1 <html><body> 2 <style> 3 4 body, h1, h2, h3, div, span, p, pre, a { 5 margin: 0; 6 padding: 0; 7 border: 0; 8 font-weight: inherit; 9 font-style: inherit; 10 font-size: 100%; 11 font-family: inherit; 12 vertical-align: baseline; 13 } 14 15 body { 16 font-size: 13px; 17 padding: 1em; 18 } 19 20 h1 { 21 font-size: 26px; 22 margin-bottom: 1em; 23 } 24 25 h2 { 26 font-size: 24px; 27 margin-bottom: 1em; 28 } 29 30 h3 { 31 font-size: 20px; 32 margin-bottom: 1em; 33 margin-top: 1em; 34 } 35 36 pre, code { 37 line-height: 1.5; 38 font-family: Monaco, 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'Lucida Console', monospace; 39 } 40 41 pre { 42 margin-top: 0.5em; 43 } 44 45 h1, h2, h3, p { 46 font-family: Arial, sans serif; 47 } 48 49 h1, h2, h3 { 50 border-bottom: solid #CCC 1px; 51 } 52 53 .toc_element { 54 margin-top: 0.5em; 55 } 56 57 .firstline { 58 margin-left: 2 em; 59 } 60 61 .method { 62 margin-top: 1em; 63 border: solid 1px #CCC; 64 padding: 1em; 65 background: #EEE; 66 } 67 68 .details { 69 font-weight: bold; 70 font-size: 14px; 71 } 72 73 </style> 74 75 <h1><a href="dfareporting_v2_8.html">DCM/DFA Reporting And Trafficking API</a> . <a href="dfareporting_v2_8.placements.html">placements</a></h1> 76 <h2>Instance Methods</h2> 77 <p class="toc_element"> 78 <code><a href="#generatetags">generatetags(profileId, campaignId=None, tagFormats=None, placementIds=None)</a></code></p> 79 <p class="firstline">Generates tags for a placement.</p> 80 <p class="toc_element"> 81 <code><a href="#get">get(profileId, id)</a></code></p> 82 <p class="firstline">Gets one placement by ID.</p> 83 <p class="toc_element"> 84 <code><a href="#insert">insert(profileId, body)</a></code></p> 85 <p class="firstline">Inserts a new placement.</p> 86 <p class="toc_element"> 87 <code><a href="#list">list(profileId, siteIds=None, paymentSource=None, pricingTypes=None, campaignIds=None, advertiserIds=None, sizeIds=None, pageToken=None, maxStartDate=None, sortOrder=None, maxEndDate=None, placementStrategyIds=None, contentCategoryIds=None, archived=None, maxResults=None, minStartDate=None, compatibilities=None, searchString=None, minEndDate=None, directorySiteIds=None, sortField=None, ids=None, groupIds=None)</a></code></p> 88 <p class="firstline">Retrieves a list of placements, possibly filtered. This method supports paging.</p> 89 <p class="toc_element"> 90 <code><a href="#list_next">list_next(previous_request, previous_response)</a></code></p> 91 <p class="firstline">Retrieves the next page of results.</p> 92 <p class="toc_element"> 93 <code><a href="#patch">patch(profileId, id, body)</a></code></p> 94 <p class="firstline">Updates an existing placement. This method supports patch semantics.</p> 95 <p class="toc_element"> 96 <code><a href="#update">update(profileId, body)</a></code></p> 97 <p class="firstline">Updates an existing placement.</p> 98 <h3>Method Details</h3> 99 <div class="method"> 100 <code class="details" id="generatetags">generatetags(profileId, campaignId=None, tagFormats=None, placementIds=None)</code> 101 <pre>Generates tags for a placement. 102 103 Args: 104 profileId: string, User profile ID associated with this request. (required) 105 campaignId: string, Generate placements belonging to this campaign. This is a required field. 106 tagFormats: string, Tag formats to generate for these placements. (repeated) 107 Allowed values 108 PLACEMENT_TAG_CLICK_COMMANDS - 109 PLACEMENT_TAG_IFRAME_ILAYER - 110 PLACEMENT_TAG_IFRAME_JAVASCRIPT - 111 PLACEMENT_TAG_IFRAME_JAVASCRIPT_LEGACY - 112 PLACEMENT_TAG_INSTREAM_VIDEO_PREFETCH - 113 PLACEMENT_TAG_INSTREAM_VIDEO_PREFETCH_VAST_3 - 114 PLACEMENT_TAG_INSTREAM_VIDEO_PREFETCH_VAST_4 - 115 PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERNAL_REDIRECT - 116 PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERSTITIAL_IFRAME_JAVASCRIPT - 117 PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERSTITIAL_IFRAME_JAVASCRIPT_LEGACY - 118 PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERSTITIAL_INTERNAL_REDIRECT - 119 PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERSTITIAL_JAVASCRIPT - 120 PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERSTITIAL_JAVASCRIPT_LEGACY - 121 PLACEMENT_TAG_JAVASCRIPT - 122 PLACEMENT_TAG_JAVASCRIPT_LEGACY - 123 PLACEMENT_TAG_STANDARD - 124 PLACEMENT_TAG_TRACKING - 125 PLACEMENT_TAG_TRACKING_IFRAME - 126 PLACEMENT_TAG_TRACKING_JAVASCRIPT - 127 placementIds: string, Generate tags for these placements. (repeated) 128 129 Returns: 130 An object of the form: 131 132 { # Placement GenerateTags Response 133 "kind": "dfareporting#placementsGenerateTagsResponse", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#placementsGenerateTagsResponse". 134 "placementTags": [ # Set of generated tags for the specified placements. 135 { # Placement Tag 136 "tagDatas": [ # Tags generated for this placement. 137 { # Placement Tag Data 138 "clickTag": "A String", # Tag string to record a click. 139 "impressionTag": "A String", # Tag string for serving an ad. 140 "creativeId": "A String", # Creative associated with this placement tag. Applicable only when format is PLACEMENT_TAG_TRACKING. 141 "adId": "A String", # Ad associated with this placement tag. Applicable only when format is PLACEMENT_TAG_TRACKING. 142 "format": "A String", # TagData tag format of this tag. 143 }, 144 ], 145 "placementId": "A String", # Placement ID 146 }, 147 ], 148 }</pre> 149 </div> 150 151 <div class="method"> 152 <code class="details" id="get">get(profileId, id)</code> 153 <pre>Gets one placement by ID. 154 155 Args: 156 profileId: string, User profile ID associated with this request. (required) 157 id: string, Placement ID. (required) 158 159 Returns: 160 An object of the form: 161 162 { # Contains properties of a placement. 163 "comment": "A String", # Comments for this placement. 164 "videoActiveViewOptOut": True or False, # Whether Verification and ActiveView are disabled for in-stream video creatives for this placement. The same setting videoActiveViewOptOut exists on the site level -- the opt out occurs if either of these settings are true. These settings are distinct from DirectorySites.settings.activeViewOptOut or Sites.siteSettings.activeViewOptOut which only apply to display ads. However, Accounts.activeViewOptOut opts out both video traffic, as well as display ads, from Verification and ActiveView. 165 "campaignId": "A String", # Campaign ID of this placement. This field is a required field on insertion. 166 "paymentSource": "A String", # Payment source for this placement. This is a required field that is read-only after insertion. 167 "directorySiteIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the directory site. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 168 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 169 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 170 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 171 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 172 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 173 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 174 }, 175 "advertiserId": "A String", # Advertiser ID of this placement. This field can be left blank. 176 "keyName": "A String", # Key name of this placement. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 177 "directorySiteId": "A String", # Directory site ID of this placement. On insert, you must set either this field or the siteId field to specify the site associated with this placement. This is a required field that is read-only after insertion. 178 "advertiserIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the advertiser. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 179 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 180 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 181 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 182 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 183 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 184 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 185 }, 186 "id": "A String", # ID of this placement. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 187 "accountId": "A String", # Account ID of this placement. This field can be left blank. 188 "archived": True or False, # Whether this placement is archived. 189 "videoSettings": { # Video Settings # A collection of settings which affect video creatives served through this placement. Applicable to placements with IN_STREAM_VIDEO compatibility. 190 "skippableSettings": { # Skippable Settings # Settings for the skippability of video creatives served to this placement. If this object is provided, the creative-level skippable settings will be overridden. 191 "skippable": True or False, # Whether the user can skip creatives served to this placement. 192 "kind": "dfareporting#skippableSetting", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#skippableSetting". 193 "skipOffset": { # Video Offset # Amount of time to play videos served to this placement before the skip button should appear. Applicable when skippable is true. 194 "offsetPercentage": 42, # Duration, as a percentage of video duration. Do not set when offsetSeconds is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 100, inclusive. 195 "offsetSeconds": 42, # Duration, in seconds. Do not set when offsetPercentage is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 86399, inclusive. 196 }, 197 "progressOffset": { # Video Offset # Amount of time to play videos served to this placement before counting a view. Applicable when skippable is true. 198 "offsetPercentage": 42, # Duration, as a percentage of video duration. Do not set when offsetSeconds is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 100, inclusive. 199 "offsetSeconds": 42, # Duration, in seconds. Do not set when offsetPercentage is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 86399, inclusive. 200 }, 201 }, 202 "kind": "dfareporting#videoSettings", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#videoSettings". 203 "companionSettings": { # Companion Settings # Settings for the companion creatives of video creatives served to this placement. 204 "kind": "dfareporting#companionSetting", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#companionSetting". 205 "companionsDisabled": True or False, # Whether companions are disabled for this placement. 206 "imageOnly": True or False, # Whether to serve only static images as companions. 207 "enabledSizes": [ # Whitelist of companion sizes to be served to this placement. Set this list to null or empty to serve all companion sizes. 208 { # Represents the dimensions of ads, placements, creatives, or creative assets. 209 "width": 42, # Width of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 210 "kind": "dfareporting#size", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#size". 211 "iab": True or False, # IAB standard size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 212 "id": "A String", # ID of this size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 213 "height": 42, # Height of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 214 }, 215 ], 216 }, 217 "transcodeSettings": { # Transcode Settings # Settings for the transcodes of video creatives served to this placement. If this object is provided, the creative-level transcode settings will be overridden. 218 "kind": "dfareporting#transcodeSetting", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#transcodeSetting". 219 "enabledVideoFormats": [ # Whitelist of video formats to be served to this placement. Set this list to null or empty to serve all video formats. 220 42, 221 ], 222 }, 223 }, 224 "publisherUpdateInfo": { # Modification timestamp. # Information about the last publisher update. This is a read-only field. 225 "time": "A String", # Timestamp of the last change in milliseconds since epoch. 226 }, 227 "tagFormats": [ # Tag formats to generate for this placement. This field is required on insertion. 228 # Acceptable values are: 229 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_STANDARD" 230 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_IFRAME_JAVASCRIPT" 231 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_IFRAME_ILAYER" 232 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERNAL_REDIRECT" 233 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_JAVASCRIPT" 234 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERSTITIAL_IFRAME_JAVASCRIPT" 235 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERSTITIAL_INTERNAL_REDIRECT" 236 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERSTITIAL_JAVASCRIPT" 237 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_CLICK_COMMANDS" 238 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INSTREAM_VIDEO_PREFETCH" 239 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INSTREAM_VIDEO_PREFETCH_VAST_3" 240 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INSTREAM_VIDEO_PREFETCH_VAST_4" 241 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_TRACKING" 242 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_TRACKING_IFRAME" 243 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_TRACKING_JAVASCRIPT" 244 "A String", 245 ], 246 "paymentApproved": True or False, # Whether payment was approved for this placement. This is a read-only field relevant only to publisher-paid placements. 247 "tagSetting": { # Tag Settings # Tag settings for this placement. 248 "includeClickThroughUrls": True or False, # Whether static landing page URLs should be included in the tags. This setting applies only to placements. 249 "includeClickTracking": True or False, # Whether click-tracking string should be included in the tags. 250 "additionalKeyValues": "A String", # Additional key-values to be included in tags. Each key-value pair must be of the form key=value, and pairs must be separated by a semicolon (;). Keys and values must not contain commas. For example, id=2;color=red is a valid value for this field. 251 "keywordOption": "A String", # Option specifying how keywords are embedded in ad tags. This setting can be used to specify whether keyword placeholders are inserted in placement tags for this site. Publishers can then add keywords to those placeholders. 252 }, 253 "contentCategoryId": "A String", # ID of the content category assigned to this placement. 254 "adBlockingOptOut": True or False, # Whether this placement opts out of ad blocking. When true, ad blocking is disabled for this placement. When false, the campaign and site settings take effect. 255 "externalId": "A String", # External ID for this placement. 256 "idDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of this placement. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 257 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 258 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 259 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 260 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 261 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 262 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 263 }, 264 "size": { # Represents the dimensions of ads, placements, creatives, or creative assets. # Size associated with this placement. When inserting or updating a placement, only the size ID field is used. This field is required on insertion. 265 "width": 42, # Width of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 266 "kind": "dfareporting#size", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#size". 267 "iab": True or False, # IAB standard size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 268 "id": "A String", # ID of this size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 269 "height": 42, # Height of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 270 }, 271 "sslRequired": True or False, # Whether creatives assigned to this placement must be SSL-compliant. 272 "status": "A String", # Third-party placement status. 273 "campaignIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the campaign. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 274 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 275 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 276 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 277 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 278 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 279 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 280 }, 281 "primary": True or False, # Whether this placement is the primary placement of a roadblock (placement group). You cannot change this field from true to false. Setting this field to true will automatically set the primary field on the original primary placement of the roadblock to false, and it will automatically set the roadblock's primaryPlacementId field to the ID of this placement. 282 "placementGroupId": "A String", # ID of this placement's group, if applicable. 283 "createInfo": { # Modification timestamp. # Information about the creation of this placement. This is a read-only field. 284 "time": "A String", # Timestamp of the last change in milliseconds since epoch. 285 }, 286 "siteId": "A String", # Site ID associated with this placement. On insert, you must set either this field or the directorySiteId field to specify the site associated with this placement. This is a required field that is read-only after insertion. 287 "siteIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the site. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 288 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 289 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 290 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 291 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 292 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 293 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 294 }, 295 "compatibility": "A String", # Placement compatibility. DISPLAY and DISPLAY_INTERSTITIAL refer to rendering on desktop, on mobile devices or in mobile apps for regular or interstitial ads respectively. APP and APP_INTERSTITIAL are no longer allowed for new placement insertions. Instead, use DISPLAY or DISPLAY_INTERSTITIAL. IN_STREAM_VIDEO refers to rendering in in-stream video ads developed with the VAST standard. This field is required on insertion. 296 "placementStrategyId": "A String", # ID of the placement strategy assigned to this placement. 297 "placementGroupIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the placement group. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 298 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 299 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 300 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 301 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 302 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 303 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 304 }, 305 "kind": "dfareporting#placement", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#placement". 306 "subaccountId": "A String", # Subaccount ID of this placement. This field can be left blank. 