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     75 <h1><a href="genomics_v1.html">Genomics API</a> . <a href="genomics_v1.annotations.html">annotations</a></h1>
     76 <h2>Instance Methods</h2>
     77 <p class="toc_element">
     78   <code><a href="#batchCreate">batchCreate(body, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
     79 <p class="firstline">Creates one or more new annotations atomically. All annotations must</p>
     80 <p class="toc_element">
     81   <code><a href="#create">create(body, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
     82 <p class="firstline">Creates a new annotation. Caller must have WRITE permission</p>
     83 <p class="toc_element">
     84   <code><a href="#delete">delete(annotationId, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
     85 <p class="firstline">Deletes an annotation. Caller must have WRITE permission for</p>
     86 <p class="toc_element">
     87   <code><a href="#get">get(annotationId, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
     88 <p class="firstline">Gets an annotation. Caller must have READ permission</p>
     89 <p class="toc_element">
     90   <code><a href="#search">search(body, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
     91 <p class="firstline">Searches for annotations that match the given criteria. Results are</p>
     92 <p class="toc_element">
     93   <code><a href="#search_next">search_next(previous_request, previous_response)</a></code></p>
     94 <p class="firstline">Retrieves the next page of results.</p>
     95 <p class="toc_element">
     96   <code><a href="#update">update(annotationId, body, updateMask=None, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
     97 <p class="firstline">Updates an annotation. Caller must have</p>
     98 <h3>Method Details</h3>
     99 <div class="method">
    100     <code class="details" id="batchCreate">batchCreate(body, x__xgafv=None)</code>
    101   <pre>Creates one or more new annotations atomically. All annotations must
    102 belong to the same annotation set. Caller must have WRITE
    103 permission for this annotation set. For optimal performance, batch
    104 positionally adjacent annotations together.
    106 If the request has a systemic issue, such as an attempt to write to
    107 an inaccessible annotation set, the entire RPC will fail accordingly. For
    108 lesser data issues, when possible an error will be isolated to the
    109 corresponding batch entry in the response; the remaining well formed
    110 annotations will be created normally.
    112 For details on the requirements for each individual annotation resource,
    113 see
    114 CreateAnnotation.
    116 Args:
    117   body: object, The request body. (required)
    118     The object takes the form of:
    120 {
    121     "requestId": "A String", # A unique request ID which enables the server to detect duplicated requests.
    122         # If provided, duplicated requests will result in the same response; if not
    123         # provided, duplicated requests may result in duplicated data. For a given
    124         # annotation set, callers should not reuse `request_id`s when writing
    125         # different batches of annotations - behavior in this case is undefined.
    126         # A common approach is to use a UUID. For batch jobs where worker crashes are
    127         # a possibility, consider using some unique variant of a worker or run ID.
    128     "annotations": [ # The annotations to be created. At most 4096 can be specified in a single
    129         # request.
    130       { # An annotation describes a region of reference genome. The value of an
    131           # annotation may be one of several canonical types, supplemented by arbitrary
    132           # info tags. An annotation is not inherently associated with a specific
    133           # sample or individual (though a client could choose to use annotations in
    134           # this way). Example canonical annotation types are `GENE` and
    135           # `VARIANT`.
    136         "info": { # A map of additional read alignment information. This must be of the form
    137             # map<string, string[]> (string key mapping to a list of string values).
    138           "a_key": [
    139             "",
    140           ],
    141         },
    142         "referenceId": "A String", # The ID of the Google Genomics reference associated with this range.
    143         "end": "A String", # The end position of the range on the reference, 0-based exclusive.
    144         "name": "A String", # The display name of this annotation.
    145         "transcript": { # A transcript represents the assertion that a particular region of the # A transcript value represents the assertion that a particular region of
    146             # the reference genome may be transcribed as RNA. An alternative splicing
    147             # pattern would be represented as a separate transcript object. This field
    148             # is only set for annotations of type `TRANSCRIPT`.
    149             # reference genome may be transcribed as RNA.
    150           "codingSequence": { # The range of the coding sequence for this transcript, if any. To determine
    151               # the exact ranges of coding sequence, intersect this range with those of the
    152               # exons, if any. If there are any
    153               # exons, the
    154               # codingSequence must start
    155               # and end within them.
    156               #
    157               # Note that in some cases, the reference genome will not exactly match the
    158               # observed mRNA transcript e.g. due to variance in the source genome from
    159               # reference. In these cases,
    160               # exon.frame will not necessarily
    161               # match the expected reference reading frame and coding exon reference bases
    162               # cannot necessarily be concatenated to produce the original transcript mRNA.
    163             "start": "A String", # The start of the coding sequence on this annotation's reference sequence,
    164                 # 0-based inclusive. Note that this position is relative to the reference
    165                 # start, and *not* the containing annotation start.
    166             "end": "A String", # The end of the coding sequence on this annotation's reference sequence,
    167                 # 0-based exclusive. Note that this position is relative to the reference
    168                 # start, and *not* the containing annotation start.
    169           },
    170           "exons": [ # The <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exon">exons</a> that compose
    171               # this transcript. This field should be unset for genomes where transcript
    172               # splicing does not occur, for example prokaryotes.
    173               #
    174               # Introns are regions of the transcript that are not included in the
    175               # spliced RNA product. Though not explicitly modeled here, intron ranges can
    176               # be deduced; all regions of this transcript that are not exons are introns.
    177               #
    178               # Exonic sequences do not necessarily code for a translational product
    179               # (amino acids). Only the regions of exons bounded by the
    180               # codingSequence correspond
    181               # to coding DNA sequence.
    182               #
    183               # Exons are ordered by start position and may not overlap.
    184             {
    185               "start": "A String", # The start position of the exon on this annotation's reference sequence,
    186                   # 0-based inclusive. Note that this is relative to the reference start, and
    187                   # **not** the containing annotation start.
    188               "frame": 42, # The frame of this exon. Contains a value of 0, 1, or 2, which indicates
    189                   # the offset of the first coding base of the exon within the reading frame
    190                   # of the coding DNA sequence, if any. This field is dependent on the
    191                   # strandedness of this annotation (see
    192                   # Annotation.reverse_strand).
    193                   # For forward stranded annotations, this offset is relative to the
    194                   # exon.start. For reverse
    195                   # strand annotations, this offset is relative to the
    196                   # exon.end `- 1`.
    197                   #
    198                   # Unset if this exon does not intersect the coding sequence. Upon creation
    199                   # of a transcript, the frame must be populated for all or none of the
    200                   # coding exons.
    201               "end": "A String", # The end position of the exon on this annotation's reference sequence,
    202                   # 0-based exclusive. Note that this is relative to the reference start, and
    203                   # *not* the containing annotation start.
    204             },
    205           ],
    206           "geneId": "A String", # The annotation ID of the gene from which this transcript is transcribed.
    207         },
    208         "variant": { # A variant annotation, which describes the effect of a variant on the
    209             # genome, the coding sequence, and/or higher level consequences at the
    210             # organism level e.g. pathogenicity. This field is only set for annotations
    211             # of type `VARIANT`.
    212           "type": "A String", # Type has been adapted from ClinVar's list of variant types.
    213           "effect": "A String", # Effect of the variant on the coding sequence.
    214           "transcriptIds": [ # Google annotation IDs of the transcripts affected by this variant. These
    215               # should be provided when the variant is created.
    216             "A String",
    217           ],
    218           "alternateBases": "A String", # The alternate allele for this variant. If multiple alternate alleles
    219               # exist at this location, create a separate variant for each one, as they
    220               # may represent distinct conditions.
    221           "clinicalSignificance": "A String", # Describes the clinical significance of a variant.
    222               # It is adapted from the ClinVar controlled vocabulary for clinical
    223               # significance described at:
    224               # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar/docs/clinsig/
    225           "conditions": [ # The set of conditions associated with this variant.
    226               # A condition describes the way a variant influences human health.
    227             {
    228               "externalIds": [ # The set of external IDs for this condition.
