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      1 *******************************
      2   HOWTO Use Python in the web
      3 *******************************
      5 :Author: Marek Kubica
      7 .. topic:: Abstract
      9    This document shows how Python fits into the web.  It presents some ways
     10    to integrate Python with a web server, and general practices useful for
     11    developing web sites.
     14 Programming for the Web has become a hot topic since the rise of "Web 2.0",
     15 which focuses on user-generated content on web sites.  It has always been
     16 possible to use Python for creating web sites, but it was a rather tedious task.
     17 Therefore, many frameworks and helper tools have been created to assist
     18 developers in creating faster and more robust sites.  This HOWTO describes
     19 some of the methods used to combine Python with a web server to create
     20 dynamic content.  It is not meant as a complete introduction, as this topic is
     21 far too broad to be covered in one single document.  However, a short overview
     22 of the most popular libraries is provided.
     24 .. seealso::
     26    While this HOWTO tries to give an overview of Python in the web, it cannot
     27    always be as up to date as desired.  Web development in Python is rapidly
     28    moving forward, so the wiki page on `Web Programming
     29    <https://wiki.python.org/moin/WebProgramming>`_ may be more in sync with
     30    recent development.
     33 The Low-Level View
     34 ==================
     36 When a user enters a web site, their browser makes a connection to the site's
     37 web server (this is called the *request*).  The server looks up the file in the
     38 file system and sends it back to the user's browser, which displays it (this is
     39 the *response*).  This is roughly how the underlying protocol, HTTP, works.
     41 Dynamic web sites are not based on files in the file system, but rather on
     42 programs which are run by the web server when a request comes in, and which
     43 *generate* the content that is returned to the user.  They can do all sorts of
     44 useful things, like display the postings of a bulletin board, show your email,
     45 configure software, or just display the current time.  These programs can be
     46 written in any programming language the server supports.  Since most servers
     47 support Python, it is easy to use Python to create dynamic web sites.
     49 Most HTTP servers are written in C or C++, so they cannot execute Python code
     50 directly -- a bridge is needed between the server and the program.  These
     51 bridges, or rather interfaces, define how programs interact with the server.
     52 There have been numerous attempts to create the best possible interface, but
     53 there are only a few worth mentioning.
     55 Not every web server supports every interface.  Many web servers only support
     56 old, now-obsolete interfaces; however, they can often be extended using
     57 third-party modules to support newer ones.
     60 Common Gateway Interface
     61 ------------------------
     63 This interface, most commonly referred to as "CGI", is the oldest, and is
     64 supported by nearly every web server out of the box.  Programs using CGI to
     65 communicate with their web server need to be started by the server for every
     66 request.  So, every request starts a new Python interpreter -- which takes some
     67 time to start up -- thus making the whole interface only usable for low load
     68 situations.
     70 The upside of CGI is that it is simple -- writing a Python program which uses
     71 CGI is a matter of about three lines of code.  This simplicity comes at a
     72 price: it does very few things to help the developer.
     74 Writing CGI programs, while still possible, is no longer recommended.  With
     75 :ref:`WSGI <WSGI>`, a topic covered later in this document, it is possible to write
     76 programs that emulate CGI, so they can be run as CGI if no better option is
     77 available.
     79 .. seealso::
     81    The Python standard library includes some modules that are helpful for
     82    creating plain CGI programs:
     84    * :mod:`cgi` -- Handling of user input in CGI scripts
     85    * :mod:`cgitb` -- Displays nice tracebacks when errors happen in CGI
     86      applications, instead of presenting a "500 Internal Server Error" message
     88    The Python wiki features a page on `CGI scripts
     89    <https://wiki.python.org/moin/CgiScripts>`_ with some additional information
     90    about CGI in Python.
     93 Simple script for testing CGI
     94 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
     96 To test whether your web server works with CGI, you can use this short and
     97 simple CGI program::
     99     #!/usr/bin/env python
    100     # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
    102     # enable debugging
    103     import cgitb
    104     cgitb.enable()
    106     print "Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8"
    107     print
    109     print "Hello World!"
