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      1 %{
      2 /*
      3  * Copyright  2008, 2009 Intel Corporation
      4  *
      5  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
      6  * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
      7  * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
      8  * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
      9  * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
     10  * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
     11  *
     12  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
     13  * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
     14  * Software.
     15  *
     23  */
     24 #include <ctype.h>
     25 #include <limits.h>
     26 #include "util/strtod.h"
     27 #include "ast.h"
     28 #include "glsl_parser_extras.h"
     29 #include "glsl_parser.h"
     31 static int classify_identifier(struct _mesa_glsl_parse_state *, const char *,
     32 			       unsigned name_len, YYSTYPE *output);
     34 #ifdef _MSC_VER
     35 #define YY_NO_UNISTD_H
     36 #endif
     38 #define YY_NO_INPUT
     39 #define YY_USER_ACTION						\
     40    do {								\
     41       yylloc->first_column = yycolumn + 1;			\
     42       yylloc->first_line = yylloc->last_line = yylineno + 1;	\
     43       yycolumn += yyleng;					\
     44       yylloc->last_column = yycolumn + 1;			\
     45    } while(0);
     47 #define YY_USER_INIT yylineno = 0; yycolumn = 0; yylloc->source = 0;
     49 /* A macro for handling reserved words and keywords across language versions.
     50  *
     51  * Certain words start out as identifiers, become reserved words in
     52  * later language revisions, and finally become language keywords.
     53  * This may happen at different times in desktop GLSL and GLSL ES.
     54  *
     55  * For example, consider the following lexer rule:
     56  * samplerBuffer       KEYWORD(130, 0, 140, 0, SAMPLERBUFFER)
     57  *
     58  * This means that "samplerBuffer" will be treated as:
     59  * - a keyword (SAMPLERBUFFER token)         ...in GLSL >= 1.40
     60  * - a reserved word - error                 ...in GLSL >= 1.30
     61  * - an identifier                           ...in GLSL <  1.30 or GLSL ES
     62  */
     63 #define KEYWORD(reserved_glsl, reserved_glsl_es,			\
     64                 allowed_glsl, allowed_glsl_es, token)			\
     65    KEYWORD_WITH_ALT(reserved_glsl, reserved_glsl_es,			\
     66                     allowed_glsl, allowed_glsl_es, false, token)
     68 /**
     69  * Like the KEYWORD macro, but the word is also treated as a keyword
     70  * if the given boolean expression is true.
     71  */
     72 #define KEYWORD_WITH_ALT(reserved_glsl, reserved_glsl_es,		\
     73                          allowed_glsl, allowed_glsl_es,			\
     74                          alt_expr, token)				\
     75    do {									\
     76       if (yyextra->is_version(allowed_glsl, allowed_glsl_es)		\
     77           || (alt_expr)) {						\
     78 	 return token;							\
     79       } else if (yyextra->is_version(reserved_glsl,			\
     80                                      reserved_glsl_es)) {		\
     81 	 _mesa_glsl_error(yylloc, yyextra,				\
     82 			  "illegal use of reserved word `%s'", yytext);	\
     83 	 return ERROR_TOK;						\
     84       } else {								\
     85 	 return classify_identifier(yyextra, yytext, yyleng, yylval);	\
     86       }									\
     87    } while (0)
     89 /**
     90  * Like KEYWORD_WITH_ALT, but used for built-in GLSL types
     91  */
     92 #define TYPE_WITH_ALT(reserved_glsl, reserved_glsl_es,			\
     93 		      allowed_glsl, allowed_glsl_es,			\
     94 		      alt_expr, gtype)					\
     95    do {									\
     96       if (yyextra->is_version(allowed_glsl, allowed_glsl_es)		\
     97           || (alt_expr)) {						\
     98 	 yylval->type = gtype; 						\
     99 	 return BASIC_TYPE_TOK;						\
    100       } else if (yyextra->is_version(reserved_glsl,			\
    101                                      reserved_glsl_es)) {		\
    102 	 _mesa_glsl_error(yylloc, yyextra,				\
    103 			  "illegal use of reserved word `%s'", yytext);	\
    104 	 return ERROR_TOK;						\
    105       } else {								\
    106 	 return classify_identifier(yyextra, yytext, yyleng, yylval);	\
    107       }									\
    108    } while (0)
    110 #define TYPE(reserved_glsl, reserved_glsl_es,				\
    111              allowed_glsl, allowed_glsl_es,				\
    112              gtype)							\
    113    TYPE_WITH_ALT(reserved_glsl, reserved_glsl_es,			\
    114                  allowed_glsl, allowed_glsl_es,				\
    115                  false, gtype)
    117 /**
    118  * A macro for handling keywords that have been present in GLSL since
    119  * its origin, but were changed into reserved words in GLSL 3.00 ES.
