1 # CMake support for LZ4 2 # 3 # To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all 4 # copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to 5 # the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without 6 # any warranty. 7 # 8 # For details, see <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>. 9 # 10 # LZ4's CMake support is maintained by Evan Nemerson; when filing 11 # bugs please mention @nemequ to make sure I see it. 12 13 set(LZ4_TOP_SOURCE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../..") 14 15 option(LZ4_BUILD_LEGACY_LZ4C "Build lz4c progam with legacy argument support" ON) 16 17 # Parse version information 18 file(STRINGS "${LZ4_TOP_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/lz4.h" LZ4_VERSION_MAJOR REGEX "^#define LZ4_VERSION_MAJOR +([0-9]+) +.*$") 19 string(REGEX REPLACE "^#define LZ4_VERSION_MAJOR +([0-9]+) +.*$" "\\1" LZ4_VERSION_MAJOR "${LZ4_VERSION_MAJOR}") 20 file(STRINGS "${LZ4_TOP_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/lz4.h" LZ4_VERSION_MINOR REGEX "^#define LZ4_VERSION_MINOR +([0-9]+) +.*$") 21 string(REGEX REPLACE "^#define LZ4_VERSION_MINOR +([0-9]+) +.*$" "\\1" LZ4_VERSION_MINOR "${LZ4_VERSION_MINOR}") 22 file(STRINGS "${LZ4_TOP_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/lz4.h" LZ4_VERSION_RELEASE REGEX "^#define LZ4_VERSION_RELEASE +([0-9]+) +.*$") 23 string(REGEX REPLACE "^#define LZ4_VERSION_RELEASE +([0-9]+) +.*$" "\\1" LZ4_VERSION_RELEASE "${LZ4_VERSION_RELEASE}") 24 set(LZ4_VERSION_STRING "${LZ4_VERSION_MAJOR}.${LZ4_VERSION_MINOR}.${LZ4_VERSION_RELEASE}") 25 mark_as_advanced(LZ4_VERSION_STRING LZ4_VERSION_MAJOR LZ4_VERSION_MINOR LZ4_VERSION_RELEASE) 26 27 if("${CMAKE_VERSION}" VERSION_LESS "3.0") 28 project(LZ4 C) 29 else() 30 cmake_policy (SET CMP0048 NEW) 31 project(LZ4 32 VERSION ${LZ4_VERSION_STRING} 33 LANGUAGES C) 34 endif() 35 36 cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8.6) 37 38 # If LZ4 is being bundled in another project, we don't want to 39 # install anything. However, we want to let people override this, so 40 # we'll use the LZ4_BUNDLED_MODE variable to let them do that; just 41 # set it to OFF in your project before you add_subdirectory(lz4/contrib/cmake_unofficial). 42 get_directory_property(LZ4_PARENT_DIRECTORY PARENT_DIRECTORY) 43 if("${LZ4_BUNDLED_MODE}" STREQUAL "") 44 # Bundled mode hasn't been set one way or the other, set the default 45 # depending on whether or not we are the top-level project. 46 if("${LZ4_PARENT_DIRECTORY}" STREQUAL "") 47 set(LZ4_BUNDLED_MODE OFF) 48 else() 49 set(LZ4_BUNDLED_MODE ON) 50 endif() 51 endif() 52 mark_as_advanced(LZ4_BUNDLED_MODE) 53 54 # CPack 55 if(NOT LZ4_BUNDLED_MODE AND NOT CPack_CMake_INCLUDED) 56 set(CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY "LZ4 compression library") 57 set(CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_FILE "${LZ4_TOP_SOURCE_DIR}/README.md") 58 set(CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_LICENSE "${LZ4_TOP_SOURCE_DIR}/LICENSE") 59 set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR ${LZ4_VERSION_MAJOR}) 60 set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR ${LZ4_VERSION_MINOR}) 61 set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH ${LZ4_VERSION_RELEASE}) 62 include(CPack) 63 endif(NOT LZ4_BUNDLED_MODE AND NOT CPack_CMake_INCLUDED) 64 65 # Allow people to choose whether to build shared or static libraries 66 # via the BUILD_SHARED_LIBS option unless we are in bundled mode, in 67 # which case we always use static libraries. 68 include(CMakeDependentOption) 69 CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build shared libraries" ON "NOT LZ4_BUNDLED_MODE" OFF) 70 CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(BUILD_STATIC_LIBS "Build static libraries" OFF "BUILD_SHARED_LIBS" ON) 71 72 if(NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS AND NOT BUILD_STATIC_LIBS) 73 message(FATAL_ERROR "Both BUILD_SHARED_LIBS and BUILD_STATIC_LIBS have been disabled") 74 endif() 75 76 set(LZ4_LIB_SOURCE_DIR "${LZ4_TOP_SOURCE_DIR}/lib") 77 set(LZ4_PROG_SOURCE_DIR "${LZ4_TOP_SOURCE_DIR}/programs") 78 79 include_directories("${LZ4_LIB_SOURCE_DIR}") 80 81 # CLI sources 82 set(LZ4_SOURCES 83 "${LZ4_LIB_SOURCE_DIR}/lz4.c" 84 "${LZ4_LIB_SOURCE_DIR}/lz4hc.c" 85 "${LZ4_LIB_SOURCE_DIR}/lz4.h" 86 "${LZ4_LIB_SOURCE_DIR}/lz4hc.h" 87 "${LZ4_LIB_SOURCE_DIR}/lz4frame.c" 88 "${LZ4_LIB_SOURCE_DIR}/lz4frame.h" 89 "${LZ4_LIB_SOURCE_DIR}/xxhash.c") 90 set(LZ4_CLI_SOURCES 91 "${LZ4_PROG_SOURCE_DIR}/bench.c" 92 "${LZ4_PROG_SOURCE_DIR}/lz4cli.c" 93 "${LZ4_PROG_SOURCE_DIR}/lz4io.c" 94 "${LZ4_PROG_SOURCE_DIR}/datagen.c") 95 96 # Whether to use position independent code for the static library. If 97 # we're building a shared library this is ignored and PIC is always 98 # used. 99 option(LZ4_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_LIB "Use position independent code for static library (if applicable)" ON) 