    111 Depending on your web server configuration, you may need to save this code with
    112 a ``.py`` or ``.cgi`` extension.  Additionally, this file may also need to be
    113 in a ``cgi-bin`` folder, for security reasons.
    115 You might wonder what the ``cgitb`` line is about.  This line makes it possible
    116 to display a nice traceback instead of just crashing and displaying an "Internal
    117 Server Error" in the user's browser.  This is useful for debugging, but it might
    118 risk exposing some confidential data to the user.  You should not use ``cgitb``
    119 in production code for this reason.  You should *always* catch exceptions, and
    120 display proper error pages -- end-users don't like to see nondescript "Internal
    121 Server Errors" in their browsers.
    124 Setting up CGI on your own server
    125 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    127 If you don't have your own web server, this does not apply to you.  You can
    128 check whether it works as-is, and if not you will need to talk to the
    129 administrator of your web server. If it is a big host, you can try filing a
    130 ticket asking for Python support.
    132 If you are your own administrator or want to set up CGI for testing purposes on
    133 your own computers, you have to configure it by yourself.  There is no single
    134 way to configure CGI, as there are many web servers with different
    135 configuration options.  Currently the most widely used free web server is
    136 `Apache HTTPd <http://httpd.apache.org/>`_, or Apache for short. Apache can be
    137 easily installed on nearly every system using the system's package management
    138 tool.  `lighttpd <http://www.lighttpd.net>`_ is another alternative and is
    139 said to have better performance.  On many systems this server can also be
    140 installed using the package management tool, so manually compiling the web
    141 server may not be needed.
    143 * On Apache you can take a look at the `Dynamic Content with CGI
    144   <http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/howto/cgi.html>`_ tutorial, where everything
    145   is described.  Most of the time it is enough just to set ``+ExecCGI``.  The
    146   tutorial also describes the most common gotchas that might arise.
    148 * On lighttpd you need to use the `CGI module
    149   <http://redmine.lighttpd.net/projects/lighttpd/wiki/Docs_ModCGI>`_\ , which can be configured
    150   in a straightforward way.  It boils down to setting ``cgi.assign`` properly.
    153 Common problems with CGI scripts
    154 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    156 Using CGI sometimes leads to small annoyances while trying to get these
    157 scripts to run.  Sometimes a seemingly correct script does not work as
    158 expected, the cause being some small hidden problem that's difficult to spot.
    160 Some of these potential problems are:
    162 * The Python script is not marked as executable.  When CGI scripts are not
    163   executable most web servers will let the user download it, instead of
    164   running it and sending the output to the user.  For CGI scripts to run
    165   properly on Unix-like operating systems, the ``+x`` bit needs to be set.
    166   Using ``chmod a+x your_script.py`` may solve this problem.
    168 * On a Unix-like system, The line endings in the program file must be Unix
    169   style line endings.  This is important because the web server checks the
    170   first line of the script (called shebang) and tries to run the program
    171   specified there.  It gets easily confused by Windows line endings (Carriage
    172   Return & Line Feed, also called CRLF), so you have to convert the file to
    173   Unix line endings (only Line Feed, LF).  This can be done automatically by
    174   uploading the file via FTP in text mode instead of binary mode, but the
    175   preferred way is just telling your editor to save the files with Unix line
    176   endings.  Most editors support this.
    178 * Your web server must be able to read the file, and you need to make sure the
    179   permissions are correct.  On unix-like systems, the server often runs as user
    180   and group ``www-data``, so it might be worth a try to change the file
    181   ownership, or making the file world readable by using ``chmod a+r
    182   your_script.py``.
    184 * The web server must know that the file you're trying to access is a CGI script.
    185   Check the configuration of your web server, as it may be configured
    186   to expect a specific file extension for CGI scripts.