    120  */
    121 #define DEPRECATED_ES_KEYWORD(token)					\
    122    do {									\
    123       if (yyextra->is_version(0, 300)) {				\
    124 	 _mesa_glsl_error(yylloc, yyextra,				\
    125 			  "illegal use of reserved word `%s'", yytext);	\
    126 	 return ERROR_TOK;						\
    127       } else {								\
    128          return token;							\
    129       }									\
    130    } while (0)
    132 /**
    133  * Like DEPRECATED_ES_KEYWORD, but for types
    134  */
    135 #define DEPRECATED_ES_TYPE_WITH_ALT(alt_expr, gtype)			\
    136    do {									\
    137       if (yyextra->is_version(0, 300)) {				\
    138          _mesa_glsl_error(yylloc, yyextra,				\
    139                           "illegal use of reserved word `%s'", yytext);	\
    140          return ERROR_TOK;						\
    141       } else if (alt_expr) {						\
    142          yylval->type = gtype;						\
    143          return BASIC_TYPE_TOK;						\
    144       } else {								\
    145          return classify_identifier(yyextra, yytext, yyleng, yylval);	\
    146       }									\
    147    } while (0)
    149 #define DEPRECATED_ES_TYPE(gtype)					\
    150    DEPRECATED_ES_TYPE_WITH_ALT(true, gtype)
    152 static int
    153 literal_integer(char *text, int len, struct _mesa_glsl_parse_state *state,
    154 		YYSTYPE *lval, YYLTYPE *lloc, int base)
    155 {
    156    bool is_uint = (text[len - 1] == 'u' ||
    157 		   text[len - 1] == 'U');
    158    bool is_long = (text[len - 1] == 'l' || text[len - 1] == 'L');
    159    const char *digits = text;
    161    if (is_long)
    162       is_uint = (text[len - 2] == 'u' && text[len - 1] == 'l') ||
    163                 (text[len - 2] == 'U' && text[len - 1] == 'L');
    164    /* Skip "0x" */
    165    if (base == 16)
    166       digits += 2;
    168    unsigned long long value = strtoull(digits, NULL, base);
    170    if (is_long)
    171       lval->n64 = (int64_t)value;
    172    else
    173       lval->n = (int)value;
    175    if (is_long && !is_uint && base == 10 && value > (uint64_t)LLONG_MAX + 1) {
    176       /* Tries to catch unintentionally providing a negative value. */
    177       _mesa_glsl_warning(lloc, state,
    178                          "signed literal value `%s' is interpreted as %lld",
    179                          text, lval->n64);
    180    } else if (!is_long && value > UINT_MAX) {
    181       /* Note that signed 0xffffffff is valid, not out of range! */
    182       if (state->is_version(130, 300)) {
    183 	 _mesa_glsl_error(lloc, state,
    184 			  "literal value `%s' out of range", text);
    185       } else {
    186 	 _mesa_glsl_warning(lloc, state,
    187 			    "literal value `%s' out of range", text);
    188       }
    189    } else if (base == 10 && !is_uint && (unsigned)value > (unsigned)INT_MAX + 1) {
    190       /* Tries to catch unintentionally providing a negative value.
    191        * Note that -2147483648 is parsed as -(2147483648), so we don't
    192        * want to warn for INT_MAX.
    193        */
    194       _mesa_glsl_warning(lloc, state,
    195 			 "signed literal value `%s' is interpreted as %d",
    196 			 text, lval->n);
    197    }
    198    if (is_long)
    199       return is_uint ? UINT64CONSTANT : INT64CONSTANT;
    200    else
    201       return is_uint ? UINTCONSTANT : INTCONSTANT;
    202 }
    204 #define LITERAL_INTEGER(base) \
    205    literal_integer(yytext, yyleng, yyextra, yylval, yylloc, base)
    207 %}
    209 %option bison-bridge bison-locations reentrant noyywrap
    210 %option nounput noyy_top_state
    211 %option never-interactive
    212 %option prefix="_mesa_glsl_lexer_"
    213 %option extra-type="struct _mesa_glsl_parse_state *"
    214 %option warn nodefault
    216 	/* Note: When adding any start conditions to this list, you must also
    217 	 * update the "Internal compiler error" catch-all rule near the end of
    218 	 * this file. */
    219 %x PP PRAGMA
    221 DEC_INT		[1-9][0-9]*
    222 HEX_INT		0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+
    223 OCT_INT		0[0-7]*
    224 INT		({DEC_INT}|{HEX_INT}|{OCT_INT})
    225 SPC		[ \t]*
    226 SPCP		[ \t]+
    227 HASH		^{SPC}#{SPC}
    228 %%
    230 [ \r\t]+		;
    232     /* Preprocessor tokens. */ 
    233 ^[ \t]*#[ \t]*$			;
    234 ^[ \t]*#[ \t]*version		{ BEGIN PP; return VERSION_TOK; }
    235 ^[ \t]*#[ \t]*extension		{ BEGIN PP; return EXTENSION; }
    236 {HASH}line{SPCP}{INT}{SPCP}{INT}{SPC}$ {
    237 				   /* Eat characters until the first digit is
    238 				    * encountered
    239 				    */
    240 				   char *ptr = yytext;
    241 				   while (!isdigit(*ptr))
    242 				      ptr++;
    244 				   /* Subtract one from the line number because
    245 				    * yylineno is zero-based instead of
    246 				    * one-based.
    247 				    */
    248 				   yylineno = strtol(ptr, &ptr, 0) - 1;
    250                                    /* From GLSL 3.30 and GLSL ES on, after processing the
    251                                     * line directive (including its new-line), the implementation
    252                                     * will behave as if it is compiling at the line number passed
    253                                     * as argument. It was line number + 1 in older specifications.
    254                                     */
    255                                    if (yyextra->is_version(330, 100))
    256                                       yylineno--;
    258 				   yylloc->source = strtol(ptr, NULL, 0);
    259 				}
    260 {HASH}line{SPCP}{INT}{SPC}$	{
    261 				   /* Eat characters until the first digit is
    262 				    * encountered
    263 				    */
    264 				   char *ptr = yytext;
    265 				   while (!isdigit(*ptr))
    266 				      ptr++;
    268 				   /* Subtract one from the line number because
    269 				    * yylineno is zero-based instead of
    270 				    * one-based.
