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      1 //===-- SymbolizableObjectFile.cpp ----------------------------------------===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 //
     10 // Implementation of SymbolizableObjectFile class.
     11 //
     12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     14 #include "SymbolizableObjectFile.h"
     15 #include "llvm/Object/COFF.h"
     16 #include "llvm/Object/SymbolSize.h"
     17 #include "llvm/Support/DataExtractor.h"
     18 #include "llvm/DebugInfo/DWARF/DWARFContext.h"
     20 namespace llvm {
     21 namespace symbolize {
     23 using namespace object;
     25 static DILineInfoSpecifier
     26 getDILineInfoSpecifier(FunctionNameKind FNKind) {
     27   return DILineInfoSpecifier(
     28       DILineInfoSpecifier::FileLineInfoKind::AbsoluteFilePath, FNKind);
     29 }
     31 ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<SymbolizableObjectFile>>
     32 SymbolizableObjectFile::create(object::ObjectFile *Obj,
     33                                std::unique_ptr<DIContext> DICtx) {
     34   std::unique_ptr<SymbolizableObjectFile> res(
     35       new SymbolizableObjectFile(Obj, std::move(DICtx)));
     36   std::unique_ptr<DataExtractor> OpdExtractor;
     37   uint64_t OpdAddress = 0;
     38   // Find the .opd (function descriptor) section if any, for big-endian
     39   // PowerPC64 ELF.
     40   if (Obj->getArch() == Triple::ppc64) {
     41     for (section_iterator Section : Obj->sections()) {
     42       StringRef Name;
     43       StringRef Data;
     44       if (auto EC = Section->getName(Name))
     45         return EC;
     46       if (Name == ".opd") {
     47         if (auto EC = Section->getContents(Data))
     48           return EC;
     49         OpdExtractor.reset(new DataExtractor(Data, Obj->isLittleEndian(),
     50                                              Obj->getBytesInAddress()));
     51         OpdAddress = Section->getAddress();
     52         break;
     53       }
     54     }
     55   }
     56   std::vector<std::pair<SymbolRef, uint64_t>> Symbols =
     57       computeSymbolSizes(*Obj);
     58   for (auto &P : Symbols)
     59     res->addSymbol(P.first, P.second, OpdExtractor.get(), OpdAddress);
     61   // If this is a COFF object and we didn't find any symbols, try the export
     62   // table.
     63   if (Symbols.empty()) {
     64     if (auto *CoffObj = dyn_cast<COFFObjectFile>(Obj))
     65       if (auto EC = res->addCoffExportSymbols(CoffObj))
     66         return EC;
     67   }
     68   return std::move(res);
     69 }
     71 SymbolizableObjectFile::SymbolizableObjectFile(ObjectFile *Obj,
     72                                                std::unique_ptr<DIContext> DICtx)
     73     : Module(Obj), DebugInfoContext(std::move(DICtx)) {}
     75 namespace {
     76 struct OffsetNamePair {
     77   uint32_t Offset;
     78   StringRef Name;
     79   bool operator<(const OffsetNamePair &R) const {
     80     return Offset < R.Offset;
     81   }
     82 };
     83 }
     85 std::error_code SymbolizableObjectFile::addCoffExportSymbols(
     86     const COFFObjectFile *CoffObj) {
     87   // Get all export names and offsets.
     88   std::vector<OffsetNamePair> ExportSyms;
     89   for (const ExportDirectoryEntryRef &Ref : CoffObj->export_directories()) {
     90     StringRef Name;
     91     uint32_t Offset;
     92     if (auto EC = Ref.getSymbolName(Name))
     93       return EC;
     94     if (auto EC = Ref.getExportRVA(Offset))
     95       return EC;
     96     ExportSyms.push_back(OffsetNamePair{Offset, Name});
     97   }
     98   if (ExportSyms.empty())
     99     return std::error_code();
    101   // Sort by ascending offset.
    102   array_pod_sort(ExportSyms.begin(), ExportSyms.end());
    104   // Approximate the symbol sizes by assuming they run to the next symbol.
