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      1 """Adjust some old Python 2 idioms to their modern counterparts.
      3 * Change some type comparisons to isinstance() calls:
      4     type(x) == T -> isinstance(x, T)
      5     type(x) is T -> isinstance(x, T)
      6     type(x) != T -> not isinstance(x, T)
      7     type(x) is not T -> not isinstance(x, T)
      9 * Change "while 1:" into "while True:".
     11 * Change both
     13     v = list(EXPR)
     14     v.sort()
     15     foo(v)
     17 and the more general
     19     v = EXPR
     20     v.sort()
     21     foo(v)
     23 into
     25     v = sorted(EXPR)
     26     foo(v)
     27 """
     28 # Author: Jacques Frechet, Collin Winter
     30 # Local imports
     31 from .. import fixer_base
     32 from ..fixer_util import Call, Comma, Name, Node, BlankLine, syms
     34 CMP = "(n='!=' | '==' | 'is' | n=comp_op< 'is' 'not' >)"
     35 TYPE = "power< 'type' trailer< '(' x=any ')' > >"
     37 class FixIdioms(fixer_base.BaseFix):
     38     explicit = True # The user must ask for this fixer
     40     PATTERN = r"""
     41         isinstance=comparison< %s %s T=any >
     42         |
     43         isinstance=comparison< T=any %s %s >
     44         |
     45         while_stmt< 'while' while='1' ':' any+ >
     46         |
     47         sorted=any<
     48             any*
     49             simple_stmt<
     50               expr_stmt< id1=any '='
     51                          power< list='list' trailer< '(' (not arglist<any+>) any ')' > >
     52               >
     53               '\n'
     54             >
     55             sort=
     56             simple_stmt<
     57               power< id2=any
     58                      trailer< '.' 'sort' > trailer< '(' ')' >
     59               >
     60               '\n'
     61             >
     62             next=any*
     63         >
     64         |
     65         sorted=any<
     66             any*
     67             simple_stmt< expr_stmt< id1=any '=' expr=any > '\n' >
     68             sort=
     69             simple_stmt<
     70               power< id2=any
     71                      trailer< '.' 'sort' > trailer< '(' ')' >
     72               >
     73               '\n'
     74             >
     75             next=any*
     76         >
     77     """ % (TYPE, CMP, CMP, TYPE)
     79     def match(self, node):
     80         r = super(FixIdioms, self).match(node)
     81         # If we've matched one of the sort/sorted subpatterns above, we
     82         # want to reject matches where the initial assignment and the
     83         # subsequent .sort() call involve different identifiers.
     84         if r and "sorted" in r:
     85             if r["id1"] == r["id2"]:
     86                 return r
     87             return None
     88         return r
     90     def transform(self, node, results):
     91         if "isinstance" in results:
     92             return self.transform_isinstance(node, results)
     93         elif "while" in results:
     94             return self.transform_while(node, results)
     95         elif "sorted" in results:
     96             return self.transform_sort(node, results)
     97         else:
     98             raise RuntimeError("Invalid match")
    100     def transform_isinstance(self, node, results):
    101         x = results["x"].clone() # The thing inside of type()
    102         T = results["T"].clone() # The type being compared against
    103         x.prefix = ""
    104         T.prefix = " "
    105         test = Call(Name("isinstance"), [x, Comma(), T])
    106         if "n" in results:
    107             test.prefix = " "
    108             test = Node(syms.not_test, [Name("not"), test])
    109         test.prefix = node.prefix
    110         return test
    112     def transform_while(self, node, results):
    113         one = results["while"]
    114         one.replace(Name("True", prefix=one.prefix))
    116     def transform_sort(self, node, results):
    117         sort_stmt = results["sort"]
    118         next_stmt = results["next"]
    119         list_call = results.get("list")
    120         simple_expr = results.get("expr")
    122         if list_call:
    123             list_call.replace(Name("sorted", prefix=list_call.prefix))
    124         elif simple_expr:
    125             new = simple_expr.clone()
    126             new.prefix = ""
    127             simple_expr.replace(Call(Name("sorted"), [new],
    128                                      prefix=simple_expr.prefix))
    129         else:
    130             raise RuntimeError("should not have reached here")
    131         sort_stmt.remove()
    133         btwn = sort_stmt.prefix
    134         # Keep any prefix lines between the sort_stmt and the list_call and
    135         # shove them right after the sorted() call.
    136         if "\n" in btwn:
    137             if next_stmt:
    138                 # The new prefix should be everything from the sort_stmt's
    139                 # prefix up to the last newline, then the old prefix after a new
    140                 # line.
    141                 prefix_lines = (btwn.rpartition("\n")[0], next_stmt[0].prefix)
    142                 next_stmt[0].prefix = "\n".join(prefix_lines)
    143             else:
    144                 assert list_call.parent
    145                 assert list_call.next_sibling is None
    146                 # Put a blank line after list_call and set its prefix.
    147                 end_line = BlankLine()
    148                 list_call.parent.append_child(end_line)
    149                 assert list_call.next_sibling is end_line
    150                 # The new prefix should be everything up to the first new line
    151                 # of sort_stmt's prefix.
    152                 end_line.prefix = btwn.rpartition("\n")[0]