    229                 {
    230                   "sourceName": "A String", # The name of the source of this data.
    231                   "id": "A String", # The id used by the source of this data.
    232                 },
    233               ],
    234               "conceptId": "A String", # The MedGen concept id associated with this gene.
    235                   # Search for these IDs at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/medgen/
    236               "omimId": "A String", # The OMIM id for this condition.
    237                   # Search for these IDs at http://omim.org/
    238               "names": [ # A set of names for the condition.
    239                 "A String",
    240               ],
    241             },
    242           ],
    243           "geneId": "A String", # Google annotation ID of the gene affected by this variant. This should
    244               # be provided when the variant is created.
    245         },
    246         "start": "A String", # The start position of the range on the reference, 0-based inclusive.
    247         "annotationSetId": "A String", # The annotation set to which this annotation belongs.
    248         "referenceName": "A String", # The display name corresponding to the reference specified by
    249             # `referenceId`, for example `chr1`, `1`, or `chrX`.
    250         "reverseStrand": True or False, # Whether this range refers to the reverse strand, as opposed to the forward
    251             # strand. Note that regardless of this field, the start/end position of the
    252             # range always refer to the forward strand.
    253         "type": "A String", # The data type for this annotation. Must match the containing annotation
    254             # set's type.
    255         "id": "A String", # The server-generated annotation ID, unique across all annotations.
    256       },
    257     ],
    258   }
    260   x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    261     Allowed values
    262       1 - v1 error format
    263       2 - v2 error format
    265 Returns:
    266   An object of the form:
    268     {
    269     "entries": [ # The resulting per-annotation entries, ordered consistently with the
    270         # original request.
    271       {
    272         "status": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different # The creation status.
    273             # programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by
    274             # [gRPC](https://github.com/grpc). The error model is designed to be:
    275             #
    276             # - Simple to use and understand for most users
    277             # - Flexible enough to meet unexpected needs
    278             #
    279             # # Overview
    280             #
    281             # The `Status` message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message,
    282             # and error details. The error code should be an enum value of
    283             # google.rpc.Code, but it may accept additional error codes if needed.  The
    284             # error message should be a developer-facing English message that helps
    285             # developers *understand* and *resolve* the error. If a localized user-facing
    286             # error message is needed, put the localized message in the error details or
    287             # localize it in the client. The optional error details may contain arbitrary
    288             # information about the error. There is a predefined set of error detail types
    289             # in the package `google.rpc` that can be used for common error conditions.
    290             #
    291             # # Language mapping
    292             #
    293             # The `Status` message is the logical representation of the error model, but it
    294             # is not necessarily the actual wire format. When the `Status` message is
    295             # exposed in different client libraries and different wire protocols, it can be
    296             # mapped differently. For example, it will likely be mapped to some exceptions
    297             # in Java, but more likely mapped to some error codes in C.
    298             #
    299             # # Other uses
    300             #
    301             # The error model and the `Status` message can be used in a variety of
    302             # environments, either with or without APIs, to provide a
    303             # consistent developer experience across different environments.
    304             #
    305             # Example uses of this error model include:
    306             #
    307             # - Partial errors. If a service needs to return partial errors to the client,
    308             #     it may embed the `Status` in the normal response to indicate the partial
    309             #     errors.
    310             #
    311             # - Workflow errors. A typical workflow has multiple steps. Each step may
    312             #     have a `Status` message for error reporting.
    313             #
    314             # - Batch operations. If a client uses batch request and batch response, the
    315             #     `Status` message should be used directly inside batch response, one for
    316             #     each error sub-response.
    317             #
    318             # - Asynchronous operations. If an API call embeds asynchronous operation
    319             #     results in its response, the status of those operations should be
    320             #     represented directly using the `Status` message.
    321             #
    322             # - Logging. If some API errors are stored in logs, the message `Status` could
    323             #     be used directly after any stripping needed for security/privacy reasons.
    324           "message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any
    325               # user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the
    326               # google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
    327           "code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
    328           "details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details.  There will be a
    329               # common set of message types for APIs to use.
    330             {
    331               "a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
    332             },
    333           ],
    334         },
    335         "annotation": { # An annotation describes a region of reference genome. The value of an # The created annotation, if creation was successful.
    336             # annotation may be one of several canonical types, supplemented by arbitrary
    337             # info tags. An annotation is not inherently associated with a specific
    338             # sample or individual (though a client could choose to use annotations in
    339             # this way). Example canonical annotation types are `GENE` and
    340             # `VARIANT`.
    341           "info": { # A map of additional read alignment information. This must be of the form
    342               # map<string, string[]> (string key mapping to a list of string values).
    343             "a_key": [
    344               "",
    345             ],
    346           },
    347           "referenceId": "A String", # The ID of the Google Genomics reference associated with this range.
    348           "end": "A String", # The end position of the range on the reference, 0-based exclusive.
    349           "name": "A String", # The display name of this annotation.
    350           "transcript": { # A transcript represents the assertion that a particular region of the # A transcript value represents the assertion that a particular region of
    351               # the reference genome may be transcribed as RNA. An alternative splicing
    352               # pattern would be represented as a separate transcript object. This field
    353               # is only set for annotations of type `TRANSCRIPT`.
    354               # reference genome may be transcribed as RNA.
    355             "codingSequence": { # The range of the coding sequence for this transcript, if any. To determine
    356                 # the exact ranges of coding sequence, intersect this range with those of the
    357                 # exons, if any. If there are any
    358                 # exons, the
    359                 # codingSequence must start
    360                 # and end within them.
    361                 #
    362                 # Note that in some cases, the reference genome will not exactly match the
    363                 # observed mRNA transcript e.g. due to variance in the source genome from
    364                 # reference. In these cases,
    365                 # exon.frame will not necessarily
    366                 # match the expected reference reading frame and coding exon reference bases
    367                 # cannot necessarily be concatenated to produce the original transcript mRNA.
    368               "start": "A String", # The start of the coding sequence on this annotation's reference sequence,
    369                   # 0-based inclusive. Note that this position is relative to the reference
    370                   # start, and *not* the containing annotation start.
    371               "end": "A String", # The end of the coding sequence on this annotation's reference sequence,
    372                   # 0-based exclusive. Note that this position is relative to the reference
    373                   # start, and *not* the containing annotation start.
    374             },
    375             "exons": [ # The <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exon">exons</a> that compose
    376                 # this transcript. This field should be unset for genomes where transcript
    377                 # splicing does not occur, for example prokaryotes.
    378                 #
    379                 # Introns are regions of the transcript that are not included in the
    380                 # spliced RNA product. Though not explicitly modeled here, intron ranges can
    381                 # be deduced; all regions of this transcript that are not exons are introns.
    382                 #
    383                 # Exonic sequences do not necessarily code for a translational product
    384                 # (amino acids). Only the regions of exons bounded by the
    385                 # codingSequence correspond
    386                 # to coding DNA sequence.
    387                 #
    388                 # Exons are ordered by start position and may not overlap.
    389               {
    390                 "start": "A String", # The start position of the exon on this annotation's reference sequence,
    391                     # 0-based inclusive. Note that this is relative to the reference start, and
    392                     # **not** the containing annotation start.
    393                 "frame": 42, # The frame of this exon. Contains a value of 0, 1, or 2, which indicates
    394                     # the offset of the first coding base of the exon within the reading frame
    395                     # of the coding DNA sequence, if any. This field is dependent on the
    396                     # strandedness of this annotation (see
    397                     # Annotation.reverse_strand).
    398                     # For forward stranded annotations, this offset is relative to the
    399                     # exon.start. For reverse
    400                     # strand annotations, this offset is relative to the
    401                     # exon.end `- 1`.
    402                     #
    403                     # Unset if this exon does not intersect the coding sequence. Upon creation
    404                     # of a transcript, the frame must be populated for all or none of the
    405                     # coding exons.
    406                 "end": "A String", # The end position of the exon on this annotation's reference sequence,
    407                     # 0-based exclusive. Note that this is relative to the reference start, and
    408                     # *not* the containing annotation start.
