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      1 # Python test set -- math module
      2 # XXXX Should not do tests around zero only
      4 from test.support import run_unittest, verbose, requires_IEEE_754
      5 from test import support
      6 import unittest
      7 import math
      8 import os
      9 import platform
     10 import struct
     11 import sys
     12 import sysconfig
     14 eps = 1E-05
     15 NAN = float('nan')
     16 INF = float('inf')
     17 NINF = float('-inf')
     18 FLOAT_MAX = sys.float_info.max
     20 # detect evidence of double-rounding: fsum is not always correctly
     21 # rounded on machines that suffer from double rounding.
     22 x, y = 1e16, 2.9999 # use temporary values to defeat peephole optimizer
     23 HAVE_DOUBLE_ROUNDING = (x + y == 1e16 + 4)
     25 # locate file with test values
     26 if __name__ == '__main__':
     27     file = sys.argv[0]
     28 else:
     29     file = __file__
     30 test_dir = os.path.dirname(file) or os.curdir
     31 math_testcases = os.path.join(test_dir, 'math_testcases.txt')
     32 test_file = os.path.join(test_dir, 'cmath_testcases.txt')
     35 def to_ulps(x):
     36     """Convert a non-NaN float x to an integer, in such a way that
     37     adjacent floats are converted to adjacent integers.  Then
     38     abs(ulps(x) - ulps(y)) gives the difference in ulps between two
     39     floats.
     41     The results from this function will only make sense on platforms
     42     where native doubles are represented in IEEE 754 binary64 format.
     44     Note: 0.0 and -0.0 are converted to 0 and -1, respectively.
     45     """
     46     n = struct.unpack('<q', struct.pack('<d', x))[0]
     47     if n < 0:
     48         n = ~(n+2**63)
     49     return n
     52 def ulp(x):
     53     """Return the value of the least significant bit of a
     54     float x, such that the first float bigger than x is x+ulp(x).
     55     Then, given an expected result x and a tolerance of n ulps,
     56     the result y should be such that abs(y-x) <= n * ulp(x).
     57     The results from this function will only make sense on platforms
     58     where native doubles are represented in IEEE 754 binary64 format.
     59     """
     60     x = abs(float(x))
     61     if math.isnan(x) or math.isinf(x):
     62         return x
     64     # Find next float up from x.
     65     n = struct.unpack('<q', struct.pack('<d', x))[0]
     66     x_next = struct.unpack('<d', struct.pack('<q', n + 1))[0]
     67     if math.isinf(x_next):
     68         # Corner case: x was the largest finite float. Then it's
     69         # not an exact power of two, so we can take the difference
     70         # between x and the previous float.
     71         x_prev = struct.unpack('<d', struct.pack('<q', n - 1))[0]
     72         return x - x_prev
     73     else:
     74         return x_next - x
     76 # Here's a pure Python version of the math.factorial algorithm, for
     77 # documentation and comparison purposes.
     78 #
     79 # Formula:
     80 #
     81 #   factorial(n) = factorial_odd_part(n) << (n - count_set_bits(n))
     82 #
     83 # where
     84 #
     85 #   factorial_odd_part(n) = product_{i >= 0} product_{0 < j <= n >> i; j odd} j
     86 #
     87 # The outer product above is an infinite product, but once i >= n.bit_length,
     88 # (n >> i) < 1 and the corresponding term of the product is empty.  So only the
     89 # finitely many terms for 0 <= i < n.bit_length() contribute anything.
     90 #
     91 # We iterate downwards from i == n.bit_length() - 1 to i == 0.  The inner
     92 # product in the formula above starts at 1 for i == n.bit_length(); for each i
     93 # < n.bit_length() we get the inner product for i from that for i + 1 by
     94 # multiplying by all j in {n >> i+1 < j <= n >> i; j odd}.  In Python terms,
     95 # this set is range((n >> i+1) + 1 | 1, (n >> i) + 1 | 1, 2).
     97 def count_set_bits(n):
     98     """Number of '1' bits in binary expansion of a nonnnegative integer."""
     99     return 1 + count_set_bits(n & n - 1) if n else 0
    101 def partial_product(start, stop):
    102     """Product of integers in range(start, stop, 2), computed recursively.
    103     start and stop should both be odd, with start <= stop.
    105     """
    106     numfactors = (stop - start) >> 1
    107     if not numfactors:
    108         return 1
    109     elif numfactors == 1:
    110         return start
    111     else:
    112         mid = (start + numfactors) | 1
    113         return partial_product(start, mid) * partial_product(mid, stop)
    115 def py_factorial(n):
    116     """Factorial of nonnegative integer n, via "Binary Split Factorial Formula"
    117     described at http://www.luschny.de/math/factorial/binarysplitfact.html
    119     """
    120     inner = outer = 1
    121     for i in reversed(range(n.bit_length())):
    122         inner *= partial_product((n >> i + 1) + 1 | 1, (n >> i) + 1 | 1)
    123         outer *= inner
    124     return outer << (n - count_set_bits(n))
    126 def ulp_abs_check(expected, got, ulp_tol, abs_tol):
    127     """Given finite floats `expected` and `got`, check that they're
    128     approximately equal to within the given number of ulps or the
    129     given absolute tolerance, whichever is bigger.
    131     Returns None on success and an error message on failure.
    132     """
    133     ulp_error = abs(to_ulps(expected) - to_ulps(got))
    134     abs_error = abs(expected - got)
    136     # Succeed if either abs_error <= abs_tol or ulp_error <= ulp_tol.
    137     if abs_error <= abs_tol or ulp_error <= ulp_tol:
    138         return None
    139     else:
    140         fmt = ("error = {:.3g} ({:d} ulps); "
    141                "permitted error = {:.3g} or {:d} ulps")
    142         return fmt.format(abs_error, ulp_error, abs_tol, ulp_tol)
    144 def parse_mtestfile(fname):
    145     """Parse a file with test values
    147     -- starts a comment
    148     blank lines, or lines containing only a comment, are ignored
    149     other lines are expected to have the form
    150       id fn arg -> expected [flag]*
    152     """
    153     with open(fname) as fp:
    154         for line in fp:
    155             # strip comments, and skip blank lines
    156             if '--' in line:
    157                 line = line[:line.index('--')]
    158             if not line.strip():
    159                 continue
    161             lhs, rhs = line.split('->')
    162             id, fn, arg = lhs.split()
    163             rhs_pieces = rhs.split()
    164             exp = rhs_pieces[0]
    165             flags = rhs_pieces[1:]
    167             yield (id, fn, float(arg), float(exp), flags)
    170 def parse_testfile(fname):
    171     """Parse a file with test values
    173     Empty lines or lines starting with -- are ignored
    174     yields id, fn, arg_real, arg_imag, exp_real, exp_imag
    175     """
    176     with open(fname) as fp:
    177         for line in fp:
    178             # skip comment lines and blank lines
    179             if line.startswith('--') or not line.strip():
    180                 continue
    182             lhs, rhs = line.split('->')
    183             id, fn, arg_real, arg_imag = lhs.split()
    184             rhs_pieces = rhs.split()
    185             exp_real, exp_imag = rhs_pieces[0], rhs_pieces[1]
    186             flags = rhs_pieces[2:]
    188             yield (id, fn,
    189                    float(arg_real), float(arg_imag),
    190                    float(exp_real), float(exp_imag),
    191                    flags)
    194 def result_check(expected, got, ulp_tol=5, abs_tol=0.0):
    195     # Common logic of MathTests.(ftest, test_testcases, test_mtestcases)
    196     """Compare arguments expected and got, as floats, if either
    197     is a float, using a tolerance expressed in multiples of
    198     ulp(expected) or absolutely (if given and greater).
    200     As a convenience, when neither argument is a float, and for
    201     non-finite floats, exact equality is demanded. Also, nan==nan
    202     as far as this function is concerned.
    204     Returns None on success and an error message on failure.
    205     """
    207     # Check exactly equal (applies also to strings representing exceptions)
    208     if got == expected:
    209         return None
    211     failure = "not equal"
    213     # Turn mixed float and int comparison (e.g. floor()) to all-float
    214     if isinstance(expected, float) and isinstance(got, int):
    215         got = float(got)
    216     elif isinstance(got, float) and isinstance(expected, int):
    217         expected = float(expected)
    219     if isinstance(expected, float) and isinstance(got, float):
    220         if math.isnan(expected) and math.isnan(got):
    221             # Pass, since both nan
    222             failure = None
    223         elif math.isinf(expected) or math.isinf(got):
    224             # We already know they're not equal, drop through to failure
    225             pass
    226         else:
    227             # Both are finite floats (now). Are they close enough?
    228             failure = ulp_abs_check(expected, got, ulp_tol, abs_tol)
    230     # arguments are not equal, and if numeric, are too far apart
    231     if failure is not None:
    232         fail_fmt = "expected {!r}, got {!r}"
    233         fail_msg = fail_fmt.format(expected, got)
    234         fail_msg += ' ({})'.format(failure)
    235         return fail_msg
    236     else:
    237         return None
    239 # Class providing an __index__ method.
    240 class MyIndexable(object):
    241     def __init__(self, value):
    242         self.value = value
    244     def __index__(self):
    245         return self.value
    247 class MathTests(unittest.TestCase):
    249     def ftest(self, name, got, expected, ulp_tol=5, abs_tol=0.0):
    250         """Compare arguments expected and got, as floats, if either
    251         is a float, using a tolerance expressed in multiples of
    252         ulp(expected) or absolutely, whichever is greater.