    188 * On Unix-like systems, the path to the interpreter in the shebang
    189   (``#!/usr/bin/env python``) must be correct.  This line calls
    190   ``/usr/bin/env`` to find Python, but it will fail if there is no
    191   ``/usr/bin/env``, or if Python is not in the web server's path.  If you know
    192   where your Python is installed, you can also use that full path.  The
    193   commands ``whereis python`` and ``type -p python`` could help you find
    194   where it is installed.  Once you know the path, you can change the shebang
    195   accordingly: ``#!/usr/bin/python``.
    197 * The file must not contain a BOM (Byte Order Mark). The BOM is meant for
    198   determining the byte order of UTF-16 and UTF-32 encodings, but some editors
    199   write this also into UTF-8 files.  The BOM interferes with the shebang line,
    200   so be sure to tell your editor not to write the BOM.
    202 * If the web server is using :ref:`mod-python`, ``mod_python`` may be having
    203   problems.  ``mod_python`` is able to handle CGI scripts by itself, but it can
    204   also be a source of issues.
    207 .. _mod-python:
    209 mod_python
    210 ----------
    212 People coming from PHP often find it hard to grasp how to use Python in the web.
    213 Their first thought is mostly `mod_python <http://modpython.org/>`_\ ,
    214 because they think that this is the equivalent to ``mod_php``.  Actually, there
    215 are many differences.  What ``mod_python`` does is embed the interpreter into
    216 the Apache process, thus speeding up requests by not having to start a Python
    217 interpreter for each request.  On the other hand, it is not "Python intermixed
    218 with HTML" in the way that PHP is often intermixed with HTML. The Python
    219 equivalent of that is a template engine.  ``mod_python`` itself is much more
    220 powerful and provides more access to Apache internals.  It can emulate CGI,
    221 work in a "Python Server Pages" mode (similar to JSP) which is "HTML
    222 intermingled with Python", and it has a "Publisher" which designates one file
    223 to accept all requests and decide what to do with them.
    225 ``mod_python`` does have some problems.  Unlike the PHP interpreter, the Python
    226 interpreter uses caching when executing files, so changes to a file will
    227 require the web server to be restarted.  Another problem is the basic concept
    228 -- Apache starts child processes to handle the requests, and unfortunately
    229 every child process needs to load the whole Python interpreter even if it does
    230 not use it.  This makes the whole web server slower.  Another problem is that,
    231 because ``mod_python`` is linked against a specific version of ``libpython``,
    232 it is not possible to switch from an older version to a newer (e.g. 2.4 to 2.5)
    233 without recompiling ``mod_python``.  ``mod_python`` is also bound to the Apache
    234 web server, so programs written for ``mod_python`` cannot easily run on other
    235 web servers.
    237 These are the reasons why ``mod_python`` should be avoided when writing new
    238 programs.  In some circumstances it still might be a good idea to use
    239 ``mod_python`` for deployment, but WSGI makes it possible to run WSGI programs
    240 under ``mod_python`` as well.
    243 FastCGI and SCGI
    244 ----------------
    246 FastCGI and SCGI try to solve the performance problem of CGI in another way.
    247 Instead of embedding the interpreter into the web server, they create
    248 long-running background processes. There is still a module in the web server
    249 which makes it possible for the web server to "speak" with the background
    250 process.  As the background process is independent of the server, it can be
    251 written in any language, including Python.  The language just needs to have a
    252 library which handles the communication with the webserver.
    254 The difference between FastCGI and SCGI is very small, as SCGI is essentially
    255 just a "simpler FastCGI".  As the web server support for SCGI is limited,
    256 most people use FastCGI instead, which works the same way.  Almost everything
    257 that applies to SCGI also applies to FastCGI as well, so we'll only cover
    258 the latter.
    260 These days, FastCGI is never used directly.  Just like ``mod_python``, it is only
    261 used for the deployment of WSGI applications.
    264 Setting up FastCGI
    265 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    267 Each web server requires a specific module.
    269 * Apache has both `mod_fastcgi <http://www.fastcgi.com/drupal/>`_ and `mod_fcgid
    270   <https://httpd.apache.org/mod_fcgid/>`_.  ``mod_fastcgi`` is the original one, but it
    271   has some licensing issues, which is why it is sometimes considered non-free.