    409               },
    410             ],
    411             "geneId": "A String", # The annotation ID of the gene from which this transcript is transcribed.
    412           },
    413           "variant": { # A variant annotation, which describes the effect of a variant on the
    414               # genome, the coding sequence, and/or higher level consequences at the
    415               # organism level e.g. pathogenicity. This field is only set for annotations
    416               # of type `VARIANT`.
    417             "type": "A String", # Type has been adapted from ClinVar's list of variant types.
    418             "effect": "A String", # Effect of the variant on the coding sequence.
    419             "transcriptIds": [ # Google annotation IDs of the transcripts affected by this variant. These
    420                 # should be provided when the variant is created.
    421               "A String",
    422             ],
    423             "alternateBases": "A String", # The alternate allele for this variant. If multiple alternate alleles
    424                 # exist at this location, create a separate variant for each one, as they
    425                 # may represent distinct conditions.
    426             "clinicalSignificance": "A String", # Describes the clinical significance of a variant.
    427                 # It is adapted from the ClinVar controlled vocabulary for clinical
    428                 # significance described at:
    429                 # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar/docs/clinsig/
    430             "conditions": [ # The set of conditions associated with this variant.
    431                 # A condition describes the way a variant influences human health.
    432               {
    433                 "externalIds": [ # The set of external IDs for this condition.
    434                   {
    435                     "sourceName": "A String", # The name of the source of this data.
    436                     "id": "A String", # The id used by the source of this data.
    437                   },
    438                 ],
    439                 "conceptId": "A String", # The MedGen concept id associated with this gene.
    440                     # Search for these IDs at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/medgen/
    441                 "omimId": "A String", # The OMIM id for this condition.
    442                     # Search for these IDs at http://omim.org/
    443                 "names": [ # A set of names for the condition.
    444                   "A String",
    445                 ],
    446               },
    447             ],
    448             "geneId": "A String", # Google annotation ID of the gene affected by this variant. This should
    449                 # be provided when the variant is created.
    450           },
    451           "start": "A String", # The start position of the range on the reference, 0-based inclusive.
    452           "annotationSetId": "A String", # The annotation set to which this annotation belongs.
    453           "referenceName": "A String", # The display name corresponding to the reference specified by
    454               # `referenceId`, for example `chr1`, `1`, or `chrX`.
    455           "reverseStrand": True or False, # Whether this range refers to the reverse strand, as opposed to the forward
    456               # strand. Note that regardless of this field, the start/end position of the
    457               # range always refer to the forward strand.
    458           "type": "A String", # The data type for this annotation. Must match the containing annotation
    459               # set's type.
    460           "id": "A String", # The server-generated annotation ID, unique across all annotations.
    461         },
    462       },
    463     ],
    464   }</pre>
    465 </div>
    467 <div class="method">
    468     <code class="details" id="create">create(body, x__xgafv=None)</code>
    469   <pre>Creates a new annotation. Caller must have WRITE permission
    470 for the associated annotation set.
    472 The following fields are required:
    474 * annotationSetId
    475 * referenceName or
    476   referenceId
    478 ### Transcripts
    480 For annotations of type TRANSCRIPT, the following fields of
    481 transcript must be provided:
    483 * exons.start
    484 * exons.end
    486 All other fields may be optionally specified, unless documented as being
    487 server-generated (for example, the `id` field). The annotated
    488 range must be no longer than 100Mbp (mega base pairs). See the
    489 Annotation resource
    490 for additional restrictions on each field.
    492 Args:
    493   body: object, The request body. (required)
    494     The object takes the form of:
    496 { # An annotation describes a region of reference genome. The value of an
    497     # annotation may be one of several canonical types, supplemented by arbitrary
    498     # info tags. An annotation is not inherently associated with a specific
    499     # sample or individual (though a client could choose to use annotations in
    500     # this way). Example canonical annotation types are `GENE` and
    501     # `VARIANT`.
    502   "info": { # A map of additional read alignment information. This must be of the form
    503       # map<string, string[]> (string key mapping to a list of string values).
    504     "a_key": [
    505       "",
    506     ],
    507   },
    508   "referenceId": "A String", # The ID of the Google Genomics reference associated with this range.
    509   "end": "A String", # The end position of the range on the reference, 0-based exclusive.
    510   "name": "A String", # The display name of this annotation.
    511   "transcript": { # A transcript represents the assertion that a particular region of the # A transcript value represents the assertion that a particular region of
    512       # the reference genome may be transcribed as RNA. An alternative splicing
    513       # pattern would be represented as a separate transcript object. This field
    514       # is only set for annotations of type `TRANSCRIPT`.
    515       # reference genome may be transcribed as RNA.
    516     "codingSequence": { # The range of the coding sequence for this transcript, if any. To determine
    517         # the exact ranges of coding sequence, intersect this range with those of the
    518         # exons, if any. If there are any
    519         # exons, the
    520         # codingSequence must start
    521         # and end within them.
    522         #
    523         # Note that in some cases, the reference genome will not exactly match the
    524         # observed mRNA transcript e.g. due to variance in the source genome from
    525         # reference. In these cases,
    526         # exon.frame will not necessarily
    527         # match the expected reference reading frame and coding exon reference bases
    528         # cannot necessarily be concatenated to produce the original transcript mRNA.
    529       "start": "A String", # The start of the coding sequence on this annotation's reference sequence,
    530           # 0-based inclusive. Note that this position is relative to the reference
    531           # start, and *not* the containing annotation start.
    532       "end": "A String", # The end of the coding sequence on this annotation's reference sequence,
    533           # 0-based exclusive. Note that this position is relative to the reference
    534           # start, and *not* the containing annotation start.
    535     },
    536     "exons": [ # The <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exon">exons</a> that compose
    537         # this transcript. This field should be unset for genomes where transcript
    538         # splicing does not occur, for example prokaryotes.
    539         #
    540         # Introns are regions of the transcript that are not included in the
    541         # spliced RNA product. Though not explicitly modeled here, intron ranges can
    542         # be deduced; all regions of this transcript that are not exons are introns.
    543         #
    544         # Exonic sequences do not necessarily code for a translational product
    545         # (amino acids). Only the regions of exons bounded by the
    546         # codingSequence correspond
    547         # to coding DNA sequence.
    548         #
    549         # Exons are ordered by start position and may not overlap.
    550       {
    551         "start": "A String", # The start position of the exon on this annotation's reference sequence,
    552             # 0-based inclusive. Note that this is relative to the reference start, and
    553             # **not** the containing annotation start.
    554         "frame": 42, # The frame of this exon. Contains a value of 0, 1, or 2, which indicates
    555             # the offset of the first coding base of the exon within the reading frame
    556             # of the coding DNA sequence, if any. This field is dependent on the
    557             # strandedness of this annotation (see
    558             # Annotation.reverse_strand).
    559             # For forward stranded annotations, this offset is relative to the
    560             # exon.start. For reverse
    561             # strand annotations, this offset is relative to the
    562             # exon.end `- 1`.
    563             #
    564             # Unset if this exon does not intersect the coding sequence. Upon creation
    565             # of a transcript, the frame must be populated for all or none of the
    566             # coding exons.
    567         "end": "A String", # The end position of the exon on this annotation's reference sequence,
    568             # 0-based exclusive. Note that this is relative to the reference start, and
    569             # *not* the containing annotation start.
    570       },
    571     ],
    572     "geneId": "A String", # The annotation ID of the gene from which this transcript is transcribed.
    573   },
    574   "variant": { # A variant annotation, which describes the effect of a variant on the
    575       # genome, the coding sequence, and/or higher level consequences at the
    576       # organism level e.g. pathogenicity. This field is only set for annotations
    577       # of type `VARIANT`.
    578     "type": "A String", # Type has been adapted from ClinVar's list of variant types.
    579     "effect": "A String", # Effect of the variant on the coding sequence.