    271 				    */
    272 				   yylineno = strtol(ptr, &ptr, 0) - 1;
    274                                    /* From GLSL 3.30 and GLSL ES on, after processing the
    275                                     * line directive (including its new-line), the implementation
    276                                     * will behave as if it is compiling at the line number passed
    277                                     * as argument. It was line number + 1 in older specifications.
    278                                     */
    279                                    if (yyextra->is_version(330, 100))
    280                                       yylineno--;
    281 				}
    282 ^{SPC}#{SPC}pragma{SPCP}debug{SPC}\({SPC}on{SPC}\) {
    283 				  BEGIN PP;
    284 				  return PRAGMA_DEBUG_ON;
    285 				}
    286 ^{SPC}#{SPC}pragma{SPCP}debug{SPC}\({SPC}off{SPC}\) {
    287 				  BEGIN PP;
    288 				  return PRAGMA_DEBUG_OFF;
    289 				}
    290 ^{SPC}#{SPC}pragma{SPCP}optimize{SPC}\({SPC}on{SPC}\) {
    291 				  BEGIN PP;
    292 				  return PRAGMA_OPTIMIZE_ON;
    293 				}
    294 ^{SPC}#{SPC}pragma{SPCP}optimize{SPC}\({SPC}off{SPC}\) {
    295 				  BEGIN PP;
    296 				  return PRAGMA_OPTIMIZE_OFF;
    297 				}
    298 ^{SPC}#{SPC}pragma{SPCP}STDGL{SPCP}invariant{SPC}\({SPC}all{SPC}\) {
    299 				  BEGIN PP;
    300 				  return PRAGMA_INVARIANT_ALL;
    301 				}
    302 ^{SPC}#{SPC}pragma{SPCP}	{ BEGIN PRAGMA; }
    304 <PRAGMA>\n			{ BEGIN 0; yylineno++; yycolumn = 0; }
    305 <PRAGMA>.			{ }
    307 <PP>\/\/[^\n]*			{ }
    308 <PP>[ \t\r]*			{ }
    309 <PP>:				return COLON;
    310 <PP>[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*	{
    311 				   /* We're not doing linear_strdup here, to avoid an implicit call
    312 				    * on strlen() for the length of the string, as this is already
    313 				    * found by flex and stored in yyleng
    314 				    */
    315                                     void *mem_ctx = yyextra->linalloc;
    316                                     char *id = (char *) linear_alloc_child(mem_ctx, yyleng + 1);
    317                                     memcpy(id, yytext, yyleng + 1);
    318                                     yylval->identifier = id;
    319 				   return IDENTIFIER;
    320 				}
    321 <PP>[1-9][0-9]*			{
    322 				    yylval->n = strtol(yytext, NULL, 10);
    323 				    return INTCONSTANT;
    324 				}
    325 <PP>0				{
    326 				    yylval->n = 0;
    327 				    return INTCONSTANT;
    328 				}
    329 <PP>\n				{ BEGIN 0; yylineno++; yycolumn = 0; return EOL; }
    330 <PP>.				{ return yytext[0]; }
    332 \n		{ yylineno++; yycolumn = 0; }
    335 const		return CONST_TOK;
    336 bool		{ yylval->type = glsl_type::bool_type; return BASIC_TYPE_TOK; }
    337 float		{ yylval->type = glsl_type::float_type; return BASIC_TYPE_TOK; }
    338 int		{ yylval->type = glsl_type::int_type; return BASIC_TYPE_TOK; }
    339 uint		TYPE(130, 300, 130, 300, glsl_type::uint_type);
    341 break		return BREAK;
    342 continue	return CONTINUE;
    343 do		return DO;
    344 while		return WHILE;
    345 else		return ELSE;
    346 for		return FOR;
    347 if		return IF;
    348 discard		return DISCARD;
    349 return		return RETURN;
    351 bvec2		{ yylval->type = glsl_type::bvec2_type; return BASIC_TYPE_TOK; }
    352 bvec3		{ yylval->type = glsl_type::bvec3_type; return BASIC_TYPE_TOK; }
    353 bvec4		{ yylval->type = glsl_type::bvec4_type; return BASIC_TYPE_TOK; }
    354 ivec2		{ yylval->type = glsl_type::ivec2_type; return BASIC_TYPE_TOK; }
    355 ivec3		{ yylval->type = glsl_type::ivec3_type; return BASIC_TYPE_TOK; }
    356 ivec4		{ yylval->type = glsl_type::ivec4_type; return BASIC_TYPE_TOK; }
    357 uvec2		TYPE(130, 300, 130, 300, glsl_type::uvec2_type);
    358 uvec3		TYPE(130, 300, 130, 300, glsl_type::uvec3_type);
    359 uvec4		TYPE(130, 300, 130, 300, glsl_type::uvec4_type);
    360 vec2		{ yylval->type = glsl_type::vec2_type; return BASIC_TYPE_TOK; }
    361 vec3		{ yylval->type = glsl_type::vec3_type; return BASIC_TYPE_TOK; }
    362 vec4		{ yylval->type = glsl_type::vec4_type; return BASIC_TYPE_TOK; }
    363 mat2		{ yylval->type = glsl_type::mat2_type; return BASIC_TYPE_TOK; }
    364 mat3		{ yylval->type = glsl_type::mat3_type; return BASIC_TYPE_TOK; }
    365 mat4		{ yylval->type = glsl_type::mat4_type; return BASIC_TYPE_TOK; }
    366 mat2x2		TYPE(120, 300, 120, 300, glsl_type::mat2_type);
    367 mat2x3		TYPE(120, 300, 120, 300, glsl_type::mat2x3_type);
    368 mat2x4		TYPE(120, 300, 120, 300, glsl_type::mat2x4_type);
    369 mat3x2		TYPE(120, 300, 120, 300, glsl_type::mat3x2_type);
    370 mat3x3		TYPE(120, 300, 120, 300, glsl_type::mat3_type);
    371 mat3x4		TYPE(120, 300, 120, 300, glsl_type::mat3x4_type);
    372 mat4x2		TYPE(120, 300, 120, 300, glsl_type::mat4x2_type);
    373 mat4x3		TYPE(120, 300, 120, 300, glsl_type::mat4x3_type);
    374 mat4x4		TYPE(120, 300, 120, 300, glsl_type::mat4_type);
    376 in		return IN_TOK;
    377 out		return OUT_TOK;
    378 inout		return INOUT_TOK;
    379 uniform		return UNIFORM;
    380 buffer		KEYWORD_WITH_ALT(0, 0, 430, 310, yyextra->ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object_enable, BUFFER);