    272   ``mod_fcgid`` is a smaller, compatible alternative.  One of these modules needs
    273   to be loaded by Apache.
    275 * lighttpd ships its own `FastCGI module
    276   <http://redmine.lighttpd.net/projects/lighttpd/wiki/Docs_ModFastCGI>`_ as well as an
    277   `SCGI module <http://redmine.lighttpd.net/projects/lighttpd/wiki/Docs_ModSCGI>`_.
    279 * `nginx <http://nginx.org/>`_ also supports `FastCGI
    280   <https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/start/topics/examples/simplepythonfcgi/>`_.
    282 Once you have installed and configured the module, you can test it with the
    283 following WSGI-application::
    285     #!/usr/bin/env python
    286     # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
    288     from cgi import escape
    289     import sys, os
    290     from flup.server.fcgi import WSGIServer
    292     def app(environ, start_response):
    293         start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')])
    295         yield '<h1>FastCGI Environment</h1>'
    296         yield '<table>'
    297         for k, v in sorted(environ.items()):
    298             yield '<tr><th>%s</th><td>%s</td></tr>' % (escape(k), escape(v))
    299         yield '</table>'
    301     WSGIServer(app).run()
    303 This is a simple WSGI application, but you need to install `flup
    304 <https://pypi.org/project/flup/1.0>`_ first, as flup handles the low level
    305 FastCGI access.
    307 .. seealso::
    309    There is some documentation on `setting up Django with WSGI
    310    <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/deployment/wsgi/>`_, most of
    311    which can be reused for other WSGI-compliant frameworks and libraries.
    312    Only the ``manage.py`` part has to be changed, the example used here can be
    313    used instead.  Django does more or less the exact same thing.
    316 mod_wsgi
    317 --------
    319 `mod_wsgi <http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/>`_ is an attempt to get rid of the
    320 low level gateways.  Given that FastCGI, SCGI, and mod_python are mostly used to
    321 deploy WSGI applications, mod_wsgi was started to directly embed WSGI applications
    322 into the Apache web server. mod_wsgi is specifically designed to host WSGI
    323 applications.  It makes the deployment of WSGI applications much easier than
    324 deployment using other low level methods, which need glue code.  The downside
    325 is that mod_wsgi is limited to the Apache web server; other servers would need
    326 their own implementations of mod_wsgi.
    328 mod_wsgi supports two modes: embedded mode, in which it integrates with the
    329 Apache process, and daemon mode, which is more FastCGI-like.  Unlike FastCGI,
    330 mod_wsgi handles the worker-processes by itself, which makes administration
    331 easier.
    334 .. _WSGI:
    336 Step back: WSGI
    337 ===============
    339 WSGI has already been mentioned several times, so it has to be something
    340 important.  In fact it really is, and now it is time to explain it.
    342 The *Web Server Gateway Interface*,  or WSGI for short, is defined in
    343 :pep:`333` and is currently the best way to do Python web programming.  While
    344 it is great for programmers writing frameworks, a normal web developer does not
    345 need to get in direct contact with it.  When choosing a framework for web
    346 development it is a good idea to choose one which supports WSGI.
    348 The big benefit of WSGI is the unification of the application programming
    349 interface.  When your program is compatible with WSGI -- which at the outer
    350 level means that the framework you are using has support for WSGI -- your
    351 program can be deployed via any web server interface for which there are WSGI
    352 wrappers.  You do not need to care about whether the application user uses
    353 mod_python or FastCGI or mod_wsgi -- with WSGI your application will work on
    354 any gateway interface.  The Python standard library contains its own WSGI
    355 server, :mod:`wsgiref`, which is a small web server that can be used for
    356 testing.