    580     "transcriptIds": [ # Google annotation IDs of the transcripts affected by this variant. These
    581         # should be provided when the variant is created.
    582       "A String",
    583     ],
    584     "alternateBases": "A String", # The alternate allele for this variant. If multiple alternate alleles
    585         # exist at this location, create a separate variant for each one, as they
    586         # may represent distinct conditions.
    587     "clinicalSignificance": "A String", # Describes the clinical significance of a variant.
    588         # It is adapted from the ClinVar controlled vocabulary for clinical
    589         # significance described at:
    590         # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar/docs/clinsig/
    591     "conditions": [ # The set of conditions associated with this variant.
    592         # A condition describes the way a variant influences human health.
    593       {
    594         "externalIds": [ # The set of external IDs for this condition.
    595           {
    596             "sourceName": "A String", # The name of the source of this data.
    597             "id": "A String", # The id used by the source of this data.
    598           },
    599         ],
    600         "conceptId": "A String", # The MedGen concept id associated with this gene.
    601             # Search for these IDs at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/medgen/
    602         "omimId": "A String", # The OMIM id for this condition.
    603             # Search for these IDs at http://omim.org/
    604         "names": [ # A set of names for the condition.
    605           "A String",
    606         ],
    607       },
    608     ],
    609     "geneId": "A String", # Google annotation ID of the gene affected by this variant. This should
    610         # be provided when the variant is created.
    611   },
    612   "start": "A String", # The start position of the range on the reference, 0-based inclusive.
    613   "annotationSetId": "A String", # The annotation set to which this annotation belongs.
    614   "referenceName": "A String", # The display name corresponding to the reference specified by
    615       # `referenceId`, for example `chr1`, `1`, or `chrX`.
    616   "reverseStrand": True or False, # Whether this range refers to the reverse strand, as opposed to the forward
    617       # strand. Note that regardless of this field, the start/end position of the
    618       # range always refer to the forward strand.
    619   "type": "A String", # The data type for this annotation. Must match the containing annotation
    620       # set's type.
    621   "id": "A String", # The server-generated annotation ID, unique across all annotations.
    622 }
    624   x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    625     Allowed values
    626       1 - v1 error format
    627       2 - v2 error format
    629 Returns:
    630   An object of the form:
    632     { # An annotation describes a region of reference genome. The value of an
    633       # annotation may be one of several canonical types, supplemented by arbitrary
    634       # info tags. An annotation is not inherently associated with a specific
    635       # sample or individual (though a client could choose to use annotations in
    636       # this way). Example canonical annotation types are `GENE` and
    637       # `VARIANT`.
    638     "info": { # A map of additional read alignment information. This must be of the form
    639         # map<string, string[]> (string key mapping to a list of string values).
    640       "a_key": [
    641         "",
    642       ],
    643     },
    644     "referenceId": "A String", # The ID of the Google Genomics reference associated with this range.
    645     "end": "A String", # The end position of the range on the reference, 0-based exclusive.
    646     "name": "A String", # The display name of this annotation.
    647     "transcript": { # A transcript represents the assertion that a particular region of the # A transcript value represents the assertion that a particular region of
    648         # the reference genome may be transcribed as RNA. An alternative splicing
    649         # pattern would be represented as a separate transcript object. This field
    650         # is only set for annotations of type `TRANSCRIPT`.
    651         # reference genome may be transcribed as RNA.
    652       "codingSequence": { # The range of the coding sequence for this transcript, if any. To determine
    653           # the exact ranges of coding sequence, intersect this range with those of the
    654           # exons, if any. If there are any
    655           # exons, the
    656           # codingSequence must start
    657           # and end within them.
    658           #
    659           # Note that in some cases, the reference genome will not exactly match the
    660           # observed mRNA transcript e.g. due to variance in the source genome from
    661           # reference. In these cases,
    662           # exon.frame will not necessarily
    663           # match the expected reference reading frame and coding exon reference bases
    664           # cannot necessarily be concatenated to produce the original transcript mRNA.
    665         "start": "A String", # The start of the coding sequence on this annotation's reference sequence,
    666             # 0-based inclusive. Note that this position is relative to the reference
    667             # start, and *not* the containing annotation start.
    668         "end": "A String", # The end of the coding sequence on this annotation's reference sequence,
    669             # 0-based exclusive. Note that this position is relative to the reference
    670             # start, and *not* the containing annotation start.
    671       },
    672       "exons": [ # The <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exon">exons</a> that compose
    673           # this transcript. This field should be unset for genomes where transcript
    674           # splicing does not occur, for example prokaryotes.
    675           #
    676           # Introns are regions of the transcript that are not included in the
    677           # spliced RNA product. Though not explicitly modeled here, intron ranges can
    678           # be deduced; all regions of this transcript that are not exons are introns.
    679           #
    680           # Exonic sequences do not necessarily code for a translational product
    681           # (amino acids). Only the regions of exons bounded by the
    682           # codingSequence correspond
    683           # to coding DNA sequence.
    684           #
    685           # Exons are ordered by start position and may not overlap.
    686         {
    687           "start": "A String", # The start position of the exon on this annotation's reference sequence,
    688               # 0-based inclusive. Note that this is relative to the reference start, and
    689               # **not** the containing annotation start.
    690           "frame": 42, # The frame of this exon. Contains a value of 0, 1, or 2, which indicates
    691               # the offset of the first coding base of the exon within the reading frame
    692               # of the coding DNA sequence, if any. This field is dependent on the
    693               # strandedness of this annotation (see
    694               # Annotation.reverse_strand).
    695               # For forward stranded annotations, this offset is relative to the
    696               # exon.start. For reverse
    697               # strand annotations, this offset is relative to the
    698               # exon.end `- 1`.
    699               #
    700               # Unset if this exon does not intersect the coding sequence. Upon creation
    701               # of a transcript, the frame must be populated for all or none of the
    702               # coding exons.
    703           "end": "A String", # The end position of the exon on this annotation's reference sequence,
    704               # 0-based exclusive. Note that this is relative to the reference start, and
    705               # *not* the containing annotation start.
    706         },
    707       ],
    708       "geneId": "A String", # The annotation ID of the gene from which this transcript is transcribed.
    709     },
    710     "variant": { # A variant annotation, which describes the effect of a variant on the
    711         # genome, the coding sequence, and/or higher level consequences at the
    712         # organism level e.g. pathogenicity. This field is only set for annotations
    713         # of type `VARIANT`.
    714       "type": "A String", # Type has been adapted from ClinVar's list of variant types.
    715       "effect": "A String", # Effect of the variant on the coding sequence.
    716       "transcriptIds": [ # Google annotation IDs of the transcripts affected by this variant. These
    717           # should be provided when the variant is created.
    718         "A String",
    719       ],
    720       "alternateBases": "A String", # The alternate allele for this variant. If multiple alternate alleles
    721           # exist at this location, create a separate variant for each one, as they
    722           # may represent distinct conditions.
    723       "clinicalSignificance": "A String", # Describes the clinical significance of a variant.
    724           # It is adapted from the ClinVar controlled vocabulary for clinical
    725           # significance described at:
    726           # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar/docs/clinsig/
    727       "conditions": [ # The set of conditions associated with this variant.
    728           # A condition describes the way a variant influences human health.
    729         {
    730           "externalIds": [ # The set of external IDs for this condition.
    731             {
    732               "sourceName": "A String", # The name of the source of this data.
    733               "id": "A String", # The id used by the source of this data.
    734             },
    735           ],
    736           "conceptId": "A String", # The MedGen concept id associated with this gene.
    737               # Search for these IDs at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/medgen/
    738           "omimId": "A String", # The OMIM id for this condition.
    739               # Search for these IDs at http://omim.org/
    740           "names": [ # A set of names for the condition.
    741             "A String",
    742           ],
    743         },
    744       ],
    745       "geneId": "A String", # Google annotation ID of the gene affected by this variant. This should
    746           # be provided when the variant is created.
    747     },
    748     "start": "A String", # The start position of the range on the reference, 0-based inclusive.
