1 # This module is used to map the old Python 2 names to the new names used in 2 # Python 3 for the pickle module. This needed to make pickle streams 3 # generated with Python 2 loadable by Python 3. 4 5 # This is a copy of lib2to3.fixes.fix_imports.MAPPING. We cannot import 6 # lib2to3 and use the mapping defined there, because lib2to3 uses pickle. 7 # Thus, this could cause the module to be imported recursively. 8 IMPORT_MAPPING = { 9 '__builtin__' : 'builtins', 10 'copy_reg': 'copyreg', 11 'Queue': 'queue', 12 'SocketServer': 'socketserver', 13 'ConfigParser': 'configparser', 14 'repr': 'reprlib', 15 'tkFileDialog': 'tkinter.filedialog', 16 'tkSimpleDialog': 'tkinter.simpledialog', 17 'tkColorChooser': 'tkinter.colorchooser', 18 'tkCommonDialog': 'tkinter.commondialog', 19 'Dialog': 'tkinter.dialog', 20 'Tkdnd': 'tkinter.dnd', 21 'tkFont': 'tkinter.font', 22 'tkMessageBox': 'tkinter.messagebox', 23 'ScrolledText': 'tkinter.scrolledtext', 24 'Tkconstants': 'tkinter.constants', 25 'Tix': 'tkinter.tix', 26 'ttk': 'tkinter.ttk', 27 'Tkinter': 'tkinter', 28 'markupbase': '_markupbase', 29 '_winreg': 'winreg', 30 'thread': '_thread', 31 'dummy_thread': '_dummy_thread', 32 'dbhash': 'dbm.bsd', 33 'dumbdbm': 'dbm.dumb', 34 'dbm': 'dbm.ndbm', 35 'gdbm': 'dbm.gnu', 36 'xmlrpclib': 'xmlrpc.client', 37 'SimpleXMLRPCServer': 'xmlrpc.server', 38 'httplib': 'http.client', 39 'htmlentitydefs' : 'html.entities', 40 'HTMLParser' : 'html.parser', 41 'Cookie': 'http.cookies', 42 'cookielib': 'http.cookiejar', 43 'BaseHTTPServer': 'http.server', 44 'test.test_support': 'test.support', 45 'commands': 'subprocess', 46 'urlparse' : 'urllib.parse', 47 'robotparser' : 'urllib.robotparser', 48 'urllib2': 'urllib.request', 49 'anydbm': 'dbm', 50 '_abcoll' : 'collections.abc', 51 } 52 53 54 # This contains rename rules that are easy to handle. We ignore the more 55 # complex stuff (e.g. mapping the names in the urllib and types modules). 56 # These rules should be run before import names are fixed. 57 NAME_MAPPING = { 58 ('__builtin__', 'xrange'): ('builtins', 'range'), 59 ('__builtin__', 'reduce'): ('functools', 'reduce'), 60 ('__builtin__', 'intern'): ('sys', 'intern'), 61 ('__builtin__', 'unichr'): ('builtins', 'chr'), 62 ('__builtin__', 'unicode'): ('builtins', 'str'), 63 ('__builtin__', 'long'): ('builtins', 'int'), 64 ('itertools', 'izip'): ('builtins', 'zip'), 65 ('itertools', 'imap'): ('builtins', 'map'), 66 ('itertools', 'ifilter'): ('builtins', 'filter'), 67 ('itertools', 'ifilterfalse'): ('itertools', 'filterfalse'), 68 ('itertools', 'izip_longest'): ('itertools', 'zip_longest'), 69 ('UserDict', 'IterableUserDict'): ('collections', 'UserDict'), 70 ('UserList', 'UserList'): ('collections', 'UserList'), 71 ('UserString', 'UserString'): ('collections', 'UserString'), 72 ('whichdb', 'whichdb'): ('dbm', 'whichdb'), 73 ('_socket', 'fromfd'): ('socket', 'fromfd'), 74 ('_multiprocessing', 