    358 A really great WSGI feature is middleware.  Middleware is a layer around your
    359 program which can add various functionality to it.  There is quite a bit of
    360 `middleware <https://wsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/libraries.html>`_ already
    361 available.  For example, instead of writing your own session management (HTTP
    362 is a stateless protocol, so to associate multiple HTTP requests with a single
    363 user your application must create and manage such state via a session), you can
    364 just download middleware which does that, plug it in, and get on with coding
    365 the unique parts of your application.  The same thing with compression -- there
    366 is existing middleware which handles compressing your HTML using gzip to save
    367 on your server's bandwidth.  Authentication is another problem that is easily
    368 solved using existing middleware.
    370 Although WSGI may seem complex, the initial phase of learning can be very
    371 rewarding because WSGI and the associated middleware already have solutions to
    372 many problems that might arise while developing web sites.
    375 WSGI Servers
    376 ------------
    378 The code that is used to connect to various low level gateways like CGI or
    379 mod_python is called a *WSGI server*.  One of these servers is ``flup``, which
    380 supports FastCGI and SCGI, as well as `AJP
    381 <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_JServ_Protocol>`_.  Some of these servers
    382 are written in Python, as ``flup`` is, but there also exist others which are
    383 written in C and can be used as drop-in replacements.
    385 There are many servers already available, so a Python web application
    386 can be deployed nearly anywhere.  This is one big advantage that Python has
    387 compared with other web technologies.
    389 .. seealso::
    391    A good overview of WSGI-related code can be found in the `WSGI homepage
    392    <https://wsgi.readthedocs.org/>`_, which contains an extensive list of `WSGI servers
    393    <https://wsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/servers.html>`_ which can be used by *any* application
    394    supporting WSGI.
    396    You might be interested in some WSGI-supporting modules already contained in
    397    the standard library, namely:
    399    * :mod:`wsgiref` -- some tiny utilities and servers for WSGI
    402 Case study: MoinMoin
    403 --------------------
    405 What does WSGI give the web application developer?  Let's take a look at
    406 an application that's been around for a while, which was written in
    407 Python without using WSGI.
    409 One of the most widely used wiki software packages is `MoinMoin
    410 <https://moinmo.in/>`_.  It was created in 2000, so it predates WSGI by about
    411 three years.  Older versions needed separate code to run on CGI, mod_python,
    412 FastCGI and standalone.
    414 It now includes support for WSGI.  Using WSGI, it is possible to deploy
    415 MoinMoin on any WSGI compliant server, with no additional glue code.
    416 Unlike the pre-WSGI versions, this could include WSGI servers that the
    417 authors of MoinMoin know nothing about.
    420 Model-View-Controller
    421 =====================
    423 The term *MVC* is often encountered in statements such as "framework *foo*
    424 supports MVC".  MVC is more about the overall organization of code, rather than
    425 any particular API.  Many web frameworks use this model to help the developer
    426 bring structure to their program.  Bigger web applications can have lots of
    427 code, so it is a good idea to have an effective structure right from the beginning.
    428 That way, even users of other frameworks (or even other languages, since MVC is
    429 not Python-specific) can easily understand the code, given that they are
    430 already familiar with the MVC structure.
    432 MVC stands for three components:
    434 * The *model*.  This is the data that will be displayed and modified.  In
    435   Python frameworks, this component is often represented by the classes used by
    436   an object-relational mapper.
    438 * The *view*.  This component's job is to display the data of the model to the
    439   user.  Typically this component is implemented via templates.
    441 * The *controller*.  This is the layer between the user and the model.  The
    442   controller reacts to user actions (like opening some specific URL), tells
    443   the model to modify the data if necessary, and tells the view code what to
    444   display,
    446 While one might think that MVC is a complex design pattern, in fact it is not.
    447 It is used in Python because it has turned out to be useful for creating clean,
    448 maintainable web sites.
    450 .. note::
    452    While not all Python frameworks explicitly support MVC, it is often trivial
    453    to create a web site which uses the MVC pattern by separating the data logic
    454    (the model) from the user interaction logic (the controller) and the
    455    templates (the view).  That's why it is important not to write unnecessary
    456    Python code in the templates -- it works against the MVC model and creates
    457    chaos in the code base, making it harder to understand and modify.
