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      1 #!/bin/sh
      3 ################################################################################
      4 ##                                                                            ##
      5 ## Copyright (c) International Business Machines  Corp., 2005                 ##
      6 ##                                                                            ##
      7 ## This program is free software;  you can redistribute it and#or modify      ##
      8 ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by       ##
      9 ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or          ##
     10 ## (at your option) any later version.                                        ##
     11 ##                                                                            ##
     12 ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but        ##
     13 ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ##
     14 ## or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License   ##
     15 ## for more details.                                                          ##
     16 ##                                                                            ##
     17 ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License          ##
     18 ## along with this program;  if not, write to the Free Software               ##
     19 ## Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA    ##
     20 ##                                                                            ##
     21 ##                                                                            ##
     22 ################################################################################
     23 #
     24 # File:
     25 #   udp4-uni-basic01
     26 #
     27 # Description:
     28 #   Verify that the kernel is not crashed with receiving and sending UDP
     29 #   datagram  with the following conditions
     30 #     - The version of IP is IPv4
     31 #     - IPsec is not used
     32 #
     33 #   *) This script may be read by the other test case
     34 #
     35 # Setup:
     36 #   See testcases/network/stress/README
     37 #
     38 # Author:
     39 #   Mitsuru Chinen <mitch (at] jp.ibm.com>
     40 #
     41 # History:
     42 #	Oct 19 2005 - Created (Mitsuru Chinen)
     43 #
     44 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     45 # Uncomment line below for debug output.
     46 #trace_logic=${trace_logic:-"set -x"}
     47 $trace_logic
     49 # The test case ID, the test case count and the total number of test case
     50 TCID=${TCID:-udp4-uni-basic01}
     51 TST_TOTAL=1
     52 TST_COUNT=1
     53 export TCID
     54 export TST_COUNT
     55 export TST_TOTAL
     57 # Test description
     58 tst_resm TINFO "Verify that the kernel is not crashed with receiving and sending UDP datagram with the following conditions"
     60 # Make sure the value of LTPROOT
     61 LTPROOT=${LTPROOT:-`(cd ../../../../.. ; pwd)`}
     62 export LTPROOT
     64 # Check the environmanet variable
     65 . check_envval || exit $TST_TOTAL
     67 # Dulation of the test [sec]
     68 NS_DURATION=${NS_DURATION:-3600}      # 1 hour
     70 # The number of the test link where tests run
     71 LINK_NUM=${LINK_NUM:-0}
     73 # The version of IP
     74 IP_VER=${IP_VER:-4}
     76 # true, if ipsec is used
     77 DO_IPSEC=${DO_IPSEC:-false}
     79 # The value of SPI
     80 SPI=${SPI:-1000}
     82 # IPsec Protocol ( ah / esp / ipcomp )
     85 # IPsec Mode ( transport / tunnel )
     86 IPSEC_MODE=${IPSEC_MODE:-transport}
     89 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     90 #
     91 # Function: do_cleanup
     92 #
     93 # Description:
     94 #   Recover the system configuration
     95 #
     96 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     97 do_cleanup()
     98 {
     99     # Kill the udp traffic server
    100     killall_udp_traffic
    102     # Unset SAD/SPD
    103     output_ipsec_conf flush | setkey -c >/dev/null 2>&1
    104     $LTP_RSH $RHOST ${LTPROOT}/'testcases/bin/output_ipsec_conf flush | PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:$PATH setkey -c' >/dev/null 2>&1
    106     # Clean up each interface
    107     initialize_if lhost ${LINK_NUM}
    108     initialize_if rhost ${LINK_NUM}
    109 }
    112 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
    113 #
    114 # Setup
    115 #
    117 # Unset the maximum number of processes
    118 ulimit -u unlimited
    120 # Output the informaion
    121 tst_resm TINFO "- Test duration is $NS_DURATION [sec]"
    122 tst_resm TINFO "- Version of IP is IPv${IP_VER}"
    124 if $DO_IPSEC ; then
    125     message=`check_setkey`
    126     if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    127 	tst_resm TBROK "$message"
    128 	exit 1
    129     fi
    131     case $IPSEC_PROTO in
    132 	ah)
    133 	tst_resm TINFO "- IPsec [ AH / $IPSEC_MODE ]"
    134 	;;
    135 	esp)
    136 	tst_resm TINFO "- IPsec [ ESP / $IPSEC_MODE ]"
    137 	;;
    138 	ipcomp)
    139 	tst_resm TINFO "- IPcomp [ $IPSEC_MODE ]"
    140 	;;
    141     esac
    142 fi
    144 # name of interface of the local/remote host
    145 lhost_ifname=`get_ifname lhost $LINK_NUM`
    146 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    147     tst_resm TBROK "Failed to get the interface name at the local host"
    148     exit $TST_TOTAL
    149 fi
    150 rhost_ifname=`get_ifname rhost $LINK_NUM`
    151 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    152     tst_resm TBROK "Failed to get the interface name at the remote host"
    153     exit $TST_TOTAL
    154 fi
    156 # Initialize the system configuration
    157 do_cleanup
    159 # Call do_cleanup function before exit