'Connection'): ('multiprocessing.connection', 'Connection'), 75 ('multiprocessing.process', 'Process'): ('multiprocessing.context', 'Process'), 76 ('multiprocessing.forking', 'Popen'): ('multiprocessing.popen_fork', 'Popen'), 77 ('urllib', 'ContentTooShortError'): ('urllib.error', 'ContentTooShortError'), 78 ('urllib', 'getproxies'): ('urllib.request', 'getproxies'), 79 ('urllib', 'pathname2url'): ('urllib.request', 'pathname2url'), 80 ('urllib', 'quote_plus'): ('urllib.parse', 'quote_plus'), 81 ('urllib', 'quote'): ('urllib.parse', 'quote'), 82 ('urllib', 'unquote_plus'): ('urllib.parse', 'unquote_plus'), 83 ('urllib', 'unquote'): ('urllib.parse', 'unquote'), 84 ('urllib', 'url2pathname'): ('urllib.request', 'url2pathname'), 85 ('urllib', 'urlcleanup'): ('urllib.request', 'urlcleanup'), 86 ('urllib', 'urlencode'): ('urllib.parse', 'urlencode'), 87 ('urllib', 'urlopen'): ('urllib.request', 'urlopen'), 88 ('urllib', 'urlretrieve'): ('urllib.request', 'urlretrieve'), 89 ('urllib2', 'HTTPError'): ('urllib.error', 'HTTPError'), 90 ('urllib2', 'URLError'): ('urllib.error', 'URLError'), 91 } 92 93 PYTHON2_EXCEPTIONS = ( 94 "ArithmeticError", 95 "AssertionError", 96 "AttributeError", 97 "BaseException", 98 "BufferError", 99 "BytesWarning", 100 "DeprecationWarning", 101 "EOFError", 102 "EnvironmentError", 103 "Exception", 104 "FloatingPointError", 105 "FutureWarning", 106 "GeneratorExit", 107 "IOError", 108 "ImportError", 109 "ImportWarning", 110 "IndentationError", 111 "IndexError", 112 "KeyError", 113 "KeyboardInterrupt", 114 "LookupError", 115 "MemoryError", 116 "NameError", 117 "NotImplementedError", 118 "OSError", 119 "OverflowError", 120 "PendingDeprecationWarning", 121 "ReferenceError", 122 "RuntimeError", 123 "RuntimeWarning", 124 # StandardError is gone in Python 3, so we map it to Exception 125 "StopIteration", 126 "SyntaxError", 127 "SyntaxWarning", 128 "SystemError", 129 "SystemExit", 130 "TabError", 131 "TypeError", 132 "UnboundLocalError", 133 "UnicodeDecodeError", 134 "UnicodeEncodeError", 135 "UnicodeError", 136 "UnicodeTranslateError", 137 "UnicodeWarning", 138 "UserWarning", 139 "ValueError", 140 "Warning", 141 "ZeroDivisionError", 142 ) 143 144 try: 145 WindowsError 146 except NameError: 147 pass 148 else: 149 PYTHON2_EXCEPTIONS += ("WindowsError",) 150 151 for excname in PYTHON2_EXCEPTIONS: 152 NAME_MAPPING[("exceptions", excname)] = ("builtins", excname) 153 154 MULTIPROCESSING_EXCEPTIONS = ( 155 'AuthenticationError', 156 'BufferTooShort', 157 'ProcessError', 158 'TimeoutError', 159 ) 160 161 for excname in MULTIPROCESSING_EXCEPTIONS: 162 NAME_MAPPING[("multiprocessing", excname)] = ("multiprocessing.context", excname) 163 164 # Same, but for 3.x to 2.x 165 REVERSE_IMPORT_MAPPING = dict((v, k) for (k, v) in IMPORT_MAPPING.items()) 166 assert len(REVERSE_IMPORT_MAPPING) == len(IMPORT_MAPPING) 167 REVERSE_NAME_MAPPING = dict((v, k) for (k, v) in NAME_MAPPING.items()) 168 assert len(REVERSE_NAME_MAPPING) == len(NAME_MAPPING) 169 170 # Non-mutual mappings. 