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      1 # If you use the GNU debugger gdb to debug the Python C runtime, you
      2 # might find some of the following commands useful.  Copy this to your
      3 # ~/.gdbinit file and it'll get loaded into gdb automatically when you
      4 # start it up.  Then, at the gdb prompt you can do things like:
      5 #
      6 #    (gdb) pyo apyobjectptr
      7 #    <module 'foobar' (built-in)>
      8 #    refcounts: 1
      9 #    address    : 84a7a2c
     10 #    $1 = void
     11 #    (gdb)
     12 #
     13 # NOTE: If you have gdb 7 or later, it supports debugging of Python directly
     14 # with embedded macros that you may find superior to what is in here.
     15 # See Tools/gdb/libpython.py and http://bugs.python.org/issue8032.
     17 # Prints a representation of the object to stderr, along with the
     18 # number of reference counts it current has and the hex address the
     19 # object is allocated at.  The argument must be a PyObject*
     20 define pyo
     21     # side effect of calling _PyObject_Dump is to dump the object's
     22     # info - assigning just prevents gdb from printing the
     23     # NULL return value
     24     set $_unused_void = _PyObject_Dump($arg0)
     25 end
     27 # Prints a representation of the object to stderr, along with the
     28 # number of reference counts it current has and the hex address the
     29 # object is allocated at.  The argument must be a PyGC_Head*
     30 define pyg
     31     print _PyGC_Dump($arg0)
     32 end
     34 # print the local variables of the current frame
     35 define pylocals
     36     set $_i = 0
     37     while $_i < f->f_code->co_nlocals
     38 	if f->f_localsplus + $_i != 0
     39 	    set $_names = f->f_code->co_varnames
     40 	    set $_name = PyUnicode_AsUTF8(PyTuple_GetItem($_names, $_i))
     41 	    printf "%s:\n", $_name
     42             pyo f->f_localsplus[$_i]
     43 	end
     44         set $_i = $_i + 1
     45     end
     46 end
     48 # A rewrite of the Python interpreter's line number calculator in GDB's
     49 # command language
     50 define lineno
     51     set $__continue = 1
     52     set $__co = f->f_code
     53     set $__lasti = f->f_lasti
     54     set $__sz = ((PyVarObject *)$__co->co_lnotab)->ob_size/2
     55     set $__p = (unsigned char *)((PyBytesObject *)$__co->co_lnotab)->ob_sval
     56     set $__li = $__co->co_firstlineno
     57     set $__ad = 0
     58     while ($__sz-1 >= 0 && $__continue)
     59       set $__sz = $__sz - 1
     60       set $__ad = $__ad + *$__p
     61       set $__p = $__p + 1
     62       if ($__ad > $__lasti)
     63 	set $__continue = 0
     64       else
     65         set $__li = $__li + *$__p
     66         set $__p = $__p + 1
     67       end
     68     end
     69     printf "%d", $__li
     70 end
     72 # print the current frame - verbose
     73 define pyframev
     74     pyframe
     75     pylocals
     76 end
     78 define pyframe
     79     set $__fn = PyUnicode_AsUTF8(f->f_code->co_filename)
     80     set $__n = PyUnicode_AsUTF8(f->f_code->co_name)
     81     printf "%s (", $__fn
     82     lineno
     83     printf "): %s\n", $__n
     84 ### Uncomment these lines when using from within Emacs/XEmacs so it will
     85 ### automatically track/display the current Python source line
     86 #    printf "%c%c%s:", 032, 032, $__fn
     87 #    lineno
     88 #    printf ":1\n"
     89 end
     91 ### Use these at your own risk.  It appears that a bug in gdb causes it
     92 ### to crash in certain circumstances.
     94 #define up
     95 #    up-silently 1
     96 #    printframe
     97 #end
     99 #define down
    100 #    down-silently 1
    101 #    printframe
    102 #end
    104 define printframe
    105     if $pc > PyEval_EvalFrameEx && $pc < _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault
    106 	pyframe
    107     else
    108         frame
    109     end
    110 end
    112 # Here's a somewhat fragile way to print the entire Python stack from gdb.
    113 # It's fragile because the tests for the value of $pc depend on the layout
    114 # of specific functions in the C source code.
    116 # Explanation of while and if tests: We want to pop up the stack until we
    117 # land in Py_Main (this is probably an incorrect assumption in an embedded
    118 # interpreter, but the test can be extended by an interested party).  If
    119 # Py_Main <= $pc <= Py_GetArgcArv is true, $pc is in Py_Main(), so the while
    120 # tests succeeds as long as it's not true.  In a similar fashion the if
    121 # statement tests to see if we are in PyEval_EvalFrameEx().
    123 # Note: The name of the main interpreter function and the function which
    124 # follow it has changed over time.  This version of pystack works with this
    125 # version of Python.  If you try using it with older or newer versions of
    126 # the interpreter you may will have to change the functions you compare with
    127 # $pc.
    129 # print the entire Python call stack
    130 define pystack
    131     while $pc < Py_Main || $pc > Py_GetArgcArgv
    132         if $pc > PyEval_EvalFrameEx && $pc < _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault
    133 	    pyframe
    134         end
    135         up-silently 1
    136     end
    137     select-frame 0
    138 end
    140 # print the entire Python call stack - verbose mode
    141 define pystackv
    142     while $pc < Py_Main || $pc > Py_GetArgcArgv
    143         if $pc > PyEval_EvalFrameEx && $pc < _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault
    144 	    pyframev
    145         end
    146         up-silently 1
    147     end
    148     select-frame 0
    149 end
    151 # generally useful macro to print a Unicode string
    152 def pu
    153   set $uni = $arg0
    154   set $i = 0
    155   while (*$uni && $i++<100)
    156     if (*$uni < 0x80)
    157       print *(char*)$uni++
    158     else
    159       print /x *(short*)$uni++
    160     end
    161   end
    162 end