    382 centroid	KEYWORD(120, 300, 120, 300, CENTROID);
    383 invariant	KEYWORD(120, 100, 120, 100, INVARIANT);
    384 flat		KEYWORD(130, 100, 130, 300, FLAT);
    385 smooth		KEYWORD(130, 300, 130, 300, SMOOTH);
    386 noperspective	KEYWORD(130, 300, 130, 0, NOPERSPECTIVE);
    387 patch		KEYWORD_WITH_ALT(0, 300, 400, 320, yyextra->has_tessellation_shader(), PATCH);
    389 sampler1D	DEPRECATED_ES_TYPE(glsl_type::sampler1D_type);
    390 sampler2D	{ yylval->type = glsl_type::sampler2D_type; return BASIC_TYPE_TOK; }
    391 sampler3D	{ yylval->type = glsl_type::sampler3D_type; return BASIC_TYPE_TOK; }
    392 samplerCube	{ yylval->type = glsl_type::samplerCube_type; return BASIC_TYPE_TOK; }
    393 sampler1DArray	TYPE(130, 300, 130, 0, glsl_type::sampler1DArray_type);
    394 sampler2DArray	TYPE(130, 300, 130, 300, glsl_type::sampler2DArray_type);
    395 sampler1DShadow	DEPRECATED_ES_TYPE(glsl_type::sampler1DShadow_type);
    396 sampler2DShadow	{ yylval->type = glsl_type::sampler2DShadow_type; return BASIC_TYPE_TOK; }
    397 samplerCubeShadow	TYPE(130, 300, 130, 300, glsl_type::samplerCubeShadow_type);
    398 sampler1DArrayShadow	TYPE(130, 300, 130, 0, glsl_type::sampler1DArrayShadow_type);
    399 sampler2DArrayShadow	TYPE(130, 300, 130, 300, glsl_type::sampler2DArrayShadow_type);
    400 isampler1D		TYPE(130, 300, 130, 0, glsl_type::isampler1D_type);
    401 isampler2D		TYPE(130, 300, 130, 300, glsl_type::isampler2D_type);
    402 isampler3D		TYPE(130, 300, 130, 300, glsl_type::isampler3D_type);
    403 isamplerCube		TYPE(130, 300, 130, 300, glsl_type::isamplerCube_type);
    404 isampler1DArray		TYPE(130, 300, 130, 0, glsl_type::isampler1DArray_type);
    405 isampler2DArray		TYPE(130, 300, 130, 300, glsl_type::isampler2DArray_type);
    406 usampler1D		TYPE(130, 300, 130, 0, glsl_type::usampler1D_type);
    407 usampler2D		TYPE(130, 300, 130, 300, glsl_type::usampler2D_type);
    408 usampler3D		TYPE(130, 300, 130, 300, glsl_type::usampler3D_type);
    409 usamplerCube		TYPE(130, 300, 130, 300, glsl_type::usamplerCube_type);
    410 usampler1DArray		TYPE(130, 300, 130, 0, glsl_type::usampler1DArray_type);
    411 usampler2DArray		TYPE(130, 300, 130, 300, glsl_type::usampler2DArray_type);
    413    /* additional keywords in ARB_texture_multisample, included in GLSL 1.50 */
    414    /* these are reserved but not defined in GLSL 3.00 */
    415    /* [iu]sampler2DMS are defined in GLSL ES 3.10 */
    416 sampler2DMS        TYPE_WITH_ALT(150, 300, 150, 310, yyextra->ARB_texture_multisample_enable, glsl_type::sampler2DMS_type);
    417 isampler2DMS       TYPE_WITH_ALT(150, 300, 150, 310, yyextra->ARB_texture_multisample_enable, glsl_type::isampler2DMS_type);
    418 usampler2DMS       TYPE_WITH_ALT(150, 300, 150, 310, yyextra->ARB_texture_multisample_enable, glsl_type::usampler2DMS_type);
    419 sampler2DMSArray   TYPE_WITH_ALT(150, 300, 150, 320, yyextra->ARB_texture_multisample_enable || yyextra->OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array_enable, glsl_type::sampler2DMSArray_type);
    420 isampler2DMSArray  TYPE_WITH_ALT(150, 300, 150, 320, yyextra->ARB_texture_multisample_enable || yyextra->OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array_enable, glsl_type::isampler2DMSArray_type);
    421 usampler2DMSArray  TYPE_WITH_ALT(150, 300, 150, 320, yyextra->ARB_texture_multisample_enable || yyextra->OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array_enable, glsl_type::usampler2DMSArray_type);
    423    /* keywords available with ARB_texture_cube_map_array_enable extension on desktop GLSL */
    424 samplerCubeArray   TYPE_WITH_ALT(400, 310, 400, 320, yyextra->ARB_texture_cube_map_array_enable || yyextra->OES_texture_cube_map_array_enable || yyextra->EXT_texture_cube_map_array_enable, glsl_type::samplerCubeArray_type);
    425 isamplerCubeArray TYPE_WITH_ALT(400, 310, 400, 320, yyextra->ARB_texture_cube_map_array_enable || yyextra->OES_texture_cube_map_array_enable || yyextra->EXT_texture_cube_map_array_enable, glsl_type::isamplerCubeArray_type);
    426 usamplerCubeArray TYPE_WITH_ALT(400, 310, 400, 320, yyextra->ARB_texture_cube_map_array_enable || yyextra->OES_texture_cube_map_array_enable || yyextra->EXT_texture_cube_map_array_enable, glsl_type::usamplerCubeArray_type);
    427 samplerCubeArrayShadow   TYPE_WITH_ALT(400, 310, 400, 320, yyextra->ARB_texture_cube_map_array_enable || yyextra->OES_texture_cube_map_array_enable || yyextra->EXT_texture_cube_map_array_enable, glsl_type::samplerCubeArrayShadow_type);
    429 samplerExternalOES		{
    430 			  if (yyextra->OES_EGL_image_external_enable) {
    431 			     yylval->type = glsl_type::samplerExternalOES_type;
    432 			     return BASIC_TYPE_TOK;
    433 			  } else
    434 			     return IDENTIFIER;
    435 		}
    437    /* keywords available with ARB_gpu_shader5 */
    438 precise		KEYWORD_WITH_ALT(400, 310, 400, 320, yyextra->ARB_gpu_shader5_enable || yyextra->EXT_gpu_shader5_enable || yyextra->OES_gpu_shader5_enable, PRECISE);
    440    /* keywords available with ARB_shader_image_load_store */