    459 .. seealso::
    461    The English Wikipedia has an article about the `Model-View-Controller pattern
    462    <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model%E2%80%93view%E2%80%93controller>`_.  It includes a long
    463    list of web frameworks for various programming languages.
    466 Ingredients for Websites
    467 ========================
    469 Websites are complex constructs, so tools have been created to help web
    470 developers make their code easier to write and more maintainable.  Tools like
    471 these exist for all web frameworks in all languages.  Developers are not forced
    472 to use these tools, and often there is no "best" tool.  It is worth learning
    473 about the available tools because they can greatly simplify the process of
    474 developing a web site.
    477 .. seealso::
    479    There are far more components than can be presented here.  The Python wiki
    480    has a page about these components, called
    481    `Web Components <https://wiki.python.org/moin/WebComponents>`_.
    484 Templates
    485 ---------
    487 Mixing of HTML and Python code is made possible by a few libraries.  While
    488 convenient at first, it leads to horribly unmaintainable code.  That's why
    489 templates exist.  Templates are, in the simplest case, just HTML files with
    490 placeholders.  The HTML is sent to the user's browser after filling in the
    491 placeholders.
    493 Python already includes two ways to build simple templates::
    495     >>> template = "<html><body><h1>Hello %s!</h1></body></html>"
    496     >>> print template % "Reader"
    497     <html><body><h1>Hello Reader!</h1></body></html>
    499     >>> from string import Template
    500     >>> template = Template("<html><body><h1>Hello ${name}</h1></body></html>")
    501     >>> print template.substitute(dict(name='Dinsdale'))
    502     <html><body><h1>Hello Dinsdale!</h1></body></html>
    504 To generate complex HTML based on non-trivial model data, conditional
    505 and looping constructs like Python's *for* and *if* are generally needed.
    506 *Template engines* support templates of this complexity.
    508 There are a lot of template engines available for Python which can be used with
    509 or without a `framework`_.  Some of these define a plain-text programming
    510 language which is easy to learn, partly because it is limited in scope.
    511 Others use XML, and the template output is guaranteed to be always be valid
    512 XML.  There are many other variations.
    514 Some `frameworks`_ ship their own template engine or recommend one in
    515 particular.  In the absence of a reason to use a different template engine,
    516 using the one provided by or recommended by the framework is a good idea.
    518 Popular template engines include:
    520    * `Mako <http://www.makotemplates.org/>`_
    521    * `Genshi <http://genshi.edgewall.org/>`_
    522    * `Jinja <http://jinja.pocoo.org/>`_
    524 .. seealso::
    526    There are many template engines competing for attention, because it is
    527    pretty easy to create them in Python.  The page `Templating
    528    <https://wiki.python.org/moin/Templating>`_ in the wiki lists a big,
    529    ever-growing number of these.  The three listed above are considered "second
    530    generation" template engines and are a good place to start.
    533 Data persistence
    534 ----------------
    536 *Data persistence*, while sounding very complicated, is just about storing data.
    537 This data might be the text of blog entries, the postings on a bulletin board or
    538 the text of a wiki page.  There are, of course, a number of different ways to store
    539 information on a web server.
    541 Often, relational database engines like `MySQL <http://www.mysql.com/>`_ or
    542 `PostgreSQL <http://www.postgresql.org/>`_ are used because of their good
    543 performance when handling very large databases consisting of millions of
    544 entries.  There is also a small database engine called `SQLite
    545 <http://www.sqlite.org/>`_, which is bundled with Python in the :mod:`sqlite3`
    546 module, and which uses only one file.  It has no other dependencies.  For
    547 smaller sites SQLite is just enough.
    549 Relational databases are *queried* using a language called `SQL
    550 <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL>`_.  Python programmers in general do not
    551 like SQL too much, as they prefer to work with objects.  It is possible to save
    552 Python objects into a database using a technology called `ORM
    553 <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-relational_mapping>`_ (Object Relational
    554 Mapping).  ORM translates all object-oriented access into SQL code under the
    555 hood, so the developer does not need to think about it.  Most `frameworks`_ use
    556 ORMs, and it works quite well.
    558 A second possibility is storing data in normal, plain text files (some
    559 times called "flat files").  This is very easy for simple sites,
    560 but can be difficult to get right if the web site is performing many
    561 updates to the stored data.