    105   // FIXME: This assumes all exports are functions.
    106   uint64_t ImageBase = CoffObj->getImageBase();
    107   for (auto I = ExportSyms.begin(), E = ExportSyms.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    108     OffsetNamePair &Export = *I;
    109     // FIXME: The last export has a one byte size now.
    110     uint32_t NextOffset = I != E ? I->Offset : Export.Offset + 1;
    111     uint64_t SymbolStart = ImageBase + Export.Offset;
    112     uint64_t SymbolSize = NextOffset - Export.Offset;
    113     SymbolDesc SD = {SymbolStart, SymbolSize};
    114     Functions.insert(std::make_pair(SD, Export.Name));
    115   }
    116   return std::error_code();
    117 }
    119 std::error_code SymbolizableObjectFile::addSymbol(const SymbolRef &Symbol,
    120                                                   uint64_t SymbolSize,
    121                                                   DataExtractor *OpdExtractor,
    122                                                   uint64_t OpdAddress) {
    123   Expected<SymbolRef::Type> SymbolTypeOrErr = Symbol.getType();
    124   if (!SymbolTypeOrErr)
    125     return errorToErrorCode(SymbolTypeOrErr.takeError());
    126   SymbolRef::Type SymbolType = *SymbolTypeOrErr;
    127   if (SymbolType != SymbolRef::ST_Function && SymbolType != SymbolRef::ST_Data)
    128     return std::error_code();
    129   Expected<uint64_t> SymbolAddressOrErr = Symbol.getAddress();
    130   if (!SymbolAddressOrErr)
    131     return errorToErrorCode(SymbolAddressOrErr.takeError());
    132   uint64_t SymbolAddress = *SymbolAddressOrErr;
    133   if (OpdExtractor) {
    134     // For big-endian PowerPC64 ELF, symbols in the .opd section refer to
    135     // function descriptors. The first word of the descriptor is a pointer to
    136     // the function's code.
    137     // For the purposes of symbolization, pretend the symbol's address is that
    138     // of the function's code, not the descriptor.
    139     uint64_t OpdOffset = SymbolAddress - OpdAddress;
    140     uint32_t OpdOffset32 = OpdOffset;
    141     if (OpdOffset == OpdOffset32 &&
    142         OpdExtractor->isValidOffsetForAddress(OpdOffset32))
    143       SymbolAddress = OpdExtractor->getAddress(&OpdOffset32);
    144   }
    145   Expected<StringRef> SymbolNameOrErr = Symbol.getName();
    146   if (!SymbolNameOrErr)
    147     return errorToErrorCode(SymbolNameOrErr.takeError());
    148   StringRef SymbolName = *SymbolNameOrErr;
    149   // Mach-O symbol table names have leading underscore, skip it.
    150   if (Module->isMachO() && SymbolName.size() > 0 && SymbolName[0] == '_')
    151     SymbolName = SymbolName.drop_front();
    152   // FIXME: If a function has alias, there are two entries in symbol table
    153   // with same address size. Make sure we choose the correct one.
    154   auto &M = SymbolType == SymbolRef::ST_Function ? Functions : Objects;
    155   SymbolDesc SD = { SymbolAddress, SymbolSize };
    156   M.insert(std::make_pair(SD, SymbolName));
    157   return std::error_code();
    158 }
    160 // Return true if this is a 32-bit x86 PE COFF module.