    441 image1D         TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 0, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable, glsl_type::image1D_type);
    442 image2D         TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 310, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable, glsl_type::image2D_type);
    443 image3D         TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 310, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable, glsl_type::image3D_type);
    444 image2DRect     TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 0, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable, glsl_type::image2DRect_type);
    445 imageCube       TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 310, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable, glsl_type::imageCube_type);
    446 imageBuffer     TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 320, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable || yyextra->EXT_texture_buffer_enable || yyextra->OES_texture_buffer_enable, glsl_type::imageBuffer_type);
    447 image1DArray    TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 0, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable, glsl_type::image1DArray_type);
    448 image2DArray    TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 310, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable, glsl_type::image2DArray_type);
    449 imageCubeArray  TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 320, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable || yyextra->OES_texture_cube_map_array_enable || yyextra->EXT_texture_cube_map_array_enable, glsl_type::imageCubeArray_type);
    450 image2DMS       TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 0, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable, glsl_type::image2DMS_type);
    451 image2DMSArray  TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 0, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable, glsl_type::image2DMSArray_type);
    452 iimage1D        TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 0, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable, glsl_type::iimage1D_type);
    453 iimage2D        TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 310, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable, glsl_type::iimage2D_type);
    454 iimage3D        TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 310, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable, glsl_type::iimage3D_type);
    455 iimage2DRect    TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 0, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable, glsl_type::iimage2DRect_type);
    456 iimageCube      TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 310, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable, glsl_type::iimageCube_type);
    457 iimageBuffer    TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 320, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable || yyextra->EXT_texture_buffer_enable || yyextra->OES_texture_buffer_enable, glsl_type::iimageBuffer_type);
    458 iimage1DArray   TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 0, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable, glsl_type::iimage1DArray_type);
    459 iimage2DArray   TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 310, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable, glsl_type::iimage2DArray_type);
    460 iimageCubeArray TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 320, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable || yyextra->OES_texture_cube_map_array_enable || yyextra->EXT_texture_cube_map_array_enable, glsl_type::iimageCubeArray_type);
    461 iimage2DMS      TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 0, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable, glsl_type::iimage2DMS_type);
    462 iimage2DMSArray TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 0, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable, glsl_type::iimage2DMSArray_type);
    463 uimage1D        TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 0, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable, glsl_type::uimage1D_type);
    464 uimage2D        TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 310, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable, glsl_type::uimage2D_type);
    465 uimage3D        TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 310, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable, glsl_type::uimage3D_type);
    466 uimage2DRect    TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 0, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable, glsl_type::uimage2DRect_type);
    467 uimageCube      TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 310, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable, glsl_type::uimageCube_type);
    468 uimageBuffer    TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 320, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable || yyextra->EXT_texture_buffer_enable || yyextra->OES_texture_buffer_enable, glsl_type::uimageBuffer_type);