    254         As a convenience, when neither argument is a float, and for
    255         non-finite floats, exact equality is demanded. Also, nan==nan
    256         in this function.
    257         """
    258         failure = result_check(expected, got, ulp_tol, abs_tol)
    259         if failure is not None:
    260             self.fail("{}: {}".format(name, failure))
    262     def testConstants(self):
    263         # Ref: Abramowitz & Stegun (Dover, 1965)
    264         self.ftest('pi', math.pi, 3.141592653589793238462643)
    265         self.ftest('e', math.e, 2.718281828459045235360287)
    266         self.assertEqual(math.tau, 2*math.pi)
    268     def testAcos(self):
    269         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.acos)
    270         self.ftest('acos(-1)', math.acos(-1), math.pi)
    271         self.ftest('acos(0)', math.acos(0), math.pi/2)
    272         self.ftest('acos(1)', math.acos(1), 0)
    273         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.acos, INF)
    274         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.acos, NINF)
    275         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.acos, 1 + eps)
    276         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.acos, -1 - eps)
    277         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.acos(NAN)))
    279     def testAcosh(self):
    280         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.acosh)
    281         self.ftest('acosh(1)', math.acosh(1), 0)
    282         self.ftest('acosh(2)', math.acosh(2), 1.3169578969248168)
    283         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.acosh, 0)
    284         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.acosh, -1)
    285         self.assertEqual(math.acosh(INF), INF)
    286         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.acosh, NINF)
    287         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.acosh(NAN)))
    289     def testAsin(self):
    290         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.asin)
    291         self.ftest('asin(-1)', math.asin(-1), -math.pi/2)
    292         self.ftest('asin(0)', math.asin(0), 0)
    293         self.ftest('asin(1)', math.asin(1), math.pi/2)
    294         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.asin, INF)
    295         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.asin, NINF)
    296         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.asin, 1 + eps)
    297         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.asin, -1 - eps)
    298         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.asin(NAN)))
    300     def testAsinh(self):
    301         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.asinh)
    302         self.ftest('asinh(0)', math.asinh(0), 0)
    303         self.ftest('asinh(1)', math.asinh(1), 0.88137358701954305)
    304         self.ftest('asinh(-1)', math.asinh(-1), -0.88137358701954305)
    305         self.assertEqual(math.asinh(INF), INF)
    306         self.assertEqual(math.asinh(NINF), NINF)
    307         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.asinh(NAN)))
    309     def testAtan(self):
    310         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.atan)
    311         self.ftest('atan(-1)', math.atan(-1), -math.pi/4)
    312         self.ftest('atan(0)', math.atan(0), 0)
    313         self.ftest('atan(1)', math.atan(1), math.pi/4)
    314         self.ftest('atan(inf)', math.atan(INF), math.pi/2)
    315         self.ftest('atan(-inf)', math.atan(NINF), -math.pi/2)
    316         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.atan(NAN)))
    318     def testAtanh(self):
    319         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.atan)
    320         self.ftest('atanh(0)', math.atanh(0), 0)
    321         self.ftest('atanh(0.5)', math.atanh(0.5), 0.54930614433405489)
    322         self.ftest('atanh(-0.5)', math.atanh(-0.5), -0.54930614433405489)
    323         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.atanh, 1)
    324         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.atanh, -1)
    325         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.atanh, INF)
    326         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.atanh, NINF)
    327         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.atanh(NAN)))
    329     def testAtan2(self):
    330         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.atan2)
    331         self.ftest('atan2(-1, 0)', math.atan2(-1, 0), -math.pi/2)
    332         self.ftest('atan2(-1, 1)', math.atan2(-1, 1), -math.pi/4)
    333         self.ftest('atan2(0, 1)', math.atan2(0, 1), 0)
    334         self.ftest('atan2(1, 1)', math.atan2(1, 1), math.pi/4)
    335         self.ftest('atan2(1, 0)', math.atan2(1, 0), math.pi/2)
    337         # math.atan2(0, x)
    338         self.ftest('atan2(0., -inf)', math.atan2(0., NINF), math.pi)
    339         self.ftest('atan2(0., -2.3)', math.atan2(0., -2.3), math.pi)
    340         self.ftest('atan2(0., -0.)', math.atan2(0., -0.), math.pi)
    341         self.assertEqual(math.atan2(0., 0.), 0.)
    342         self.assertEqual(math.atan2(0., 2.3), 0.)
    343         self.assertEqual(math.atan2(0., INF), 0.)
    344         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.atan2(0., NAN)))
    345         # math.atan2(-0, x)
    346         self.ftest('atan2(-0., -inf)', math.atan2(-0., NINF), -math.pi)
    347         self.ftest('atan2(-0., -2.3)', math.atan2(-0., -2.3), -math.pi)
    348         self.ftest('atan2(-0., -0.)', math.atan2(-0., -0.), -math.pi)
    349         self.assertEqual(math.atan2(-0., 0.), -0.)
    350         self.assertEqual(math.atan2(-0., 2.3), -0.)
    351         self.assertEqual(math.atan2(-0., INF), -0.)
    352         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.atan2(-0., NAN)))
    353         # math.atan2(INF, x)
    354         self.ftest('atan2(inf, -inf)', math.atan2(INF, NINF), math.pi*3/4)
    355         self.ftest('atan2(inf, -2.3)', math.atan2(INF, -2.3), math.pi/2)
    356         self.ftest('atan2(inf, -0.)', math.atan2(INF, -0.0), math.pi/2)
    357         self.ftest('atan2(inf, 0.)', math.atan2(INF, 0.0), math.pi/2)
    358         self.ftest('atan2(inf, 2.3)', math.atan2(INF, 2.3), math.pi/2)
    359         self.ftest('atan2(inf, inf)', math.atan2(INF, INF), math.pi/4)
    360         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.atan2(INF, NAN)))
    361         # math.atan2(NINF, x)
    362         self.ftest('atan2(-inf, -inf)', math.atan2(NINF, NINF), -math.pi*3/4)
    363         self.ftest('atan2(-inf, -2.3)', math.atan2(NINF, -2.3), -math.pi/2)
    364         self.ftest('atan2(-inf, -0.)', math.atan2(NINF, -0.0), -math.pi/2)
    365         self.ftest('atan2(-inf, 0.)', math.atan2(NINF, 0.0), -math.pi/2)
    366         self.ftest('atan2(-inf, 2.3)', math.atan2(NINF, 2.3), -math.pi/2)
    367         self.ftest('atan2(-inf, inf)', math.atan2(NINF, INF), -math.pi/4)
    368         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.atan2(NINF, NAN)))
    369         # math.atan2(+finite, x)
    370         self.ftest('atan2(2.3, -inf)', math.atan2(2.3, NINF), math.pi)
    371         self.ftest('atan2(2.3, -0.)', math.atan2(2.3, -0.), math.pi/2)
    372         self.ftest('atan2(2.3, 0.)', math.atan2(2.3, 0.), math.pi/2)
    373         self.assertEqual(math.atan2(2.3, INF), 0.)
    374         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.atan2(2.3, NAN)))
    375         # math.atan2(-finite, x)
    376         self.ftest('atan2(-2.3, -inf)', math.atan2(-2.3, NINF), -math.pi)
    377         self.ftest('atan2(-2.3, -0.)', math.atan2(-2.3, -0.), -math.pi/2)
    378         self.ftest('atan2(-2.3, 0.)', math.atan2(-2.3, 0.), -math.pi/2)
    379         self.assertEqual(math.atan2(-2.3, INF), -0.)
    380         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.atan2(-2.3, NAN)))
    381         # math.atan2(NAN, x)
    382         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.atan2(NAN, NINF)))
    383         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.atan2(NAN, -2.3)))
    384         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.atan2(NAN, -0.)))
    385         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.atan2(NAN, 0.)))
    386         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.atan2(NAN, 2.3)))
    387         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.atan2(NAN, INF)))
    388         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.atan2(NAN, NAN)))
    390     def testCeil(self):
    391         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.ceil)
    392         self.assertEqual(int, type(math.ceil(0.5)))
    393         self.ftest('ceil(0.5)', math.ceil(0.5), 1)
    394         self.ftest('ceil(1.0)', math.ceil(1.0), 1)
    395         self.ftest('ceil(1.5)', math.ceil(1.5), 2)
    396         self.ftest('ceil(-0.5)', math.ceil(-0.5), 0)
    397         self.ftest('ceil(-1.0)', math.ceil(-1.0), -1)
    398         self.ftest('ceil(-1.5)', math.ceil(-1.5), -1)
    399         #self.assertEqual(math.ceil(INF), INF)
    400         #self.assertEqual(math.ceil(NINF), NINF)
    401         #self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.ceil(NAN)))
    403         class TestCeil:
    404             def __ceil__(self):
    405                 return 42
    406         class TestNoCeil:
    407             pass
    408         self.ftest('ceil(TestCeil())', math.ceil(TestCeil()), 42)
    409         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.ceil, TestNoCeil())
    411         t = TestNoCeil()
    412         t.__ceil__ = lambda *args: args
    413         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.ceil, t)
    414         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.ceil, t, 0)
    416     @requires_IEEE_754
    417     def testCopysign(self):
    418         self.assertEqual(math.copysign(1, 42), 1.0)
    419         self.assertEqual(math.copysign(0., 42), 0.0)
    420         self.assertEqual(math.copysign(1., -42), -1.0)
    421         self.assertEqual(math.copysign(3, 0.), 3.0)
    422         self.assertEqual(math.copysign(4., -0.), -4.0)
    424         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.copysign)
    425         # copysign should let us distinguish signs of zeros
    426         self.assertEqual(math.copysign(1., 0.), 1.)
