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      1 ; This file verifies the behavior of the OptBisect class, which is used to
      2 ; diagnose optimization related failures.  The tests check various
      3 ; invocations that result in different sets of optimization passes that
      4 ; are run in different ways.
      5 ;
      6 ; This set of tests exercises the legacy pass manager interface to the OptBisect
      7 ; class.  Because the exact set of optimizations that will be run may
      8 ; change over time, these tests are written in a more general manner than the
      9 ; corresponding tests for the new pass manager.
     10 ;
     11 ; Don't use NEXT checks or hard-code pass numbering so that this won't fail if
     12 ; new passes are inserted.
     15 ; Verify that the file can be compiled to an object file at -O3 with all
     16 ; skippable passes skipped.
     18 ; RUN: opt -O3 -opt-bisect-limit=0 < %s | llc -O3 -opt-bisect-limit=0
     21 ; Verify that no skippable passes are run with -opt-bisect-limit=0.
     23 ; RUN: opt -disable-output -disable-verify -O3 -opt-bisect-limit=0 %s 2>&1 \
     24 ; RUN:     | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-SKIP-ALL
     25 ; CHECK-SKIP-ALL: BISECT: NOT running pass ({{[0-9]+}})
     26 ; CHECK-SKIP-ALL-NOT: BISECT: running pass ({{[0-9]+}})
     29 ; Verify that no passes run at -O0 are skipped
     30 ; RUN: opt -opt-bisect-limit=0 < %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=OPTBISECT-O0
     31 ; OPTBISECT-O0-NOT: BISECT: NOT running
     33 ; FIXME: There are still some AMDGPU passes being skipped that run at -O0.
     34 ; XFAIL: r600, amdgcn
     36 ; Verify that we can use the opt-bisect-helper.py script (derived from
     37 ; utils/bisect) to locate the optimization that inlines the call to
     38 ; f2() in f3().
     40 ; RUN: %python %S/opt-bisect-helper.py --start=0 --end=256 --optcmd=opt \
     41 ; RUN:         --filecheckcmd=FileCheck --test=%s \
     42 ; RUN:         --prefix=CHECK-BISECT-INLINE-HELPER \
     43 ; RUN:         | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-BISECT-INLINE-RESULT
     44 ; The helper script uses this to find the optimization that inlines the call.
     45 ; CHECK-BISECT-INLINE-HELPER: call i32 @f2()
     46 ; These checks verifies that the optimization was found.
     47 ; CHECK-BISECT-INLINE-RESULT-NOT: Last good count: 0
     48 ; CHECK-BISECT-INLINE-RESULT: Last good count: {{[0-9]+}}
     51 ; Test a module pass.
     53 ; RUN: opt -disable-output -disable-verify -deadargelim -opt-bisect-limit=-1 %s \
     54 ; RUN:     2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-DEADARG
     55 ; CHECK-DEADARG: BISECT: running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Dead Argument Elimination on module
     57 ; RUN: opt -disable-output -disable-verify -deadargelim -opt-bisect-limit=0 %s \
     58 ; RUN:     2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-NOT-DEADARG
     59 ; CHECK-NOT-DEADARG: BISECT: NOT running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Dead Argument Elimination on module
     62 ; Test an SCC pass.
     64 ; RUN: opt -disable-output -disable-verify -inline -opt-bisect-limit=-1 %s \
     65 ; RUN:     2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-INLINE
     66 ; CHECK-INLINE: BISECT: running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Function Integration/Inlining on SCC (<<null function>>)
     67 ; CHECK-INLINE: BISECT: running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Function Integration/Inlining on SCC (g)
     68 ; CHECK-INLINE: BISECT: running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Function Integration/Inlining on SCC (f1)
     69 ; CHECK-INLINE: BISECT: running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Function Integration/Inlining on SCC (f2)
     70 ; CHECK-INLINE: BISECT: running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Function Integration/Inlining on SCC (f3)
     71 ; CHECK-INLINE: BISECT: running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Function Integration/Inlining on SCC (<<null function>>)
     73 ; RUN: opt -disable-output -disable-verify -inline -opt-bisect-limit=0 %s \
     74 ; RUN:     2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-NOT-INLINE
     75 ; CHECK-NOT-INLINE: BISECT: NOT running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Function Integration/Inlining on SCC (<<null function>>)
     76 ; CHECK-NOT-INLINE: BISECT: NOT running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Function Integration/Inlining on SCC (g)
     77 ; CHECK-NOT-INLINE: BISECT: NOT running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Function Integration/Inlining on SCC (f1)
     78 ; CHECK-NOT-INLINE: BISECT: NOT running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Function Integration/Inlining on SCC (f2)
     79 ; CHECK-NOT-INLINE: BISECT: NOT running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Function Integration/Inlining on SCC (f3)
     80 ; CHECK-NOT-INLINE: BISECT: NOT running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Function Integration/Inlining on SCC (<<null function>>)
     83 ; Test a function pass.
