support/xlocale/__posix_l_fallback.h 184 support/xlocale/__strtonum_fallback.h 185 support/xlocale/xlocale.h 186 ) 187 endif() 188 189 if (LIBCXX_NEEDS_SITE_CONFIG) 190 # Generate a custom __config header. The new header is created 191 # by prepending __config_site to the current __config header. 192 add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${LIBCXX_BINARY_DIR}/__generated_config 193 COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${LIBCXX_SOURCE_DIR}/utils/cat_files.py 194 ${LIBCXX_BINARY_DIR}/__config_site 195 ${LIBCXX_SOURCE_DIR}/include/__config 196 -o ${LIBCXX_BINARY_DIR}/__generated_config 197 DEPENDS ${LIBCXX_SOURCE_DIR}/include/__config 198 ${LIBCXX_BINARY_DIR}/__config_site 199 ) 200 # Add a target that executes the generation commands. 201 add_custom_target(cxx-generated-config ALL 202 DEPENDS ${LIBCXX_BINARY_DIR}/__generated_config) 203 set(generated_config_deps cxx-generated-config) 204 else() 205 set(files 206 ${files} 207 __config 208 ) 209 endif() 210 211 if(NOT LIBCXX_USING_INSTALLED_LLVM AND LIBCXX_HEADER_DIR) 212 set(output_dir ${LIBCXX_HEADER_DIR}/include/c++/v1) 213 214 set(out_files) 215 foreach(f ${files}) 216 set(src ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${f}) 217 set(dst ${output_dir}/${f}) 218 add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${dst} 219 DEPENDS ${src} 220 COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different ${src} ${dst} 221 COMMENT "Copying CXX header ${f}") 222 list(APPEND out_files ${dst}) 223 endforeach() 224 225 if (LIBCXX_NEEDS_SITE_CONFIG) 226 # Copy the generated header as __config into build directory. 227 set(src ${LIBCXX_BINARY_DIR}/__generated_config) 228 set(dst ${output_dir}/__config) 229 add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${dst} 230 DEPENDS ${src} ${generated_config_deps} 231 COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different ${src} ${dst} 232 COMMENT "Copying CXX __config") 233 list(APPEND out_files ${dst}) 234 endif() 235 236 add_custom_target(cxx-headers ALL DEPENDS ${out_files} ${LIBCXX_CXX_ABI_HEADER_TARGET}) 237 else() 238 add_custom_target(cxx-headers) 239 endif() 240 set_target_properties(cxx-headers PROPERTIES FOLDER "Misc") 241 242 if (LIBCXX_INSTALL_HEADERS) 243 foreach(file ${files}) 244 get_filename_component(dir ${file} DIRECTORY) 245 install(FILES ${file} 246 DESTINATION ${LIBCXX_INSTALL_HEADER_PREFIX}include/c++/v1/${dir} 247 COMPONENT cxx-headers 248 PERMISSIONS OWNER_READ OWNER_WRITE GROUP_READ WORLD_READ 249 ) 250 endforeach() 251 252 if (LIBCXX_NEEDS_SITE_CONFIG) 253 # Install the generated header as __config. 254 install(FILES ${LIBCXX_BINARY_DIR}/__generated_config 255 DESTINATION ${LIBCXX_INSTALL_HEADER_PREFIX}include/c++/v1 256 PERMISSIONS OWNER_READ OWNER_WRITE GROUP_READ WORLD_READ 257 RENAME __config 258 COMPONENT cxx-headers) 259 endif() 260 261 if (NOT CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) 262 add_custom_target(install-cxx-headers 263 DEPENDS cxx-headers ${generated_config_deps} 264 COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" 265 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT=cxx-headers 266 -P "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_install.cmake") 267 # Stripping is a no-op for headers 268 add_custom_target(install-cxx-headers-stripped DEPENDS install-cxx-headers) 269 270 add_custom_target(install-libcxx-headers DEPENDS install-cxx-headers) 271 add_custom_target(install-libcxx-headers-stripped DEPENDS install-cxx-headers-stripped) 272 endif() 273 endif() 274