    427         self.assertEqual(math.copysign(1., -0.), -1.)
    428         self.assertEqual(math.copysign(INF, 0.), INF)
    429         self.assertEqual(math.copysign(INF, -0.), NINF)
    430         self.assertEqual(math.copysign(NINF, 0.), INF)
    431         self.assertEqual(math.copysign(NINF, -0.), NINF)
    432         # and of infinities
    433         self.assertEqual(math.copysign(1., INF), 1.)
    434         self.assertEqual(math.copysign(1., NINF), -1.)
    435         self.assertEqual(math.copysign(INF, INF), INF)
    436         self.assertEqual(math.copysign(INF, NINF), NINF)
    437         self.assertEqual(math.copysign(NINF, INF), INF)
    438         self.assertEqual(math.copysign(NINF, NINF), NINF)
    439         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.copysign(NAN, 1.)))
    440         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.copysign(NAN, INF)))
    441         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.copysign(NAN, NINF)))
    442         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.copysign(NAN, NAN)))
    443         # copysign(INF, NAN) may be INF or it may be NINF, since
    444         # we don't know whether the sign bit of NAN is set on any
    445         # given platform.
    446         self.assertTrue(math.isinf(math.copysign(INF, NAN)))
    447         # similarly, copysign(2., NAN) could be 2. or -2.
    448         self.assertEqual(abs(math.copysign(2., NAN)), 2.)
    450     def testCos(self):
    451         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.cos)
    452         self.ftest('cos(-pi/2)', math.cos(-math.pi/2), 0, abs_tol=ulp(1))
    453         self.ftest('cos(0)', math.cos(0), 1)
    454         self.ftest('cos(pi/2)', math.cos(math.pi/2), 0, abs_tol=ulp(1))
    455         self.ftest('cos(pi)', math.cos(math.pi), -1)
    456         try:
    457             self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.cos(INF)))
    458             self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.cos(NINF)))
    459         except ValueError:
    460             self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.cos, INF)
    461             self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.cos, NINF)
    462         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.cos(NAN)))
    464     def testCosh(self):
    465         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.cosh)
    466         self.ftest('cosh(0)', math.cosh(0), 1)
    467         self.ftest('cosh(2)-2*cosh(1)**2', math.cosh(2)-2*math.cosh(1)**2, -1) # Thanks to Lambert
    468         self.assertEqual(math.cosh(INF), INF)
    469         self.assertEqual(math.cosh(NINF), INF)
    470         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.cosh(NAN)))
    472     def testDegrees(self):
    473         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.degrees)
    474         self.ftest('degrees(pi)', math.degrees(math.pi), 180.0)
    475         self.ftest('degrees(pi/2)', math.degrees(math.pi/2), 90.0)
    476         self.ftest('degrees(-pi/4)', math.degrees(-math.pi/4), -45.0)
    477         self.ftest('degrees(0)', math.degrees(0), 0)
    479     def testExp(self):
    480         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.exp)
    481         self.ftest('exp(-1)', math.exp(-1), 1/math.e)
    482         self.ftest('exp(0)', math.exp(0), 1)
    483         self.ftest('exp(1)', math.exp(1), math.e)
    484         self.assertEqual(math.exp(INF), INF)
    485         self.assertEqual(math.exp(NINF), 0.)
    486         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.exp(NAN)))
    487         self.assertRaises(OverflowError, math.exp, 1000000)
    489     def testFabs(self):
    490         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.fabs)
    491         self.ftest('fabs(-1)', math.fabs(-1), 1)
    492         self.ftest('fabs(0)', math.fabs(0), 0)
    493         self.ftest('fabs(1)', math.fabs(1), 1)
    495     def testFactorial(self):
    496         self.assertEqual(math.factorial(0), 1)
    497         self.assertEqual(math.factorial(0.0), 1)
    498         total = 1
    499         for i in range(1, 1000):
    500             total *= i
    501             self.assertEqual(math.factorial(i), total)
    502             self.assertEqual(math.factorial(float(i)), total)
    503             self.assertEqual(math.factorial(i), py_factorial(i))
    504         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.factorial, -1)
    505         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.factorial, -1.0)
    506         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.factorial, -10**100)
    507         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.factorial, -1e100)
    508         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.factorial, math.pi)
    510     # Other implementations may place different upper bounds.
    511     @support.cpython_only
    512     def testFactorialHugeInputs(self):
    513         # Currently raises ValueError for inputs that are too large
    514         # to fit into a C long.
    515         self.assertRaises(OverflowError, math.factorial, 10**100)
    516         self.assertRaises(OverflowError, math.factorial, 1e100)
    518     def testFloor(self):
    519         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.floor)
    520         self.assertEqual(int, type(math.floor(0.5)))
    521         self.ftest('floor(0.5)', math.floor(0.5), 0)
    522         self.ftest('floor(1.0)', math.floor(1.0), 1)
    523         self.ftest('floor(1.5)', math.floor(1.5), 1)
    524         self.ftest('floor(-0.5)', math.floor(-0.5), -1)
    525         self.ftest('floor(-1.0)', math.floor(-1.0), -1)
    526         self.ftest('floor(-1.5)', math.floor(-1.5), -2)
    527         # pow() relies on floor() to check for integers
    528         # This fails on some platforms - so check it here
    529         self.ftest('floor(1.23e167)', math.floor(1.23e167), 1.23e167)
    530         self.ftest('floor(-1.23e167)', math.floor(-1.23e167), -1.23e167)
    531         #self.assertEqual(math.ceil(INF), INF)
    532         #self.assertEqual(math.ceil(NINF), NINF)
    533         #self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.floor(NAN)))
    535         class TestFloor:
    536             def __floor__(self):
    537                 return 42
    538         class TestNoFloor:
    539             pass
    540         self.ftest('floor(TestFloor())', math.floor(TestFloor()), 42)
    541         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.floor, TestNoFloor())
    543         t = TestNoFloor()
    544         t.__floor__ = lambda *args: args
    545         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.floor, t)
    546         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.floor, t, 0)
    548     def testFmod(self):
    549         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.fmod)
    550         self.ftest('fmod(10, 1)', math.fmod(10, 1), 0.0)
    551         self.ftest('fmod(10, 0.5)', math.fmod(10, 0.5), 0.0)
    552         self.ftest('fmod(10, 1.5)', math.fmod(10, 1.5), 1.0)
    553         self.ftest('fmod(-10, 1)', math.fmod(-10, 1), -0.0)
    554         self.ftest('fmod(-10, 0.5)', math.fmod(-10, 0.5), -0.0)
    555         self.ftest('fmod(-10, 1.5)', math.fmod(-10, 1.5), -1.0)
    556         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.fmod(NAN, 1.)))
    557         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.fmod(1., NAN)))
    558         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.fmod(NAN, NAN)))
    559         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.fmod, 1., 0.)
    560         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.fmod, INF, 1.)
    561         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.fmod, NINF, 1.)
    562         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.fmod, INF, 0.)
    563         self.assertEqual(math.fmod(3.0, INF), 3.0)
    564         self.assertEqual(math.fmod(-3.0, INF), -3.0)
    565         self.assertEqual(math.fmod(3.0, NINF), 3.0)
    566         self.assertEqual(math.fmod(-3.0, NINF), -3.0)
    567         self.assertEqual(math.fmod(0.0, 3.0), 0.0)
    568         self.assertEqual(math.fmod(0.0, NINF), 0.0)
    570     def testFrexp(self):
    571         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.frexp)
    573         def testfrexp(name, result, expected):
    574             (mant, exp), (emant, eexp) = result, expected
    575             if abs(mant-emant) > eps or exp != eexp:
    576                 self.fail('%s returned %r, expected %r'%\
    577                           (name, result, expected))
    579         testfrexp('frexp(-1)', math.frexp(-1), (-0.5, 1))
    580         testfrexp('frexp(0)', math.frexp(0), (0, 0))
    581         testfrexp('frexp(1)', math.frexp(1), (0.5, 1))
    582         testfrexp('frexp(2)', math.frexp(2), (0.5, 2))
    584         self.assertEqual(math.frexp(INF)[0], INF)
    585         self.assertEqual(math.frexp(NINF)[0], NINF)
    586         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.frexp(NAN)[0]))
    588     @requires_IEEE_754
    589     @unittest.skipIf(HAVE_DOUBLE_ROUNDING,
    590                          "fsum is not exact on machines with double rounding")
    591     def testFsum(self):
    592         # math.fsum relies on exact rounding for correct operation.
    593         # There's a known problem with IA32 floating-point that causes
    594         # inexact rounding in some situations, and will cause the
    595         # math.fsum tests below to fail; see issue #2937.  On non IEEE
    596         # 754 platforms, and on IEEE 754 platforms that exhibit the
    597         # problem described in issue #2937, we simply skip the whole
    598         # test.
