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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright 2012 The LibYuv Project Authors. All rights reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  */
     11 #include "libyuv/mjpeg_decoder.h"
     13 #ifdef HAVE_JPEG
     14 #include <assert.h>
     16 #if !defined(__pnacl__) && !defined(__CLR_VER) && \
     17     !defined(COVERAGE_ENABLED) && !defined(TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR)
     18 // Must be included before jpeglib.
     19 #include <setjmp.h>
     20 #define HAVE_SETJMP
     22 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
     23 // disable warning 4324: structure was padded due to __declspec(align())
     24 #pragma warning(disable : 4324)
     25 #endif
     27 #endif
     28 struct FILE;  // For jpeglib.h.
     30 // C++ build requires extern C for jpeg internals.
     31 #ifdef __cplusplus
     32 extern "C" {
     33 #endif
     35 #include <jpeglib.h>
     37 #ifdef __cplusplus
     38 }  // extern "C"
     39 #endif
     41 #include "libyuv/planar_functions.h"  // For CopyPlane().
     43 namespace libyuv {
     45 #ifdef HAVE_SETJMP
     46 struct SetJmpErrorMgr {
     47   jpeg_error_mgr base;  // Must be at the top
     48   jmp_buf setjmp_buffer;
     49 };
     50 #endif
     52 const int MJpegDecoder::kColorSpaceUnknown = JCS_UNKNOWN;
     53 const int MJpegDecoder::kColorSpaceGrayscale = JCS_GRAYSCALE;
     54 const int MJpegDecoder::kColorSpaceRgb = JCS_RGB;
     55 const int MJpegDecoder::kColorSpaceYCbCr = JCS_YCbCr;
     56 const int MJpegDecoder::kColorSpaceCMYK = JCS_CMYK;
     57 const int MJpegDecoder::kColorSpaceYCCK = JCS_YCCK;
     59 // Methods that are passed to jpeglib.
     60 boolean fill_input_buffer(jpeg_decompress_struct* cinfo);
     61 void init_source(jpeg_decompress_struct* cinfo);
     62 void skip_input_data(jpeg_decompress_struct* cinfo, long num_bytes);  // NOLINT
     63 void term_source(jpeg_decompress_struct* cinfo);
     64 void ErrorHandler(jpeg_common_struct* cinfo);
     65 void OutputHandler(jpeg_common_struct* cinfo);
     67 MJpegDecoder::MJpegDecoder()
     68     : has_scanline_padding_(LIBYUV_FALSE),
     69       num_outbufs_(0),
     70       scanlines_(NULL),
     71       scanlines_sizes_(NULL),
     72       databuf_(NULL),
     73       databuf_strides_(NULL) {
     74   decompress_struct_ = new jpeg_decompress_struct;
     75   source_mgr_ = new jpeg_source_mgr;
     76 #ifdef HAVE_SETJMP
     77   error_mgr_ = new SetJmpErrorMgr;
     78   decompress_struct_->err = jpeg_std_error(&error_mgr_->base);
     79   // Override standard exit()-based error handler.
     80   error_mgr_->base.error_exit = &ErrorHandler;
     81   error_mgr_->base.output_message = &OutputHandler;
     82 #endif
     83   decompress_struct_->client_data = NULL;
     84   source_mgr_->init_source = &init_source;
     85   source_mgr_->fill_input_buffer = &fill_input_buffer;
     86   source_mgr_->skip_input_data = &skip_input_data;
     87   source_mgr_->resync_to_restart = &jpeg_resync_to_restart;
     88   source_mgr_->term_source = &term_source;
     89   jpeg_create_decompress(decompress_struct_);
     90   decompress_struct_->src = source_mgr_;
     91   buf_vec_.buffers = &buf_;
     92   buf_vec_.len = 1;
     93 }
     95 MJpegDecoder::~MJpegDecoder() {
     96   jpeg_destroy_decompress(decompress_struct_);
     97   delete decompress_struct_;
     98   delete source_mgr_;
     99 #ifdef HAVE_SETJMP
    100   delete error_mgr_;
    101 #endif
    102   DestroyOutputBuffers();
    103 }
    105 LIBYUV_BOOL MJpegDecoder::LoadFrame(const uint8* src, size_t src_len) {
    106   if (!ValidateJpeg(src, src_len)) {
    107     return LIBYUV_FALSE;
    108   }
    110   buf_.data = src;
    111   buf_.len = static_cast<int>(src_len);
    112   buf_vec_.pos = 0;
    113   decompress_struct_->client_data = &buf_vec_;
    114 #ifdef HAVE_SETJMP
    115   if (setjmp(error_mgr_->setjmp_buffer)) {
    116     // We called jpeg_read_header, it experienced an error, and we called
    117     // longjmp() and rewound the stack to here. Return error.