171 172 IMPORT_MAPPING.update({ 173 'cPickle': 'pickle', 174 '_elementtree': 'xml.etree.ElementTree', 175 'FileDialog': 'tkinter.filedialog', 176 'SimpleDialog': 'tkinter.simpledialog', 177 'DocXMLRPCServer': 'xmlrpc.server', 178 'SimpleHTTPServer': 'http.server', 179 'CGIHTTPServer': 'http.server', 180 # For compatibility with broken pickles saved in old Python 3 versions 181 'UserDict': 'collections', 182 'UserList': 'collections', 183 'UserString': 'collections', 184 'whichdb': 'dbm', 185 'StringIO': 'io', 186 'cStringIO': 'io', 187 }) 188 189 REVERSE_IMPORT_MAPPING.update({ 190 '_bz2': 'bz2', 191 '_dbm': 'dbm', 192 '_functools': 'functools', 193 '_gdbm': 'gdbm', 194 '_pickle': 'pickle', 195 }) 196 197 NAME_MAPPING.update({ 198 ('__builtin__', 'basestring'): ('builtins', 'str'), 199 ('exceptions', 'StandardError'): ('builtins', 'Exception'), 200 ('UserDict', 'UserDict'): ('collections', 'UserDict'), 201 ('socket', '_socketobject'): ('socket', 'SocketType'), 202 }) 203 204 REVERSE_NAME_MAPPING.update({ 205 ('_functools', 'reduce'): ('__builtin__', 'reduce'), 206 ('tkinter.filedialog', 'FileDialog'): ('FileDialog', 'FileDialog'), 207 ('tkinter.filedialog', 'LoadFileDialog'): ('FileDialog', 'LoadFileDialog'), 208 ('tkinter.filedialog', 'SaveFileDialog'): ('FileDialog', 'SaveFileDialog'), 209 ('tkinter.simpledialog', 'SimpleDialog'): ('SimpleDialog', 'SimpleDialog'), 210 ('xmlrpc.server', 'ServerHTMLDoc'): ('DocXMLRPCServer', 'ServerHTMLDoc'), 211 ('xmlrpc.server', 'XMLRPCDocGenerator'): 212 ('DocXMLRPCServer', 'XMLRPCDocGenerator'), 213 ('xmlrpc.server', 'DocXMLRPCRequestHandler'): 214 ('DocXMLRPCServer', 'DocXMLRPCRequestHandler'), 215 ('xmlrpc.server', 'DocXMLRPCServer'): 216 ('DocXMLRPCServer', 'DocXMLRPCServer'), 217 ('xmlrpc.server', 'DocCGIXMLRPCRequestHandler'): 218 ('DocXMLRPCServer', 'DocCGIXMLRPCRequestHandler'), 219 ('http.server', 'SimpleHTTPRequestHandler'): 220 ('SimpleHTTPServer', 'SimpleHTTPRequestHandler'), 221 ('http.server', 'CGIHTTPRequestHandler'): 222 ('CGIHTTPServer', 'CGIHTTPRequestHandler'), 223 ('_socket', 'socket'): ('socket', '_socketobject'), 224 }) 225 226 PYTHON3_OSERROR_EXCEPTIONS = ( 227 'BrokenPipeError', 228 'ChildProcessError', 229 'ConnectionAbortedError', 230 'ConnectionError', 231 'ConnectionRefusedError', 232 'ConnectionResetError', 233 'FileExistsError', 234 'FileNotFoundError', 235 'InterruptedError', 236 'IsADirectoryError', 237 'NotADirectoryError', 238 'PermissionError', 239 'ProcessLookupError', 240 'TimeoutError', 241 ) 242 243 for excname in PYTHON3_OSERROR_EXCEPTIONS: 244 REVERSE_NAME_MAPPING[('builtins', excname)] = ('exceptions', 'OSError') 245 246 PYTHON3_IMPORTERROR_EXCEPTIONS = ( 247 'ModuleNotFoundError', 248 ) 249 250 for excname in PYTHON3_IMPORTERROR_EXCEPTIONS: 251 REVERSE_NAME_MAPPING[('builtins', excname)] = ('exceptions', 'ImportError') 252