    600         # Python version of math.fsum, for comparison.  Uses a
    601         # different algorithm based on frexp, ldexp and integer
    602         # arithmetic.
    603         from sys import float_info
    604         mant_dig = float_info.mant_dig
    605         etiny = float_info.min_exp - mant_dig
    607         def msum(iterable):
    608             """Full precision summation.  Compute sum(iterable) without any
    609             intermediate accumulation of error.  Based on the 'lsum' function
    610             at http://code.activestate.com/recipes/393090/
    612             """
    613             tmant, texp = 0, 0
    614             for x in iterable:
    615                 mant, exp = math.frexp(x)
    616                 mant, exp = int(math.ldexp(mant, mant_dig)), exp - mant_dig
    617                 if texp > exp:
    618                     tmant <<= texp-exp
    619                     texp = exp
    620                 else:
    621                     mant <<= exp-texp
    622                 tmant += mant
    623             # Round tmant * 2**texp to a float.  The original recipe
    624             # used float(str(tmant)) * 2.0**texp for this, but that's
    625             # a little unsafe because str -> float conversion can't be
    626             # relied upon to do correct rounding on all platforms.
    627             tail = max(len(bin(abs(tmant)))-2 - mant_dig, etiny - texp)
    628             if tail > 0:
    629                 h = 1 << (tail-1)
    630                 tmant = tmant // (2*h) + bool(tmant & h and tmant & 3*h-1)
    631                 texp += tail
    632             return math.ldexp(tmant, texp)
    634         test_values = [
    635             ([], 0.0),
    636             ([0.0], 0.0),
    637             ([1e100, 1.0, -1e100, 1e-100, 1e50, -1.0, -1e50], 1e-100),
    638             ([2.0**53, -0.5, -2.0**-54], 2.0**53-1.0),
    639             ([2.0**53, 1.0, 2.0**-100], 2.0**53+2.0),
    640             ([2.0**53+10.0, 1.0, 2.0**-100], 2.0**53+12.0),
    641             ([2.0**53-4.0, 0.5, 2.0**-54], 2.0**53-3.0),
    642             ([1./n for n in range(1, 1001)],
    643              float.fromhex('0x1.df11f45f4e61ap+2')),
    644             ([(-1.)**n/n for n in range(1, 1001)],
    645              float.fromhex('-0x1.62a2af1bd3624p-1')),
    646             ([1.7**(i+1)-1.7**i for i in range(1000)] + [-1.7**1000], -1.0),
    647             ([1e16, 1., 1e-16], 10000000000000002.0),
    648             ([1e16-2., 1.-2.**-53, -(1e16-2.), -(1.-2.**-53)], 0.0),
    649             # exercise code for resizing partials array
    650             ([2.**n - 2.**(n+50) + 2.**(n+52) for n in range(-1074, 972, 2)] +
    651              [-2.**1022],
    652              float.fromhex('0x1.5555555555555p+970')),
    653             ]
    655         for i, (vals, expected) in enumerate(test_values):
    656             try:
    657                 actual = math.fsum(vals)
    658             except OverflowError:
    659                 self.fail("test %d failed: got OverflowError, expected %r "
    660                           "for math.fsum(%.100r)" % (i, expected, vals))
    661             except ValueError:
    662                 self.fail("test %d failed: got ValueError, expected %r "
    663                           "for math.fsum(%.100r)" % (i, expected, vals))
    664             self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
    666         from random import random, gauss, shuffle
    667         for j in range(1000):
    668             vals = [7, 1e100, -7, -1e100, -9e-20, 8e-20] * 10
    669             s = 0
    670             for i in range(200):
    671                 v = gauss(0, random()) ** 7 - s
    672                 s += v
    673                 vals.append(v)
    674             shuffle(vals)
    676             s = msum(vals)
    677             self.assertEqual(msum(vals), math.fsum(vals))
    679     def testGcd(self):
    680         gcd = math.gcd
    681         self.assertEqual(gcd(0, 0), 0)
    682         self.assertEqual(gcd(1, 0), 1)
    683         self.assertEqual(gcd(-1, 0), 1)
    684         self.assertEqual(gcd(0, 1), 1)
    685         self.assertEqual(gcd(0, -1), 1)
    686         self.assertEqual(gcd(7, 1), 1)
    687         self.assertEqual(gcd(7, -1), 1)
    688         self.assertEqual(gcd(-23, 15), 1)
    689         self.assertEqual(gcd(120, 84), 12)
    690         self.assertEqual(gcd(84, -120), 12)
    691         self.assertEqual(gcd(1216342683557601535506311712,
    692                              436522681849110124616458784), 32)
    693         c = 652560
    694         x = 434610456570399902378880679233098819019853229470286994367836600566
    695         y = 1064502245825115327754847244914921553977
    696         a = x * c
    697         b = y * c
    698         self.assertEqual(gcd(a, b), c)
    699         self.assertEqual(gcd(b, a), c)
    700         self.assertEqual(gcd(-a, b), c)
    701         self.assertEqual(gcd(b, -a), c)
    702         self.assertEqual(gcd(a, -b), c)
    703         self.assertEqual(gcd(-b, a), c)
    704         self.assertEqual(gcd(-a, -b), c)
    705         self.assertEqual(gcd(-b, -a), c)
    706         c = 576559230871654959816130551884856912003141446781646602790216406874
    707         a = x * c
    708         b = y * c
    709         self.assertEqual(gcd(a, b), c)
    710         self.assertEqual(gcd(b, a), c)
    711         self.assertEqual(gcd(-a, b), c)
    712         self.assertEqual(gcd(b, -a), c)
    713         self.assertEqual(gcd(a, -b), c)
    714         self.assertEqual(gcd(-b, a), c)
    715         self.assertEqual(gcd(-a, -b), c)
    716         self.assertEqual(gcd(-b, -a), c)
    718         self.assertRaises(TypeError, gcd, 120.0, 84)
    719         self.assertRaises(TypeError, gcd, 120, 84.0)
    720         self.assertEqual(gcd(MyIndexable(120), MyIndexable(84)), 12)
    722     def testHypot(self):
    723         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.hypot)
    724         self.ftest('hypot(0,0)', math.hypot(0,0), 0)
    725         self.ftest('hypot(3,4)', math.hypot(3,4), 5)
    726         self.assertEqual(math.hypot(NAN, INF), INF)
    727         self.assertEqual(math.hypot(INF, NAN), INF)
    728         self.assertEqual(math.hypot(NAN, NINF), INF)
    729         self.assertEqual(math.hypot(NINF, NAN), INF)
    730         self.assertRaises(OverflowError, math.hypot, FLOAT_MAX, FLOAT_MAX)
    731         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.hypot(1.0, NAN)))
    732         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.hypot(NAN, -2.0)))
    734     def testLdexp(self):
    735         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.ldexp)
    736         self.ftest('ldexp(0,1)', math.ldexp(0,1), 0)
    737         self.ftest('ldexp(1,1)', math.ldexp(1,1), 2)
    738         self.ftest('ldexp(1,-1)', math.ldexp(1,-1), 0.5)
    739         self.ftest('ldexp(-1,1)', math.ldexp(-1,1), -2)
    740         self.assertRaises(OverflowError, math.ldexp, 1., 1000000)
    741         self.assertRaises(OverflowError, math.ldexp, -1., 1000000)
    742         self.assertEqual(math.ldexp(1., -1000000), 0.)
    743         self.assertEqual(math.ldexp(-1., -1000000), -0.)
    744         self.assertEqual(math.ldexp(INF, 30), INF)
    745         self.assertEqual(math.ldexp(NINF, -213), NINF)
    746         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.ldexp(NAN, 0)))
    748         # large second argument
    749         for n in [10**5, 10**10, 10**20, 10**40]:
    750             self.assertEqual(math.ldexp(INF, -n), INF)
    751             self.assertEqual(math.ldexp(NINF, -n), NINF)
    752             self.assertEqual(math.ldexp(1., -n), 0.)
    753             self.assertEqual(math.ldexp(-1., -n), -0.)
    754             self.assertEqual(math.ldexp(0., -n), 0.)
    755             self.assertEqual(math.ldexp(-0., -n), -0.)
    756             self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.ldexp(NAN, -n)))
    758             self.assertRaises(OverflowError, math.ldexp, 1., n)
    759             self.assertRaises(OverflowError, math.ldexp, -1., n)
    760             self.assertEqual(math.ldexp(0., n), 0.)
    761             self.assertEqual(math.ldexp(-0., n), -0.)
