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      1 version: 2.7build{build}
      2 clone_depth: 5
      3 branches:
      4   only:
      5     - master
      6     - /\d\.\d/
      7     - buildbot-custom
      8 cache:
      9   - externals -> PCbuild\*
     10 before_build:
     11   - ps: |+
     12       if ($env:APPVEYOR_RE_BUILD) {
     13         echo 'Doing full build due to re-build request.'
     14       } elseif (!$env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_HEAD_COMMIT) {
     15         echo 'Not a PR, doing full build.'
     16       } else {
     17         git fetch -q origin +refs/heads/$env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH
     18         $mergebase = git merge-base HEAD FETCH_HEAD
     19         $changes = git diff --name-only HEAD $mergebase | grep -vE '(\.rst$)|(^Doc)|(^Misc)'
     20         If (!$changes) {
     21           echo 'Only docs were updated, stopping build process.'
     22           Exit-AppveyorBuild
     23         } else {
     24           echo 'Doing full build due to non-doc changes in these files:'
     25           echo $changes
     26         }
     27       }
     30 build_script:
     31   - cmd: PCbuild\build.bat -e
     32   - cmd: PCbuild\python.exe -m test.pythoninfo
     33 test_script:
     34   - cmd: PCbuild\rt.bat -q -uall -u-cpu -u-largefile -rwW --slowest -j2
     35 environment:
     36   HOST_PYTHON: C:\Python36\python.exe