1 include(GNUInstallDirs) 2 3 foreach(_library 4 libprotobuf-lite 5 libprotobuf 6 libprotoc) 7 set_property(TARGET ${_library} 8 PROPERTY INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES 9 $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}>) 10 install(TARGETS ${_library} EXPORT protobuf-targets 11 RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR} COMPONENT ${_library} 12 LIBRARY DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} COMPONENT ${_library} 13 ARCHIVE DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} COMPONENT ${_library}) 14 endforeach() 15 16 install(TARGETS protoc EXPORT protobuf-targets 17 RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR} COMPONENT protoc) 18 19 if(TRUE) 20 file(STRINGS extract_includes.bat.in _extract_strings 21 REGEX "^copy") 22 foreach(_extract_string ${_extract_strings}) 23 string(REPLACE "copy \${PROTOBUF_SOURCE_WIN32_PATH}\\" "" 24 _extract_string ${_extract_string}) 25 string(REPLACE "\\" "/" _extract_string ${_extract_string}) 26 string(REGEX MATCH "^[^ ]+" 27 _extract_from ${_extract_string}) 28 string(REGEX REPLACE "^${_extract_from} ([^$]+)" "\\1" 29 _extract_to ${_extract_string}) 30 get_filename_component(_extract_from "${protobuf_SOURCE_DIR}/${_extract_from}" ABSOLUTE) 31 get_filename_component(_extract_name ${_extract_to} NAME) 32 get_filename_component(_extract_to ${_extract_to} PATH) 33 string(REPLACE "include/" "${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}/" 34 _extract_to "${_extract_to}") 35 if(EXISTS "${_extract_from}") 36 install(FILES "${_extract_from}" 37 DESTINATION "${_extract_to}" 38 COMPONENT protobuf-headers 39 RENAME "${_extract_name}") 40 else() 41 message(AUTHOR_WARNING "The file \"${_extract_from}\" is listed in " 42 "\"${protobuf_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/extract_includes.bat.in\" " 43 "but there not exists. The file will not be installed.") 44 endif() 45 endforeach() 46 endif() 47 48 # Internal function for parsing auto tools scripts 49 function(_protobuf_auto_list FILE_NAME VARIABLE) 50 file(STRINGS ${FILE_NAME} _strings) 51 set(_list) 52 foreach(_string ${_strings}) 53 set(_found) 54 string(REGEX MATCH "^[ \t]*${VARIABLE}[ \t]*=[ \t]*" _found "${_string}") 55 if(_found) 56 string(LENGTH "${_found}" _length) 57 string(SUBSTRING "${_string}" ${_length} -1 _draft_list) 58 foreach(_item ${_draft_list}) 59 string(STRIP "${_item}" _item) 60 list(APPEND _list "${_item}") 61 endforeach() 62 endif() 63 endforeach() 64 set(${VARIABLE} ${_list} PARENT_SCOPE) 65 endfunction() 66 67 # Install well-known type proto files 68 _protobuf_auto_list("../src/Makefile.am" nobase_dist_proto_DATA) 69 foreach(_file ${nobase_dist_proto_DATA}) 70 get_filename_component(_file_from "../src/${_file}" ABSOLUTE) 71 get_filename_component(_file_name ${_file} NAME) 72 get_filename_component(_file_path ${_file} PATH) 73 if(EXISTS "${_file_from}") 74 install(FILES "${_file_from}" 75 DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}/${_file_path}" 76 COMPONENT protobuf-protos 77 RENAME "${_file_name}") 78 else() 79 message(AUTHOR_WARNING "The file \"${_file_from}\" is listed in " 80 "\"${protobuf_SOURCE_DIR}/../src/Makefile.am\" as nobase_dist_proto_DATA " 81 "but there not exists. The file will not be installed.") 82 endif() 83 endforeach() 84 85 # Export configuration 86 87 install(EXPORT protobuf-targets 88 DESTINATION "lib/cmake/protobuf" 89 COMPONENT protobuf-export) 90 91 configure_file(protobuf-config.cmake.in 92 protobuf-config.cmake @ONLY) 93 configure_file(protobuf-config-version.cmake.in 94 protobuf-config-version.cmake @ONLY) 95 configure_file(protobuf-module.cmake.in 96 protobuf-module.cmake @ONLY) 97 98 install(FILES 99 "${protobuf_BINARY_DIR}/protobuf-config.cmake" 100 "${protobuf_BINARY_DIR}/protobuf-config-version.cmake" 101 "${protobuf_BINARY_DIR}/protobuf-module.cmake" 102 DESTINATION "lib/cmake/protobuf" 103 COMPONENT protobuf-export) 104