1 Coverage-Area: Threads (THR) 2 Area-Code: thr 3 4 /* 5 COVERAGE DOCUMENT FOR TIMERS 6 ============================ 7 8 This document lists the items that will be tested for POSIX threads. 9 10 Item to Test Status 11 ========================================================== 12 || Definitions DONE || 13 || Interfaces see table below || 14 || Functionality NOT STARTED || 15 || Stress NOT STARTED || 16 ========================================================== 17 */ 18 19 // Function Complete? Priority 20 // ================================================= 21 pthread_attr_destroy YES HIGH 22 pthread_attr_getdetachstate YES HIGH 23 pthread_attr_init YES HIGH 24 pthread_attr_setdetachstate YES HIGH 25 pthread_cancel YES HIGH 26 pthread_cond_broadcast YES MED 27 pthread_cond_destroy YES MED 28 pthread_cond_init YES MED 29 pthread_cond_signal YES MED 30 pthread_cond_timedwait YES MED 31 pthread_cond_wait YES MED 32 pthread_condattr_destroy YES LOW 33 pthread_condattr_init YES LOW 34 pthread_condattr_getpshared YES LOW 35 pthread_condattr_setpshared YES LOW 36 pthread_create YES HIGH 37 pthread_detach YES HIGH 38 pthread_equal YES HIGH 39 pthread_exit YES HIGH 40 pthread_join YES HIGH 41 pthread_mutex_destroy YES HIGH 42 pthread_mutex_init YES HIGH 43 pthread_mutex_lock YES HIGH 44 pthread_mutex_trylock YES HIGH 45 pthread_mutex_unlock YES HIGH 46 pthread_mutexattr_destroy YES HIGH 47 pthread_mutexattr_init YES HIGH 48 pthread_once YES HIGH 49 pthread_self YES HIGH 50 pthread_setcancelstate YES HIGH 51 pthread_setcanceltype YES HIGH 52 pthread_testcancel YES HIGH 53 // =================================================== 54 55 /* 56 NOTES 57 ===== 58 *For now, didn't include definitions that have specific tags attributed to them. 59 (i.e. TPS, XSI, BAR, etc.) 60 61 *See BUILD file in top-level dir for info on how to build and execute threads on 62 different implementations on Linux. 63 64 ============================= 65 NON-HIGH PRIORITY FUNCTIONS 66 ============================= 67 68 // Function Complete? Priority 69 // ================================================= 70 pthread_atfork YES LOW 71 pthread_attr_getschedparam YES MED 72 pthread_attr_setschedparam YES MED 73 pthread_cleanup_push YES MED 74 pthread_cleanup_pop YES MED 75 pthread_getspecific YES MED 76 pthread_key_create YES MED 77 pthread_key_delete YES MED 78 pthread_mutexattr_getpshared YES LOW 79 pthread_mutexattr_setpshared YES LOW 80 pthread_rwlock_destroy YES LOW 81 pthread_rwlock_init YES LOW 82 pthread_rwlock_rdlock YES LOW 83 pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock YES LOW 84 pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock YES LOW 85 pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock YES LOW 86 pthread_rwlock_trywrlock YES LOW 87 pthread_rwlock_unlock YES LOW 88 pthread_rwlock_wrlock YES LOW 89 pthread_rwlockattr_destroy YES LOW 90 pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared YES LOW 91 pthread_setspecific YES MED 92 */ 93 94 Maintainer: Rolla Selbak 95