    563 A third possibility are object oriented databases (also called "object
    564 databases").  These databases store the object data in a form that closely
    565 parallels the way the objects are structured in memory during program
    566 execution.  (By contrast, ORMs store the object data as rows of data in tables
    567 and relations between those rows.)  Storing the objects directly has the
    568 advantage that nearly all objects can be saved in a straightforward way, unlike
    569 in relational databases where some objects are very hard to represent.
    571 `Frameworks`_ often give hints on which data storage method to choose.  It is
    572 usually a good idea to stick to the data store recommended by the framework
    573 unless the application has special requirements better satisfied by an
    574 alternate storage mechanism.
    576 .. seealso::
    578    * `Persistence Tools <https://wiki.python.org/moin/PersistenceTools>`_ lists
    579      possibilities on how to save data in the file system.  Some of these
    580      modules are part of the standard library
    582    * `Database Programming <https://wiki.python.org/moin/DatabaseProgramming>`_
    583      helps with choosing a method for saving data
    585    * `SQLAlchemy <http://www.sqlalchemy.org/>`_, the most powerful OR-Mapper
    586      for Python, and `Elixir <https://pypi.org/project/Elixir>`_, which makes
    587      SQLAlchemy easier to use
    589    * `SQLObject <http://www.sqlobject.org/>`_, another popular OR-Mapper
    591    * `ZODB <https://launchpad.net/zodb>`_ and `Durus
    592      <https://www.mems-exchange.org/software/>`_, two object oriented
    593      databases
    596 .. _framework:
    598 Frameworks
    599 ==========
    601 The process of creating code to run web sites involves writing code to provide
    602 various services.  The code to provide a particular service often works the
    603 same way regardless of the complexity or purpose of the web site in question.
    604 Abstracting these common solutions into reusable code produces what are called
    605 "frameworks" for web development.  Perhaps the most well-known framework for
    606 web development is Ruby on Rails, but Python has its own frameworks.  Some of
    607 these were partly inspired by Rails, or borrowed ideas from Rails, but many
    608 existed a long time before Rails.
    610 Originally Python web frameworks tended to incorporate all of the services
    611 needed to develop web sites as a giant, integrated set of tools.  No two web
    612 frameworks were interoperable:  a program developed for one could not be
    613 deployed on a different one without considerable re-engineering work.  This led
    614 to the development of "minimalist" web frameworks that provided just the tools
    615 to communicate between the Python code and the http protocol, with all other
    616 services to be added on top via separate components.  Some ad hoc standards
    617 were developed that allowed for limited interoperability between frameworks,
    618 such as a standard that allowed different template engines to be used
    619 interchangeably.
    621 Since the advent of WSGI, the Python web framework world has been evolving
    622 toward interoperability based on the WSGI standard.  Now many web frameworks,
    623 whether "full stack" (providing all the tools one needs to deploy the most
    624 complex web sites) or minimalist, or anything in between, are built from
    625 collections of reusable components that can be used with more than one
    626 framework.
    628 The majority of users will probably want to select a "full stack" framework
    629 that has an active community.  These frameworks tend to be well documented,
    630 and provide the easiest path to producing a fully functional web site in
    631 minimal time.
    634 Some notable frameworks
    635 -----------------------
    637 There are an incredible number of frameworks, so they cannot all be covered
    638 here.  Instead we will briefly touch on some of the most popular.
    641 Django
    642 ^^^^^^
    644 `Django <https://www.djangoproject.com/>`_ is a framework consisting of several
    645 tightly coupled elements which were written from scratch and work together very
    646 well.  It includes an ORM which is quite powerful while being simple to use,
    647 and has a great online administration interface which makes it possible to edit
    648 the data in the database with a browser.  The template engine is text-based and
    649 is designed to be usable for page designers who cannot write Python.  It
    650 supports template inheritance and filters (which work like Unix pipes).  Django
    651 has many handy features bundled, such as creation of RSS feeds or generic views,
    652 which make it possible to create web sites almost without writing any Python code.