    762             self.assertEqual(math.ldexp(INF, n), INF)
    763             self.assertEqual(math.ldexp(NINF, n), NINF)
    764             self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.ldexp(NAN, n)))
    766     def testLog(self):
    767         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.log)
    768         self.ftest('log(1/e)', math.log(1/math.e), -1)
    769         self.ftest('log(1)', math.log(1), 0)
    770         self.ftest('log(e)', math.log(math.e), 1)
    771         self.ftest('log(32,2)', math.log(32,2), 5)
    772         self.ftest('log(10**40, 10)', math.log(10**40, 10), 40)
    773         self.ftest('log(10**40, 10**20)', math.log(10**40, 10**20), 2)
    774         self.ftest('log(10**1000)', math.log(10**1000),
    775                    2302.5850929940457)
    776         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.log, -1.5)
    777         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.log, -10**1000)
    778         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.log, NINF)
    779         self.assertEqual(math.log(INF), INF)
    780         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.log(NAN)))
    782     def testLog1p(self):
    783         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.log1p)
    784         for n in [2, 2**90, 2**300]:
    785             self.assertAlmostEqual(math.log1p(n), math.log1p(float(n)))
    786         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.log1p, -1)
    787         self.assertEqual(math.log1p(INF), INF)
    789     @requires_IEEE_754
    790     def testLog2(self):
    791         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.log2)
    793         # Check some integer values
    794         self.assertEqual(math.log2(1), 0.0)
    795         self.assertEqual(math.log2(2), 1.0)
    796         self.assertEqual(math.log2(4), 2.0)
    798         # Large integer values
    799         self.assertEqual(math.log2(2**1023), 1023.0)
    800         self.assertEqual(math.log2(2**1024), 1024.0)
    801         self.assertEqual(math.log2(2**2000), 2000.0)
    803         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.log2, -1.5)
    804         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.log2, NINF)
    805         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.log2(NAN)))
    807     @requires_IEEE_754
    808     # log2() is not accurate enough on Mac OS X Tiger (10.4)
    809     @support.requires_mac_ver(10, 5)
    810     def testLog2Exact(self):
    811         # Check that we get exact equality for log2 of powers of 2.
    812         actual = [math.log2(math.ldexp(1.0, n)) for n in range(-1074, 1024)]
    813         expected = [float(n) for n in range(-1074, 1024)]
    814         self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
    816     def testLog10(self):
    817         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.log10)
    818         self.ftest('log10(0.1)', math.log10(0.1), -1)
    819         self.ftest('log10(1)', math.log10(1), 0)
    820         self.ftest('log10(10)', math.log10(10), 1)
    821         self.ftest('log10(10**1000)', math.log10(10**1000), 1000.0)
    822         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.log10, -1.5)
    823         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.log10, -10**1000)
    824         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.log10, NINF)
    825         self.assertEqual(math.log(INF), INF)
    826         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.log10(NAN)))
    828     def testModf(self):
    829         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.modf)
    831         def testmodf(name, result, expected):
    832             (v1, v2), (e1, e2) = result, expected
    833             if abs(v1-e1) > eps or abs(v2-e2):
    834                 self.fail('%s returned %r, expected %r'%\
    835                           (name, result, expected))
    837         testmodf('modf(1.5)', math.modf(1.5), (0.5, 1.0))
    838         testmodf('modf(-1.5)', math.modf(-1.5), (-0.5, -1.0))
    840         self.assertEqual(math.modf(INF), (0.0, INF))
    841         self.assertEqual(math.modf(NINF), (-0.0, NINF))
    843         modf_nan = math.modf(NAN)
    844         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(modf_nan[0]))
    845         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(modf_nan[1]))
    847     def testPow(self):
    848         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.pow)
    849         self.ftest('pow(0,1)', math.pow(0,1), 0)
    850         self.ftest('pow(1,0)', math.pow(1,0), 1)
    851         self.ftest('pow(2,1)', math.pow(2,1), 2)
    852         self.ftest('pow(2,-1)', math.pow(2,-1), 0.5)
    853         self.assertEqual(math.pow(INF, 1), INF)
    854         self.assertEqual(math.pow(NINF, 1), NINF)
    855         self.assertEqual((math.pow(1, INF)), 1.)
    856         self.assertEqual((math.pow(1, NINF)), 1.)
    857         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.pow(NAN, 1)))
    858         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.pow(2, NAN)))
    859         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.pow(0, NAN)))
    860         self.assertEqual(math.pow(1, NAN), 1)
    862         # pow(0., x)
    863         self.assertEqual(math.pow(0., INF), 0.)
    864         self.assertEqual(math.pow(0., 3.), 0.)
    865         self.assertEqual(math.pow(0., 2.3), 0.)
    866         self.assertEqual(math.pow(0., 2.), 0.)
    867         self.assertEqual(math.pow(0., 0.), 1.)
    868         self.assertEqual(math.pow(0., -0.), 1.)
    869         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.pow, 0., -2.)
    870         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.pow, 0., -2.3)
    871         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.pow, 0., -3.)
    872         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.pow, 0., NINF)
    873         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.pow(0., NAN)))
    875         # pow(INF, x)
    876         self.assertEqual(math.pow(INF, INF), INF)
    877         self.assertEqual(math.pow(INF, 3.), INF)
    878         self.assertEqual(math.pow(INF, 2.3), INF)
    879         self.assertEqual(math.pow(INF, 2.), INF)
    880         self.assertEqual(math.pow(INF, 0.), 1.)
    881         self.assertEqual(math.pow(INF, -0.), 1.)
    882         self.assertEqual(math.pow(INF, -2.), 0.)
    883         self.assertEqual(math.pow(INF, -2.3), 0.)
    884         self.assertEqual(math.pow(INF, -3.), 0.)
    885         self.assertEqual(math.pow(INF, NINF), 0.)
    886         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.pow(INF, NAN)))
    888         # pow(-0., x)
    889         self.assertEqual(math.pow(-0., INF), 0.)
    890         self.assertEqual(math.pow(-0., 3.), -0.)
    891         self.assertEqual(math.pow(-0., 2.3), 0.)
    892         self.assertEqual(math.pow(-0., 2.), 0.)
    893         self.assertEqual(math.pow(-0., 0.), 1.)
    894         self.assertEqual(math.pow(-0., -0.), 1.)
    895         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.pow, -0., -2.)
    896         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.pow, -0., -2.3)
    897         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.pow, -0., -3.)
    898         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.pow, -0., NINF)
    899         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.pow(-0., NAN)))
    901         # pow(NINF, x)
    902         self.assertEqual(math.pow(NINF, INF), INF)
    903         self.assertEqual(math.pow(NINF, 3.), NINF)
    904         self.assertEqual(math.pow(NINF, 2.3), INF)
    905         self.assertEqual(math.pow(NINF, 2.), INF)
    906         self.assertEqual(math.pow(NINF, 0.), 1.)
    907         self.assertEqual(math.pow(NINF, -0.), 1.)
    908         self.assertEqual(math.pow(NINF, -2.), 0.)
    909         self.assertEqual(math.pow(NINF, -2.3), 0.)
    910         self.assertEqual(math.pow(NINF, -3.), -0.)
    911         self.assertEqual(math.pow(NINF, NINF), 0.)
    912         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.pow(NINF, NAN)))
    914         # pow(-1, x)
    915         self.assertEqual(math.pow(-1., INF), 1.)
    916         self.assertEqual(math.pow(-1., 3.), -1.)
    917         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.pow, -1., 2.3)
    918         self.assertEqual(math.pow(-1., 2.), 1.)
    919         self.assertEqual(math.pow(-1., 0.), 1.)
    920         self.assertEqual(math.pow(-1., -0.), 1.)
    921         self.assertEqual(math.pow(-1., -2.), 1.)
    922         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.pow, -1., -2.3)
    923         self.assertEqual(math.pow(-1., -3.), -1.)
    924         self.assertEqual(math.pow(-1., NINF), 1.)
    925         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.pow(-1., NAN)))
    927         # pow(1, x)
    928         self.assertEqual(math.pow(1., INF), 1.)
    929         self.assertEqual(math.pow(1., 3.), 1.)
    930         self.assertEqual(math.pow(1., 2.3), 1.)
    931         self.assertEqual(math.pow(1., 2.), 1.)
    932         self.assertEqual(math.pow(1., 0.), 1.)
    933         self.assertEqual(math.pow(1., -0.), 1.)
    934         self.assertEqual(math.pow(1., -2.), 1.)
    935         self.assertEqual(math.pow(1., -2.3), 1.)
    936         self.assertEqual(math.pow(1., -3.), 1.)
    937         self.assertEqual(math.pow(1., NINF), 1.)
    938         self.assertEqual(math.pow(1., NAN), 1.)
    940         # pow(x, 0) should be 1 for any x
    941         self.assertEqual(math.pow(2.3, 0.), 1.)
    942         self.assertEqual(math.pow(-2.3, 0.), 1.)
    943         self.assertEqual(math.pow(NAN, 0.), 1.)
    944         self.assertEqual(math.pow(2.3, -0.), 1.)
    945         self.assertEqual(math.pow(-2.3, -0.), 1.)
    946         self.assertEqual(math.pow(NAN, -0.), 1.)
    948         # pow(x, y) is invalid if x is negative and y is not integral
    949         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.pow, -1., 2.3)
    950         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.pow, -15., -3.1)
    952         # pow(x, NINF)
    953         self.assertEqual(math.pow(1.9, NINF), 0.)
    954         self.assertEqual(math.pow(1.1, NINF), 0.)
    955         self.assertEqual(math.pow(0.9, NINF), INF)
    956         self.assertEqual(math.pow(0.1, NINF), INF)
    957         self.assertEqual(math.pow(-0.1, NINF), INF)
    958         self.assertEqual(math.pow(-0.9, NINF), INF)
    959         self.assertEqual(math.pow(-1.1, NINF), 0.)
    960         self.assertEqual(math.pow(-1.9, NINF), 0.)
    962         # pow(x, INF)
    963         self.assertEqual(math.pow(1.9, INF), INF)
    964         self.assertEqual(math.pow(1.1, INF), INF)
    965         self.assertEqual(math.pow(0.9, INF), 0.)
