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      1 // RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=mips64el-pc-linux -mcpu=mips64 %s -o - \
      2 // RUN: | llvm-readobj -r \
      3 // RUN: | FileCheck %s
      4 // RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=mips64-pc-linux -mcpu=mips64 %s -o - \
      5 // RUN: | llvm-readobj -r \
      6 // RUN: | FileCheck %s
      8 // Check that the appropriate relocations were created.
     11 // CHECK:      Relocations [
     12 // CHECK:        Section ({{[a-z0-9]+}}) .rela.rodata {
     13 // CHECK-NEXT:     0x{{[0-9,A-F]+}} R_MIPS_GPREL32/R_MIPS_64/R_MIPS_NONE
     14 // CHECK-NEXT:     0x{{[0-9,A-F]+}} R_MIPS_GPREL32/R_MIPS_64/R_MIPS_NONE
     15 // CHECK-NEXT:     0x{{[0-9,A-F]+}} R_MIPS_GPREL32/R_MIPS_64/R_MIPS_NONE
     16 // CHECK-NEXT:     0x{{[0-9,A-F]+}} R_MIPS_GPREL32/R_MIPS_64/R_MIPS_NONE
     17 // CHECK-NEXT:   }
     18 // CHECK-NEXT: ]
     20 	.text
     21 	.abicalls
     22 	.section	.mdebug.abi64,"",@progbits
     23 	.file	"/home/espindola/llvm/llvm/test/MC/Mips/elf-gprel-32-64.ll"
     24 	.text
     25 	.globl	test
     26 	.align	3
     27 	.type	test,@function
     28 	.set	nomips16
     29 	.ent	test
     30 test:                                   # @test
     31 	.frame	$sp,0,$ra
     32 	.mask 	0x00000000,0
     33 	.fmask	0x00000000,0
     34 	.set	noreorder
     35 	.set	nomacro
     36 	.set	noat
     37 # BB#0:                                 # %entry
     38 	lui	$1, %hi(%neg(%gp_rel(test)))
     39 	daddu	$2, $1, $25
     40 	sltiu	$1, $4, 4
     41 	dsll	$3, $4, 32
     42 	bnez	$1, $BB0_2
     43 	nop
     44 $BB0_1:                                 # %sw.default
     45 	b	$BB0_3
     46 	addiu	$2, $zero, -1
     47 $BB0_2:                                 # %entry
     48 	daddiu	$1, $2, %lo(%neg(%gp_rel(test)))
     49 	dsrl	$3, $3, 32
     50 	daddiu	$4, $zero, 8
     51 	dmult	$3, $4
     52 	mflo	$3
     53 	ld	$4, %got_page($JTI0_0)($1)
     54 	daddu	$3, $3, $4
     55 	ld	$3, %got_ofst($JTI0_0)($3)
     56 	daddu	$1, $3, $1
     57 	jr	$1
     58 	addiu	$2, $zero, 1
     59 $BB0_3:                                 # %return
     60 	jr	$ra
     61 	nop
     62 $BB0_4:                                 # %sw.bb2
     63 	jr	$ra
     64 	addiu	$2, $zero, 3
     65 $BB0_5:                                 # %sw.bb5
     66 	jr	$ra
     67 	addiu	$2, $zero, 2
     68 $BB0_6:                                 # %sw.bb8
     69 	jr	$ra
     70 	addiu	$2, $zero, 7
     71 	.set	at
     72 	.set	macro
     73 	.set	reorder
     74 	.end	test
     75 $tmp0:
     76 	.size	test, ($tmp0)-test
     77 	.section	.rodata,"a",@progbits
     78 	.align	3
     79 $JTI0_0:
     80 	.gpdword	($BB0_3)
     81 	.gpdword	($BB0_4)
     82 	.gpdword	($BB0_5)
     83 	.gpdword	($BB0_6)
     86 	.text