    654 It has a big, international community, the members of which have created many
    655 web sites.  There are also a lot of add-on projects which extend Django's normal
    656 functionality.  This is partly due to Django's well written `online
    657 documentation <https://docs.djangoproject.com/>`_ and the `Django book
    658 <http://www.djangobook.com/>`_.
    661 .. note::
    663    Although Django is an MVC-style framework, it names the elements
    664    differently, which is described in the `Django FAQ
    665    <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/faq/general/#django-appears-to-be-a-mvc-framework-but-you-call-the-controller-the-view-and-the-view-the-template-how-come-you-don-t-use-the-standard-names>`_.
    668 TurboGears
    669 ^^^^^^^^^^
    671 Another popular web framework for Python is `TurboGears
    672 <http://www.turbogears.org/>`_.  TurboGears takes the approach of using already
    673 existing components and combining them with glue code to create a seamless
    674 experience.  TurboGears gives the user flexibility in choosing components. For
    675 example the ORM and template engine can be changed to use packages different
    676 from those used by default.
    678 The documentation can be found in the `TurboGears documentation
    679 <https://turbogears.readthedocs.org/>`_, where links to screencasts can be found.
    680 TurboGears has also an active user community which can respond to most related
    681 questions.  There is also a `TurboGears book <http://turbogears.org/1.0/docs/TGBooks.html>`_
    682 published, which is a good starting point.
    684 The newest version of TurboGears, version 2.0, moves even further in direction
    685 of WSGI support and a component-based architecture.  TurboGears 2 is based on
    686 the WSGI stack of another popular component-based web framework, `Pylons
    687 <http://www.pylonsproject.org/>`_.
    690 Zope
    691 ^^^^
    693 The Zope framework is one of the "old original" frameworks.  Its current
    694 incarnation in Zope2 is a tightly integrated full-stack framework.  One of its
    695 most interesting feature is its tight integration with a powerful object
    696 database called the `ZODB <https://launchpad.net/zodb>`_ (Zope Object Database).
    697 Because of its highly integrated nature, Zope wound up in a somewhat isolated
    698 ecosystem:  code written for Zope wasn't very usable outside of Zope, and
    699 vice-versa.  To solve this problem the Zope 3 effort was started.  Zope 3
    700 re-engineers Zope as a set of more cleanly isolated components.  This effort
    701 was started before the advent of the WSGI standard, but there is WSGI support
    702 for Zope 3 from the `Repoze <http://repoze.org/>`_ project.  Zope components
    703 have many years of production use behind them, and the Zope 3 project gives
    704 access to these components to the wider Python community.  There is even a
    705 separate framework based on the Zope components: `Grok
    706 <http://grok.zope.org/>`_.
    708 Zope is also the infrastructure used by the `Plone <https://plone.org/>`_ content
    709 management system, one of the most powerful and popular content management
    710 systems available.
    713 Other notable frameworks
    714 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    716 Of course these are not the only frameworks that are available.  There are
    717 many other frameworks worth mentioning.
    719 Another framework that's already been mentioned is `Pylons`_.  Pylons is much
    720 like TurboGears, but with an even stronger emphasis on flexibility, which comes
    721 at the cost of being more difficult to use.  Nearly every component can be
    722 exchanged, which makes it necessary to use the documentation of every single
    723 component, of which there are many.  Pylons builds upon `Paste
    724 <http://pythonpaste.org/>`_, an extensive set of tools which are handy for WSGI.
    726 And that's still not everything.  The most up-to-date information can always be
    727 found in the Python wiki.
    729 .. seealso::
    731    The Python wiki contains an extensive list of `web frameworks
    732    <https://wiki.python.org/moin/WebFrameworks>`_.
    734    Most frameworks also have their own mailing lists and IRC channels, look out
    735    for these on the projects' web sites.