307 "name": "A String", # Name of this placement.This is a required field and must be less than 256 characters long. 308 "lookbackConfiguration": { # Lookback configuration settings. # Lookback window settings for this placement. 309 "clickDuration": 42, # Lookback window, in days, from the last time a given user clicked on one of your ads. If you enter 0, clicks will not be considered as triggering events for floodlight tracking. If you leave this field blank, the default value for your account will be used. Acceptable values are 0 to 90, inclusive. 310 "postImpressionActivitiesDuration": 42, # Lookback window, in days, from the last time a given user viewed one of your ads. If you enter 0, impressions will not be considered as triggering events for floodlight tracking. If you leave this field blank, the default value for your account will be used. Acceptable values are 0 to 90, inclusive. 311 }, 312 "lastModifiedInfo": { # Modification timestamp. # Information about the most recent modification of this placement. This is a read-only field. 313 "time": "A String", # Timestamp of the last change in milliseconds since epoch. 314 }, 315 "pricingSchedule": { # Pricing Schedule # Pricing schedule of this placement. This field is required on insertion, specifically subfields startDate, endDate and pricingType. 316 "startDate": "A String", # Placement start date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the campaign start date. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the start date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. This field is required on insertion. 317 "endDate": "A String", # Placement end date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the placement start date, but not later than the campaign end date. If, for example, you set 6/25/2015 as both the start and end dates, the effective placement date is just that day only, 6/25/2015. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the end date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. This field is required on insertion. 318 "flighted": True or False, # Whether this placement is flighted. If true, pricing periods will be computed automatically. 319 "disregardOverdelivery": True or False, # Whether cap costs are ignored by ad serving. 320 "capCostOption": "A String", # Placement cap cost option. 321 "pricingPeriods": [ # Pricing periods for this placement. 322 { # Pricing Period 323 "units": "A String", # Units of this pricing period. Acceptable values are 0 to 10000000000, inclusive. 324 "rateOrCostNanos": "A String", # Rate or cost of this pricing period in nanos (i.e., multipled by 1000000000). Acceptable values are 0 to 1000000000000000000, inclusive. 325 "startDate": "A String", # Pricing period start date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the placement start date. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the start date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. 326 "endDate": "A String", # Pricing period end date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the pricing period start date, but not later than the placement end date. The period end date can be the same date as the period start date. If, for example, you set 6/25/2015 as both the start and end dates, the effective pricing period date is just that day only, 6/25/2015. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the end date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. 327 "pricingComment": "A String", # Comments for this pricing period. 328 }, 329 ], 330 "pricingType": "A String", # Placement pricing type. This field is required on insertion. 331 "testingStartDate": "A String", # Testing start date of this placement. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the start date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. 332 "floodlightActivityId": "A String", # Floodlight activity ID associated with this placement. This field should be set when placement pricing type is set to PRICING_TYPE_CPA. 333 }, 334 "vpaidAdapterChoice": "A String", # VPAID adapter setting for this placement. Controls which VPAID format the measurement adapter will use for in-stream video creatives assigned to this placement. 335 }</pre> 336 </div> 337 338 <div class="method"> 339 <code class="details" id="insert">insert(profileId, body)</code> 340 <pre>Inserts a new placement. 341 342 Args: 343 profileId: string, User profile ID associated with this request. (required) 344 body: object, The request body. (required) 345 The object takes the form of: 346 347 { # Contains properties of a placement. 348 "comment": "A String", # Comments for this placement. 349 "videoActiveViewOptOut": True or False, # Whether Verification and ActiveView are disabled for in-stream video creatives for this placement. The same setting videoActiveViewOptOut exists on the site level -- the opt out occurs if either of these settings are true. These settings are distinct from DirectorySites.settings.activeViewOptOut or Sites.siteSettings.activeViewOptOut which only apply to display ads. However, Accounts.activeViewOptOut opts out both video traffic, as well as display ads, from Verification and ActiveView. 350 "campaignId": "A String", # Campaign ID of this placement. This field is a required field on insertion. 351 "paymentSource": "A String", # Payment source for this placement. This is a required field that is read-only after insertion. 352 "directorySiteIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the directory site. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 353 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 354 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 355 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 356 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 357 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 358 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 359 }, 360 "advertiserId": "A String", # Advertiser ID of this placement. This field can be left blank. 361 "keyName": "A String", # Key name of this placement. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 362 "directorySiteId": "A String", # Directory site ID of this placement. On insert, you must set either this field or the siteId field to specify the site associated with this placement. This is a required field that is read-only after insertion. 363 "advertiserIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the advertiser. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 364 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 365 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 366 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 367 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 368 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 369 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 370 }, 371 "id": "A String", # ID of this placement. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 372 "accountId": "A String", # Account ID of this placement. This field can be left blank. 373 "archived": True or False, # Whether this placement is archived. 374 "videoSettings": { # Video Settings # A collection of settings which affect video creatives served through this placement. Applicable to placements with IN_STREAM_VIDEO compatibility. 375 "skippableSettings": { # Skippable Settings # Settings for the skippability of video creatives served to this placement. If this object is provided, the creative-level skippable settings will be overridden. 376 "skippable": True or False, # Whether the user can skip creatives served to this placement. 377 "kind": "dfareporting#skippableSetting", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#skippableSetting". 378 "skipOffset": { # Video Offset # Amount of time to play videos served to this placement before the skip button should appear. Applicable when skippable is true. 379 "offsetPercentage": 42, # Duration, as a percentage of video duration. Do not set when offsetSeconds is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 100, inclusive. 380 "offsetSeconds": 42, # Duration, in seconds. Do not set when offsetPercentage is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 86399, inclusive. 381 }, 382 "progressOffset": { # Video Offset # Amount of time to play videos served to this placement before counting a view. Applicable when skippable is true. 383 "offsetPercentage": 42, # Duration, as a percentage of video duration. Do not set when offsetSeconds is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 100, inclusive. 384 "offsetSeconds": 42, # Duration, in seconds. Do not set when offsetPercentage is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 86399, inclusive. 385 }, 386 }, 387 "kind": "dfareporting#videoSettings", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#videoSettings". 388 "companionSettings": { # Companion Settings # Settings for the companion creatives of video creatives served to this placement. 389 "kind": "dfareporting#companionSetting", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#companionSetting". 390 "companionsDisabled": True or False, # Whether companions are disabled for this placement. 391 "imageOnly": True or False, # Whether to serve only static images as companions. 392 "enabledSizes": [ # Whitelist of companion sizes to be served to this placement. Set this list to null or empty to serve all companion sizes. 393 { # Represents the dimensions of ads, placements, creatives, or creative assets. 394 "width": 42, # Width of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 395 "kind": "dfareporting#size", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#size". 396 "iab": True or False, # IAB standard size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 397 "id": "A String", # ID of this size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 398 "height": 42, # Height of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 399 }, 400 ], 401 }, 402 "transcodeSettings": { # Transcode Settings # Settings for the transcodes of video creatives served to this placement. If this object is provided, the creative-level transcode settings will be overridden. 403 "kind": "dfareporting#transcodeSetting", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#transcodeSetting". 404 "enabledVideoFormats": [ # Whitelist of video formats to be served to this placement. Set this list to null or empty to serve all video formats. 405 42, 406 ], 407 }, 408 }, 409 "publisherUpdateInfo": { # Modification timestamp. # Information about the last publisher update. This is a read-only field. 410 "time": "A String", # Timestamp of the last change in milliseconds since epoch. 411 }, 412 "tagFormats": [ # Tag formats to generate for this placement. This field is required on insertion. 413 # Acceptable values are: 414 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_STANDARD" 415 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_IFRAME_JAVASCRIPT" 416 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_IFRAME_ILAYER" 417 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERNAL_REDIRECT" 418 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_JAVASCRIPT" 419 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERSTITIAL_IFRAME_JAVASCRIPT" 420 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERSTITIAL_INTERNAL_REDIRECT" 421 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERSTITIAL_JAVASCRIPT" 422 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_CLICK_COMMANDS" 423 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INSTREAM_VIDEO_PREFETCH" 424 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INSTREAM_VIDEO_PREFETCH_VAST_3" 425 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INSTREAM_VIDEO_PREFETCH_VAST_4" 426 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_TRACKING" 427 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_TRACKING_IFRAME" 428 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_TRACKING_JAVASCRIPT" 429 "A String", 430 ], 431 "paymentApproved": True or False, # Whether payment was approved for this placement. This is a read-only field relevant only to publisher-paid placements. 432 "tagSetting": { # Tag Settings # Tag settings for this placement. 433 "includeClickThroughUrls": True or False, # Whether static landing page URLs should be included in the tags. This setting applies only to placements. 434 "includeClickTracking": True or False, # Whether click-tracking string should be included in the tags. 435 "additionalKeyValues": "A String", # Additional key-values to be included in tags. Each key-value pair must be of the form key=value, and pairs must be separated by a semicolon (;). Keys and values must not contain commas. For example, id=2;color=red is a valid value for this field. 436 "keywordOption": "A String", # Option specifying how keywords are embedded in ad tags. This setting can be used to specify whether keyword placeholders are inserted in placement tags for this site. Publishers can then add keywords to those placeholders. 437 }, 438 "contentCategoryId": "A String", # ID of the content category assigned to this placement. 439 "adBlockingOptOut": True or False, # Whether this placement opts out of ad blocking. When true, ad blocking is disabled for this placement. When false, the campaign and site settings take effect. 440 "externalId": "A String", # External ID for this placement. 441 "idDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of this placement. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 442 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 443 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 444 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 445 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 446 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 447 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 448 }, 449 "size": { # Represents the dimensions of ads, placements, creatives, or creative assets. # Size associated with this placement. When inserting or updating a placement, only the size ID field is used. This field is required on insertion. 450 "width": 42, # Width of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 451 "kind": "dfareporting#size", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#size". 452 "iab": True or False, # IAB standard size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 453 "id": "A String", # ID of this size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 454 "height": 42, # Height of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 455 }, 456 "sslRequired": True or False, # Whether creatives assigned to this placement must be SSL-compliant. 457 "status": "A String", # Third-party placement status. 458 "campaignIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the campaign. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 459 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 460 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 461 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 462 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 463 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 464 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 465 }, 466 "primary": True or False, # Whether this placement is the primary placement of a roadblock (placement group). You cannot change this field from true to false. Setting this field to true will automatically set the primary field on the original primary placement of the roadblock to false, and it will automatically set the roadblock's primaryPlacementId field to the ID of this placement. 467 "placementGroupId": "A String", # ID of this placement's group, if applicable. 468 "createInfo": { # Modification timestamp. # Information about the creation of this placement. This is a read-only field. 469 "time": "A String", # Timestamp of the last change in milliseconds since epoch. 470 }, 471 "siteId": "A String", # Site ID associated with this placement. On insert, you must set either this field or the directorySiteId field to specify the site associated with this placement. This is a required field that is read-only after insertion. 472 "siteIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the site. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 473 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 474 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 475 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 476 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 477 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 478 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 479 }, 480 "compatibility": "A String", # Placement compatibility. DISPLAY and DISPLAY_INTERSTITIAL refer to rendering on desktop, on mobile devices or in mobile apps for regular or interstitial ads respectively. APP and APP_INTERSTITIAL are no longer allowed for new placement insertions. Instead, use DISPLAY or DISPLAY_INTERSTITIAL. IN_STREAM_VIDEO refers to rendering in in-stream video ads developed with the VAST standard. This field is required on insertion. 481 "placementStrategyId": "A String", # ID of the placement strategy assigned to this placement. 482 "placementGroupIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the placement group. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 483 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 484 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 485 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 486 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 487 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 488 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 489 }, 490 "kind": "dfareporting#placement", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#placement". 491 "subaccountId": "A String", # Subaccount ID of this placement. This field can be left blank. 492 "name": "A String", # Name of this placement.This is a required field and must be less than 256 characters long. 493 "lookbackConfiguration": { # Lookback configuration settings. # Lookback window settings for this placement. 494 "clickDuration": 42, # Lookback window, in days, from the last time a given user clicked on one of your ads. If you enter 0, clicks will not be considered as triggering events for floodlight tracking. If you leave this field blank, the default value for your account will be used. Acceptable values are 0 to 90, inclusive. 495 "postImpressionActivitiesDuration": 42, # Lookback window, in days, from the last time a given user viewed one of your ads. If you enter 0, impressions will not be considered as triggering events for floodlight tracking. If you leave this field blank, the default value for your account will be used. Acceptable values are 0 to 90, inclusive. 496 }, 497 "lastModifiedInfo": { # Modification timestamp. # Information about the most recent modification of this placement. This is a read-only field. 498 "time": "A String", # Timestamp of the last change in milliseconds since epoch. 499 }, 500 "pricingSchedule": { # Pricing Schedule # Pricing schedule of this placement. This field is required on insertion, specifically subfields startDate, endDate and pricingType. 