    966         self.assertEqual(math.pow(0.1, INF), 0.)
    967         self.assertEqual(math.pow(-0.1, INF), 0.)
    968         self.assertEqual(math.pow(-0.9, INF), 0.)
    969         self.assertEqual(math.pow(-1.1, INF), INF)
    970         self.assertEqual(math.pow(-1.9, INF), INF)
    972         # pow(x, y) should work for x negative, y an integer
    973         self.ftest('(-2.)**3.', math.pow(-2.0, 3.0), -8.0)
    974         self.ftest('(-2.)**2.', math.pow(-2.0, 2.0), 4.0)
    975         self.ftest('(-2.)**1.', math.pow(-2.0, 1.0), -2.0)
    976         self.ftest('(-2.)**0.', math.pow(-2.0, 0.0), 1.0)
    977         self.ftest('(-2.)**-0.', math.pow(-2.0, -0.0), 1.0)
    978         self.ftest('(-2.)**-1.', math.pow(-2.0, -1.0), -0.5)
    979         self.ftest('(-2.)**-2.', math.pow(-2.0, -2.0), 0.25)
    980         self.ftest('(-2.)**-3.', math.pow(-2.0, -3.0), -0.125)
    981         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.pow, -2.0, -0.5)
    982         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.pow, -2.0, 0.5)
    984         # the following tests have been commented out since they don't
    985         # really belong here:  the implementation of ** for floats is
    986         # independent of the implementation of math.pow
    987         #self.assertEqual(1**NAN, 1)
    988         #self.assertEqual(1**INF, 1)
    989         #self.assertEqual(1**NINF, 1)
    990         #self.assertEqual(1**0, 1)
    991         #self.assertEqual(1.**NAN, 1)
    992         #self.assertEqual(1.**INF, 1)
    993         #self.assertEqual(1.**NINF, 1)
    994         #self.assertEqual(1.**0, 1)
    996     def testRadians(self):
    997         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.radians)
    998         self.ftest('radians(180)', math.radians(180), math.pi)
    999         self.ftest('radians(90)', math.radians(90), math.pi/2)
   1000         self.ftest('radians(-45)', math.radians(-45), -math.pi/4)
   1001         self.ftest('radians(0)', math.radians(0), 0)
   1003     @requires_IEEE_754
   1004     def testRemainder(self):
   1005         from fractions import Fraction
   1007         def validate_spec(x, y, r):
   1008             """
   1009             Check that r matches remainder(x, y) according to the IEEE 754
   1010             specification. Assumes that x, y and r are finite and y is nonzero.
   1011             """
   1012             fx, fy, fr = Fraction(x), Fraction(y), Fraction(r)
   1013             # r should not exceed y/2 in absolute value
   1014             self.assertLessEqual(abs(fr), abs(fy/2))
   1015             # x - r should be an exact integer multiple of y
   1016             n = (fx - fr) / fy
   1017             self.assertEqual(n, int(n))
   1018             if abs(fr) == abs(fy/2):
   1019                 # If |r| == |y/2|, n should be even.
   1020                 self.assertEqual(n/2, int(n/2))
   1022         # triples (x, y, remainder(x, y)) in hexadecimal form.
   1023         testcases = [
   1024             # Remainders modulo 1, showing the ties-to-even behaviour.
   1025             '-4.0 1 -0.0',
   1026             '-3.8 1  0.8',
   1027             '-3.0 1 -0.0',
   1028             '-2.8 1 -0.8',
   1029             '-2.0 1 -0.0',
   1030             '-1.8 1  0.8',
   1031             '-1.0 1 -0.0',
   1032             '-0.8 1 -0.8',
   1033             '-0.0 1 -0.0',
   1034             ' 0.0 1  0.0',
   1035             ' 0.8 1  0.8',
   1036             ' 1.0 1  0.0',
   1037             ' 1.8 1 -0.8',
   1038             ' 2.0 1  0.0',
   1039             ' 2.8 1  0.8',
   1040             ' 3.0 1  0.0',
   1041             ' 3.8 1 -0.8',
   1042             ' 4.0 1  0.0',
   1044             # Reductions modulo 2*pi
   1045             '0x0.0p+0 0x1.921fb54442d18p+2 0x0.0p+0',
   1046             '0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 0x1.921fb54442d18p+2  0x1.921fb54442d18p+0',
   1047             '0x1.921fb54442d17p+1 0x1.921fb54442d18p+2  0x1.921fb54442d17p+1',
   1048             '0x1.921fb54442d18p+1 0x1.921fb54442d18p+2  0x1.921fb54442d18p+1',
   1049             '0x1.921fb54442d19p+1 0x1.921fb54442d18p+2 -0x1.921fb54442d17p+1',
   1050             '0x1.921fb54442d17p+2 0x1.921fb54442d18p+2 -0x0.0000000000001p+2',
   1051             '0x1.921fb54442d18p+2 0x1.921fb54442d18p+2  0x0p0',
   1052             '0x1.921fb54442d19p+2 0x1.921fb54442d18p+2  0x0.0000000000001p+2',
   1053             '0x1.2d97c7f3321d1p+3 0x1.921fb54442d18p+2  0x1.921fb54442d14p+1',
   1054             '0x1.2d97c7f3321d2p+3 0x1.921fb54442d18p+2 -0x1.921fb54442d18p+1',
   1055             '0x1.2d97c7f3321d3p+3 0x1.921fb54442d18p+2 -0x1.921fb54442d14p+1',
   1056             '0x1.921fb54442d17p+3 0x1.921fb54442d18p+2 -0x0.0000000000001p+3',
   1057             '0x1.921fb54442d18p+3 0x1.921fb54442d18p+2  0x0p0',
   1058             '0x1.921fb54442d19p+3 0x1.921fb54442d18p+2  0x0.0000000000001p+3',
   1059             '0x1.f6a7a2955385dp+3 0x1.921fb54442d18p+2  0x1.921fb54442d14p+1',
   1060             '0x1.f6a7a2955385ep+3 0x1.921fb54442d18p+2  0x1.921fb54442d18p+1',
   1061             '0x1.f6a7a2955385fp+3 0x1.921fb54442d18p+2 -0x1.921fb54442d14p+1',
   1062             '0x1.1475cc9eedf00p+5 0x1.921fb54442d18p+2  0x1.921fb54442d10p+1',
   1063             '0x1.1475cc9eedf01p+5 0x1.921fb54442d18p+2 -0x1.921fb54442d10p+1',
   1065             # Symmetry with respect to signs.
   1066             ' 1  0.c  0.4',
   1067             '-1  0.c -0.4',
   1068             ' 1 -0.c  0.4',
   1069             '-1 -0.c -0.4',
   1070             ' 1.4  0.c -0.4',
   1071             '-1.4  0.c  0.4',
   1072             ' 1.4 -0.c -0.4',
   1073             '-1.4 -0.c  0.4',
   1075             # Huge modulus, to check that the underlying algorithm doesn't
   1076             # rely on 2.0 * modulus being representable.
   1077             '0x1.dp+1023 0x1.4p+1023  0x0.9p+1023',
   1078             '0x1.ep+1023 0x1.4p+1023 -0x0.ap+1023',
   1079             '0x1.fp+1023 0x1.4p+1023 -0x0.9p+1023',
   1080         ]
   1082         for case in testcases:
   1083             with self.subTest(case=case):
   1084                 x_hex, y_hex, expected_hex = case.split()
   1085                 x = float.fromhex(x_hex)
   1086                 y = float.fromhex(y_hex)
   1087                 expected = float.fromhex(expected_hex)
   1088                 validate_spec(x, y, expected)
   1089                 actual = math.remainder(x, y)
   1090                 # Cheap way of checking that the floats are
   1091                 # as identical as we need them to be.
   1092                 self.assertEqual(actual.hex(), expected.hex())
   1094         # Test tiny subnormal modulus: there's potential for
   1095         # getting the implementation wrong here (for example,
   1096         # by assuming that modulus/2 is exactly representable).
   1097         tiny = float.fromhex('1p-1074')  # min +ve subnormal
   1098         for n in range(-25, 25):
   1099             if n == 0:
   1100                 continue
   1101             y = n * tiny
   1102             for m in range(100):
   1103                 x = m * tiny
   1104                 actual = math.remainder(x, y)
   1105                 validate_spec(x, y, actual)
   1106                 actual = math.remainder(-x, y)
   1107                 validate_spec(-x, y, actual)
   1109         # Special values.
   1110         # NaNs should propagate as usual.
   1111         for value in [NAN, 0.0, -0.0, 2.0, -2.3, NINF, INF]:
   1112             self.assertIsNaN(math.remainder(NAN, value))
   1113             self.assertIsNaN(math.remainder(value, NAN))
   1115         # remainder(x, inf) is x, for non-nan non-infinite x.
   1116         for value in [-2.3, -0.0, 0.0, 2.3]:
   1117             self.assertEqual(math.remainder(value, INF), value)
   1118             self.assertEqual(math.remainder(value, NINF), value)
   1120         # remainder(x, 0) and remainder(infinity, x) for non-NaN x are invalid
   1121         # operations according to IEEE 754-2008 7.2(f), and should raise.