    160 trap do_cleanup 0
    162 # Configurate IP addresses
    163 case $IP_VER in
    164     4)
    165     # Network portion of the IPv4 address
    166     network_part=${IPV4_NETWORK:-"10.0.0"}
    168     # Netmask of the IPv4 network
    169     network_mask=24
    171     # Host portion of the IPv4 address
    172     lhost_host_part=${LHOST_IPV4_HOST:-"2"}     # local host
    173     rhost_host_part=${RHOST_IPV4_HOST:-"1"}     # remote host
    175     # Set IPv4 addresses to the interfaces
    176     set_ipv4addr lhost $LINK_NUM $network_part $lhost_host_part
    177     if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    178 	tst_resm TBROK "Failed to add any IP address at the local host"
    179 	exit 1
    180     fi
    181     set_ipv4addr rhost $LINK_NUM $network_part $rhost_host_part
    182     if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    183 	tst_resm TBROK "Failed to add any IP address at the remote host"
    184 	exit 1
    185     fi
    187     # IPv4 address of the local/remote host
    188     lhost_addr="${network_part}.${lhost_host_part}"
    189     rhost_addr="${network_part}.${rhost_host_part}"
    190     ;;
    192     6)
    193     # Network portion of the IPv6 address
    194     network_part="fd00:1:1:1"
    196     # Netmask of the IPv6 network
    197     network_mask=64
    199     # Host portion of the IPv6 address
    200     lhost_host_part=":2"     # local host
    201     rhost_host_part=":1"     # remote host
    203     # Set IPv6 addresses to the interfaces
    204     add_ipv6addr lhost $LINK_NUM $network_part $lhost_host_part
    205     if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    206 	tst_resm TBROK "Failed to add any IP address at the local host"
    207 	exit 1
    208     fi
    210     add_ipv6addr rhost $LINK_NUM $network_part $rhost_host_part
    211     if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    212 	tst_resm TBROK "Failed to add any IP address at the remote host"
    213 	exit 1
    214     fi
    216     # IPv6 address of the local/remote host
    217     lhost_addr="${network_part}:${lhost_host_part}"
    218     rhost_addr="${network_part}:${rhost_host_part}"
    219     ;;
    221     *)
    222     tst_resm TBROK "Unknown IP version"
    223     ;;
    224 esac
    226 # Configure SAD/SPD
    227 if $DO_IPSEC ; then
    228     ipsec_log=`mktemp -p $TMPDIR`
    230     output_ipsec_conf src \
    231 	$IPSEC_PROTO $IPSEC_MODE $SPI $lhost_addr $rhost_addr \
    232 	    |  setkey -c 2>&1 | tee $ipsec_log
    233     if [ $? -ne 0 -o -s $ipsec_log ]; then
    234 	tst_resm TBROK "Failed to configure SAD/SPD on the local host."
    235 	rm -f $ipsec_log
    236 	exit 1
    237     fi
    239     $LTP_RSH $RHOST ${LTPROOT}/testcases/bin/output_ipsec_conf dst $IPSEC_PROTO $IPSEC_MODE $SPI $lhost_addr $rhost_addr' | PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:$PATH setkey -c' 2>&1 | tee $ipsec_log
    240     if [ $? -ne 0 -o -s $ipsec_log ]; then
    241 	tst_resm TBROK "Failed to configure SAD/SPD on the remote host."
    242 	rm -f $ipsec_log
    243 	exit 1
    244     fi
    245     rm -f $ipsec_log
    246 fi
    248 # Make sure the connectvity
    249 case $IP_VER in
    250     4)
    251     ret=`$LTP_RSH $RHOST ${LTPROOT}/testcases/bin/check_icmpv4_connectivity $rhost_ifname $lhost_addr' ; echo $?'`
    252     if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
    253 	tst_resm TBROK "There is no IPv4 connectivity."
    254 	exit 1
    255     fi
    256     ;;
    258     6)
    259     ret=`$LTP_RSH $RHOST ${LTPROOT}/testcases/bin/check_icmpv6_connectivity $rhost_ifname $lhost_addr' ; echo $?'`
    260     if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
    261 	tst_resm TBROK "There is no IPv6 connectivity."
    262 	exit 1
    263     fi
    264     ;;
    265 esac
    268 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
    269 #
    270 # Main
    271 #
    272 #
    274 # Find the available consecutive ports
    275 server_port=`find_portbundle udp 1025 1`
    276 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    277     tst_resm TBROK "No port is available."
    278     exit 1
    279 fi
    281 # Run a UDP traffic server
    282 info_file=`mktemp -p $TMPDIR`
    283 ns-udpserver -b -f $IP_VER -p $server_port -o $info_file
    284 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    285     tst_resm TFAIL "Failed to run a UDP traffic server"
    286     rm -f $info_file
    287     exit 1
    288 fi
    290 # Collect the information of the server
    291 while true ; do
    292     if [ -s $info_file ]; then
    293 	break
    294     fi
    296 done
    297 server_pid=`grep PID: $info_file | cut -f 2 -d ' '`
    298 rm -f $info_file
    300 # Run a client
    301 ret=`$LTP_RSH $RHOST ${LTPROOT}/testcases/bin/ns-udpclient -b -f $IP_VER -S $lhost_addr -p $server_port' ; echo $?'`
    302 if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
    303     tst_resm TFAIL "Failed to run a client"
    304     exit 1
    305 fi
    307 # Watch the UDP traffic server
    308 start_epoc=`date +%s`
    309 while true ; do
    310     current_epoc=`date +%s`
    311     elapse_epoc=`expr $current_epoc - $start_epoc`
    313     if [ $elapse_epoc -ge $NS_DURATION ]; then
    314 	break
    315     else
    316 	ps auxw | fgrep ns-udpserver | fgrep -l $server_pid >/dev/null 2>&1
    317 	if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    318 	    tst_resm TFAIL "udp traffic server is dead in $elapse_epoc [sec]"
    319 	    exit 1
    320 	fi
    321     fi
    322     sleep 1
    323 done
    325 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
    326 #
    327 # Clean up
    328 #
    330 tst_resm TPASS "Test is finished successfully."
    331 exit 0