    749     "annotationSetId": "A String", # The annotation set to which this annotation belongs.
    750     "referenceName": "A String", # The display name corresponding to the reference specified by
    751         # `referenceId`, for example `chr1`, `1`, or `chrX`.
    752     "reverseStrand": True or False, # Whether this range refers to the reverse strand, as opposed to the forward
    753         # strand. Note that regardless of this field, the start/end position of the
    754         # range always refer to the forward strand.
    755     "type": "A String", # The data type for this annotation. Must match the containing annotation
    756         # set's type.
    757     "id": "A String", # The server-generated annotation ID, unique across all annotations.
    758   }</pre>
    759 </div>
    761 <div class="method">
    762     <code class="details" id="delete">delete(annotationId, x__xgafv=None)</code>
    763   <pre>Deletes an annotation. Caller must have WRITE permission for
    764 the associated annotation set.
    766 Args:
    767   annotationId: string, The ID of the annotation to be deleted. (required)
    768   x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    769     Allowed values
    770       1 - v1 error format
    771       2 - v2 error format
    773 Returns:
    774   An object of the form:
    776     { # A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated
    777       # empty messages in your APIs. A typical example is to use it as the request
    778       # or the response type of an API method. For instance:
    779       #
    780       #     service Foo {
    781       #       rpc Bar(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
    782       #     }
    783       #
    784       # The JSON representation for `Empty` is empty JSON object `{}`.
    785   }</pre>
    786 </div>
    788 <div class="method">
    789     <code class="details" id="get">get(annotationId, x__xgafv=None)</code>
    790   <pre>Gets an annotation. Caller must have READ permission
    791 for the associated annotation set.
    793 Args:
    794   annotationId: string, The ID of the annotation to be retrieved. (required)
    795   x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    796     Allowed values
    797       1 - v1 error format
    798       2 - v2 error format
    800 Returns:
    801   An object of the form:
    803     { # An annotation describes a region of reference genome. The value of an
    804       # annotation may be one of several canonical types, supplemented by arbitrary
    805       # info tags. An annotation is not inherently associated with a specific
    806       # sample or individual (though a client could choose to use annotations in
    807       # this way). Example canonical annotation types are `GENE` and
    808       # `VARIANT`.
    809     "info": { # A map of additional read alignment information. This must be of the form
    810         # map<string, string[]> (string key mapping to a list of string values).
    811       "a_key": [
    812         "",
    813       ],
    814     },
    815     "referenceId": "A String", # The ID of the Google Genomics reference associated with this range.
    816     "end": "A String", # The end position of the range on the reference, 0-based exclusive.
    817     "name": "A String", # The display name of this annotation.
    818     "transcript": { # A transcript represents the assertion that a particular region of the # A transcript value represents the assertion that a particular region of
    819         # the reference genome may be transcribed as RNA. An alternative splicing
    820         # pattern would be represented as a separate transcript object. This field
    821         # is only set for annotations of type `TRANSCRIPT`.
    822         # reference genome may be transcribed as RNA.
    823       "codingSequence": { # The range of the coding sequence for this transcript, if any. To determine
    824           # the exact ranges of coding sequence, intersect this range with those of the
    825           # exons, if any. If there are any
    826           # exons, the
    827           # codingSequence must start
    828           # and end within them.
    829           #
    830           # Note that in some cases, the reference genome will not exactly match the
    831           # observed mRNA transcript e.g. due to variance in the source genome from
    832           # reference. In these cases,
    833           # exon.frame will not necessarily
    834           # match the expected reference reading frame and coding exon reference bases
    835           # cannot necessarily be concatenated to produce the original transcript mRNA.
    836         "start": "A String", # The start of the coding sequence on this annotation's reference sequence,
    837             # 0-based inclusive. Note that this position is relative to the reference
    838             # start, and *not* the containing annotation start.
    839         "end": "A String", # The end of the coding sequence on this annotation's reference sequence,
    840             # 0-based exclusive. Note that this position is relative to the reference
    841             # start, and *not* the containing annotation start.
    842       },
    843       "exons": [ # The <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exon">exons</a> that compose
    844           # this transcript. This field should be unset for genomes where transcript
    845           # splicing does not occur, for example prokaryotes.
    846           #
    847           # Introns are regions of the transcript that are not included in the
    848           # spliced RNA product. Though not explicitly modeled here, intron ranges can
    849           # be deduced; all regions of this transcript that are not exons are introns.
    850           #
    851           # Exonic sequences do not necessarily code for a translational product
    852           # (amino acids). Only the regions of exons bounded by the
    853           # codingSequence correspond
    854           # to coding DNA sequence.
    855           #
    856           # Exons are ordered by start position and may not overlap.
    857         {
    858           "start": "A String", # The start position of the exon on this annotation's reference sequence,
    859               # 0-based inclusive. Note that this is relative to the reference start, and
    860               # **not** the containing annotation start.
    861           "frame": 42, # The frame of this exon. Contains a value of 0, 1, or 2, which indicates
    862               # the offset of the first coding base of the exon within the reading frame
    863               # of the coding DNA sequence, if any. This field is dependent on the
    864               # strandedness of this annotation (see
    865               # Annotation.reverse_strand).
    866               # For forward stranded annotations, this offset is relative to the
    867               # exon.start. For reverse
    868               # strand annotations, this offset is relative to the
    869               # exon.end `- 1`.
    870               #
    871               # Unset if this exon does not intersect the coding sequence. Upon creation
    872               # of a transcript, the frame must be populated for all or none of the
    873               # coding exons.
    874           "end": "A String", # The end position of the exon on this annotation's reference sequence,
    875               # 0-based exclusive. Note that this is relative to the reference start, and
    876               # *not* the containing annotation start.
    877         },
    878       ],
    879       "geneId": "A String", # The annotation ID of the gene from which this transcript is transcribed.
    880     },
    881     "variant": { # A variant annotation, which describes the effect of a variant on the
    882         # genome, the coding sequence, and/or higher level consequences at the
    883         # organism level e.g. pathogenicity. This field is only set for annotations
    884         # of type `VARIANT`.
    885       "type": "A String", # Type has been adapted from ClinVar's list of variant types.
    886       "effect": "A String", # Effect of the variant on the coding sequence.
    887       "transcriptIds": [ # Google annotation IDs of the transcripts affected by this variant. These
    888           # should be provided when the variant is created.
    889         "A String",
    890       ],
    891       "alternateBases": "A String", # The alternate allele for this variant. If multiple alternate alleles
    892           # exist at this location, create a separate variant for each one, as they
    893           # may represent distinct conditions.
    894       "clinicalSignificance": "A String", # Describes the clinical significance of a variant.
    895           # It is adapted from the ClinVar controlled vocabulary for clinical
    896           # significance described at:
    897           # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar/docs/clinsig/
    898       "conditions": [ # The set of conditions associated with this variant.
    899           # A condition describes the way a variant influences human health.
    900         {
    901           "externalIds": [ # The set of external IDs for this condition.
    902             {
    903               "sourceName": "A String", # The name of the source of this data.
    904               "id": "A String", # The id used by the source of this data.
    905             },
    906           ],
    907           "conceptId": "A String", # The MedGen concept id associated with this gene.
    908               # Search for these IDs at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/medgen/
    909           "omimId": "A String", # The OMIM id for this condition.
    910               # Search for these IDs at http://omim.org/
    911           "names": [ # A set of names for the condition.
    912             "A String",
    913           ],
    914         },
    915       ],
    916       "geneId": "A String", # Google annotation ID of the gene affected by this variant. This should
    917           # be provided when the variant is created.
    918     },
    919     "start": "A String", # The start position of the range on the reference, 0-based inclusive.
    920     "annotationSetId": "A String", # The annotation set to which this annotation belongs.
    921     "referenceName": "A String", # The display name corresponding to the reference specified by
    922         # `referenceId`, for example `chr1`, `1`, or `chrX`.