     85 ; RUN: opt -disable-output -disable-verify -early-cse -opt-bisect-limit=-1 \
     86 ; RUN:     %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-EARLY-CSE
     87 ; CHECK-EARLY-CSE: BISECT: running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Early CSE on function (f1)
     88 ; CHECK-EARLY-CSE: BISECT: running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Early CSE on function (f2)
     89 ; CHECK-EARLY-CSE: BISECT: running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Early CSE on function (f3)
     91 ; RUN: opt -disable-output -disable-verify -early-cse -opt-bisect-limit=0 %s \
     92 ; RUN:     2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-NOT-EARLY-CSE
     93 ; CHECK-NOT-EARLY-CSE: BISECT: NOT running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Early CSE on function (f1)
     94 ; CHECK-NOT-EARLY-CSE: BISECT: NOT running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Early CSE on function (f2)
     95 ; CHECK-NOT-EARLY-CSE: BISECT: NOT running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Early CSE on function (f3)
     98 ; Test a loop pass.
    100 ; RUN: opt -disable-output -disable-verify -loop-reduce -opt-bisect-limit=-1 \
    101 ; RUN:      %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-LOOP-REDUCE
    102 ; CHECK-LOOP-REDUCE: BISECT: running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Loop Strength Reduction on loop
    103 ; CHECK-LOOP-REDUCE: BISECT: running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Loop Strength Reduction on loop
    104 ; CHECK-LOOP-REDUCE: BISECT: running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Loop Strength Reduction on loop
    105 ; CHECK-LOOP-REDUCE: BISECT: running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Loop Strength Reduction on loop
    106 ; CHECK-LOOP-REDUCE: BISECT: running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Loop Strength Reduction on loop
    108 ; RUN: opt -disable-output -disable-verify -loop-reduce -opt-bisect-limit=0 \
    109 ; RUN:     %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-NOT-LOOP-REDUCE
    110 ; CHECK-NOT-LOOP-REDUCE: BISECT: NOT running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Loop Strength Reduction on loop
    111 ; CHECK-NOT-LOOP-REDUCE: BISECT: NOT running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Loop Strength Reduction on loop
    112 ; CHECK-NOT-LOOP-REDUCE: BISECT: NOT running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Loop Strength Reduction on loop
    113 ; CHECK-NOT-LOOP-REDUCE: BISECT: NOT running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Loop Strength Reduction on loop
    114 ; CHECK-NOT-LOOP-REDUCE: BISECT: NOT running pass ({{[0-9]+}}) Loop Strength Reduction on loop
    117 declare i32 @g()
    119 define void @f1() {
    120 entry:
    121   br label %loop.0
    122 loop.0:
    123   br i1 undef, label %loop.0.0, label %loop.1
    124 loop.0.0:
    125   br i1 undef, label %loop.0.0, label %loop.0.1
    126 loop.0.1:
    127   br i1 undef, label %loop.0.1, label %loop.0
    128 loop.1:
    129   br i1 undef, label %loop.1, label %loop.1.bb1
    130 loop.1.bb1:
    131   br i1 undef, label %loop.1, label %loop.1.bb2
    132 loop.1.bb2:
    133   br i1 undef, label %end, label %loop.1.0
    134 loop.1.0:
    135   br i1 undef, label %loop.1.0, label %loop.1
    136 end:
    137   ret void
    138 }
    140 define i32 @f2() {
    141 entry:
    142   ret i32 0
    143 }
    145 define i32 @f3() {
    146 entry:
    147   %temp = call i32 @g()
    148   %icmp = icmp ugt i32 %temp, 2
    149   br i1 %icmp, label %bb.true, label %bb.false
    150 bb.true:
    151   %temp2 = call i32 @f2()
    152   ret i32 %temp2
    153 bb.false:
    154   ret i32 0
    155 }
    157 ; This function is here to verify that opt-bisect can skip all passes for
    158 ; functions that contain lifetime intrinsics.
    159 define void @f4() {
    160 entry:
    161   %i = alloca i32, align 4
    162   %tmp = bitcast i32* %i to i8*
    163   call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 4, i8* %tmp)
    164   br label %for.cond
    166 for.cond:
    167   br i1 undef, label %for.body, label %for.end
    169 for.body:
    170   br label %for.cond
    172 for.end:
    173   ret void
    174 }
    176 declare void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64, i8* nocapture)