501 "startDate": "A String", # Placement start date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the campaign start date. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the start date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. This field is required on insertion. 502 "endDate": "A String", # Placement end date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the placement start date, but not later than the campaign end date. If, for example, you set 6/25/2015 as both the start and end dates, the effective placement date is just that day only, 6/25/2015. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the end date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. This field is required on insertion. 503 "flighted": True or False, # Whether this placement is flighted. If true, pricing periods will be computed automatically. 504 "disregardOverdelivery": True or False, # Whether cap costs are ignored by ad serving. 505 "capCostOption": "A String", # Placement cap cost option. 506 "pricingPeriods": [ # Pricing periods for this placement. 507 { # Pricing Period 508 "units": "A String", # Units of this pricing period. Acceptable values are 0 to 10000000000, inclusive. 509 "rateOrCostNanos": "A String", # Rate or cost of this pricing period in nanos (i.e., multipled by 1000000000). Acceptable values are 0 to 1000000000000000000, inclusive. 510 "startDate": "A String", # Pricing period start date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the placement start date. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the start date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. 511 "endDate": "A String", # Pricing period end date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the pricing period start date, but not later than the placement end date. The period end date can be the same date as the period start date. If, for example, you set 6/25/2015 as both the start and end dates, the effective pricing period date is just that day only, 6/25/2015. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the end date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. 512 "pricingComment": "A String", # Comments for this pricing period. 513 }, 514 ], 515 "pricingType": "A String", # Placement pricing type. This field is required on insertion. 516 "testingStartDate": "A String", # Testing start date of this placement. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the start date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. 517 "floodlightActivityId": "A String", # Floodlight activity ID associated with this placement. This field should be set when placement pricing type is set to PRICING_TYPE_CPA. 518 }, 519 "vpaidAdapterChoice": "A String", # VPAID adapter setting for this placement. Controls which VPAID format the measurement adapter will use for in-stream video creatives assigned to this placement. 520 } 521 522 523 Returns: 524 An object of the form: 525 526 { # Contains properties of a placement. 527 "comment": "A String", # Comments for this placement. 528 "videoActiveViewOptOut": True or False, # Whether Verification and ActiveView are disabled for in-stream video creatives for this placement. The same setting videoActiveViewOptOut exists on the site level -- the opt out occurs if either of these settings are true. These settings are distinct from DirectorySites.settings.activeViewOptOut or Sites.siteSettings.activeViewOptOut which only apply to display ads. However, Accounts.activeViewOptOut opts out both video traffic, as well as display ads, from Verification and ActiveView. 529 "campaignId": "A String", # Campaign ID of this placement. This field is a required field on insertion. 530 "paymentSource": "A String", # Payment source for this placement. This is a required field that is read-only after insertion. 531 "directorySiteIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the directory site. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 532 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 533 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 534 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 535 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 536 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 537 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 538 }, 539 "advertiserId": "A String", # Advertiser ID of this placement. This field can be left blank. 540 "keyName": "A String", # Key name of this placement. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 541 "directorySiteId": "A String", # Directory site ID of this placement. On insert, you must set either this field or the siteId field to specify the site associated with this placement. This is a required field that is read-only after insertion. 542 "advertiserIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the advertiser. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 543 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 544 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 545 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 546 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 547 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 548 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 549 }, 550 "id": "A String", # ID of this placement. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 551 "accountId": "A String", # Account ID of this placement. This field can be left blank. 552 "archived": True or False, # Whether this placement is archived. 553 "videoSettings": { # Video Settings # A collection of settings which affect video creatives served through this placement. Applicable to placements with IN_STREAM_VIDEO compatibility. 554 "skippableSettings": { # Skippable Settings # Settings for the skippability of video creatives served to this placement. If this object is provided, the creative-level skippable settings will be overridden. 555 "skippable": True or False, # Whether the user can skip creatives served to this placement. 556 "kind": "dfareporting#skippableSetting", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#skippableSetting". 557 "skipOffset": { # Video Offset # Amount of time to play videos served to this placement before the skip button should appear. Applicable when skippable is true. 558 "offsetPercentage": 42, # Duration, as a percentage of video duration. Do not set when offsetSeconds is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 100, inclusive. 559 "offsetSeconds": 42, # Duration, in seconds. Do not set when offsetPercentage is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 86399, inclusive. 560 }, 561 "progressOffset": { # Video Offset # Amount of time to play videos served to this placement before counting a view. Applicable when skippable is true. 562 "offsetPercentage": 42, # Duration, as a percentage of video duration. Do not set when offsetSeconds is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 100, inclusive. 563 "offsetSeconds": 42, # Duration, in seconds. Do not set when offsetPercentage is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 86399, inclusive. 564 }, 565 }, 566 "kind": "dfareporting#videoSettings", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#videoSettings". 567 "companionSettings": { # Companion Settings # Settings for the companion creatives of video creatives served to this placement. 568 "kind": "dfareporting#companionSetting", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#companionSetting". 569 "companionsDisabled": True or False, # Whether companions are disabled for this placement. 570 "imageOnly": True or False, # Whether to serve only static images as companions. 571 "enabledSizes": [ # Whitelist of companion sizes to be served to this placement. Set this list to null or empty to serve all companion sizes. 572 { # Represents the dimensions of ads, placements, creatives, or creative assets. 573 "width": 42, # Width of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 574 "kind": "dfareporting#size", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#size". 575 "iab": True or False, # IAB standard size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 576 "id": "A String", # ID of this size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 577 "height": 42, # Height of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 578 }, 579 ], 580 }, 581 "transcodeSettings": { # Transcode Settings # Settings for the transcodes of video creatives served to this placement. If this object is provided, the creative-level transcode settings will be overridden. 582 "kind": "dfareporting#transcodeSetting", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#transcodeSetting". 583 "enabledVideoFormats": [ # Whitelist of video formats to be served to this placement. Set this list to null or empty to serve all video formats. 584 42, 585 ], 586 }, 587 }, 588 "publisherUpdateInfo": { # Modification timestamp. # Information about the last publisher update. This is a read-only field. 589 "time": "A String", # Timestamp of the last change in milliseconds since epoch. 590 }, 591 "tagFormats": [ # Tag formats to generate for this placement. This field is required on insertion. 592 # Acceptable values are: 593 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_STANDARD" 594 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_IFRAME_JAVASCRIPT" 595 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_IFRAME_ILAYER" 596 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERNAL_REDIRECT" 597 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_JAVASCRIPT" 598 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERSTITIAL_IFRAME_JAVASCRIPT" 599 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERSTITIAL_INTERNAL_REDIRECT" 600 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERSTITIAL_JAVASCRIPT" 601 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_CLICK_COMMANDS" 602 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INSTREAM_VIDEO_PREFETCH" 603 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INSTREAM_VIDEO_PREFETCH_VAST_3" 604 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INSTREAM_VIDEO_PREFETCH_VAST_4" 605 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_TRACKING" 606 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_TRACKING_IFRAME" 607 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_TRACKING_JAVASCRIPT" 608 "A String", 609 ], 610 "paymentApproved": True or False, # Whether payment was approved for this placement. This is a read-only field relevant only to publisher-paid placements. 611 "tagSetting": { # Tag Settings # Tag settings for this placement. 612 "includeClickThroughUrls": True or False, # Whether static landing page URLs should be included in the tags. This setting applies only to placements. 613 "includeClickTracking": True or False, # Whether click-tracking string should be included in the tags. 614 "additionalKeyValues": "A String", # Additional key-values to be included in tags. Each key-value pair must be of the form key=value, and pairs must be separated by a semicolon (;). Keys and values must not contain commas. For example, id=2;color=red is a valid value for this field. 615 "keywordOption": "A String", # Option specifying how keywords are embedded in ad tags. This setting can be used to specify whether keyword placeholders are inserted in placement tags for this site. Publishers can then add keywords to those placeholders. 616 }, 617 "contentCategoryId": "A String", # ID of the content category assigned to this placement. 618 "adBlockingOptOut": True or False, # Whether this placement opts out of ad blocking. When true, ad blocking is disabled for this placement. When false, the campaign and site settings take effect. 619 "externalId": "A String", # External ID for this placement. 620 "idDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of this placement. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 621 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 622 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 623 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 624 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 625 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 626 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 627 }, 628 "size": { # Represents the dimensions of ads, placements, creatives, or creative assets. # Size associated with this placement. When inserting or updating a placement, only the size ID field is used. This field is required on insertion. 629 "width": 42, # Width of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 630 "kind": "dfareporting#size", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#size". 631 "iab": True or False, # IAB standard size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 632 "id": "A String", # ID of this size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 633 "height": 42, # Height of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 634 }, 635 "sslRequired": True or False, # Whether creatives assigned to this placement must be SSL-compliant. 636 "status": "A String", # Third-party placement status. 637 "campaignIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the campaign. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 638 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 639 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 640 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 641 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 642 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 643 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 644 }, 645 "primary": True or False, # Whether this placement is the primary placement of a roadblock (placement group). You cannot change this field from true to false. Setting this field to true will automatically set the primary field on the original primary placement of the roadblock to false, and it will automatically set the roadblock's primaryPlacementId field to the ID of this placement. 646 "placementGroupId": "A String", # ID of this placement's group, if applicable. 647 "createInfo": { # Modification timestamp. # Information about the creation of this placement. This is a read-only field. 648 "time": "A String", # Timestamp of the last change in milliseconds since epoch. 649 }, 650 "siteId": "A String", # Site ID associated with this placement. On insert, you must set either this field or the directorySiteId field to specify the site associated with this placement. This is a required field that is read-only after insertion. 651 "siteIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the site. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 652 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 653 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 654 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 655 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 656 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 657 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 658 }, 659 "compatibility": "A String", # Placement compatibility. DISPLAY and DISPLAY_INTERSTITIAL refer to rendering on desktop, on mobile devices or in mobile apps for regular or interstitial ads respectively. APP and APP_INTERSTITIAL are no longer allowed for new placement insertions. Instead, use DISPLAY or DISPLAY_INTERSTITIAL. IN_STREAM_VIDEO refers to rendering in in-stream video ads developed with the VAST standard. This field is required on insertion. 660 "placementStrategyId": "A String", # ID of the placement strategy assigned to this placement. 661 "placementGroupIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the placement group. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 662 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 663 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 664 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 665 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 666 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 667 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 668 }, 669 "kind": "dfareporting#placement", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#placement". 670 "subaccountId": "A String", # Subaccount ID of this placement. This field can be left blank. 671 "name": "A String", # Name of this placement.This is a required field and must be less than 256 characters long. 672 "lookbackConfiguration": { # Lookback configuration settings. # Lookback window settings for this placement. 673 "clickDuration": 42, # Lookback window, in days, from the last time a given user clicked on one of your ads. If you enter 0, clicks will not be considered as triggering events for floodlight tracking. If you leave this field blank, the default value for your account will be used. Acceptable values are 0 to 90, inclusive. 674 "postImpressionActivitiesDuration": 42, # Lookback window, in days, from the last time a given user viewed one of your ads. If you enter 0, impressions will not be considered as triggering events for floodlight tracking. If you leave this field blank, the default value for your account will be used. Acceptable values are 0 to 90, inclusive. 675 }, 676 "lastModifiedInfo": { # Modification timestamp. # Information about the most recent modification of this placement. This is a read-only field. 677 "time": "A String", # Timestamp of the last change in milliseconds since epoch. 678 }, 679 "pricingSchedule": { # Pricing Schedule # Pricing schedule of this placement. This field is required on insertion, specifically subfields startDate, endDate and pricingType. 680 "startDate": "A String", # Placement start date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the campaign start date. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the start date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. This field is required on insertion. 681 "endDate": "A String", # Placement end date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the placement start date, but not later than the campaign end date. If, for example, you set 6/25/2015 as both the start and end dates, the effective placement date is just that day only, 6/25/2015. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the end date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. This field is required on insertion. 682 "flighted": True or False, # Whether this placement is flighted. If true, pricing periods will be computed automatically. 683 "disregardOverdelivery": True or False, # Whether cap costs are ignored by ad serving. 684 "capCostOption": "A String", # Placement cap cost option. 685 "pricingPeriods": [ # Pricing periods for this placement. 686 { # Pricing Period 687 "units": "A String", # Units of this pricing period. Acceptable values are 0 to 10000000000, inclusive. 688 "rateOrCostNanos": "A String", # Rate or cost of this pricing period in nanos (i.e., multipled by 1000000000). Acceptable values are 0 to 1000000000000000000, inclusive. 689 "startDate": "A String", # Pricing period start date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the placement start date. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the start date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. 690 "endDate": "A String", # Pricing period end date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the pricing period start date, but not later than the placement end date. The period end date can be the same date as the period start date. If, for example, you set 6/25/2015 as both the start and end dates, the effective pricing period date is just that day only, 6/25/2015. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the end date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. 691 "pricingComment": "A String", # Comments for this pricing period. 692 }, 693 ], 694 "pricingType": "A String", # Placement pricing type. This field is required on insertion. 695 "testingStartDate": "A String", # Testing start date of this placement. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the start date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. 696 "floodlightActivityId": "A String", # Floodlight activity ID associated with this placement. This field should be set when placement pricing type is set to PRICING_TYPE_CPA. 697 }, 698 "vpaidAdapterChoice": "A String", # VPAID adapter setting for this placement. Controls which VPAID format the measurement adapter will use for in-stream video creatives assigned to this placement. 699 }</pre> 700 </div> 701 702 <div class="method"> 703 <code class="details" id="list">list(profileId, siteIds=None, paymentSource=None, pricingTypes=None, campaignIds=None, advertiserIds=None, sizeIds=None, pageToken=None, maxStartDate=None, sortOrder=None, maxEndDate=None, placementStrategyIds=None, contentCategoryIds=None, archived=None, maxResults=None, minStartDate=None, compatibilities=None, searchString=None, minEndDate=None, directorySiteIds=None, sortField=None, ids=None, groupIds=None)</code> 704 <pre>Retrieves a list of placements, possibly filtered. This method supports paging. 705 706 Args: 707 profileId: string, User profile ID associated with this request. (required) 708 siteIds: string, Select only placements that are associated with these sites. (repeated) 709 paymentSource: string, Select only placements with this payment source. 710 Allowed values 711 PLACEMENT_AGENCY_PAID - 712 PLACEMENT_PUBLISHER_PAID - 713 pricingTypes: string, Select only placements with these pricing types. (repeated) 714 Allowed values 715 PRICING_TYPE_CPA - 716 PRICING_TYPE_CPC - 717 PRICING_TYPE_CPM - 718 PRICING_TYPE_CPM_ACTIVEVIEW - 719 PRICING_TYPE_FLAT_RATE_CLICKS - 720 PRICING_TYPE_FLAT_RATE_IMPRESSIONS - 721 campaignIds: string, Select only placements that belong to these campaigns. (repeated) 722 advertiserIds: string, Select only placements that belong to these advertisers. (repeated) 723 sizeIds: string, Select only placements that are associated with these sizes. (repeated) 724 pageToken: string, Value of the nextPageToken from the previous result page. 725 maxStartDate: string, Select only placements or placement groups whose start date is on or before the specified maxStartDate. The date should be formatted as "yyyy-MM-dd". 726 sortOrder: string, Order of sorted results. 727 Allowed values 728 ASCENDING - 729 DESCENDING - 730 maxEndDate: string, Select only placements or placement groups whose end date is on or before the specified maxEndDate. The date should be formatted as "yyyy-MM-dd". 731 placementStrategyIds: string, Select only placements that are associated with these placement strategies. (repeated) 732 contentCategoryIds: string, Select only placements that are associated with these content categories. (repeated) 733 archived: boolean, Select only archived placements. Don't set this field to select both archived and non-archived placements. 734 maxResults: integer, Maximum number of results to return. 735 minStartDate: string, Select only placements or placement groups whose start date is on or after the specified minStartDate. The date should be formatted as "yyyy-MM-dd". 736 compatibilities: string, Select only placements that are associated with these compatibilities. DISPLAY and DISPLAY_INTERSTITIAL refer to rendering either on desktop or on mobile devices for regular or interstitial ads respectively. APP and APP_INTERSTITIAL are for rendering in mobile apps. IN_STREAM_VIDEO refers to rendering in in-stream video ads developed with the VAST standard. (repeated) 737 Allowed values 738 APP - 739 APP_INTERSTITIAL - 740 DISPLAY - 741 DISPLAY_INTERSTITIAL - 742 IN_STREAM_VIDEO - 743 searchString: string, Allows searching for placements by name or ID. Wildcards (*) are allowed. For example, "placement*2015" will return placements with names like "placement June 2015", "placement May 2015", or simply "placements 2015". Most of the searches also add wildcards implicitly at the start and the end of the search string. For example, a search string of "placement" will match placements with name "my placement", "placement 2015", or simply "placement". 744 minEndDate: string, Select only placements or placement groups whose end date is on or after the specified minEndDate. The date should be formatted as "yyyy-MM-dd". 745 directorySiteIds: string, Select only placements that are associated with these directory sites. (repeated) 746 sortField: string, Field by which to sort the list. 747 Allowed values 748 ID - 749 NAME - 750 ids: string, Select only placements with these IDs. (repeated) 751 groupIds: string, Select only placements that belong to these placement groups. (repeated) 752 753 Returns: 754 An object of the form: 755 756 { # Placement List Response 757 "nextPageToken": "A String", # Pagination token to be used for the next list operation. 758 "kind": "dfareporting#placementsListResponse", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#placementsListResponse". 759 "placements": [ # Placement collection. 760 { # Contains properties of a placement. 761 "comment": "A String", # Comments for this placement. 762 "videoActiveViewOptOut": True or False, # Whether Verification and ActiveView are disabled for in-stream video creatives for this placement. The same setting videoActiveViewOptOut exists on the site level -- the opt out occurs if either of these settings are true. These settings are distinct from DirectorySites.settings.activeViewOptOut or Sites.siteSettings.activeViewOptOut which only apply to display ads. However, Accounts.activeViewOptOut opts out both video traffic, as well as display ads, from Verification and ActiveView. 763 "campaignId": "A String", # Campaign ID of this placement. This field is a required field on insertion. 764 "paymentSource": "A String", # Payment source for this placement. This is a required field that is read-only after insertion. 765 "directorySiteIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the directory site. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 766 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 767 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 768 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 769 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 770 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 771 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 772 }, 773 "advertiserId": "A String", # Advertiser ID of this placement. This field can be left blank. 774 "keyName": "A String", # Key name of this placement. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 775 "directorySiteId": "A String", # Directory site ID of this placement. On insert, you must set either this field or the siteId field to specify the site associated with this placement. This is a required field that is read-only after insertion. 776 "advertiserIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the advertiser. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 777 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 778 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 779 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 780 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 781 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 782 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 783 }, 784 "id": "A String", # ID of this placement. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 785 "accountId": "A String", # Account ID of this placement. This field can be left blank. 786 "archived": True or False, # Whether this placement is archived. 787 "videoSettings": { # Video Settings # A collection of settings which affect video creatives served through this placement. Applicable to placements with IN_STREAM_VIDEO compatibility. 788 "skippableSettings": { # Skippable Settings # Settings for the skippability of video creatives served to this placement. If this object is provided, the creative-level skippable settings will be overridden. 789 "skippable": True or False, # Whether the user can skip creatives served to this placement. 790 "kind": "dfareporting#skippableSetting", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#skippableSetting". 791 "skipOffset": { # Video Offset # Amount of time to play videos served to this placement before the skip button should appear. Applicable when skippable is true. 792 "offsetPercentage": 42, # Duration, as a percentage of video duration. Do not set when offsetSeconds is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 100, inclusive. 793 "offsetSeconds": 42, # Duration, in seconds. Do not set when offsetPercentage is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 86399, inclusive. 794 }, 795 "progressOffset": { # Video Offset # Amount of time to play videos served to this placement before counting a view. Applicable when skippable is true. 796 "offsetPercentage": 42, # Duration, as a percentage of video duration. Do not set when offsetSeconds is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 100, inclusive. 797 "offsetSeconds": 42, # Duration, in seconds. Do not set when offsetPercentage is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 86399, inclusive. 798 }, 799 }, 800 "kind": "dfareporting#videoSettings", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#videoSettings". 801 "companionSettings": { # Companion Settings # Settings for the companion creatives of video creatives served to this placement. 802 "kind": "dfareporting#companionSetting", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#companionSetting". 803 "companionsDisabled": True or False, # Whether companions are disabled for this placement. 804 "imageOnly": True or False, # Whether to serve only static images as companions. 805 "enabledSizes": [ # Whitelist of companion sizes to be served to this placement. Set this list to null or empty to serve all companion sizes. 806 { # Represents the dimensions of ads, placements, creatives, or creative assets. 807 "width": 42, # Width of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 808 "kind": "dfareporting#size", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#size". 809 "iab": True or False, # IAB standard size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 810 "id": "A String", # ID of this size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 811 "height": 42, # Height of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 812 }, 813 ], 814 }, 815 "transcodeSettings": { # Transcode Settings # Settings for the transcodes of video creatives served to this placement. If this object is provided, the creative-level transcode settings will be overridden. 816 "kind": "dfareporting#transcodeSetting", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#transcodeSetting". 817 "enabledVideoFormats": [ # Whitelist of video formats to be served to this placement. Set this list to null or empty to serve all video formats. 818 42, 819 ], 820 }, 821 }, 822 "publisherUpdateInfo": { # Modification timestamp. # Information about the last publisher update. This is a read-only field. 823 "time": "A String", # Timestamp of the last change in milliseconds since epoch. 824 }, 825 "tagFormats": [ # Tag formats to generate for this placement. This field is required on insertion. 826 # Acceptable values are: 827 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_STANDARD" 828 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_IFRAME_JAVASCRIPT" 829 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_IFRAME_ILAYER" 830 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERNAL_REDIRECT" 831 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_JAVASCRIPT" 832 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERSTITIAL_IFRAME_JAVASCRIPT" 833 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERSTITIAL_INTERNAL_REDIRECT" 834 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERSTITIAL_JAVASCRIPT" 835 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_CLICK_COMMANDS" 836 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INSTREAM_VIDEO_PREFETCH" 837 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INSTREAM_VIDEO_PREFETCH_VAST_3" 838 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INSTREAM_VIDEO_PREFETCH_VAST_4" 839 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_TRACKING" 840 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_TRACKING_IFRAME" 841 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_TRACKING_JAVASCRIPT" 842 "A String", 843 ], 844 "paymentApproved": True or False, # Whether payment was approved for this placement. This is a read-only field relevant only to publisher-paid placements. 845 "tagSetting": { # Tag Settings # Tag settings for this placement. 846 "includeClickThroughUrls": True or False, # Whether static landing page URLs should be included in the tags. This setting applies only to placements. 847 "includeClickTracking": True or False, # Whether click-tracking string should be included in the tags. 848 "additionalKeyValues": "A String", # Additional key-values to be included in tags. Each key-value pair must be of the form key=value, and pairs must be separated by a semicolon (;). Keys and values must not contain commas. For example, id=2;color=red is a valid value for this field. 849 "keywordOption": "A String", # Option specifying how keywords are embedded in ad tags. This setting can be used to specify whether keyword placeholders are inserted in placement tags for this site. Publishers can then add keywords to those placeholders. 850 }, 851 "contentCategoryId": "A String", # ID of the content category assigned to this placement. 852 "adBlockingOptOut": True or False, # Whether this placement opts out of ad blocking. When true, ad blocking is disabled for this placement. When false, the campaign and site settings take effect. 853 "externalId": "A String", # External ID for this placement. 854 "idDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of this placement. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 855 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 856 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 857 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 858 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 859 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 860 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 861 }, 862 "size": { # Represents the dimensions of ads, placements, creatives, or creative assets. # Size associated with this placement. When inserting or updating a placement, only the size ID field is used. This field is required on insertion. 863 "width": 42, # Width of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 864 "kind": "dfareporting#size", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#size". 865 "iab": True or False, # IAB standard size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 866 "id": "A String", # ID of this size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 867 "height": 42, # Height of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 868 }, 869 "sslRequired": True or False, # Whether creatives assigned to this placement must be SSL-compliant. 870 "status": "A String", # Third-party placement status. 871 "campaignIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the campaign. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 872 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 873 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 874 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 875 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 876 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 877 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 878 }, 879 "primary": True or False, # Whether this placement is the primary placement of a roadblock (placement group). You cannot change this field from true to false. Setting this field to true will automatically set the primary field on the original primary placement of the roadblock to false, and it will automatically set the roadblock's primaryPlacementId field to the ID of this placement. 880 "placementGroupId": "A String", # ID of this placement's group, if applicable. 881 "createInfo": { # Modification timestamp. # Information about the creation of this placement. This is a read-only field. 882 "time": "A String", # Timestamp of the last change in milliseconds since epoch. 883 }, 884 "siteId": "A String", # Site ID associated with this placement. On insert, you must set either this field or the directorySiteId field to specify the site associated with this placement. This is a required field that is read-only after insertion. 885 "siteIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the site. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 886 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 887 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 888 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 889 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 890 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 891 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 892 }, 893 "compatibility": "A String", # Placement compatibility. DISPLAY and DISPLAY_INTERSTITIAL refer to rendering on desktop, on mobile devices or in mobile apps for regular or interstitial ads respectively. APP and APP_INTERSTITIAL are no longer allowed for new placement insertions. Instead, use DISPLAY or DISPLAY_INTERSTITIAL. IN_STREAM_VIDEO refers to rendering in in-stream video ads developed with the VAST standard. This field is required on insertion. 894 "placementStrategyId": "A String", # ID of the placement strategy assigned to this placement. 895 "placementGroupIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the placement group. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 896 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 897 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 898 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 899 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 900 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 901 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 902 }, 903 "kind": "dfareporting#placement", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#placement". 