    118     return LIBYUV_FALSE;
    119   }
    120 #endif
    121   if (jpeg_read_header(decompress_struct_, TRUE) != JPEG_HEADER_OK) {
    122     // ERROR: Bad MJPEG header
    123     return LIBYUV_FALSE;
    124   }
    125   AllocOutputBuffers(GetNumComponents());
    126   for (int i = 0; i < num_outbufs_; ++i) {
    127     int scanlines_size = GetComponentScanlinesPerImcuRow(i);
    128     if (scanlines_sizes_[i] != scanlines_size) {
    129       if (scanlines_[i]) {
    130         delete scanlines_[i];
    131       }
    132       scanlines_[i] = new uint8*[scanlines_size];
    133       scanlines_sizes_[i] = scanlines_size;
    134     }
    136     // We allocate padding for the final scanline to pad it up to DCTSIZE bytes
    137     // to avoid memory errors, since jpeglib only reads full MCUs blocks. For
    138     // the preceding scanlines, the padding is not needed/wanted because the
    139     // following addresses will already be valid (they are the initial bytes of
    140     // the next scanline) and will be overwritten when jpeglib writes out that
    141     // next scanline.
    142     int databuf_stride = GetComponentStride(i);
    143     int databuf_size = scanlines_size * databuf_stride;
    144     if (databuf_strides_[i] != databuf_stride) {
    145       if (databuf_[i]) {
    146         delete databuf_[i];
    147       }
    148       databuf_[i] = new uint8[databuf_size];
    149       databuf_strides_[i] = databuf_stride;
    150     }
    152     if (GetComponentStride(i) != GetComponentWidth(i)) {
    153       has_scanline_padding_ = LIBYUV_TRUE;
    154     }
    155   }
    156   return LIBYUV_TRUE;
    157 }
    159 static int DivideAndRoundUp(int numerator, int denominator) {
    160   return (numerator + denominator - 1) / denominator;
    161 }
    163 static int DivideAndRoundDown(int numerator, int denominator) {
    164   return numerator / denominator;
    165 }
    167 // Returns width of the last loaded frame.
    168 int MJpegDecoder::GetWidth() {
    169   return decompress_struct_->image_width;
    170 }
    172 // Returns height of the last loaded frame.
    173 int MJpegDecoder::GetHeight() {
    174   return decompress_struct_->image_height;
    175 }
    177 // Returns format of the last loaded frame. The return value is one of the
    178 // kColorSpace* constants.
    179 int MJpegDecoder::GetColorSpace() {
    180   return decompress_struct_->jpeg_color_space;
    181 }
    183 // Number of color components in the color space.
    184 int MJpegDecoder::GetNumComponents() {
    185   return decompress_struct_->num_components;
    186 }
    188 // Sample factors of the n-th component.
