1 ; RUN: llc -march=hexagon < %s 2 ; REQUIRES: asserts 3 ; 4 ; The tail calls to foo and bar are branches with functions as operands, 5 ; instead of basic blocks. Make sure we don't crash on such instructions. 6 7 target datalayout = "e-m:e-p:32:32:32-i64:64:64-i32:32:32-i16:16:16-i1:8:8-f64:64:64-f32:32:32-v64:64:64-v32:32:32-a:0-n16:32" 8 target triple = "hexagon" 9 10 %struct.t0 = type { i8, [2 x i8] } 11 %struct.t1 = type { i8, i8, [1900 x i8], %struct.t0 } 12 13 @var = internal global [3 x %struct.t1] zeroinitializer, align 8 14 declare void @foo() #2 15 declare void @bar(i32, i32) #2 16 17 ; Function Attrs: nounwind 18 define void @fred(i8 signext %a, i8 signext %b) #1 { 19 entry: 20 %i = sext i8 %a to i32 21 %t = getelementptr inbounds [3 x %struct.t1], [3 x %struct.t1]* @var, i32 0, i32 %i, i32 3, i32 0 22 %0 = load i8, i8* %t, align 8 23 switch i8 %0, label %if.end14 [ 24 i8 1, label %if.then 25 i8 0, label %do.body 26 ] 27 28 if.then: ; preds = %entry 29 %j = sext i8 %b to i32 30 %u = getelementptr inbounds [3 x %struct.t1], [3 x %struct.t1]* @var, i32 0, i32 %i, i32 3, i32 1, i32 %j 31 store i8 1, i8* %u, align 1 32 tail call void @foo() #0 33 br label %if.end14 34 35 do.body: ; preds = %entry 36 %conv11 = sext i8 %b to i32 37 tail call void @bar(i32 %i, i32 %conv11) #0 38 br label %if.end14 39 40 if.end14: ; preds = %entry, %do.body, %if.then 41 ret void 42 } 43 44 attributes #0 = { nounwind } 45 attributes #1 = { nounwind "disable-tail-calls"="false" } 46 attributes #2 = { "disable-tail-calls"="false" } 47