904 "subaccountId": "A String", # Subaccount ID of this placement. This field can be left blank. 905 "name": "A String", # Name of this placement.This is a required field and must be less than 256 characters long. 906 "lookbackConfiguration": { # Lookback configuration settings. # Lookback window settings for this placement. 907 "clickDuration": 42, # Lookback window, in days, from the last time a given user clicked on one of your ads. If you enter 0, clicks will not be considered as triggering events for floodlight tracking. If you leave this field blank, the default value for your account will be used. Acceptable values are 0 to 90, inclusive. 908 "postImpressionActivitiesDuration": 42, # Lookback window, in days, from the last time a given user viewed one of your ads. If you enter 0, impressions will not be considered as triggering events for floodlight tracking. If you leave this field blank, the default value for your account will be used. Acceptable values are 0 to 90, inclusive. 909 }, 910 "lastModifiedInfo": { # Modification timestamp. # Information about the most recent modification of this placement. This is a read-only field. 911 "time": "A String", # Timestamp of the last change in milliseconds since epoch. 912 }, 913 "pricingSchedule": { # Pricing Schedule # Pricing schedule of this placement. This field is required on insertion, specifically subfields startDate, endDate and pricingType. 914 "startDate": "A String", # Placement start date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the campaign start date. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the start date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. This field is required on insertion. 915 "endDate": "A String", # Placement end date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the placement start date, but not later than the campaign end date. If, for example, you set 6/25/2015 as both the start and end dates, the effective placement date is just that day only, 6/25/2015. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the end date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. This field is required on insertion. 916 "flighted": True or False, # Whether this placement is flighted. If true, pricing periods will be computed automatically. 917 "disregardOverdelivery": True or False, # Whether cap costs are ignored by ad serving. 918 "capCostOption": "A String", # Placement cap cost option. 919 "pricingPeriods": [ # Pricing periods for this placement. 920 { # Pricing Period 921 "units": "A String", # Units of this pricing period. Acceptable values are 0 to 10000000000, inclusive. 922 "rateOrCostNanos": "A String", # Rate or cost of this pricing period in nanos (i.e., multipled by 1000000000). Acceptable values are 0 to 1000000000000000000, inclusive. 923 "startDate": "A String", # Pricing period start date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the placement start date. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the start date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. 924 "endDate": "A String", # Pricing period end date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the pricing period start date, but not later than the placement end date. The period end date can be the same date as the period start date. If, for example, you set 6/25/2015 as both the start and end dates, the effective pricing period date is just that day only, 6/25/2015. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the end date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. 925 "pricingComment": "A String", # Comments for this pricing period. 926 }, 927 ], 928 "pricingType": "A String", # Placement pricing type. This field is required on insertion. 929 "testingStartDate": "A String", # Testing start date of this placement. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the start date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. 930 "floodlightActivityId": "A String", # Floodlight activity ID associated with this placement. This field should be set when placement pricing type is set to PRICING_TYPE_CPA. 931 }, 932 "vpaidAdapterChoice": "A String", # VPAID adapter setting for this placement. Controls which VPAID format the measurement adapter will use for in-stream video creatives assigned to this placement. 933 }, 934 ], 935 }</pre> 936 </div> 937 938 <div class="method"> 939 <code class="details" id="list_next">list_next(previous_request, previous_response)</code> 940 <pre>Retrieves the next page of results. 941 942 Args: 943 previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required) 944 previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required) 945 946 Returns: 947 A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next 948 page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection. 949 </pre> 950 </div> 951 952 <div class="method"> 953 <code class="details" id="patch">patch(profileId, id, body)</code> 954 <pre>Updates an existing placement. This method supports patch semantics. 955 956 Args: 957 profileId: string, User profile ID associated with this request. (required) 958 id: string, Placement ID. (required) 959 body: object, The request body. (required) 960 The object takes the form of: 961 962 { # Contains properties of a placement. 963 "comment": "A String", # Comments for this placement. 964 "videoActiveViewOptOut": True or False, # Whether Verification and ActiveView are disabled for in-stream video creatives for this placement. The same setting videoActiveViewOptOut exists on the site level -- the opt out occurs if either of these settings are true. These settings are distinct from DirectorySites.settings.activeViewOptOut or Sites.siteSettings.activeViewOptOut which only apply to display ads. However, Accounts.activeViewOptOut opts out both video traffic, as well as display ads, from Verification and ActiveView. 965 "campaignId": "A String", # Campaign ID of this placement. This field is a required field on insertion. 966 "paymentSource": "A String", # Payment source for this placement. This is a required field that is read-only after insertion. 967 "directorySiteIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the directory site. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 968 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 969 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 970 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 971 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 972 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 973 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 974 }, 975 "advertiserId": "A String", # Advertiser ID of this placement. This field can be left blank. 976 "keyName": "A String", # Key name of this placement. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 977 "directorySiteId": "A String", # Directory site ID of this placement. On insert, you must set either this field or the siteId field to specify the site associated with this placement. This is a required field that is read-only after insertion. 978 "advertiserIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the advertiser. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 979 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 980 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 981 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 982 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 983 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 984 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 985 }, 986 "id": "A String", # ID of this placement. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 987 "accountId": "A String", # Account ID of this placement. This field can be left blank. 988 "archived": True or False, # Whether this placement is archived. 989 "videoSettings": { # Video Settings # A collection of settings which affect video creatives served through this placement. Applicable to placements with IN_STREAM_VIDEO compatibility. 990 "skippableSettings": { # Skippable Settings # Settings for the skippability of video creatives served to this placement. If this object is provided, the creative-level skippable settings will be overridden. 991 "skippable": True or False, # Whether the user can skip creatives served to this placement. 992 "kind": "dfareporting#skippableSetting", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#skippableSetting". 993 "skipOffset": { # Video Offset # Amount of time to play videos served to this placement before the skip button should appear. Applicable when skippable is true. 994 "offsetPercentage": 42, # Duration, as a percentage of video duration. Do not set when offsetSeconds is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 100, inclusive. 995 "offsetSeconds": 42, # Duration, in seconds. Do not set when offsetPercentage is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 86399, inclusive. 996 }, 997 "progressOffset": { # Video Offset # Amount of time to play videos served to this placement before counting a view. Applicable when skippable is true. 998 "offsetPercentage": 42, # Duration, as a percentage of video duration. Do not set when offsetSeconds is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 100, inclusive. 999 "offsetSeconds": 42, # Duration, in seconds. Do not set when offsetPercentage is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 86399, inclusive. 1000 }, 1001 }, 1002 "kind": "dfareporting#videoSettings", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#videoSettings". 1003 "companionSettings": { # Companion Settings # Settings for the companion creatives of video creatives served to this placement. 1004 "kind": "dfareporting#companionSetting", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#companionSetting". 1005 "companionsDisabled": True or False, # Whether companions are disabled for this placement. 1006 "imageOnly": True or False, # Whether to serve only static images as companions. 1007 "enabledSizes": [ # Whitelist of companion sizes to be served to this placement. Set this list to null or empty to serve all companion sizes. 1008 { # Represents the dimensions of ads, placements, creatives, or creative assets. 1009 "width": 42, # Width of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 1010 "kind": "dfareporting#size", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#size". 1011 "iab": True or False, # IAB standard size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1012 "id": "A String", # ID of this size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1013 "height": 42, # Height of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 1014 }, 1015 ], 1016 }, 1017 "transcodeSettings": { # Transcode Settings # Settings for the transcodes of video creatives served to this placement. If this object is provided, the creative-level transcode settings will be overridden. 1018 "kind": "dfareporting#transcodeSetting", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#transcodeSetting". 1019 "enabledVideoFormats": [ # Whitelist of video formats to be served to this placement. Set this list to null or empty to serve all video formats. 1020 42, 1021 ], 1022 }, 1023 }, 1024 "publisherUpdateInfo": { # Modification timestamp. # Information about the last publisher update. This is a read-only field. 1025 "time": "A String", # Timestamp of the last change in milliseconds since epoch. 1026 }, 1027 "tagFormats": [ # Tag formats to generate for this placement. This field is required on insertion. 1028 # Acceptable values are: 1029 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_STANDARD" 1030 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_IFRAME_JAVASCRIPT" 1031 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_IFRAME_ILAYER" 1032 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERNAL_REDIRECT" 1033 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_JAVASCRIPT" 1034 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERSTITIAL_IFRAME_JAVASCRIPT" 1035 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERSTITIAL_INTERNAL_REDIRECT" 1036 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERSTITIAL_JAVASCRIPT" 1037 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_CLICK_COMMANDS" 1038 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INSTREAM_VIDEO_PREFETCH" 1039 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INSTREAM_VIDEO_PREFETCH_VAST_3" 1040 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INSTREAM_VIDEO_PREFETCH_VAST_4" 1041 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_TRACKING" 1042 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_TRACKING_IFRAME" 1043 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_TRACKING_JAVASCRIPT" 1044 "A String", 1045 ], 1046 "paymentApproved": True or False, # Whether payment was approved for this placement. This is a read-only field relevant only to publisher-paid placements. 1047 "tagSetting": { # Tag Settings # Tag settings for this placement. 1048 "includeClickThroughUrls": True or False, # Whether static landing page URLs should be included in the tags. This setting applies only to placements. 1049 "includeClickTracking": True or False, # Whether click-tracking string should be included in the tags. 1050 "additionalKeyValues": "A String", # Additional key-values to be included in tags. Each key-value pair must be of the form key=value, and pairs must be separated by a semicolon (;). Keys and values must not contain commas. For example, id=2;color=red is a valid value for this field. 1051 "keywordOption": "A String", # Option specifying how keywords are embedded in ad tags. This setting can be used to specify whether keyword placeholders are inserted in placement tags for this site. Publishers can then add keywords to those placeholders. 1052 }, 1053 "contentCategoryId": "A String", # ID of the content category assigned to this placement. 1054 "adBlockingOptOut": True or False, # Whether this placement opts out of ad blocking. When true, ad blocking is disabled for this placement. When false, the campaign and site settings take effect. 1055 "externalId": "A String", # External ID for this placement. 1056 "idDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of this placement. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1057 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 1058 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 1059 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 1060 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 1061 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 1062 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 1063 }, 1064 "size": { # Represents the dimensions of ads, placements, creatives, or creative assets. # Size associated with this placement. When inserting or updating a placement, only the size ID field is used. This field is required on insertion. 1065 "width": 42, # Width of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 1066 "kind": "dfareporting#size", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#size". 1067 "iab": True or False, # IAB standard size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1068 "id": "A String", # ID of this size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1069 "height": 42, # Height of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 1070 }, 1071 "sslRequired": True or False, # Whether creatives assigned to this placement must be SSL-compliant. 1072 "status": "A String", # Third-party placement status. 1073 "campaignIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the campaign. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1074 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 1075 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 1076 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 1077 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 1078 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 1079 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 1080 }, 1081 "primary": True or False, # Whether this placement is the primary placement of a roadblock (placement group). You cannot change this field from true to false. Setting this field to true will automatically set the primary field on the original primary placement of the roadblock to false, and it will automatically set the roadblock's primaryPlacementId field to the ID of this placement. 1082 "placementGroupId": "A String", # ID of this placement's group, if applicable. 1083 "createInfo": { # Modification timestamp. # Information about the creation of this placement. This is a read-only field. 1084 "time": "A String", # Timestamp of the last change in milliseconds since epoch. 1085 }, 1086 "siteId": "A String", # Site ID associated with this placement. On insert, you must set either this field or the directorySiteId field to specify the site associated with this placement. This is a required field that is read-only after insertion. 1087 "siteIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the site. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1088 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 1089 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 1090 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 1091 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 1092 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 1093 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 1094 }, 1095 "compatibility": "A String", # Placement compatibility. DISPLAY and DISPLAY_INTERSTITIAL refer to rendering on desktop, on mobile devices or in mobile apps for regular or interstitial ads respectively. APP and APP_INTERSTITIAL are no longer allowed for new placement insertions. Instead, use DISPLAY or DISPLAY_INTERSTITIAL. IN_STREAM_VIDEO refers to rendering in in-stream video ads developed with the VAST standard. This field is required on insertion. 1096 "placementStrategyId": "A String", # ID of the placement strategy assigned to this placement. 1097 "placementGroupIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the placement group. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1098 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 1099 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 1100 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 1101 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 1102 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 1103 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 1104 }, 1105 "kind": "dfareporting#placement", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#placement". 1106 "subaccountId": "A String", # Subaccount ID of this placement. This field can be left blank. 1107 "name": "A String", # Name of this placement.This is a required field and must be less than 256 characters long. 1108 "lookbackConfiguration": { # Lookback configuration settings. # Lookback window settings for this placement. 1109 "clickDuration": 42, # Lookback window, in days, from the last time a given user clicked on one of your ads. If you enter 0, clicks will not be considered as triggering events for floodlight tracking. If you leave this field blank, the default value for your account will be used. Acceptable values are 0 to 90, inclusive. 