    923     "reverseStrand": True or False, # Whether this range refers to the reverse strand, as opposed to the forward
    924         # strand. Note that regardless of this field, the start/end position of the
    925         # range always refer to the forward strand.
    926     "type": "A String", # The data type for this annotation. Must match the containing annotation
    927         # set's type.
    928     "id": "A String", # The server-generated annotation ID, unique across all annotations.
    929   }</pre>
    930 </div>
    932 <div class="method">
    933     <code class="details" id="search">search(body, x__xgafv=None)</code>
    934   <pre>Searches for annotations that match the given criteria. Results are
    935 ordered by genomic coordinate (by reference sequence, then position).
    936 Annotations with equivalent genomic coordinates are returned in an
    937 unspecified order. This order is consistent, such that two queries for the
    938 same content (regardless of page size) yield annotations in the same order
    939 across their respective streams of paginated responses. Caller must have
    940 READ permission for the queried annotation sets.
    942 Args:
    943   body: object, The request body. (required)
    944     The object takes the form of:
    946 {
    947     "referenceId": "A String", # The ID of the reference to query.
    948     "end": "A String", # The end position of the range on the reference, 0-based exclusive. If
    949         # referenceId or
    950         # referenceName
    951         # must be specified, Defaults to the length of the reference.
    952     "pageSize": 42, # The maximum number of results to return in a single page. If unspecified,
    953         # defaults to 256. The maximum value is 2048.
    954     "start": "A String", # The start position of the range on the reference, 0-based inclusive. If
    955         # specified,
    956         # referenceId or
    957         # referenceName
    958         # must be specified. Defaults to 0.
    959     "annotationSetIds": [ # Required. The annotation sets to search within. The caller must have
    960         # `READ` access to these annotation sets.
    961         # All queried annotation sets must have the same type.
    962       "A String",
    963     ],
    964     "pageToken": "A String", # The continuation token, which is used to page through large result sets.
    965         # To get the next page of results, set this parameter to the value of
    966         # `nextPageToken` from the previous response.
    967     "referenceName": "A String", # The name of the reference to query, within the reference set associated
    968         # with this query.
    969   }
    971   x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    972     Allowed values
    973       1 - v1 error format
    974       2 - v2 error format
    976 Returns:
    977   An object of the form:
    979     {
    980     "nextPageToken": "A String", # The continuation token, which is used to page through large result sets.
    981         # Provide this value in a subsequent request to return the next page of
    982         # results. This field will be empty if there aren't any additional results.
    983     "annotations": [ # The matching annotations.
    984       { # An annotation describes a region of reference genome. The value of an
    985           # annotation may be one of several canonical types, supplemented by arbitrary
    986           # info tags. An annotation is not inherently associated with a specific
    987           # sample or individual (though a client could choose to use annotations in
    988           # this way). Example canonical annotation types are `GENE` and
    989           # `VARIANT`.
    990         "info": { # A map of additional read alignment information. This must be of the form
    991             # map<string, string[]> (string key mapping to a list of string values).
    992           "a_key": [
    993             "",
    994           ],
    995         },
    996         "referenceId": "A String", # The ID of the Google Genomics reference associated with this range.
    997         "end": "A String", # The end position of the range on the reference, 0-based exclusive.
    998         "name": "A String", # The display name of this annotation.
    999         "transcript": { # A transcript represents the assertion that a particular region of the # A transcript value represents the assertion that a particular region of
   1000             # the reference genome may be transcribed as RNA. An alternative splicing
   1001             # pattern would be represented as a separate transcript object. This field
   1002             # is only set for annotations of type `TRANSCRIPT`.
   1003             # reference genome may be transcribed as RNA.
   1004           "codingSequence": { # The range of the coding sequence for this transcript, if any. To determine
   1005               # the exact ranges of coding sequence, intersect this range with those of the
   1006               # exons, if any. If there are any
   1007               # exons, the
   1008               # codingSequence must start
   1009               # and end within them.
   1010               #
   1011               # Note that in some cases, the reference genome will not exactly match the
   1012               # observed mRNA transcript e.g. due to variance in the source genome from
   1013               # reference. In these cases,
   1014               # exon.frame will not necessarily
   1015               # match the expected reference reading frame and coding exon reference bases
   1016               # cannot necessarily be concatenated to produce the original transcript mRNA.
   1017             "start": "A String", # The start of the coding sequence on this annotation's reference sequence,
   1018                 # 0-based inclusive. Note that this position is relative to the reference
   1019                 # start, and *not* the containing annotation start.
   1020             "end": "A String", # The end of the coding sequence on this annotation's reference sequence,
   1021                 # 0-based exclusive. Note that this position is relative to the reference
   1022                 # start, and *not* the containing annotation start.
   1023           },
   1024           "exons": [ # The <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exon">exons</a> that compose
   1025               # this transcript. This field should be unset for genomes where transcript
   1026               # splicing does not occur, for example prokaryotes.
   1027               #
   1028               # Introns are regions of the transcript that are not included in the
   1029               # spliced RNA product. Though not explicitly modeled here, intron ranges can
   1030               # be deduced; all regions of this transcript that are not exons are introns.
   1031               #
   1032               # Exonic sequences do not necessarily code for a translational product
   1033               # (amino acids). Only the regions of exons bounded by the
   1034               # codingSequence correspond
   1035               # to coding DNA sequence.
   1036               #
   1037               # Exons are ordered by start position and may not overlap.
   1038             {
   1039               "start": "A String", # The start position of the exon on this annotation's reference sequence,
   1040                   # 0-based inclusive. Note that this is relative to the reference start, and
   1041                   # **not** the containing annotation start.
   1042               "frame": 42, # The frame of this exon. Contains a value of 0, 1, or 2, which indicates
   1043                   # the offset of the first coding base of the exon within the reading frame
   1044                   # of the coding DNA sequence, if any. This field is dependent on the
   1045                   # strandedness of this annotation (see
   1046                   # Annotation.reverse_strand).
   1047                   # For forward stranded annotations, this offset is relative to the
   1048                   # exon.start. For reverse
   1049                   # strand annotations, this offset is relative to the
   1050                   # exon.end `- 1`.
   1051                   #
   1052                   # Unset if this exon does not intersect the coding sequence. Upon creation
   1053                   # of a transcript, the frame must be populated for all or none of the
   1054                   # coding exons.
   1055               "end": "A String", # The end position of the exon on this annotation's reference sequence,
   1056                   # 0-based exclusive. Note that this is relative to the reference start, and
   1057                   # *not* the containing annotation start.
   1058             },
   1059           ],
   1060           "geneId": "A String", # The annotation ID of the gene from which this transcript is transcribed.
   1061         },
   1062         "variant": { # A variant annotation, which describes the effect of a variant on the
   1063             # genome, the coding sequence, and/or higher level consequences at the
   1064             # organism level e.g. pathogenicity. This field is only set for annotations
   1065             # of type `VARIANT`.
   1066           "type": "A String", # Type has been adapted from ClinVar's list of variant types.
   1067           "effect": "A String", # Effect of the variant on the coding sequence.
   1068           "transcriptIds": [ # Google annotation IDs of the transcripts affected by this variant. These
   1069               # should be provided when the variant is created.
   1070             "A String",
   1071           ],
   1072           "alternateBases": "A String", # The alternate allele for this variant. If multiple alternate alleles
   1073               # exist at this location, create a separate variant for each one, as they
   1074               # may represent distinct conditions.
   1075           "clinicalSignificance": "A String", # Describes the clinical significance of a variant.
   1076               # It is adapted from the ClinVar controlled vocabulary for clinical
   1077               # significance described at:
   1078               # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar/docs/clinsig/
   1079           "conditions": [ # The set of conditions associated with this variant.
   1080               # A condition describes the way a variant influences human health.
   1081             {
   1082               "externalIds": [ # The set of external IDs for this condition.
   1083                 {
   1084                   "sourceName": "A String", # The name of the source of this data.
   1085                   "id": "A String", # The id used by the source of this data.