    161 bool SymbolizableObjectFile::isWin32Module() const {
    162   auto *CoffObject = dyn_cast<COFFObjectFile>(Module);
    163   return CoffObject && CoffObject->getMachine() == COFF::IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386;
    164 }
    166 uint64_t SymbolizableObjectFile::getModulePreferredBase() const {
    167   if (auto *CoffObject = dyn_cast<COFFObjectFile>(Module))
    168     return CoffObject->getImageBase();
    169   return 0;
    170 }
    172 bool SymbolizableObjectFile::getNameFromSymbolTable(SymbolRef::Type Type,
    173                                                     uint64_t Address,
    174                                                     std::string &Name,
    175                                                     uint64_t &Addr,
    176                                                     uint64_t &Size) const {
    177   const auto &SymbolMap = Type == SymbolRef::ST_Function ? Functions : Objects;
    178   if (SymbolMap.empty())
    179     return false;
    180   SymbolDesc SD = { Address, Address };
    181   auto SymbolIterator = SymbolMap.upper_bound(SD);
    182   if (SymbolIterator == SymbolMap.begin())
    183     return false;
    184   --SymbolIterator;
    185   if (SymbolIterator->first.Size != 0 &&
    186       SymbolIterator->first.Addr + SymbolIterator->first.Size <= Address)
    187     return false;
    188   Name = SymbolIterator->second.str();
    189   Addr = SymbolIterator->first.Addr;
    190   Size = SymbolIterator->first.Size;
    191   return true;
    192 }
    194 bool SymbolizableObjectFile::shouldOverrideWithSymbolTable(
    195     FunctionNameKind FNKind, bool UseSymbolTable) const {
    196   // When DWARF is used with -gline-tables-only / -gmlt, the symbol table gives
    197   // better answers for linkage names than the DIContext. Otherwise, we are
    198   // probably using PEs and PDBs, and we shouldn't do the override. PE files
    199   // generally only contain the names of exported symbols.
    200   return FNKind == FunctionNameKind::LinkageName && UseSymbolTable &&
    201          isa<DWARFContext>(DebugInfoContext.get());
    202 }
    204 DILineInfo SymbolizableObjectFile::symbolizeCode(uint64_t ModuleOffset,
    205                                                  FunctionNameKind FNKind,
    206                                                  bool UseSymbolTable) const {
    207   DILineInfo LineInfo;
    208   if (DebugInfoContext) {
    209     LineInfo = DebugInfoContext->getLineInfoForAddress(
    210         ModuleOffset, getDILineInfoSpecifier(FNKind));
    211   }
    212   // Override function name from symbol table if necessary.
    213   if (shouldOverrideWithSymbolTable(FNKind, UseSymbolTable)) {
    214     std::string FunctionName;
    215     uint64_t Start, Size;
    216     if (getNameFromSymbolTable(SymbolRef::ST_Function, ModuleOffset,
    217                                FunctionName, Start, Size)) {
    218       LineInfo.FunctionName = FunctionName;
    219     }
    220   }
    221   return LineInfo;
    222 }
    224 DIInliningInfo SymbolizableObjectFile::symbolizeInlinedCode(
    225     uint64_t ModuleOffset, FunctionNameKind FNKind, bool UseSymbolTable) const {
    226   DIInliningInfo InlinedContext;
    228   if (DebugInfoContext)
    229     InlinedContext = DebugInfoContext->getInliningInfoForAddress(
    230         ModuleOffset, getDILineInfoSpecifier(FNKind));
    231   // Make sure there is at least one frame in context.
    232   if (InlinedContext.getNumberOfFrames() == 0)
    233     InlinedContext.addFrame(DILineInfo());
    235   // Override the function name in lower frame with name from symbol table.
    236   if (shouldOverrideWithSymbolTable(FNKind, UseSymbolTable)) {
    237     std::string FunctionName;
    238     uint64_t Start, Size;
    239     if (getNameFromSymbolTable(SymbolRef::ST_Function, ModuleOffset,
    240                                FunctionName, Start, Size)) {
    241       InlinedContext.getMutableFrame(InlinedContext.getNumberOfFrames() - 1)
    242           ->FunctionName = FunctionName;
    243     }
    244   }
    246   return InlinedContext;
    247 }
    249 DIGlobal SymbolizableObjectFile::symbolizeData(uint64_t ModuleOffset) const {
    250   DIGlobal Res;
    251   getNameFromSymbolTable(SymbolRef::ST_Data, ModuleOffset, Res.Name, Res.Start,
    252                          Res.Size);
    253   return Res;
    254 }
    256 }  // namespace symbolize
    257 }  // namespace llvm