    189 int MJpegDecoder::GetHorizSampFactor(int component) {
    190   return decompress_struct_->comp_info[component].h_samp_factor;
    191 }
    193 int MJpegDecoder::GetVertSampFactor(int component) {
    194   return decompress_struct_->comp_info[component].v_samp_factor;
    195 }
    197 int MJpegDecoder::GetHorizSubSampFactor(int component) {
    198   return decompress_struct_->max_h_samp_factor / GetHorizSampFactor(component);
    199 }
    201 int MJpegDecoder::GetVertSubSampFactor(int component) {
    202   return decompress_struct_->max_v_samp_factor / GetVertSampFactor(component);
    203 }
    205 int MJpegDecoder::GetImageScanlinesPerImcuRow() {
    206   return decompress_struct_->max_v_samp_factor * DCTSIZE;
    207 }
    209 int MJpegDecoder::GetComponentScanlinesPerImcuRow(int component) {
    210   int vs = GetVertSubSampFactor(component);
    211   return DivideAndRoundUp(GetImageScanlinesPerImcuRow(), vs);
    212 }
    214 int MJpegDecoder::GetComponentWidth(int component) {
    215   int hs = GetHorizSubSampFactor(component);
    216   return DivideAndRoundUp(GetWidth(), hs);
    217 }
    219 int MJpegDecoder::GetComponentHeight(int component) {
    220   int vs = GetVertSubSampFactor(component);
    221   return DivideAndRoundUp(GetHeight(), vs);
    222 }
    224 // Get width in bytes padded out to a multiple of DCTSIZE
    225 int MJpegDecoder::GetComponentStride(int component) {
    226   return (GetComponentWidth(component) + DCTSIZE - 1) & ~(DCTSIZE - 1);
    227 }
    229 int MJpegDecoder::GetComponentSize(int component) {
    230   return GetComponentWidth(component) * GetComponentHeight(component);
    231 }
    233 LIBYUV_BOOL MJpegDecoder::UnloadFrame() {
    234 #ifdef HAVE_SETJMP
    235   if (setjmp(error_mgr_->setjmp_buffer)) {
    236     // We called jpeg_abort_decompress, it experienced an error, and we called
    237     // longjmp() and rewound the stack to here. Return error.
    238     return LIBYUV_FALSE;
    239   }
    240 #endif
    241   jpeg_abort_decompress(decompress_struct_);
    242   return LIBYUV_TRUE;
    243 }
    245 // TODO(fbarchard): Allow rectangle to be specified: x, y, width, height.
    246 LIBYUV_BOOL MJpegDecoder::DecodeToBuffers(uint8** planes,
    247                                           int dst_width,
    248                                           int dst_height) {
    249   if (dst_width != GetWidth() || dst_height > GetHeight()) {
    250     // ERROR: Bad dimensions
    251     return LIBYUV_FALSE;
    252   }
    253 #ifdef HAVE_SETJMP
    254   if (setjmp(error_mgr_->setjmp_buffer)) {
    255     // We called into jpeglib, it experienced an error sometime during this
    256     // function call, and we called longjmp() and rewound the stack to here.
    257     // Return error.
    258     return LIBYUV_FALSE;
    259   }
    260 #endif
    261   if (!StartDecode()) {
    262     return LIBYUV_FALSE;
    263   }
    264   SetScanlinePointers(databuf_);
    265   int lines_left = dst_height;
    266   // Compute amount of lines to skip to implement vertical crop.
    267   // TODO(fbarchard): Ensure skip is a multiple of maximum component
    268   // subsample. ie 2
    269   int skip = (GetHeight() - dst_height) / 2;
    270   if (skip > 0) {
    271     // There is no API to skip lines in the output data, so we read them
    272     // into the temp buffer.
    273     while (skip >= GetImageScanlinesPerImcuRow()) {
    274       if (!DecodeImcuRow()) {
    275         FinishDecode();
    276         return LIBYUV_FALSE;
    277       }
    278       skip -= GetImageScanlinesPerImcuRow();
    279     }
    280     if (skip > 0) {
    281       // Have a partial iMCU row left over to skip. Must read it and then
    282       // copy the parts we want into the destination.