100 101 # liblz4 102 set(LZ4_LIBRARIES_BUILT) 103 if(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) 104 add_library(lz4_shared SHARED ${LZ4_SOURCES}) 105 set_target_properties(lz4_shared PROPERTIES 106 OUTPUT_NAME lz4 107 SOVERSION "${LZ4_VERSION_MAJOR}" 108 VERSION "${LZ4_VERSION_STRING}") 109 list(APPEND LZ4_LIBRARIES_BUILT lz4_shared) 110 endif() 111 if(BUILD_STATIC_LIBS) 112 add_library(lz4_static STATIC ${LZ4_SOURCES}) 113 set_target_properties(lz4_static PROPERTIES 114 OUTPUT_NAME lz4 115 POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ${LZ4_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_LIB}) 116 list(APPEND LZ4_LIBRARIES_BUILT lz4_static) 117 endif() 118 119 # link to shared whenever possible, to static otherwise 120 if(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) 121 set(LZ4_LINK_LIBRARY lz4_shared) 122 else() 123 set(LZ4_LINK_LIBRARY lz4_static) 124 endif() 125 126 # lz4 127 set(LZ4_PROGRAMS_BUILT lz4cli) 128 add_executable(lz4cli ${LZ4_CLI_SOURCES}) 129 set_target_properties(lz4cli PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME lz4) 130 target_link_libraries(lz4cli ${LZ4_LINK_LIBRARY}) 131 132 # lz4c 133 if (LZ4_BUILD_LEGACY_LZ4C) 134 list(APPEND LZ4_PROGRAMS_BUILT lz4c) 135 add_executable(lz4c ${LZ4_CLI_SOURCES}) 136 set_target_properties(lz4c PROPERTIES COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "ENABLE_LZ4C_LEGACY_OPTIONS") 137 target_link_libraries(lz4c ${LZ4_LINK_LIBRARY}) 138 endif() 139 140 # Extra warning flags 141 include (CheckCCompilerFlag) 142 foreach (flag 143 # GCC-style 144 -Wall 145 -Wextra 146 -Wundef 147 -Wcast-qual 148 -Wcast-align 149 -Wshadow 150 -Wswitch-enum 151 -Wdeclaration-after-statement 152 -Wstrict-prototypes 153 -Wpointer-arith 154 155 # MSVC-style 156 /W4) 157 # Because https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/FAQ#wnowarning 158 string(REGEX REPLACE "\\-Wno\\-(.+)" "-W\\1" flag_to_test "${flag}") 159 string(REGEX REPLACE "[^a-zA-Z0-9]+" "_" test_name "CFLAG_${flag_to_test}") 160 161 check_c_compiler_flag("${ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS_PREPEND} ${flag_to_test}" ${test_name}) 162 163 if(${test_name}) 164 set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${flag} ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") 165 endif() 166 167 unset(test_name) 168 unset(flag_to_test) 169 endforeach (flag) 170 171 if(NOT LZ4_BUNDLED_MODE) 172 include(GNUInstallDirs) 173 174 install(TARGETS ${LZ4_PROGRAMS_BUILT} 175 RUNTIME DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}") 176 install(TARGETS ${LZ4_LIBRARIES_BUILT} 177 LIBRARY DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}" 178 ARCHIVE DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}" 179 RUNTIME DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}") 180 install(FILES 181 "${LZ4_LIB_SOURCE_DIR}/lz4.h" 182 "${LZ4_LIB_SOURCE_DIR}/lz4frame.h" 183 "${LZ4_LIB_SOURCE_DIR}/lz4hc.h" 184 DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}") 185 install(FILES "${LZ4_PROG_SOURCE_DIR}/lz4.1" 186 DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_MANDIR}/man1") 187 install(FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/liblz4.pc" 188 DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/pkgconfig") 189 190 # install lz4cat and unlz4 symlinks on *nix 191 if(UNIX) 192 install(CODE " 193 foreach(f lz4cat unlz4) 194 set(dest \"\$ENV{DESTDIR}${CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_BINDIR}/\${f}\") 195 message(STATUS \"Symlinking: \${dest} -> lz4\") 196 execute_process( 197 COMMAND \"${CMAKE_COMMAND}\" -E create_symlink lz4 \"\${dest}\") 198 endforeach() 199 ") 200 201 # create manpage aliases 202 foreach(f lz4cat unlz4) 203 file(WRITE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${f}.1" ".so man1/lz4.1\n") 204 install(FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${f}.1" 205 DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_MANDIR}/man1") 206 endforeach() 207 endif(UNIX) 208 endif(NOT LZ4_BUNDLED_MODE) 209 210 # pkg-config 211 set(PREFIX "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") 212 213 if("${CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBDIR}" STREQUAL "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}") 214 set(LIBDIR "\${prefix}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}") 215 else() 216 set(LIBDIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBDIR}") 217 endif() 218 219 if("${CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_INCLUDEDIR}" STREQUAL "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}") 220 set(INCLUDEDIR "\${prefix}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}") 221 else() 222 set(INCLUDEDIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_INCLUDEDIR}") 223 endif() 224 225 # for liblz4.pc substitution 226 set(VERSION ${LZ4_VERSION_STRING}) 227 configure_file(${LZ4_LIB_SOURCE_DIR}/liblz4.pc.in liblz4.pc @ONLY) 228