    469 uimage1DArray   TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 0, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable, glsl_type::uimage1DArray_type);
    470 uimage2DArray   TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 310, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable, glsl_type::uimage2DArray_type);
    471 uimageCubeArray TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 320, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable || yyextra->OES_texture_cube_map_array_enable || yyextra->EXT_texture_cube_map_array_enable, glsl_type::uimageCubeArray_type);
    472 uimage2DMS      TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 0, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable, glsl_type::uimage2DMS_type);
    473 uimage2DMSArray TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 420, 0, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable, glsl_type::uimage2DMSArray_type);
    474 image1DShadow           KEYWORD(130, 300, 0, 0, IMAGE1DSHADOW);
    475 image2DShadow           KEYWORD(130, 300, 0, 0, IMAGE2DSHADOW);
    476 image1DArrayShadow      KEYWORD(130, 300, 0, 0, IMAGE1DARRAYSHADOW);
    477 image2DArrayShadow      KEYWORD(130, 300, 0, 0, IMAGE2DARRAYSHADOW);
    479 coherent       KEYWORD_WITH_ALT(420, 300, 420, 310, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable || yyextra->ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object_enable, COHERENT);
    480 volatile       KEYWORD_WITH_ALT(110, 100, 420, 310, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable || yyextra->ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object_enable, VOLATILE);
    481 restrict       KEYWORD_WITH_ALT(420, 300, 420, 310, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable || yyextra->ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object_enable, RESTRICT);
    482 readonly       KEYWORD_WITH_ALT(420, 300, 420, 310, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable || yyextra->ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object_enable, READONLY);
    483 writeonly      KEYWORD_WITH_ALT(420, 300, 420, 310, yyextra->ARB_shader_image_load_store_enable || yyextra->ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object_enable, WRITEONLY);
    485 atomic_uint     TYPE_WITH_ALT(420, 300, 420, 310, yyextra->ARB_shader_atomic_counters_enable, glsl_type::atomic_uint_type);
    487 shared          KEYWORD_WITH_ALT(430, 310, 430, 310, yyextra->ARB_compute_shader_enable, SHARED);
    489 struct		return STRUCT;
    490 void		return VOID_TOK;
    492 layout		{
    493 		  if ((yyextra->is_version(140, 300))
    494 		      || yyextra->AMD_conservative_depth_enable
    495 		      || yyextra->ARB_conservative_depth_enable
    496 		      || yyextra->ARB_explicit_attrib_location_enable
    497 		      || yyextra->ARB_explicit_uniform_location_enable
    498                       || yyextra->has_separate_shader_objects()
    499 		      || yyextra->ARB_uniform_buffer_object_enable
    500 		      || yyextra->ARB_fragment_coord_conventions_enable
    501                       || yyextra->ARB_shading_language_420pack_enable
    502                       || yyextra->ARB_compute_shader_enable
    503                       || yyextra->ARB_tessellation_shader_enable) {
    504 		      return LAYOUT_TOK;
    505 		   } else {
    506 		      return classify_identifier(yyextra, yytext, yyleng, yylval);
    507 		   }
    508 		}
    510 \+\+		return INC_OP;
    511 --		return DEC_OP;
    512 \<=		return LE_OP;
    513 >=		return GE_OP;
    514 ==		return EQ_OP;
    515 !=		return NE_OP;
    516 &&		return AND_OP;
    517 \|\|		return OR_OP;
    518 "^^"		return XOR_OP;
    519 "<<"		return LEFT_OP;
    520 ">>"		return RIGHT_OP;
    522 \*=		return MUL_ASSIGN;
    523 \/=		return DIV_ASSIGN;
    524 \+=		return ADD_ASSIGN;
    525 \%=		return MOD_ASSIGN;
    526 \<\<=		return LEFT_ASSIGN;
    527 >>=		return RIGHT_ASSIGN;
    528 &=		return AND_ASSIGN;
    529 "^="		return XOR_ASSIGN;
    530 \|=		return OR_ASSIGN;
    531 -=		return SUB_ASSIGN;
    533 [1-9][0-9]*([uU]|[lL]|ul|UL)?	{
    534 			    return LITERAL_INTEGER(10);
    535 			}
    536 0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+([uU]|[lL]|ul|UL)?	{
    537 			    return LITERAL_INTEGER(16);
    538 			}
    539 0[0-7]*([uU]|[lL]|ul|UL)?		{
    540 			    return LITERAL_INTEGER(8);
    541 			}
    543 [0-9]+\.[0-9]+([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?[fF]?	|
    544 \.[0-9]+([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?[fF]?		|
    545 [0-9]+\.([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?[fF]?		|
    546 [0-9]+[eE][+-]?[0-9]+[fF]?		{
    547 			    struct _mesa_glsl_parse_state *state = yyextra;
    548 			    char suffix = yytext[strlen(yytext) - 1];
    549 			    if (!state->is_version(120, 300) &&
    550 			        (suffix == 'f' || suffix == 'F')) {
    551 			        _mesa_glsl_warning(yylloc, state,
    552 			                           "Float suffixes are invalid in GLSL 1.10");
    553 			    }
    554 			    yylval->real = _mesa_strtof(yytext, NULL);
    555 			    return FLOATCONSTANT;
    556 			}