    283       if (!DecodeImcuRow()) {
    284         FinishDecode();
    285         return LIBYUV_FALSE;
    286       }
    287       for (int i = 0; i < num_outbufs_; ++i) {
    288         // TODO(fbarchard): Compute skip to avoid this
    289         assert(skip % GetVertSubSampFactor(i) == 0);
    290         int rows_to_skip = DivideAndRoundDown(skip, GetVertSubSampFactor(i));
    291         int scanlines_to_copy =
    292             GetComponentScanlinesPerImcuRow(i) - rows_to_skip;
    293         int data_to_skip = rows_to_skip * GetComponentStride(i);
    294         CopyPlane(databuf_[i] + data_to_skip, GetComponentStride(i), planes[i],
    295                   GetComponentWidth(i), GetComponentWidth(i),
    296                   scanlines_to_copy);
    297         planes[i] += scanlines_to_copy * GetComponentWidth(i);
    298       }
    299       lines_left -= (GetImageScanlinesPerImcuRow() - skip);
    300     }
    301   }
    303   // Read full MCUs but cropped horizontally
    304   for (; lines_left > GetImageScanlinesPerImcuRow();
    305        lines_left -= GetImageScanlinesPerImcuRow()) {
    306     if (!DecodeImcuRow()) {
    307       FinishDecode();
    308       return LIBYUV_FALSE;
    309     }
    310     for (int i = 0; i < num_outbufs_; ++i) {
    311       int scanlines_to_copy = GetComponentScanlinesPerImcuRow(i);
    312       CopyPlane(databuf_[i], GetComponentStride(i), planes[i],
    313                 GetComponentWidth(i), GetComponentWidth(i), scanlines_to_copy);
    314       planes[i] += scanlines_to_copy * GetComponentWidth(i);
    315     }
    316   }
    318   if (lines_left > 0) {
    319     // Have a partial iMCU row left over to decode.
    320     if (!DecodeImcuRow()) {
    321       FinishDecode();
    322       return LIBYUV_FALSE;
    323     }
    324     for (int i = 0; i < num_outbufs_; ++i) {
    325       int scanlines_to_copy =
    326           DivideAndRoundUp(lines_left, GetVertSubSampFactor(i));
    327       CopyPlane(databuf_[i], GetComponentStride(i), planes[i],
    328                 GetComponentWidth(i), GetComponentWidth(i), scanlines_to_copy);
    329       planes[i] += scanlines_to_copy * GetComponentWidth(i);
    330     }
    331   }
    332   return FinishDecode();
    333 }
    335 LIBYUV_BOOL MJpegDecoder::DecodeToCallback(CallbackFunction fn,
    336                                            void* opaque,
    337                                            int dst_width,
    338                                            int dst_height) {
    339   if (dst_width != GetWidth() || dst_height > GetHeight()) {
    340     // ERROR: Bad dimensions
    341     return LIBYUV_FALSE;
    342   }
    343 #ifdef HAVE_SETJMP
    344   if (setjmp(error_mgr_->setjmp_buffer)) {
    345     // We called into jpeglib, it experienced an error sometime during this
    346     // function call, and we called longjmp() and rewound the stack to here.
    347     // Return error.
    348     return LIBYUV_FALSE;
    349   }
    350 #endif
    351   if (!StartDecode()) {
    352     return LIBYUV_FALSE;
    353   }
    354   SetScanlinePointers(databuf_);
    355   int lines_left = dst_height;
    356   // TODO(fbarchard): Compute amount of lines to skip to implement vertical crop
    357   int skip = (GetHeight() - dst_height) / 2;
    358   if (skip > 0) {
    359     while (skip >= GetImageScanlinesPerImcuRow()) {
    360       if (!DecodeImcuRow()) {
    361         FinishDecode();
    362         return LIBYUV_FALSE;
    363       }
    364       skip -= GetImageScanlinesPerImcuRow();
    365     }
    366     if (skip > 0) {
    367       // Have a partial iMCU row left over to skip.
    368       if (!DecodeImcuRow()) {
    369         FinishDecode();
    370         return LIBYUV_FALSE;
    371       }
    372       for (int i = 0; i < num_outbufs_; ++i) {
    373         // TODO(fbarchard): Compute skip to avoid this
    374         assert(skip % GetVertSubSampFactor(i) == 0);
    375         int rows_to_skip = DivideAndRoundDown(skip, GetVertSubSampFactor(i));
    376         int data_to_skip = rows_to_skip * GetComponentStride(i);
    377         // Change our own data buffer pointers so we can pass them to the
    378         // callback.
    379         databuf_[i] += data_to_skip;
    380       }
    381       int scanlines_to_copy = GetImageScanlinesPerImcuRow() - skip;
    382       (*fn)(opaque, databuf_, databuf_strides_, scanlines_to_copy);
    383       // Now change them back.
