1 ; RUN: llc -O2 -march=hexagon < %s | FileCheck %s 2 ; CHECK: cmp.eq(r{{[0-9]+}}, #0) 3 ; Check that the result of the builtin is not stored directly, i.e. that 4 ; there is an instruction that converts it to {0,1} from {0,-1}. Right now 5 ; the instruction is "r4 = !cmp.eq(r0, #0)". 6 7 @var = common global i32 0, align 4 8 declare i32 @llvm.hexagon.C2.cmpgtup(i64,i64) nounwind 9 10 define void @foo(i64 %a98, i64 %a100) nounwind { 11 entry: 12 %a101 = tail call i32 @llvm.hexagon.C2.cmpgtup(i64 %a98, i64 %a100) 13 %tobool250 = icmp eq i32 %a101, 0 14 %a102 = zext i1 %tobool250 to i8 15 %detected.0 = xor i8 %a102, 1 16 %conv253 = zext i8 %detected.0 to i32 17 store i32 %conv253, i32* @var, align 4 18 ret void 19 } 20