    558 [0-9]+\.[0-9]+([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?(lf|LF)	|
    559 \.[0-9]+([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?(lf|LF)	|
    560 [0-9]+\.([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?(lf|LF)	|
    561 [0-9]+[eE][+-]?[0-9]+(lf|LF)		{
    562 			    if (!yyextra->is_version(400, 0) &&
    563 			        !yyextra->ARB_gpu_shader_fp64_enable)
    564 			        return ERROR_TOK;
    565 			    yylval->dreal = _mesa_strtod(yytext, NULL);
    566 			    return DOUBLECONSTANT;
    567 			}
    569 true			{
    570 			    yylval->n = 1;
    571 			    return BOOLCONSTANT;
    572 			}
    573 false			{
    574 			    yylval->n = 0;
    575 			    return BOOLCONSTANT;
    576 			}
    579     /* Reserved words in GLSL 1.10. */
    580 asm		KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, ASM);
    581 class		KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, CLASS);
    582 union		KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, UNION);
    583 enum		KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, ENUM);
    584 typedef		KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, TYPEDEF);
    585 template	KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, TEMPLATE);
    586 this		KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, THIS);
    587 packed		KEYWORD_WITH_ALT(110, 100, 140, 300, yyextra->ARB_uniform_buffer_object_enable, PACKED_TOK);
    588 goto		KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, GOTO);
    589 switch		KEYWORD(110, 100, 130, 300, SWITCH);
    590 default		KEYWORD(110, 100, 130, 300, DEFAULT);
    591 inline		KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, INLINE_TOK);
    592 noinline	KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, NOINLINE);
    593 public		KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, PUBLIC_TOK);
    594 static		KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, STATIC);
    595 extern		KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, EXTERN);
    596 external	KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, EXTERNAL);
    597 interface	KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, INTERFACE);
    598 long		KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, LONG_TOK);
    599 short		KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, SHORT_TOK);
    600 double		TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 130, 300, yyextra->ARB_gpu_shader_fp64_enable, glsl_type::double_type);
    601 half		KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, HALF);
    602 fixed		KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, FIXED_TOK);
    603 unsigned	KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, UNSIGNED);
    604 input		KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, INPUT_TOK);
    605 output		KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, OUTPUT);
    606 hvec2		KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, HVEC2);
    607 hvec3		KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, HVEC3);
    608 hvec4		KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, HVEC4);
    609 dvec2		TYPE_WITH_ALT(110, 100, 400, 0, yyextra->ARB_gpu_shader_fp64_enable, glsl_type::dvec2_type);
    610 dvec3		TYPE_WITH_ALT(110, 100, 400, 0, yyextra->ARB_gpu_shader_fp64_enable, glsl_type::dvec3_type);
    611 dvec4		TYPE_WITH_ALT(110, 100, 400, 0, yyextra->ARB_gpu_shader_fp64_enable, glsl_type::dvec4_type);
    612 dmat2		TYPE_WITH_ALT(110, 100, 400, 0, yyextra->ARB_gpu_shader_fp64_enable, glsl_type::dmat2_type);
    613 dmat3		TYPE_WITH_ALT(110, 100, 400, 0, yyextra->ARB_gpu_shader_fp64_enable, glsl_type::dmat3_type);
    614 dmat4		TYPE_WITH_ALT(110, 100, 400, 0, yyextra->ARB_gpu_shader_fp64_enable, glsl_type::dmat4_type);
    615 dmat2x2		TYPE_WITH_ALT(110, 100, 400, 0, yyextra->ARB_gpu_shader_fp64_enable, glsl_type::dmat2_type);
    616 dmat2x3		TYPE_WITH_ALT(110, 100, 400, 0, yyextra->ARB_gpu_shader_fp64_enable, glsl_type::dmat2x3_type);
    617 dmat2x4		TYPE_WITH_ALT(110, 100, 400, 0, yyextra->ARB_gpu_shader_fp64_enable, glsl_type::dmat2x4_type);
    618 dmat3x2		TYPE_WITH_ALT(110, 100, 400, 0, yyextra->ARB_gpu_shader_fp64_enable, glsl_type::dmat3x2_type);
    619 dmat3x3		TYPE_WITH_ALT(110, 100, 400, 0, yyextra->ARB_gpu_shader_fp64_enable, glsl_type::dmat3_type);
    620 dmat3x4		TYPE_WITH_ALT(110, 100, 400, 0, yyextra->ARB_gpu_shader_fp64_enable, glsl_type::dmat3x4_type);
    621 dmat4x2		TYPE_WITH_ALT(110, 100, 400, 0, yyextra->ARB_gpu_shader_fp64_enable, glsl_type::dmat4x2_type);
    622 dmat4x3		TYPE_WITH_ALT(110, 100, 400, 0, yyextra->ARB_gpu_shader_fp64_enable, glsl_type::dmat4x3_type);
    623 dmat4x4		TYPE_WITH_ALT(110, 100, 400, 0, yyextra->ARB_gpu_shader_fp64_enable, glsl_type::dmat4_type);
    624 fvec2		KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, FVEC2);
    625 fvec3		KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, FVEC3);
    626 fvec4		KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, FVEC4);
    627 sampler2DRect		DEPRECATED_ES_TYPE_WITH_ALT(yyextra->ARB_texture_rectangle_enable, glsl_type::sampler2DRect_type);