    384       for (int i = 0; i < num_outbufs_; ++i) {
    385         int rows_to_skip = DivideAndRoundDown(skip, GetVertSubSampFactor(i));
    386         int data_to_skip = rows_to_skip * GetComponentStride(i);
    387         databuf_[i] -= data_to_skip;
    388       }
    389       lines_left -= scanlines_to_copy;
    390     }
    391   }
    392   // Read full MCUs until we get to the crop point.
    393   for (; lines_left >= GetImageScanlinesPerImcuRow();
    394        lines_left -= GetImageScanlinesPerImcuRow()) {
    395     if (!DecodeImcuRow()) {
    396       FinishDecode();
    397       return LIBYUV_FALSE;
    398     }
    399     (*fn)(opaque, databuf_, databuf_strides_, GetImageScanlinesPerImcuRow());
    400   }
    401   if (lines_left > 0) {
    402     // Have a partial iMCU row left over to decode.
    403     if (!DecodeImcuRow()) {
    404       FinishDecode();
    405       return LIBYUV_FALSE;
    406     }
    407     (*fn)(opaque, databuf_, databuf_strides_, lines_left);
    408   }
    409   return FinishDecode();
    410 }
    412 void init_source(j_decompress_ptr cinfo) {
    413   fill_input_buffer(cinfo);
    414 }
    416 boolean fill_input_buffer(j_decompress_ptr cinfo) {
    417   BufferVector* buf_vec = reinterpret_cast<BufferVector*>(cinfo->client_data);
    418   if (buf_vec->pos >= buf_vec->len) {
    419     assert(0 && "No more data");
    420     // ERROR: No more data
    421     return FALSE;
    422   }
    423   cinfo->src->next_input_byte = buf_vec->buffers[buf_vec->pos].data;
    424   cinfo->src->bytes_in_buffer = buf_vec->buffers[buf_vec->pos].len;
    425   ++buf_vec->pos;
    426   return TRUE;
    427 }
    429 void skip_input_data(j_decompress_ptr cinfo, long num_bytes) {  // NOLINT
    430   cinfo->src->next_input_byte += num_bytes;
    431 }
    433 void term_source(j_decompress_ptr cinfo) {
    434   (void)cinfo;  // Nothing to do.
    435 }
    437 #ifdef HAVE_SETJMP
    438 void ErrorHandler(j_common_ptr cinfo) {
    439 // This is called when a jpeglib command experiences an error. Unfortunately
    440 // jpeglib's error handling model is not very flexible, because it expects the
    441 // error handler to not return--i.e., it wants the program to terminate. To
    442 // recover from errors we use setjmp() as shown in their example. setjmp() is
    443 // C's implementation for the "call with current continuation" functionality
    444 // seen in some functional programming languages.
    445 // A formatted message can be output, but is unsafe for release.
    446 #ifdef DEBUG
    447   char buf[JMSG_LENGTH_MAX];
    448   (*cinfo->err->format_message)(cinfo, buf);
    449 // ERROR: Error in jpeglib: buf
    450 #endif
    452   SetJmpErrorMgr* mgr = reinterpret_cast<SetJmpErrorMgr*>(cinfo->err);
    453   // This rewinds the call stack to the point of the corresponding setjmp()
    454   // and causes it to return (for a second time) with value 1.
    455   longjmp(mgr->setjmp_buffer, 1);
    456 }
    458 // Suppress fprintf warnings.
    459 void OutputHandler(j_common_ptr cinfo) {
    460   (void)cinfo;
    461 }
    463 #endif  // HAVE_SETJMP
    465 void MJpegDecoder::AllocOutputBuffers(int num_outbufs) {
    466   if (num_outbufs != num_outbufs_) {
    467     // We could perhaps optimize this case to resize the output buffers without
    468     // necessarily having to delete and recreate each one, but it's not worth
    469     // it.