   1086                 },
   1087               ],
   1088               "conceptId": "A String", # The MedGen concept id associated with this gene.
   1089                   # Search for these IDs at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/medgen/
   1090               "omimId": "A String", # The OMIM id for this condition.
   1091                   # Search for these IDs at http://omim.org/
   1092               "names": [ # A set of names for the condition.
   1093                 "A String",
   1094               ],
   1095             },
   1096           ],
   1097           "geneId": "A String", # Google annotation ID of the gene affected by this variant. This should
   1098               # be provided when the variant is created.
   1099         },
   1100         "start": "A String", # The start position of the range on the reference, 0-based inclusive.
   1101         "annotationSetId": "A String", # The annotation set to which this annotation belongs.
   1102         "referenceName": "A String", # The display name corresponding to the reference specified by
   1103             # `referenceId`, for example `chr1`, `1`, or `chrX`.
   1104         "reverseStrand": True or False, # Whether this range refers to the reverse strand, as opposed to the forward
   1105             # strand. Note that regardless of this field, the start/end position of the
   1106             # range always refer to the forward strand.
   1107         "type": "A String", # The data type for this annotation. Must match the containing annotation
   1108             # set's type.
   1109         "id": "A String", # The server-generated annotation ID, unique across all annotations.
   1110       },
   1111     ],
   1112   }</pre>
   1113 </div>
   1115 <div class="method">
   1116     <code class="details" id="search_next">search_next(previous_request, previous_response)</code>
   1117   <pre>Retrieves the next page of results.
   1119 Args:
   1120   previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
   1121   previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)
   1123 Returns:
   1124   A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next
   1125   page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.
   1126     </pre>
   1127 </div>
   1129 <div class="method">
   1130     <code class="details" id="update">update(annotationId, body, updateMask=None, x__xgafv=None)</code>
   1131   <pre>Updates an annotation. Caller must have
   1132 WRITE permission for the associated dataset.
   1134 Args:
   1135   annotationId: string, The ID of the annotation to be updated. (required)
   1136   body: object, The request body. (required)
   1137     The object takes the form of:
   1139 { # An annotation describes a region of reference genome. The value of an
   1140     # annotation may be one of several canonical types, supplemented by arbitrary
   1141     # info tags. An annotation is not inherently associated with a specific
   1142     # sample or individual (though a client could choose to use annotations in
   1143     # this way). Example canonical annotation types are `GENE` and
   1144     # `VARIANT`.
   1145   "info": { # A map of additional read alignment information. This must be of the form
   1146       # map<string, string[]> (string key mapping to a list of string values).
   1147     "a_key": [
   1148       "",
   1149     ],
   1150   },
   1151   "referenceId": "A String", # The ID of the Google Genomics reference associated with this range.
   1152   "end": "A String", # The end position of the range on the reference, 0-based exclusive.
   1153   "name": "A String", # The display name of this annotation.
   1154   "transcript": { # A transcript represents the assertion that a particular region of the # A transcript value represents the assertion that a particular region of
   1155       # the reference genome may be transcribed as RNA. An alternative splicing
   1156       # pattern would be represented as a separate transcript object. This field
   1157       # is only set for annotations of type `TRANSCRIPT`.
   1158       # reference genome may be transcribed as RNA.
   1159     "codingSequence": { # The range of the coding sequence for this transcript, if any. To determine
   1160         # the exact ranges of coding sequence, intersect this range with those of the
   1161         # exons, if any. If there are any
   1162         # exons, the
   1163         # codingSequence must start
   1164         # and end within them.
   1165         #
   1166         # Note that in some cases, the reference genome will not exactly match the
   1167         # observed mRNA transcript e.g. due to variance in the source genome from
   1168         # reference. In these cases,
   1169         # exon.frame will not necessarily
   1170         # match the expected reference reading frame and coding exon reference bases
   1171         # cannot necessarily be concatenated to produce the original transcript mRNA.
   1172       "start": "A String", # The start of the coding sequence on this annotation's reference sequence,
   1173           # 0-based inclusive. Note that this position is relative to the reference
   1174           # start, and *not* the containing annotation start.
   1175       "end": "A String", # The end of the coding sequence on this annotation's reference sequence,
   1176           # 0-based exclusive. Note that this position is relative to the reference
   1177           # start, and *not* the containing annotation start.
   1178     },
   1179     "exons": [ # The <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exon">exons</a> that compose
   1180         # this transcript. This field should be unset for genomes where transcript
   1181         # splicing does not occur, for example prokaryotes.
   1182         #
   1183         # Introns are regions of the transcript that are not included in the
   1184         # spliced RNA product. Though not explicitly modeled here, intron ranges can
   1185         # be deduced; all regions of this transcript that are not exons are introns.
   1186         #
   1187         # Exonic sequences do not necessarily code for a translational product
   1188         # (amino acids). Only the regions of exons bounded by the
   1189         # codingSequence correspond
   1190         # to coding DNA sequence.
   1191         #
   1192         # Exons are ordered by start position and may not overlap.
   1193       {
   1194         "start": "A String", # The start position of the exon on this annotation's reference sequence,
   1195             # 0-based inclusive. Note that this is relative to the reference start, and
   1196             # **not** the containing annotation start.
   1197         "frame": 42, # The frame of this exon. Contains a value of 0, 1, or 2, which indicates
   1198             # the offset of the first coding base of the exon within the reading frame
   1199             # of the coding DNA sequence, if any. This field is dependent on the
   1200             # strandedness of this annotation (see
   1201             # Annotation.reverse_strand).
   1202             # For forward stranded annotations, this offset is relative to the
   1203             # exon.start. For reverse
   1204             # strand annotations, this offset is relative to the
   1205             # exon.end `- 1`.
   1206             #
   1207             # Unset if this exon does not intersect the coding sequence. Upon creation
   1208             # of a transcript, the frame must be populated for all or none of the
   1209             # coding exons.
   1210         "end": "A String", # The end position of the exon on this annotation's reference sequence,
   1211             # 0-based exclusive. Note that this is relative to the reference start, and
   1212             # *not* the containing annotation start.
   1213       },
   1214     ],
   1215     "geneId": "A String", # The annotation ID of the gene from which this transcript is transcribed.
   1216   },
   1217   "variant": { # A variant annotation, which describes the effect of a variant on the
   1218       # genome, the coding sequence, and/or higher level consequences at the
   1219       # organism level e.g. pathogenicity. This field is only set for annotations
   1220       # of type `VARIANT`.
   1221     "type": "A String", # Type has been adapted from ClinVar's list of variant types.
   1222     "effect": "A String", # Effect of the variant on the coding sequence.
   1223     "transcriptIds": [ # Google annotation IDs of the transcripts affected by this variant. These
   1224         # should be provided when the variant is created.
   1225       "A String",
   1226     ],
   1227     "alternateBases": "A String", # The alternate allele for this variant. If multiple alternate alleles
   1228         # exist at this location, create a separate variant for each one, as they
   1229         # may represent distinct conditions.
   1230     "clinicalSignificance": "A String", # Describes the clinical significance of a variant.
   1231         # It is adapted from the ClinVar controlled vocabulary for clinical
   1232         # significance described at:
   1233         # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar/docs/clinsig/
   1234     "conditions": [ # The set of conditions associated with this variant.
   1235         # A condition describes the way a variant influences human health.
   1236       {
   1237         "externalIds": [ # The set of external IDs for this condition.
   1238           {
   1239             "sourceName": "A String", # The name of the source of this data.
   1240             "id": "A String", # The id used by the source of this data.
   1241           },
   1242         ],
   1243         "conceptId": "A String", # The MedGen concept id associated with this gene.
   1244             # Search for these IDs at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/medgen/
   1245         "omimId": "A String", # The OMIM id for this condition.
   1246             # Search for these IDs at http://omim.org/
   1247         "names": [ # A set of names for the condition.
   1248           "A String",
   1249         ],
   1250       },
   1251     ],
   1252     "geneId": "A String", # Google annotation ID of the gene affected by this variant. This should
   1253         # be provided when the variant is created.