   1122         for value in [NINF, -2.3, -0.0, 0.0, 2.3, INF]:
   1123             with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
   1124                 math.remainder(INF, value)
   1125             with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
   1126                 math.remainder(NINF, value)
   1127             with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
   1128                 math.remainder(value, 0.0)
   1129             with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
   1130                 math.remainder(value, -0.0)
   1132     def testSin(self):
   1133         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.sin)
   1134         self.ftest('sin(0)', math.sin(0), 0)
   1135         self.ftest('sin(pi/2)', math.sin(math.pi/2), 1)
   1136         self.ftest('sin(-pi/2)', math.sin(-math.pi/2), -1)
   1137         try:
   1138             self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.sin(INF)))
   1139             self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.sin(NINF)))
   1140         except ValueError:
   1141             self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.sin, INF)
   1142             self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.sin, NINF)
   1143         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.sin(NAN)))
   1145     def testSinh(self):
   1146         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.sinh)
   1147         self.ftest('sinh(0)', math.sinh(0), 0)
   1148         self.ftest('sinh(1)**2-cosh(1)**2', math.sinh(1)**2-math.cosh(1)**2, -1)
   1149         self.ftest('sinh(1)+sinh(-1)', math.sinh(1)+math.sinh(-1), 0)
   1150         self.assertEqual(math.sinh(INF), INF)
   1151         self.assertEqual(math.sinh(NINF), NINF)
   1152         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.sinh(NAN)))
   1154     def testSqrt(self):
   1155         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.sqrt)
   1156         self.ftest('sqrt(0)', math.sqrt(0), 0)
   1157         self.ftest('sqrt(1)', math.sqrt(1), 1)
   1158         self.ftest('sqrt(4)', math.sqrt(4), 2)
   1159         self.assertEqual(math.sqrt(INF), INF)
   1160         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.sqrt, -1)
   1161         self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.sqrt, NINF)
   1162         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.sqrt(NAN)))
   1164     def testTan(self):
   1165         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.tan)
   1166         self.ftest('tan(0)', math.tan(0), 0)
   1167         self.ftest('tan(pi/4)', math.tan(math.pi/4), 1)
   1168         self.ftest('tan(-pi/4)', math.tan(-math.pi/4), -1)
   1169         try:
   1170             self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.tan(INF)))
   1171             self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.tan(NINF)))
   1172         except:
   1173             self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.tan, INF)
   1174             self.assertRaises(ValueError, math.tan, NINF)
   1175         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.tan(NAN)))
   1177     def testTanh(self):
   1178         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.tanh)
   1179         self.ftest('tanh(0)', math.tanh(0), 0)
   1180         self.ftest('tanh(1)+tanh(-1)', math.tanh(1)+math.tanh(-1), 0,
   1181                    abs_tol=ulp(1))
   1182         self.ftest('tanh(inf)', math.tanh(INF), 1)
   1183         self.ftest('tanh(-inf)', math.tanh(NINF), -1)
   1184         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.tanh(NAN)))
   1186     @requires_IEEE_754
   1187     @unittest.skipIf(sysconfig.get_config_var('TANH_PRESERVES_ZERO_SIGN') == 0,
   1188                      "system tanh() function doesn't copy the sign")
   1189     def testTanhSign(self):
   1190         # check that tanh(-0.) == -0. on IEEE 754 systems
   1191         self.assertEqual(math.tanh(-0.), -0.)
   1192         self.assertEqual(math.copysign(1., math.tanh(-0.)),
   1193                          math.copysign(1., -0.))
   1195     def test_trunc(self):
   1196         self.assertEqual(math.trunc(1), 1)
   1197         self.assertEqual(math.trunc(-1), -1)
   1198         self.assertEqual(type(math.trunc(1)), int)
   1199         self.assertEqual(type(math.trunc(1.5)), int)
   1200         self.assertEqual(math.trunc(1.5), 1)
   1201         self.assertEqual(math.trunc(-1.5), -1)
   1202         self.assertEqual(math.trunc(1.999999), 1)
   1203         self.assertEqual(math.trunc(-1.999999), -1)
   1204         self.assertEqual(math.trunc(-0.999999), -0)
   1205         self.assertEqual(math.trunc(-100.999), -100)
   1207         class TestTrunc(object):
   1208             def __trunc__(self):
   1209                 return 23
   1211         class TestNoTrunc(object):
   1212             pass
   1214         self.assertEqual(math.trunc(TestTrunc()), 23)
   1216         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.trunc)
   1217         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.trunc, 1, 2)
   1218         self.assertRaises(TypeError, math.trunc, TestNoTrunc())
   1220     def testIsfinite(self):
   1221         self.assertTrue(math.isfinite(0.0))
   1222         self.assertTrue(math.isfinite(-0.0))
   1223         self.assertTrue(math.isfinite(1.0))
   1224         self.assertTrue(math.isfinite(-1.0))
   1225         self.assertFalse(math.isfinite(float("nan")))
   1226         self.assertFalse(math.isfinite(float("inf")))
   1227         self.assertFalse(math.isfinite(float("-inf")))
   1229     def testIsnan(self):
   1230         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(float("nan")))
   1231         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(float("-nan")))
   1232         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(float("inf") * 0.))
   1233         self.assertFalse(math.isnan(float("inf")))
   1234         self.assertFalse(math.isnan(0.))
   1235         self.assertFalse(math.isnan(1.))
   1237     def testIsinf(self):
   1238         self.assertTrue(math.isinf(float("inf")))
   1239         self.assertTrue(math.isinf(float("-inf")))
   1240         self.assertTrue(math.isinf(1E400))
   1241         self.assertTrue(math.isinf(-1E400))
   1242         self.assertFalse(math.isinf(float("nan")))
   1243         self.assertFalse(math.isinf(0.))
   1244         self.assertFalse(math.isinf(1.))
   1246     @requires_IEEE_754
   1247     def test_nan_constant(self):
   1248         self.assertTrue(math.isnan(math.nan))
   1250     @requires_IEEE_754
   1251     def test_inf_constant(self):
   1252         self.assertTrue(math.isinf(math.inf))
   1253         self.assertGreater(math.inf, 0.0)
   1254         self.assertEqual(math.inf, float("inf"))
   1255         self.assertEqual(-math.inf, float("-inf"))
   1257     # RED_FLAG 16-Oct-2000 Tim
   1258     # While 2.0 is more consistent about exceptions than previous releases, it
   1259     # still fails this part of the test on some platforms.  For now, we only
   1260     # *run* test_exceptions() in verbose mode, so that this isn't normally
   1261     # tested.
   1262     @unittest.skipUnless(verbose, 'requires verbose mode')
   1263     def test_exceptions(self):
   1264         try:
   1265             x = math.exp(-1000000000)
   1266         except:
   1267             # mathmodule.c is failing to weed out underflows from libm, or
   1268             # we've got an fp format with huge dynamic range
   1269             self.fail("underflowing exp() should not have raised "
   1270                         "an exception")
   1271         if x != 0:
   1272             self.fail("underflowing exp() should have returned 0")
   1274         # If this fails, probably using a strict IEEE-754 conforming libm, and x
   1275         # is +Inf afterwards.  But Python wants overflows detected by default.
   1276         try:
   1277             x = math.exp(1000000000)
   1278         except OverflowError:
   1279             pass
   1280         else:
   1281             self.fail("overflowing exp() didn't trigger OverflowError")
   1283         # If this fails, it could be a puzzle.  One odd possibility is that
   1284         # mathmodule.c's macros are getting confused while comparing
   1285         # Inf (HUGE_VAL) to a NaN, and artificially setting errno to ERANGE
   1286         # as a result (and so raising OverflowError instead).
   1287         try:
   1288             x = math.sqrt(-1.0)
   1289         except ValueError:
   1290             pass
   1291         else:
   1292             self.fail("sqrt(-1) didn't raise ValueError")
   1294     @requires_IEEE_754
   1295     def test_testfile(self):
   1296         # Some tests need to be skipped on ancient OS X versions.
   1297         # See issue #27953.
   1298         SKIP_ON_TIGER = {'tan0064'}
   1300         osx_version = None
   1301         if sys.platform == 'darwin':
   1302             version_txt = platform.mac_ver()[0]
   1303             try:
   1304                 osx_version = tuple(map(int, version_txt.split('.')))
   1305             except ValueError:
   1306                 pass
   1308         fail_fmt = "{}: {}({!r}): {}"
   1310         failures = []
   1311         for id, fn, ar, ai, er, ei, flags in parse_testfile(test_file):
   1312             # Skip if either the input or result is complex
   1313             if ai != 0.0 or ei != 0.0:
   1314                 continue
   1315             if fn in ['rect', 'polar']:
   1316                 # no real versions of rect, polar
   1317                 continue
   1318             # Skip certain tests on OS X 10.4.