    628 sampler3DRect		KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, SAMPLER3DRECT);
    629 sampler2DRectShadow	DEPRECATED_ES_TYPE_WITH_ALT(yyextra->ARB_texture_rectangle_enable, glsl_type::sampler2DRectShadow_type);
    630 sizeof		KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, SIZEOF);
    631 cast		KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, CAST);
    632 namespace	KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, NAMESPACE);
    633 using		KEYWORD(110, 100, 0, 0, USING);
    635     /* Additional reserved words in GLSL 1.20. */
    636 lowp		KEYWORD(120, 100, 130, 100, LOWP);
    637 mediump		KEYWORD(120, 100, 130, 100, MEDIUMP);
    638 highp		KEYWORD(120, 100, 130, 100, HIGHP);
    639 precision	KEYWORD(120, 100, 130, 100, PRECISION);
    641     /* Additional reserved words in GLSL 1.30. */
    642 case		KEYWORD(130, 300, 130, 300, CASE);
    643 common		KEYWORD(130, 300, 0, 0, COMMON);
    644 partition	KEYWORD(130, 300, 0, 0, PARTITION);
    645 active		KEYWORD(130, 300, 0, 0, ACTIVE);
    646 superp		KEYWORD(130, 100, 0, 0, SUPERP);
    647 samplerBuffer	TYPE_WITH_ALT(130, 300, 140, 320, yyextra->EXT_texture_buffer_enable || yyextra->OES_texture_buffer_enable, glsl_type::samplerBuffer_type);
    648 filter		KEYWORD(130, 300, 0, 0, FILTER);
    649 row_major	KEYWORD_WITH_ALT(130, 0, 140, 0, yyextra->ARB_uniform_buffer_object_enable && !yyextra->es_shader, ROW_MAJOR);
    651     /* Additional reserved words in GLSL 1.40 */
    652 isampler2DRect	TYPE(140, 300, 140, 0, glsl_type::isampler2DRect_type);
    653 usampler2DRect	TYPE(140, 300, 140, 0, glsl_type::usampler2DRect_type);
    654 isamplerBuffer	TYPE_WITH_ALT(140, 300, 140, 320, yyextra->EXT_texture_buffer_enable || yyextra->OES_texture_buffer_enable, glsl_type::isamplerBuffer_type);
    655 usamplerBuffer	TYPE_WITH_ALT(140, 300, 140, 320, yyextra->EXT_texture_buffer_enable || yyextra->OES_texture_buffer_enable, glsl_type::usamplerBuffer_type);
    657     /* Additional reserved words in GLSL ES 3.00 */
    658 resource	KEYWORD(420, 300, 0, 0, RESOURCE);
    659 sample		KEYWORD_WITH_ALT(400, 300, 400, 320, yyextra->ARB_gpu_shader5_enable || yyextra->OES_shader_multisample_interpolation_enable, SAMPLE);
    660 subroutine	KEYWORD_WITH_ALT(400, 300, 400, 0, yyextra->ARB_shader_subroutine_enable, SUBROUTINE);
    662     /* Additional words for ARB_gpu_shader_int64 */
    663 int64_t		TYPE_WITH_ALT(0, 0, 0, 0, yyextra->ARB_gpu_shader_int64_enable, glsl_type::int64_t_type);
    664 i64vec2		TYPE_WITH_ALT(0, 0, 0, 0, yyextra->ARB_gpu_shader_int64_enable, glsl_type::i64vec2_type);
    665 i64vec3		TYPE_WITH_ALT(0, 0, 0, 0, yyextra->ARB_gpu_shader_int64_enable, glsl_type::i64vec3_type);
    666 i64vec4		TYPE_WITH_ALT(0, 0, 0, 0, yyextra->ARB_gpu_shader_int64_enable, glsl_type::i64vec4_type);
    668 uint64_t	TYPE_WITH_ALT(0, 0, 0, 0, yyextra->ARB_gpu_shader_int64_enable, glsl_type::uint64_t_type);
    669 u64vec2		TYPE_WITH_ALT(0, 0, 0, 0, yyextra->ARB_gpu_shader_int64_enable, glsl_type::u64vec2_type);
    670 u64vec3		TYPE_WITH_ALT(0, 0, 0, 0, yyextra->ARB_gpu_shader_int64_enable, glsl_type::u64vec3_type);
    671 u64vec4		TYPE_WITH_ALT(0, 0, 0, 0, yyextra->ARB_gpu_shader_int64_enable, glsl_type::u64vec4_type);
    673 [_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*	{
    674 			    struct _mesa_glsl_parse_state *state = yyextra;
    675 			    if (state->es_shader && yyleng > 1024) {
    676 			       _mesa_glsl_error(yylloc, state,
    677 			                        "Identifier `%s' exceeds 1024 characters",
    678 			                        yytext);
    679 			    }
    680 			    return classify_identifier(state, yytext, yyleng, yylval);
    681 			}
    683 \.			{ struct _mesa_glsl_parse_state *state = yyextra;
    684 			  state->is_field = true;
    685 			  return DOT_TOK; }
    687 .			{ return yytext[0]; }
    689 %%
    691 int
    692 classify_identifier(struct _mesa_glsl_parse_state *state, const char *name,
    693                     unsigned name_len, YYSTYPE *output)
    694 {
    695    /* We're not doing linear_strdup here, to avoid an implicit call on
    696     * strlen() for the length of the string, as this is already found by flex
    697     * and stored in yyleng
    698     */
    699    char *id = (char *) linear_alloc_child(state->linalloc, name_len + 1);
    700    memcpy(id, name, name_len + 1);
    701    output->identifier = id;
    703    if (state->is_field) {
    704       state->is_field = false;
    705       return FIELD_SELECTION;
    706    }
    707    if (state->symbols->get_variable(name) || state->symbols->get_function(name))
    708       return IDENTIFIER;
    709    else if (state->symbols->get_type(name))
    710       return TYPE_IDENTIFIER;
    711    else
    712       return NEW_IDENTIFIER;
    713 }
    715 void
    716 _mesa_glsl_lexer_ctor(struct _mesa_glsl_parse_state *state, const char *string)
    717 {
    718    yylex_init_extra(state, & state->scanner);
    719    yy_scan_string(string, state->scanner);
    720 }
    722 void
    723 _mesa_glsl_lexer_dtor(struct _mesa_glsl_parse_state *state)
    724 {
    725    yylex_destroy(state->scanner);
    726 }