   1254   },
   1255   "start": "A String", # The start position of the range on the reference, 0-based inclusive.
   1256   "annotationSetId": "A String", # The annotation set to which this annotation belongs.
   1257   "referenceName": "A String", # The display name corresponding to the reference specified by
   1258       # `referenceId`, for example `chr1`, `1`, or `chrX`.
   1259   "reverseStrand": True or False, # Whether this range refers to the reverse strand, as opposed to the forward
   1260       # strand. Note that regardless of this field, the start/end position of the
   1261       # range always refer to the forward strand.
   1262   "type": "A String", # The data type for this annotation. Must match the containing annotation
   1263       # set's type.
   1264   "id": "A String", # The server-generated annotation ID, unique across all annotations.
   1265 }
   1267   updateMask: string, An optional mask specifying which fields to update. Mutable fields are
   1268 name,
   1269 variant,
   1270 transcript, and
   1271 info. If unspecified, all mutable
   1272 fields will be updated.
   1273   x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
   1274     Allowed values
   1275       1 - v1 error format
   1276       2 - v2 error format
   1278 Returns:
   1279   An object of the form:
   1281     { # An annotation describes a region of reference genome. The value of an
   1282       # annotation may be one of several canonical types, supplemented by arbitrary
   1283       # info tags. An annotation is not inherently associated with a specific
   1284       # sample or individual (though a client could choose to use annotations in
   1285       # this way). Example canonical annotation types are `GENE` and
   1286       # `VARIANT`.
   1287     "info": { # A map of additional read alignment information. This must be of the form
   1288         # map<string, string[]> (string key mapping to a list of string values).
   1289       "a_key": [
   1290         "",
   1291       ],
   1292     },
   1293     "referenceId": "A String", # The ID of the Google Genomics reference associated with this range.
   1294     "end": "A String", # The end position of the range on the reference, 0-based exclusive.
   1295     "name": "A String", # The display name of this annotation.
   1296     "transcript": { # A transcript represents the assertion that a particular region of the # A transcript value represents the assertion that a particular region of
   1297         # the reference genome may be transcribed as RNA. An alternative splicing
   1298         # pattern would be represented as a separate transcript object. This field
   1299         # is only set for annotations of type `TRANSCRIPT`.
   1300         # reference genome may be transcribed as RNA.
   1301       "codingSequence": { # The range of the coding sequence for this transcript, if any. To determine
   1302           # the exact ranges of coding sequence, intersect this range with those of the
   1303           # exons, if any. If there are any
   1304           # exons, the
   1305           # codingSequence must start
   1306           # and end within them.
   1307           #
   1308           # Note that in some cases, the reference genome will not exactly match the
   1309           # observed mRNA transcript e.g. due to variance in the source genome from
   1310           # reference. In these cases,
   1311           # exon.frame will not necessarily
   1312           # match the expected reference reading frame and coding exon reference bases
   1313           # cannot necessarily be concatenated to produce the original transcript mRNA.
   1314         "start": "A String", # The start of the coding sequence on this annotation's reference sequence,
   1315             # 0-based inclusive. Note that this position is relative to the reference
   1316             # start, and *not* the containing annotation start.
   1317         "end": "A String", # The end of the coding sequence on this annotation's reference sequence,
   1318             # 0-based exclusive. Note that this position is relative to the reference
   1319             # start, and *not* the containing annotation start.
   1320       },
   1321       "exons": [ # The <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exon">exons</a> that compose
   1322           # this transcript. This field should be unset for genomes where transcript
   1323           # splicing does not occur, for example prokaryotes.
   1324           #
   1325           # Introns are regions of the transcript that are not included in the
   1326           # spliced RNA product. Though not explicitly modeled here, intron ranges can
   1327           # be deduced; all regions of this transcript that are not exons are introns.
   1328           #
   1329           # Exonic sequences do not necessarily code for a translational product
   1330           # (amino acids). Only the regions of exons bounded by the
   1331           # codingSequence correspond
   1332           # to coding DNA sequence.
   1333           #
   1334           # Exons are ordered by start position and may not overlap.
   1335         {
   1336           "start": "A String", # The start position of the exon on this annotation's reference sequence,
   1337               # 0-based inclusive. Note that this is relative to the reference start, and
   1338               # **not** the containing annotation start.
   1339           "frame": 42, # The frame of this exon. Contains a value of 0, 1, or 2, which indicates
   1340               # the offset of the first coding base of the exon within the reading frame
   1341               # of the coding DNA sequence, if any. This field is dependent on the
   1342               # strandedness of this annotation (see
   1343               # Annotation.reverse_strand).
   1344               # For forward stranded annotations, this offset is relative to the
   1345               # exon.start. For reverse
   1346               # strand annotations, this offset is relative to the
   1347               # exon.end `- 1`.
   1348               #
   1349               # Unset if this exon does not intersect the coding sequence. Upon creation
   1350               # of a transcript, the frame must be populated for all or none of the
   1351               # coding exons.
   1352           "end": "A String", # The end position of the exon on this annotation's reference sequence,
   1353               # 0-based exclusive. Note that this is relative to the reference start, and
   1354               # *not* the containing annotation start.
   1355         },
   1356       ],
   1357       "geneId": "A String", # The annotation ID of the gene from which this transcript is transcribed.
   1358     },
   1359     "variant": { # A variant annotation, which describes the effect of a variant on the
   1360         # genome, the coding sequence, and/or higher level consequences at the
   1361         # organism level e.g. pathogenicity. This field is only set for annotations
   1362         # of type `VARIANT`.
   1363       "type": "A String", # Type has been adapted from ClinVar's list of variant types.
   1364       "effect": "A String", # Effect of the variant on the coding sequence.
   1365       "transcriptIds": [ # Google annotation IDs of the transcripts affected by this variant. These
   1366           # should be provided when the variant is created.
   1367         "A String",
   1368       ],
   1369       "alternateBases": "A String", # The alternate allele for this variant. If multiple alternate alleles
   1370           # exist at this location, create a separate variant for each one, as they
   1371           # may represent distinct conditions.
   1372       "clinicalSignificance": "A String", # Describes the clinical significance of a variant.
   1373           # It is adapted from the ClinVar controlled vocabulary for clinical
   1374           # significance described at:
   1375           # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar/docs/clinsig/
   1376       "conditions": [ # The set of conditions associated with this variant.
   1377           # A condition describes the way a variant influences human health.
   1378         {
   1379           "externalIds": [ # The set of external IDs for this condition.
   1380             {
   1381               "sourceName": "A String", # The name of the source of this data.
   1382               "id": "A String", # The id used by the source of this data.
   1383             },
   1384           ],
   1385           "conceptId": "A String", # The MedGen concept id associated with this gene.
   1386               # Search for these IDs at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/medgen/
   1387           "omimId": "A String", # The OMIM id for this condition.
   1388               # Search for these IDs at http://omim.org/
   1389           "names": [ # A set of names for the condition.
   1390             "A String",
   1391           ],
   1392         },
   1393       ],
   1394       "geneId": "A String", # Google annotation ID of the gene affected by this variant. This should
   1395           # be provided when the variant is created.
   1396     },
   1397     "start": "A String", # The start position of the range on the reference, 0-based inclusive.
   1398     "annotationSetId": "A String", # The annotation set to which this annotation belongs.
   1399     "referenceName": "A String", # The display name corresponding to the reference specified by
   1400         # `referenceId`, for example `chr1`, `1`, or `chrX`.
   1401     "reverseStrand": True or False, # Whether this range refers to the reverse strand, as opposed to the forward
   1402         # strand. Note that regardless of this field, the start/end position of the
   1403         # range always refer to the forward strand.
   1404     "type": "A String", # The data type for this annotation. Must match the containing annotation
   1405         # set's type.
   1406     "id": "A String", # The server-generated annotation ID, unique across all annotations.
   1407   }</pre>
   1408 </div>
   1410 </body></html>