   1319             if osx_version is not None and osx_version < (10, 5):
   1320                 if id in SKIP_ON_TIGER:
   1321                     continue
   1323             func = getattr(math, fn)
   1325             if 'invalid' in flags or 'divide-by-zero' in flags:
   1326                 er = 'ValueError'
   1327             elif 'overflow' in flags:
   1328                 er = 'OverflowError'
   1330             try:
   1331                 result = func(ar)
   1332             except ValueError:
   1333                 result = 'ValueError'
   1334             except OverflowError:
   1335                 result = 'OverflowError'
   1337             # Default tolerances
   1338             ulp_tol, abs_tol = 5, 0.0
   1340             failure = result_check(er, result, ulp_tol, abs_tol)
   1341             if failure is None:
   1342                 continue
   1344             msg = fail_fmt.format(id, fn, ar, failure)
   1345             failures.append(msg)
   1347         if failures:
   1348             self.fail('Failures in test_testfile:\n  ' +
   1349                       '\n  '.join(failures))
   1351     @requires_IEEE_754
   1352     def test_mtestfile(self):
   1353         fail_fmt = "{}: {}({!r}): {}"
   1355         failures = []
   1356         for id, fn, arg, expected, flags in parse_mtestfile(math_testcases):
   1357             func = getattr(math, fn)
   1359             if 'invalid' in flags or 'divide-by-zero' in flags:
   1360                 expected = 'ValueError'
   1361             elif 'overflow' in flags:
   1362                 expected = 'OverflowError'
   1364             try:
   1365                 got = func(arg)
   1366             except ValueError:
   1367                 got = 'ValueError'
   1368             except OverflowError:
   1369                 got = 'OverflowError'
   1371             # Default tolerances
   1372             ulp_tol, abs_tol = 5, 0.0
   1374             # Exceptions to the defaults
   1375             if fn == 'gamma':
   1376                 # Experimental results on one platform gave
   1377                 # an accuracy of <= 10 ulps across the entire float
   1378                 # domain. We weaken that to require 20 ulp accuracy.
   1379                 ulp_tol = 20
   1381             elif fn == 'lgamma':
   1382                 # we use a weaker accuracy test for lgamma;
   1383                 # lgamma only achieves an absolute error of
   1384                 # a few multiples of the machine accuracy, in
   1385                 # general.
   1386                 abs_tol = 1e-15
   1388             elif fn == 'erfc' and arg >= 0.0:
   1389                 # erfc has less-than-ideal accuracy for large
   1390                 # arguments (x ~ 25 or so), mainly due to the
   1391                 # error involved in computing exp(-x*x).
   1392                 #
   1393                 # Observed between CPython and mpmath at 25 dp:
   1394                 #       x <  0 : err <= 2 ulp
   1395                 #  0 <= x <  1 : err <= 10 ulp
   1396                 #  1 <= x < 10 : err <= 100 ulp
   1397                 # 10 <= x < 20 : err <= 300 ulp
   1398                 # 20 <= x      : < 600 ulp
   1399                 #
   1400                 if arg < 1.0:
   1401                     ulp_tol = 10
   1402                 elif arg < 10.0:
   1403                     ulp_tol = 100
   1404                 else:
   1405                     ulp_tol = 1000
   1407             failure = result_check(expected, got, ulp_tol, abs_tol)
   1408             if failure is None:
   1409                 continue
   1411             msg = fail_fmt.format(id, fn, arg, failure)
   1412             failures.append(msg)
   1414         if failures:
   1415             self.fail('Failures in test_mtestfile:\n  ' +
   1416                       '\n  '.join(failures))
   1418     # Custom assertions.
   1420     def assertIsNaN(self, value):
   1421         if not math.isnan(value):
   1422             self.fail("Expected a NaN, got {!r}.".format(value))
   1425 class IsCloseTests(unittest.TestCase):
   1426     isclose = math.isclose  # subclasses should override this
   1428     def assertIsClose(self, a, b, *args, **kwargs):
   1429         self.assertTrue(self.isclose(a, b, *args, **kwargs),
   1430                         msg="%s and %s should be close!" % (a, b))
   1432     def assertIsNotClose(self, a, b, *args, **kwargs):
   1433         self.assertFalse(self.isclose(a, b, *args, **kwargs),
   1434                          msg="%s and %s should not be close!" % (a, b))
   1436     def assertAllClose(self, examples, *args, **kwargs):
   1437         for a, b in examples:
   1438             self.assertIsClose(a, b, *args, **kwargs)
   1440     def assertAllNotClose(self, examples, *args, **kwargs):
   1441         for a, b in examples:
   1442             self.assertIsNotClose(a, b, *args, **kwargs)
   1444     def test_negative_tolerances(self):
   1445         # ValueError should be raised if either tolerance is less than zero
   1446         with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
   1447             self.assertIsClose(1, 1, rel_tol=-1e-100)
   1448         with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
   1449             self.assertIsClose(1, 1, rel_tol=1e-100, abs_tol=-1e10)
   1451     def test_identical(self):
   1452         # identical values must test as close
   1453         identical_examples = [(2.0, 2.0),
   1454                               (0.1e200, 0.1e200),
   1455                               (1.123e-300, 1.123e-300),
   1456                               (12345, 12345.0),
   1457                               (0.0, -0.0),
   1458                               (345678, 345678)]
   1459         self.assertAllClose(identical_examples, rel_tol=0.0, abs_tol=0.0)
   1461     def test_eight_decimal_places(self):
   1462         # examples that are close to 1e-8, but not 1e-9
   1463         eight_decimal_places_examples = [(1e8, 1e8 + 1),
   1464                                          (-1e-8, -1.000000009e-8),
   1465                                          (1.12345678, 1.12345679)]
   1466         self.assertAllClose(eight_decimal_places_examples, rel_tol=1e-8)
   1467         self.assertAllNotClose(eight_decimal_places_examples, rel_tol=1e-9)
   1469     def test_near_zero(self):
   1470         # values close to zero
   1471         near_zero_examples = [(1e-9, 0.0),
   1472                               (-1e-9, 0.0),
   1473                               (-1e-150, 0.0)]
   1474         # these should not be close to any rel_tol
   1475         self.assertAllNotClose(near_zero_examples, rel_tol=0.9)
   1476         # these should be close to abs_tol=1e-8
   1477         self.assertAllClose(near_zero_examples, abs_tol=1e-8)
   1479     def test_identical_infinite(self):
   1480         # these are close regardless of tolerance -- i.e. they are equal
   1481         self.assertIsClose(INF, INF)
   1482         self.assertIsClose(INF, INF, abs_tol=0.0)
   1483         self.assertIsClose(NINF, NINF)
   1484         self.assertIsClose(NINF, NINF, abs_tol=0.0)
   1486     def test_inf_ninf_nan(self):
   1487         # these should never be close (following IEEE 754 rules for equality)
   1488         not_close_examples = [(NAN, NAN),
   1489                               (NAN, 1e-100),
   1490                               (1e-100, NAN),
   1491                               (INF, NAN),
   1492                               (NAN, INF),
   1493                               (INF, NINF),
   1494                               (INF, 1.0),
   1495                               (1.0, INF),
   1496                               (INF, 1e308),
   1497                               (1e308, INF)]
   1498         # use largest reasonable tolerance
   1499         self.assertAllNotClose(not_close_examples, abs_tol=0.999999999999999)
   1501     def test_zero_tolerance(self):
   1502         # test with zero tolerance
   1503         zero_tolerance_close_examples = [(1.0, 1.0),
   1504                                          (-3.4, -3.4),
   1505                                          (-1e-300, -1e-300)]
   1506         self.assertAllClose(zero_tolerance_close_examples, rel_tol=0.0)
   1508         zero_tolerance_not_close_examples = [(1.0, 1.000000000000001),
   1509                                              (0.99999999999999, 1.0),
   1510                                              (1.0e200, .999999999999999e200)]
   1511         self.assertAllNotClose(zero_tolerance_not_close_examples, rel_tol=0.0)
   1513     def test_asymmetry(self):
   1514         # test the asymmetry example from PEP 485
   1515         self.assertAllClose([(9, 10), (10, 9)], rel_tol=0.1)
   1517     def test_integers(self):
   1518         # test with integer values
   1519         integer_examples = [(100000001, 100000000),
   1520                             (123456789, 123456788)]
   1522         self.assertAllClose(integer_examples, rel_tol=1e-8)
   1523         self.assertAllNotClose(integer_examples, rel_tol=1e-9)
   1525     def test_decimals(self):
   1526         # test with Decimal values
   1527         from decimal import Decimal
   1529         decimal_examples = [(Decimal('1.00000001'), Decimal('1.0')),
   1530                             (Decimal('1.00000001e-20'), Decimal('1.0e-20')),
   1531                             (Decimal('1.00000001e-100'), Decimal('1.0e-100')),
   1532                             (Decimal('1.00000001e20'), Decimal('1.0e20'))]
   1533         self.assertAllClose(decimal_examples, rel_tol=1e-8)
   1534         self.assertAllNotClose(decimal_examples, rel_tol=1e-9)
   1536     def test_fractions(self):
   1537         # test with Fraction values
   1538         from fractions import Fraction
   1540         fraction_examples = [
   1541             (Fraction(1, 100000000) + 1, Fraction(1)),
   1542             (Fraction(100000001), Fraction(100000000)),
   1543             (Fraction(10**8 + 1, 10**28), Fraction(1, 10**20))]
   1544         self.assertAllClose(fraction_examples, rel_tol=1e-8)
   1545         self.assertAllNotClose(fraction_examples, rel_tol=1e-9)
   1548 def test_main():
   1549     from doctest import DocFileSuite
   1550     suite = unittest.TestSuite()
   1551     suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(MathTests))
   1552     suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(IsCloseTests))
   1553     suite.addTest(DocFileSuite("ieee754.txt"))
   1554     run_unittest(suite)
   1556 if __name__ == '__main__':
   1557     test_main()