1110 "postImpressionActivitiesDuration": 42, # Lookback window, in days, from the last time a given user viewed one of your ads. If you enter 0, impressions will not be considered as triggering events for floodlight tracking. If you leave this field blank, the default value for your account will be used. Acceptable values are 0 to 90, inclusive. 1111 }, 1112 "lastModifiedInfo": { # Modification timestamp. # Information about the most recent modification of this placement. This is a read-only field. 1113 "time": "A String", # Timestamp of the last change in milliseconds since epoch. 1114 }, 1115 "pricingSchedule": { # Pricing Schedule # Pricing schedule of this placement. This field is required on insertion, specifically subfields startDate, endDate and pricingType. 1116 "startDate": "A String", # Placement start date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the campaign start date. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the start date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. This field is required on insertion. 1117 "endDate": "A String", # Placement end date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the placement start date, but not later than the campaign end date. If, for example, you set 6/25/2015 as both the start and end dates, the effective placement date is just that day only, 6/25/2015. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the end date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. This field is required on insertion. 1118 "flighted": True or False, # Whether this placement is flighted. If true, pricing periods will be computed automatically. 1119 "disregardOverdelivery": True or False, # Whether cap costs are ignored by ad serving. 1120 "capCostOption": "A String", # Placement cap cost option. 1121 "pricingPeriods": [ # Pricing periods for this placement. 1122 { # Pricing Period 1123 "units": "A String", # Units of this pricing period. Acceptable values are 0 to 10000000000, inclusive. 1124 "rateOrCostNanos": "A String", # Rate or cost of this pricing period in nanos (i.e., multipled by 1000000000). Acceptable values are 0 to 1000000000000000000, inclusive. 1125 "startDate": "A String", # Pricing period start date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the placement start date. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the start date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. 1126 "endDate": "A String", # Pricing period end date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the pricing period start date, but not later than the placement end date. The period end date can be the same date as the period start date. If, for example, you set 6/25/2015 as both the start and end dates, the effective pricing period date is just that day only, 6/25/2015. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the end date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. 1127 "pricingComment": "A String", # Comments for this pricing period. 1128 }, 1129 ], 1130 "pricingType": "A String", # Placement pricing type. This field is required on insertion. 1131 "testingStartDate": "A String", # Testing start date of this placement. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the start date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. 1132 "floodlightActivityId": "A String", # Floodlight activity ID associated with this placement. This field should be set when placement pricing type is set to PRICING_TYPE_CPA. 1133 }, 1134 "vpaidAdapterChoice": "A String", # VPAID adapter setting for this placement. Controls which VPAID format the measurement adapter will use for in-stream video creatives assigned to this placement. 1135 } 1136 1137 1138 Returns: 1139 An object of the form: 1140 1141 { # Contains properties of a placement. 1142 "comment": "A String", # Comments for this placement. 1143 "videoActiveViewOptOut": True or False, # Whether Verification and ActiveView are disabled for in-stream video creatives for this placement. The same setting videoActiveViewOptOut exists on the site level -- the opt out occurs if either of these settings are true. These settings are distinct from DirectorySites.settings.activeViewOptOut or Sites.siteSettings.activeViewOptOut which only apply to display ads. However, Accounts.activeViewOptOut opts out both video traffic, as well as display ads, from Verification and ActiveView. 1144 "campaignId": "A String", # Campaign ID of this placement. This field is a required field on insertion. 1145 "paymentSource": "A String", # Payment source for this placement. This is a required field that is read-only after insertion. 1146 "directorySiteIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the directory site. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1147 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 1148 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 1149 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 1150 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 1151 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 1152 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 1153 }, 1154 "advertiserId": "A String", # Advertiser ID of this placement. This field can be left blank. 1155 "keyName": "A String", # Key name of this placement. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1156 "directorySiteId": "A String", # Directory site ID of this placement. On insert, you must set either this field or the siteId field to specify the site associated with this placement. This is a required field that is read-only after insertion. 1157 "advertiserIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the advertiser. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1158 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 1159 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 1160 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 1161 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 1162 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 1163 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 1164 }, 1165 "id": "A String", # ID of this placement. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1166 "accountId": "A String", # Account ID of this placement. This field can be left blank. 1167 "archived": True or False, # Whether this placement is archived. 1168 "videoSettings": { # Video Settings # A collection of settings which affect video creatives served through this placement. Applicable to placements with IN_STREAM_VIDEO compatibility. 1169 "skippableSettings": { # Skippable Settings # Settings for the skippability of video creatives served to this placement. If this object is provided, the creative-level skippable settings will be overridden. 1170 "skippable": True or False, # Whether the user can skip creatives served to this placement. 1171 "kind": "dfareporting#skippableSetting", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#skippableSetting". 1172 "skipOffset": { # Video Offset # Amount of time to play videos served to this placement before the skip button should appear. Applicable when skippable is true. 1173 "offsetPercentage": 42, # Duration, as a percentage of video duration. Do not set when offsetSeconds is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 100, inclusive. 1174 "offsetSeconds": 42, # Duration, in seconds. Do not set when offsetPercentage is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 86399, inclusive. 1175 }, 1176 "progressOffset": { # Video Offset # Amount of time to play videos served to this placement before counting a view. Applicable when skippable is true. 1177 "offsetPercentage": 42, # Duration, as a percentage of video duration. Do not set when offsetSeconds is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 100, inclusive. 1178 "offsetSeconds": 42, # Duration, in seconds. Do not set when offsetPercentage is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 86399, inclusive. 1179 }, 1180 }, 1181 "kind": "dfareporting#videoSettings", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#videoSettings". 1182 "companionSettings": { # Companion Settings # Settings for the companion creatives of video creatives served to this placement. 1183 "kind": "dfareporting#companionSetting", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#companionSetting". 1184 "companionsDisabled": True or False, # Whether companions are disabled for this placement. 1185 "imageOnly": True or False, # Whether to serve only static images as companions. 1186 "enabledSizes": [ # Whitelist of companion sizes to be served to this placement. Set this list to null or empty to serve all companion sizes. 1187 { # Represents the dimensions of ads, placements, creatives, or creative assets. 1188 "width": 42, # Width of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 1189 "kind": "dfareporting#size", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#size". 1190 "iab": True or False, # IAB standard size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1191 "id": "A String", # ID of this size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1192 "height": 42, # Height of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 1193 }, 1194 ], 1195 }, 1196 "transcodeSettings": { # Transcode Settings # Settings for the transcodes of video creatives served to this placement. If this object is provided, the creative-level transcode settings will be overridden. 1197 "kind": "dfareporting#transcodeSetting", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#transcodeSetting". 1198 "enabledVideoFormats": [ # Whitelist of video formats to be served to this placement. Set this list to null or empty to serve all video formats. 1199 42, 1200 ], 1201 }, 1202 }, 1203 "publisherUpdateInfo": { # Modification timestamp. # Information about the last publisher update. This is a read-only field. 1204 "time": "A String", # Timestamp of the last change in milliseconds since epoch. 1205 }, 1206 "tagFormats": [ # Tag formats to generate for this placement. This field is required on insertion. 1207 # Acceptable values are: 1208 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_STANDARD" 1209 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_IFRAME_JAVASCRIPT" 1210 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_IFRAME_ILAYER" 1211 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERNAL_REDIRECT" 1212 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_JAVASCRIPT" 1213 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERSTITIAL_IFRAME_JAVASCRIPT" 1214 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERSTITIAL_INTERNAL_REDIRECT" 1215 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERSTITIAL_JAVASCRIPT" 1216 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_CLICK_COMMANDS" 1217 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INSTREAM_VIDEO_PREFETCH" 1218 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INSTREAM_VIDEO_PREFETCH_VAST_3" 1219 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INSTREAM_VIDEO_PREFETCH_VAST_4" 1220 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_TRACKING" 1221 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_TRACKING_IFRAME" 1222 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_TRACKING_JAVASCRIPT" 1223 "A String", 1224 ], 1225 "paymentApproved": True or False, # Whether payment was approved for this placement. This is a read-only field relevant only to publisher-paid placements. 1226 "tagSetting": { # Tag Settings # Tag settings for this placement. 1227 "includeClickThroughUrls": True or False, # Whether static landing page URLs should be included in the tags. This setting applies only to placements. 1228 "includeClickTracking": True or False, # Whether click-tracking string should be included in the tags. 1229 "additionalKeyValues": "A String", # Additional key-values to be included in tags. Each key-value pair must be of the form key=value, and pairs must be separated by a semicolon (;). Keys and values must not contain commas. For example, id=2;color=red is a valid value for this field. 1230 "keywordOption": "A String", # Option specifying how keywords are embedded in ad tags. This setting can be used to specify whether keyword placeholders are inserted in placement tags for this site. Publishers can then add keywords to those placeholders. 1231 }, 1232 "contentCategoryId": "A String", # ID of the content category assigned to this placement. 1233 "adBlockingOptOut": True or False, # Whether this placement opts out of ad blocking. When true, ad blocking is disabled for this placement. When false, the campaign and site settings take effect. 1234 "externalId": "A String", # External ID for this placement. 1235 "idDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of this placement. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1236 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 1237 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 1238 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 1239 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 1240 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 1241 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 1242 }, 1243 "size": { # Represents the dimensions of ads, placements, creatives, or creative assets. # Size associated with this placement. When inserting or updating a placement, only the size ID field is used. This field is required on insertion. 1244 "width": 42, # Width of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 1245 "kind": "dfareporting#size", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#size". 1246 "iab": True or False, # IAB standard size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1247 "id": "A String", # ID of this size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1248 "height": 42, # Height of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 1249 }, 1250 "sslRequired": True or False, # Whether creatives assigned to this placement must be SSL-compliant. 1251 "status": "A String", # Third-party placement status. 1252 "campaignIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the campaign. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1253 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 1254 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 1255 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 1256 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 1257 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 1258 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 1259 }, 1260 "primary": True or False, # Whether this placement is the primary placement of a roadblock (placement group). You cannot change this field from true to false. Setting this field to true will automatically set the primary field on the original primary placement of the roadblock to false, and it will automatically set the roadblock's primaryPlacementId field to the ID of this placement. 1261 "placementGroupId": "A String", # ID of this placement's group, if applicable. 1262 "createInfo": { # Modification timestamp. # Information about the creation of this placement. This is a read-only field. 1263 "time": "A String", # Timestamp of the last change in milliseconds since epoch. 1264 }, 1265 "siteId": "A String", # Site ID associated with this placement. On insert, you must set either this field or the directorySiteId field to specify the site associated with this placement. This is a required field that is read-only after insertion. 1266 "siteIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the site. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1267 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 1268 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 1269 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 1270 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 1271 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 1272 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 1273 }, 1274 "compatibility": "A String", # Placement compatibility. DISPLAY and DISPLAY_INTERSTITIAL refer to rendering on desktop, on mobile devices or in mobile apps for regular or interstitial ads respectively. APP and APP_INTERSTITIAL are no longer allowed for new placement insertions. Instead, use DISPLAY or DISPLAY_INTERSTITIAL. IN_STREAM_VIDEO refers to rendering in in-stream video ads developed with the VAST standard. This field is required on insertion. 1275 "placementStrategyId": "A String", # ID of the placement strategy assigned to this placement. 1276 "placementGroupIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the placement group. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1277 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 1278 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 1279 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 1280 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 1281 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 1282 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 1283 }, 1284 "kind": "dfareporting#placement", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#placement". 1285 "subaccountId": "A String", # Subaccount ID of this placement. This field can be left blank. 1286 "name": "A String", # Name of this placement.This is a required field and must be less than 256 characters long. 1287 "lookbackConfiguration": { # Lookback configuration settings. # Lookback window settings for this placement. 1288 "clickDuration": 42, # Lookback window, in days, from the last time a given user clicked on one of your ads. If you enter 0, clicks will not be considered as triggering events for floodlight tracking. If you leave this field blank, the default value for your account will be used. Acceptable values are 0 to 90, inclusive. 1289 "postImpressionActivitiesDuration": 42, # Lookback window, in days, from the last time a given user viewed one of your ads. If you enter 0, impressions will not be considered as triggering events for floodlight tracking. If you leave this field blank, the default value for your account will be used. Acceptable values are 0 to 90, inclusive. 1290 }, 1291 "lastModifiedInfo": { # Modification timestamp. # Information about the most recent modification of this placement. This is a read-only field. 1292 "time": "A String", # Timestamp of the last change in milliseconds since epoch. 1293 }, 1294 "pricingSchedule": { # Pricing Schedule # Pricing schedule of this placement. This field is required on insertion, specifically subfields startDate, endDate and pricingType. 1295 "startDate": "A String", # Placement start date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the campaign start date. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the start date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. This field is required on insertion. 1296 "endDate": "A String", # Placement end date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the placement start date, but not later than the campaign end date. If, for example, you set 6/25/2015 as both the start and end dates, the effective placement date is just that day only, 6/25/2015. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the end date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. This field is required on insertion. 1297 "flighted": True or False, # Whether this placement is flighted. If true, pricing periods will be computed automatically. 1298 "disregardOverdelivery": True or False, # Whether cap costs are ignored by ad serving. 1299 "capCostOption": "A String", # Placement cap cost option. 1300 "pricingPeriods": [ # Pricing periods for this placement. 1301 { # Pricing Period 1302 "units": "A String", # Units of this pricing period. Acceptable values are 0 to 10000000000, inclusive. 1303 "rateOrCostNanos": "A String", # Rate or cost of this pricing period in nanos (i.e., multipled by 1000000000). Acceptable values are 0 to 1000000000000000000, inclusive. 1304 "startDate": "A String", # Pricing period start date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the placement start date. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the start date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. 1305 "endDate": "A String", # Pricing period end date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the pricing period start date, but not later than the placement end date. The period end date can be the same date as the period start date. If, for example, you set 6/25/2015 as both the start and end dates, the effective pricing period date is just that day only, 6/25/2015. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the end date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. 1306 "pricingComment": "A String", # Comments for this pricing period. 1307 }, 1308 ], 1309 "pricingType": "A String", # Placement pricing type. This field is required on insertion. 1310 "testingStartDate": "A String", # Testing start date of this placement. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the start date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. 1311 "floodlightActivityId": "A String", # Floodlight activity ID associated with this placement. This field should be set when placement pricing type is set to PRICING_TYPE_CPA. 1312 }, 1313 "vpaidAdapterChoice": "A String", # VPAID adapter setting for this placement. Controls which VPAID format the measurement adapter will use for in-stream video creatives assigned to this placement. 1314 }</pre> 1315 </div> 1316 1317 <div class="method"> 1318 <code class="details" id="update">update(profileId, body)</code> 1319 <pre>Updates an existing placement. 1320 1321 Args: 1322 profileId: string, User profile ID associated with this request. (required) 1323 body: object, The request body. (required) 1324 The object takes the form of: 1325 1326 { # Contains properties of a placement. 1327 "comment": "A String", # Comments for this placement. 1328 "videoActiveViewOptOut": True or False, # Whether Verification and ActiveView are disabled for in-stream video creatives for this placement. The same setting videoActiveViewOptOut exists on the site level -- the opt out occurs if either of these settings are true. These settings are distinct from DirectorySites.settings.activeViewOptOut or Sites.siteSettings.activeViewOptOut which only apply to display ads. However, Accounts.activeViewOptOut opts out both video traffic, as well as display ads, from Verification and ActiveView. 1329 "campaignId": "A String", # Campaign ID of this placement. This field is a required field on insertion. 1330 "paymentSource": "A String", # Payment source for this placement. This is a required field that is read-only after insertion. 1331 "directorySiteIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the directory site. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1332 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 1333 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 1334 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 1335 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 1336 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 1337 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 1338 }, 1339 "advertiserId": "A String", # Advertiser ID of this placement. This field can be left blank. 1340 "keyName": "A String", # Key name of this placement. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1341 "directorySiteId": "A String", # Directory site ID of this placement. On insert, you must set either this field or the siteId field to specify the site associated with this placement. This is a required field that is read-only after insertion. 1342 "advertiserIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the advertiser. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1343 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 1344 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 1345 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 1346 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 1347 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 1348 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 1349 }, 1350 "id": "A String", # ID of this placement. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1351 "accountId": "A String", # Account ID of this placement. This field can be left blank. 1352 "archived": True or False, # Whether this placement is archived. 1353 "videoSettings": { # Video Settings # A collection of settings which affect video creatives served through this placement. Applicable to placements with IN_STREAM_VIDEO compatibility. 1354 "skippableSettings": { # Skippable Settings # Settings for the skippability of video creatives served to this placement. If this object is provided, the creative-level skippable settings will be overridden. 1355 "skippable": True or False, # Whether the user can skip creatives served to this placement. 1356 "kind": "dfareporting#skippableSetting", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#skippableSetting". 1357 "skipOffset": { # Video Offset # Amount of time to play videos served to this placement before the skip button should appear. Applicable when skippable is true. 1358 "offsetPercentage": 42, # Duration, as a percentage of video duration. Do not set when offsetSeconds is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 100, inclusive. 1359 "offsetSeconds": 42, # Duration, in seconds. Do not set when offsetPercentage is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 86399, inclusive. 1360 }, 1361 "progressOffset": { # Video Offset # Amount of time to play videos served to this placement before counting a view. Applicable when skippable is true. 1362 "offsetPercentage": 42, # Duration, as a percentage of video duration. Do not set when offsetSeconds is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 100, inclusive. 1363 "offsetSeconds": 42, # Duration, in seconds. Do not set when offsetPercentage is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 86399, inclusive. 1364 }, 1365 }, 1366 "kind": "dfareporting#videoSettings", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#videoSettings". 1367 "companionSettings": { # Companion Settings # Settings for the companion creatives of video creatives served to this placement. 1368 "kind": "dfareporting#companionSetting", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#companionSetting". 1369 "companionsDisabled": True or False, # Whether companions are disabled for this placement. 1370 "imageOnly": True or False, # Whether to serve only static images as companions. 1371 "enabledSizes": [ # Whitelist of companion sizes to be served to this placement. Set this list to null or empty to serve all companion sizes. 1372 { # Represents the dimensions of ads, placements, creatives, or creative assets. 1373 "width": 42, # Width of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 1374 "kind": "dfareporting#size", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#size". 1375 "iab": True or False, # IAB standard size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1376 "id": "A String", # ID of this size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1377 "height": 42, # Height of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 1378 }, 1379 ], 1380 }, 1381 "transcodeSettings": { # Transcode Settings # Settings for the transcodes of video creatives served to this placement. If this object is provided, the creative-level transcode settings will be overridden. 1382 "kind": "dfareporting#transcodeSetting", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#transcodeSetting". 1383 "enabledVideoFormats": [ # Whitelist of video formats to be served to this placement. Set this list to null or empty to serve all video formats. 1384 42, 1385 ], 1386 }, 1387 }, 1388 "publisherUpdateInfo": { # Modification timestamp. # Information about the last publisher update. This is a read-only field. 1389 "time": "A String", # Timestamp of the last change in milliseconds since epoch. 1390 }, 1391 "tagFormats": [ # Tag formats to generate for this placement. This field is required on insertion. 1392 # Acceptable values are: 1393 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_STANDARD" 1394 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_IFRAME_JAVASCRIPT" 1395 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_IFRAME_ILAYER" 1396 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERNAL_REDIRECT" 1397 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_JAVASCRIPT" 1398 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERSTITIAL_IFRAME_JAVASCRIPT" 1399 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERSTITIAL_INTERNAL_REDIRECT" 1400 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERSTITIAL_JAVASCRIPT" 1401 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_CLICK_COMMANDS" 1402 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INSTREAM_VIDEO_PREFETCH" 1403 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INSTREAM_VIDEO_PREFETCH_VAST_3" 1404 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INSTREAM_VIDEO_PREFETCH_VAST_4" 1405 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_TRACKING" 1406 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_TRACKING_IFRAME" 1407 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_TRACKING_JAVASCRIPT" 1408 "A String", 1409 ], 1410 "paymentApproved": True or False, # Whether payment was approved for this placement. This is a read-only field relevant only to publisher-paid placements. 1411 "tagSetting": { # Tag Settings # Tag settings for this placement. 1412 "includeClickThroughUrls": True or False, # Whether static landing page URLs should be included in the tags. This setting applies only to placements. 1413 "includeClickTracking": True or False, # Whether click-tracking string should be included in the tags. 1414 "additionalKeyValues": "A String", # Additional key-values to be included in tags. Each key-value pair must be of the form key=value, and pairs must be separated by a semicolon (;). Keys and values must not contain commas. For example, id=2;color=red is a valid value for this field. 1415 "keywordOption": "A String", # Option specifying how keywords are embedded in ad tags. This setting can be used to specify whether keyword placeholders are inserted in placement tags for this site. Publishers can then add keywords to those placeholders. 1416 }, 1417 "contentCategoryId": "A String", # ID of the content category assigned to this placement. 1418 "adBlockingOptOut": True or False, # Whether this placement opts out of ad blocking. When true, ad blocking is disabled for this placement. When false, the campaign and site settings take effect. 1419 "externalId": "A String", # External ID for this placement. 1420 "idDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of this placement. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1421 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 1422 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 1423 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 1424 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 1425 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 1426 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 1427 }, 1428 "size": { # Represents the dimensions of ads, placements, creatives, or creative assets. # Size associated with this placement. When inserting or updating a placement, only the size ID field is used. This field is required on insertion. 1429 "width": 42, # Width of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 1430 "kind": "dfareporting#size", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#size". 1431 "iab": True or False, # IAB standard size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1432 "id": "A String", # ID of this size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1433 "height": 42, # Height of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 1434 }, 1435 "sslRequired": True or False, # Whether creatives assigned to this placement must be SSL-compliant. 1436 "status": "A String", # Third-party placement status. 1437 "campaignIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the campaign. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1438 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 1439 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 1440 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 1441 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 1442 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 1443 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 1444 }, 1445 "primary": True or False, # Whether this placement is the primary placement of a roadblock (placement group). You cannot change this field from true to false. Setting this field to true will automatically set the primary field on the original primary placement of the roadblock to false, and it will automatically set the roadblock's primaryPlacementId field to the ID of this placement. 1446 "placementGroupId": "A String", # ID of this placement's group, if applicable. 1447 "createInfo": { # Modification timestamp. # Information about the creation of this placement. This is a read-only field. 1448 "time": "A String", # Timestamp of the last change in milliseconds since epoch. 1449 }, 1450 "siteId": "A String", # Site ID associated with this placement. On insert, you must set either this field or the directorySiteId field to specify the site associated with this placement. This is a required field that is read-only after insertion. 1451 "siteIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the site. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1452 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 1453 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 1454 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 1455 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 1456 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 1457 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 1458 }, 1459 "compatibility": "A String", # Placement compatibility. DISPLAY and DISPLAY_INTERSTITIAL refer to rendering on desktop, on mobile devices or in mobile apps for regular or interstitial ads respectively. APP and APP_INTERSTITIAL are no longer allowed for new placement insertions. Instead, use DISPLAY or DISPLAY_INTERSTITIAL. IN_STREAM_VIDEO refers to rendering in in-stream video ads developed with the VAST standard. This field is required on insertion. 1460 "placementStrategyId": "A String", # ID of the placement strategy assigned to this placement. 1461 "placementGroupIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the placement group. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1462 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 1463 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 1464 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 1465 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 1466 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 1467 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 1468 }, 1469 "kind": "dfareporting#placement", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#placement". 1470 "subaccountId": "A String", # Subaccount ID of this placement. This field can be left blank. 1471 "name": "A String", # Name of this placement.This is a required field and must be less than 256 characters long. 1472 "lookbackConfiguration": { # Lookback configuration settings. # Lookback window settings for this placement. 1473 "clickDuration": 42, # Lookback window, in days, from the last time a given user clicked on one of your ads. If you enter 0, clicks will not be considered as triggering events for floodlight tracking. If you leave this field blank, the default value for your account will be used. Acceptable values are 0 to 90, inclusive. 1474 "postImpressionActivitiesDuration": 42, # Lookback window, in days, from the last time a given user viewed one of your ads. If you enter 0, impressions will not be considered as triggering events for floodlight tracking. If you leave this field blank, the default value for your account will be used. Acceptable values are 0 to 90, inclusive. 1475 }, 1476 "lastModifiedInfo": { # Modification timestamp. # Information about the most recent modification of this placement. This is a read-only field. 1477 "time": "A String", # Timestamp of the last change in milliseconds since epoch. 1478 }, 1479 "pricingSchedule": { # Pricing Schedule # Pricing schedule of this placement. This field is required on insertion, specifically subfields startDate, endDate and pricingType. 1480 "startDate": "A String", # Placement start date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the campaign start date. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the start date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. This field is required on insertion. 1481 "endDate": "A String", # Placement end date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the placement start date, but not later than the campaign end date. If, for example, you set 6/25/2015 as both the start and end dates, the effective placement date is just that day only, 6/25/2015. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the end date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. This field is required on insertion. 1482 "flighted": True or False, # Whether this placement is flighted. If true, pricing periods will be computed automatically. 1483 "disregardOverdelivery": True or False, # Whether cap costs are ignored by ad serving. 1484 "capCostOption": "A String", # Placement cap cost option. 1485 "pricingPeriods": [ # Pricing periods for this placement. 1486 { # Pricing Period 1487 "units": "A String", # Units of this pricing period. Acceptable values are 0 to 10000000000, inclusive. 1488 "rateOrCostNanos": "A String", # Rate or cost of this pricing period in nanos (i.e., multipled by 1000000000). Acceptable values are 0 to 1000000000000000000, inclusive. 1489 "startDate": "A String", # Pricing period start date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the placement start date. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the start date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. 1490 "endDate": "A String", # Pricing period end date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the pricing period start date, but not later than the placement end date. The period end date can be the same date as the period start date. If, for example, you set 6/25/2015 as both the start and end dates, the effective pricing period date is just that day only, 6/25/2015. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the end date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. 1491 "pricingComment": "A String", # Comments for this pricing period. 1492 }, 1493 ], 1494 "pricingType": "A String", # Placement pricing type. This field is required on insertion. 1495 "testingStartDate": "A String", # Testing start date of this placement. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the start date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. 1496 "floodlightActivityId": "A String", # Floodlight activity ID associated with this placement. This field should be set when placement pricing type is set to PRICING_TYPE_CPA. 1497 }, 1498 "vpaidAdapterChoice": "A String", # VPAID adapter setting for this placement. Controls which VPAID format the measurement adapter will use for in-stream video creatives assigned to this placement. 1499 } 1500 1501 1502 Returns: 1503 An object of the form: 1504 1505 { # Contains properties of a placement. 1506 "comment": "A String", # Comments for this placement. 1507 "videoActiveViewOptOut": True or False, # Whether Verification and ActiveView are disabled for in-stream video creatives for this placement. The same setting videoActiveViewOptOut exists on the site level -- the opt out occurs if either of these settings are true. These settings are distinct from DirectorySites.settings.activeViewOptOut or Sites.siteSettings.activeViewOptOut which only apply to display ads. However, Accounts.activeViewOptOut opts out both video traffic, as well as display ads, from Verification and ActiveView. 1508 "campaignId": "A String", # Campaign ID of this placement. This field is a required field on insertion. 1509 "paymentSource": "A String", # Payment source for this placement. This is a required field that is read-only after insertion. 1510 "directorySiteIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the directory site. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1511 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 1512 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 1513 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 1514 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 1515 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 1516 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 1517 }, 1518 "advertiserId": "A String", # Advertiser ID of this placement. This field can be left blank. 1519 "keyName": "A String", # Key name of this placement. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1520 "directorySiteId": "A String", # Directory site ID of this placement. On insert, you must set either this field or the siteId field to specify the site associated with this placement. This is a required field that is read-only after insertion. 1521 "advertiserIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the advertiser. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1522 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 1523 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 1524 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 1525 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 1526 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 1527 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 1528 }, 1529 "id": "A String", # ID of this placement. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1530 "accountId": "A String", # Account ID of this placement. This field can be left blank. 1531 "archived": True or False, # Whether this placement is archived. 1532 "videoSettings": { # Video Settings # A collection of settings which affect video creatives served through this placement. Applicable to placements with IN_STREAM_VIDEO compatibility. 1533 "skippableSettings": { # Skippable Settings # Settings for the skippability of video creatives served to this placement. If this object is provided, the creative-level skippable settings will be overridden. 1534 "skippable": True or False, # Whether the user can skip creatives served to this placement. 1535 "kind": "dfareporting#skippableSetting", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#skippableSetting". 1536 "skipOffset": { # Video Offset # Amount of time to play videos served to this placement before the skip button should appear. Applicable when skippable is true. 1537 "offsetPercentage": 42, # Duration, as a percentage of video duration. Do not set when offsetSeconds is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 100, inclusive. 1538 "offsetSeconds": 42, # Duration, in seconds. Do not set when offsetPercentage is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 86399, inclusive. 1539 }, 1540 "progressOffset": { # Video Offset # Amount of time to play videos served to this placement before counting a view. Applicable when skippable is true. 1541 "offsetPercentage": 42, # Duration, as a percentage of video duration. Do not set when offsetSeconds is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 100, inclusive. 1542 "offsetSeconds": 42, # Duration, in seconds. Do not set when offsetPercentage is set. Acceptable values are 0 to 86399, inclusive. 1543 }, 1544 }, 1545 "kind": "dfareporting#videoSettings", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#videoSettings". 1546 "companionSettings": { # Companion Settings # Settings for the companion creatives of video creatives served to this placement. 1547 "kind": "dfareporting#companionSetting", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#companionSetting". 1548 "companionsDisabled": True or False, # Whether companions are disabled for this placement. 1549 "imageOnly": True or False, # Whether to serve only static images as companions. 1550 "enabledSizes": [ # Whitelist of companion sizes to be served to this placement. Set this list to null or empty to serve all companion sizes. 1551 { # Represents the dimensions of ads, placements, creatives, or creative assets. 1552 "width": 42, # Width of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 1553 "kind": "dfareporting#size", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#size". 1554 "iab": True or False, # IAB standard size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1555 "id": "A String", # ID of this size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1556 "height": 42, # Height of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 1557 }, 1558 ], 1559 }, 1560 "transcodeSettings": { # Transcode Settings # Settings for the transcodes of video creatives served to this placement. If this object is provided, the creative-level transcode settings will be overridden. 1561 "kind": "dfareporting#transcodeSetting", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#transcodeSetting". 1562 "enabledVideoFormats": [ # Whitelist of video formats to be served to this placement. Set this list to null or empty to serve all video formats. 1563 42, 1564 ], 1565 }, 1566 }, 1567 "publisherUpdateInfo": { # Modification timestamp. # Information about the last publisher update. This is a read-only field. 1568 "time": "A String", # Timestamp of the last change in milliseconds since epoch. 1569 }, 1570 "tagFormats": [ # Tag formats to generate for this placement. This field is required on insertion. 1571 # Acceptable values are: 1572 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_STANDARD" 1573 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_IFRAME_JAVASCRIPT" 1574 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_IFRAME_ILAYER" 1575 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERNAL_REDIRECT" 1576 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_JAVASCRIPT" 1577 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERSTITIAL_IFRAME_JAVASCRIPT" 1578 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERSTITIAL_INTERNAL_REDIRECT" 1579 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INTERSTITIAL_JAVASCRIPT" 1580 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_CLICK_COMMANDS" 1581 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INSTREAM_VIDEO_PREFETCH" 1582 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INSTREAM_VIDEO_PREFETCH_VAST_3" 1583 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_INSTREAM_VIDEO_PREFETCH_VAST_4" 1584 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_TRACKING" 1585 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_TRACKING_IFRAME" 1586 # - "PLACEMENT_TAG_TRACKING_JAVASCRIPT" 1587 "A String", 1588 ], 1589 "paymentApproved": True or False, # Whether payment was approved for this placement. This is a read-only field relevant only to publisher-paid placements. 1590 "tagSetting": { # Tag Settings # Tag settings for this placement. 1591 "includeClickThroughUrls": True or False, # Whether static landing page URLs should be included in the tags. This setting applies only to placements. 1592 "includeClickTracking": True or False, # Whether click-tracking string should be included in the tags. 1593 "additionalKeyValues": "A String", # Additional key-values to be included in tags. Each key-value pair must be of the form key=value, and pairs must be separated by a semicolon (;). Keys and values must not contain commas. For example, id=2;color=red is a valid value for this field. 1594 "keywordOption": "A String", # Option specifying how keywords are embedded in ad tags. This setting can be used to specify whether keyword placeholders are inserted in placement tags for this site. Publishers can then add keywords to those placeholders. 1595 }, 1596 "contentCategoryId": "A String", # ID of the content category assigned to this placement. 1597 "adBlockingOptOut": True or False, # Whether this placement opts out of ad blocking. When true, ad blocking is disabled for this placement. When false, the campaign and site settings take effect. 1598 "externalId": "A String", # External ID for this placement. 1599 "idDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of this placement. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1600 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 1601 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 1602 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 1603 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 1604 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 1605 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 1606 }, 1607 "size": { # Represents the dimensions of ads, placements, creatives, or creative assets. # Size associated with this placement. When inserting or updating a placement, only the size ID field is used. This field is required on insertion. 1608 "width": 42, # Width of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 1609 "kind": "dfareporting#size", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#size". 1610 "iab": True or False, # IAB standard size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1611 "id": "A String", # ID of this size. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1612 "height": 42, # Height of this size. Acceptable values are 0 to 32767, inclusive. 1613 }, 1614 "sslRequired": True or False, # Whether creatives assigned to this placement must be SSL-compliant. 1615 "status": "A String", # Third-party placement status. 1616 "campaignIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the campaign. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1617 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 1618 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 1619 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 1620 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 1621 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 1622 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 1623 }, 1624 "primary": True or False, # Whether this placement is the primary placement of a roadblock (placement group). You cannot change this field from true to false. Setting this field to true will automatically set the primary field on the original primary placement of the roadblock to false, and it will automatically set the roadblock's primaryPlacementId field to the ID of this placement. 1625 "placementGroupId": "A String", # ID of this placement's group, if applicable. 1626 "createInfo": { # Modification timestamp. # Information about the creation of this placement. This is a read-only field. 1627 "time": "A String", # Timestamp of the last change in milliseconds since epoch. 1628 }, 1629 "siteId": "A String", # Site ID associated with this placement. On insert, you must set either this field or the directorySiteId field to specify the site associated with this placement. This is a required field that is read-only after insertion. 1630 "siteIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the site. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1631 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 1632 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 1633 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 1634 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 1635 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 1636 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 1637 }, 1638 "compatibility": "A String", # Placement compatibility. DISPLAY and DISPLAY_INTERSTITIAL refer to rendering on desktop, on mobile devices or in mobile apps for regular or interstitial ads respectively. APP and APP_INTERSTITIAL are no longer allowed for new placement insertions. Instead, use DISPLAY or DISPLAY_INTERSTITIAL. IN_STREAM_VIDEO refers to rendering in in-stream video ads developed with the VAST standard. This field is required on insertion. 1639 "placementStrategyId": "A String", # ID of the placement strategy assigned to this placement. 1640 "placementGroupIdDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of the placement group. This is a read-only, auto-generated field. 1641 "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue. 1642 "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension. 1643 "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension. 1644 "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes. 1645 "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT. 1646 "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available. 1647 }, 1648 "kind": "dfareporting#placement", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#placement". 1649 "subaccountId": "A String", # Subaccount ID of this placement. This field can be left blank. 1650 "name": "A String", # Name of this placement.This is a required field and must be less than 256 characters long. 1651 "lookbackConfiguration": { # Lookback configuration settings. # Lookback window settings for this placement. 1652 "clickDuration": 42, # Lookback window, in days, from the last time a given user clicked on one of your ads. If you enter 0, clicks will not be considered as triggering events for floodlight tracking. If you leave this field blank, the default value for your account will be used. Acceptable values are 0 to 90, inclusive. 1653 "postImpressionActivitiesDuration": 42, # Lookback window, in days, from the last time a given user viewed one of your ads. If you enter 0, impressions will not be considered as triggering events for floodlight tracking. If you leave this field blank, the default value for your account will be used. Acceptable values are 0 to 90, inclusive. 1654 }, 1655 "lastModifiedInfo": { # Modification timestamp. # Information about the most recent modification of this placement. This is a read-only field. 1656 "time": "A String", # Timestamp of the last change in milliseconds since epoch. 1657 }, 1658 "pricingSchedule": { # Pricing Schedule # Pricing schedule of this placement. This field is required on insertion, specifically subfields startDate, endDate and pricingType. 1659 "startDate": "A String", # Placement start date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the campaign start date. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the start date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. This field is required on insertion. 1660 "endDate": "A String", # Placement end date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the placement start date, but not later than the campaign end date. If, for example, you set 6/25/2015 as both the start and end dates, the effective placement date is just that day only, 6/25/2015. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the end date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. This field is required on insertion. 1661 "flighted": True or False, # Whether this placement is flighted. If true, pricing periods will be computed automatically. 1662 "disregardOverdelivery": True or False, # Whether cap costs are ignored by ad serving. 1663 "capCostOption": "A String", # Placement cap cost option. 1664 "pricingPeriods": [ # Pricing periods for this placement. 1665 { # Pricing Period 1666 "units": "A String", # Units of this pricing period. Acceptable values are 0 to 10000000000, inclusive. 1667 "rateOrCostNanos": "A String", # Rate or cost of this pricing period in nanos (i.e., multipled by 1000000000). Acceptable values are 0 to 1000000000000000000, inclusive. 1668 "startDate": "A String", # Pricing period start date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the placement start date. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the start date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. 1669 "endDate": "A String", # Pricing period end date. This date must be later than, or the same day as, the pricing period start date, but not later than the placement end date. The period end date can be the same date as the period start date. If, for example, you set 6/25/2015 as both the start and end dates, the effective pricing period date is just that day only, 6/25/2015. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the end date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. 1670 "pricingComment": "A String", # Comments for this pricing period. 1671 }, 1672 ], 1673 "pricingType": "A String", # Placement pricing type. This field is required on insertion. 1674 "testingStartDate": "A String", # Testing start date of this placement. The hours, minutes, and seconds of the start date should not be set, as doing so will result in an error. 1675 "floodlightActivityId": "A String", # Floodlight activity ID associated with this placement. This field should be set when placement pricing type is set to PRICING_TYPE_CPA. 1676 }, 1677 "vpaidAdapterChoice": "A String", # VPAID adapter setting for this placement. Controls which VPAID format the measurement adapter will use for in-stream video creatives assigned to this placement. 1678 }</pre> 1679 </div> 1680 1681 </body></html>