    470     DestroyOutputBuffers();
    472     scanlines_ = new uint8**[num_outbufs];
    473     scanlines_sizes_ = new int[num_outbufs];
    474     databuf_ = new uint8*[num_outbufs];
    475     databuf_strides_ = new int[num_outbufs];
    477     for (int i = 0; i < num_outbufs; ++i) {
    478       scanlines_[i] = NULL;
    479       scanlines_sizes_[i] = 0;
    480       databuf_[i] = NULL;
    481       databuf_strides_[i] = 0;
    482     }
    484     num_outbufs_ = num_outbufs;
    485   }
    486 }
    488 void MJpegDecoder::DestroyOutputBuffers() {
    489   for (int i = 0; i < num_outbufs_; ++i) {
    490     delete[] scanlines_[i];
    491     delete[] databuf_[i];
    492   }
    493   delete[] scanlines_;
    494   delete[] databuf_;
    495   delete[] scanlines_sizes_;
    496   delete[] databuf_strides_;
    497   scanlines_ = NULL;
    498   databuf_ = NULL;
    499   scanlines_sizes_ = NULL;
    500   databuf_strides_ = NULL;
    501   num_outbufs_ = 0;
    502 }
    504 // JDCT_IFAST and do_block_smoothing improve performance substantially.
    505 LIBYUV_BOOL MJpegDecoder::StartDecode() {
    506   decompress_struct_->raw_data_out = TRUE;
    507   decompress_struct_->dct_method = JDCT_IFAST;  // JDCT_ISLOW is default
    508   decompress_struct_->dither_mode = JDITHER_NONE;
    509   // Not applicable to 'raw':
    510   decompress_struct_->do_fancy_upsampling = (boolean)(LIBYUV_FALSE);
    511   // Only for buffered mode:
    512   decompress_struct_->enable_2pass_quant = (boolean)(LIBYUV_FALSE);
    513   // Blocky but fast:
    514   decompress_struct_->do_block_smoothing = (boolean)(LIBYUV_FALSE);
    516   if (!jpeg_start_decompress(decompress_struct_)) {
    517     // ERROR: Couldn't start JPEG decompressor";
    518     return LIBYUV_FALSE;
    519   }
    520   return LIBYUV_TRUE;
    521 }
    523 LIBYUV_BOOL MJpegDecoder::FinishDecode() {
    524   // jpeglib considers it an error if we finish without decoding the whole
    525   // image, so we call "abort" rather than "finish".
    526   jpeg_abort_decompress(decompress_struct_);
    527   return LIBYUV_TRUE;
    528 }
    530 void MJpegDecoder::SetScanlinePointers(uint8** data) {
    531   for (int i = 0; i < num_outbufs_; ++i) {
    532     uint8* data_i = data[i];
    533     for (int j = 0; j < scanlines_sizes_[i]; ++j) {
    534       scanlines_[i][j] = data_i;
    535       data_i += GetComponentStride(i);
    536     }
    537   }
    538 }
    540 inline LIBYUV_BOOL MJpegDecoder::DecodeImcuRow() {
    541   return (unsigned int)(GetImageScanlinesPerImcuRow()) ==
    542          jpeg_read_raw_data(decompress_struct_, scanlines_,
    543                             GetImageScanlinesPerImcuRow());
    544 }
    546 // The helper function which recognizes the jpeg sub-sampling type.
    547 JpegSubsamplingType MJpegDecoder::JpegSubsamplingTypeHelper(
    548     int* subsample_x,
    549     int* subsample_y,
    550     int number_of_components) {
    551   if (number_of_components == 3) {  // Color images.
    552     if (subsample_x[0] == 1 && subsample_y[0] == 1 && subsample_x[1] == 2 &&
    553         subsample_y[1] == 2 && subsample_x[2] == 2 && subsample_y[2] == 2) {
    554       return kJpegYuv420;
    555     } else if (subsample_x[0] == 1 && subsample_y[0] == 1 &&
    556                subsample_x[1] == 2 && subsample_y[1] == 1 &&
    557                subsample_x[2] == 2 && subsample_y[2] == 1) {
    558       return kJpegYuv422;
    559     } else if (subsample_x[0] == 1 && subsample_y[0] == 1 &&
    560                subsample_x[1] == 1 && subsample_y[1] == 1 &&
    561                subsample_x[2] == 1 && subsample_y[2] == 1) {
    562       return kJpegYuv444;
    563     }
    564   } else if (number_of_components == 1) {  // Grey-scale images.
    565     if (subsample_x[0] == 1 && subsample_y[0] == 1) {
    566       return kJpegYuv400;
    567     }
    568   }
    569   return kJpegUnknown;
    570 }
    572 }  // namespace libyuv
    573 #endif  // HAVE_JPEG