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     75 <h1><a href="proximitybeacon_v1beta1.html">Google Proximity Beacon API</a> . <a href="proximitybeacon_v1beta1.beacons.html">beacons</a> . <a href="proximitybeacon_v1beta1.beacons.attachments.html">attachments</a></h1>
     76 <h2>Instance Methods</h2>
     77 <p class="toc_element">
     78   <code><a href="#batchDelete">batchDelete(beaconName, namespacedType=None, projectId=None, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
     79 <p class="firstline">Deletes multiple attachments on a given beacon. This operation is</p>
     80 <p class="toc_element">
     81   <code><a href="#create">create(beaconName, body, projectId=None, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
     82 <p class="firstline">Associates the given data with the specified beacon. Attachment data must</p>
     83 <p class="toc_element">
     84   <code><a href="#delete">delete(attachmentName, projectId=None, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
     85 <p class="firstline">Deletes the specified attachment for the given beacon. Each attachment has</p>
     86 <p class="toc_element">
     87   <code><a href="#list">list(beaconName, namespacedType=None, projectId=None, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
     88 <p class="firstline">Returns the attachments for the specified beacon that match the specified</p>
     89 <h3>Method Details</h3>
     90 <div class="method">
     91     <code class="details" id="batchDelete">batchDelete(beaconName, namespacedType=None, projectId=None, x__xgafv=None)</code>
     92   <pre>Deletes multiple attachments on a given beacon. This operation is
     93 permanent and cannot be undone.
     95 You can optionally specify `namespacedType` to choose which attachments
     96 should be deleted. If you do not specify `namespacedType`,  all your
     97 attachments on the given beacon will be deleted. You also may explicitly
     98 specify `*/*` to delete all.
    100 Authenticate using an [OAuth access token](https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2)
    101 from a signed-in user with **Is owner** or **Can edit** permissions in the
    102 Google Developers Console project.
    104 Args:
    105   beaconName: string, The beacon whose attachments should be deleted. A beacon name has the
    106 format "beacons/N!beaconId" where the beaconId is the base16 ID broadcast
    107 by the beacon and N is a code for the beacon's type. Possible values are
    108 `3` for Eddystone-UID, `4` for Eddystone-EID, `1` for iBeacon, or `5`
    109 for AltBeacon. For Eddystone-EID beacons, you may use either the
    110 current EID or the beacon's "stable" UID.
    111 Required. (required)
    112   namespacedType: string, Specifies the namespace and type of attachments to delete in
    113 `namespace/type` format. Accepts `*/*` to specify
    114 "all types in all namespaces".
    115 Optional.
    116   projectId: string, The project id to delete beacon attachments under. This field can be
    117 used when "*" is specified to mean all attachment namespaces. Projects
    118 may have multiple attachments with multiple namespaces. If "*" is
    119 specified and the projectId string is empty, then the project
    120 making the request is used.
    121 Optional.
    122   x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    123     Allowed values
    124       1 - v1 error format
    125       2 - v2 error format
    127 Returns:
    128   An object of the form:
    130     { # Response for a request to delete attachments.
    131     "numDeleted": 42, # The number of attachments that were deleted.
    132   }</pre>
    133 </div>
    135 <div class="method">
    136     <code class="details" id="create">create(beaconName, body, projectId=None, x__xgafv=None)</code>
    137   <pre>Associates the given data with the specified beacon. Attachment data must
    138 contain two parts:
    139 <ul>
    140 <li>A namespaced type.</li>
    141 <li>The actual attachment data itself.</li>
    142 </ul>
    143 The namespaced type consists of two parts, the namespace and the type.
    144 The namespace must be one of the values returned by the `namespaces`
    145 endpoint, while the type can be a string of any characters except for the
    146 forward slash (`/`) up to 100 characters in length.
    148 Attachment data can be up to 1024 bytes long.
    150 Authenticate using an [OAuth access token](https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2)
    151 from a signed-in user with **Is owner** or **Can edit** permissions in the
    152 Google Developers Console project.
    154 Args:
    155   beaconName: string, Beacon on which the attachment should be created. A beacon name has the
    156 format "beacons/N!beaconId" where the beaconId is the base16 ID broadcast
    157 by the beacon and N is a code for the beacon's type. Possible values are
    158 `3` for Eddystone-UID, `4` for Eddystone-EID, `1` for iBeacon, or `5`
    159 for AltBeacon. For Eddystone-EID beacons, you may use either the
    160 current EID or the beacon's "stable" UID.
    161 Required. (required)
    162   body: object, The request body. (required)
    163     The object takes the form of:
    165 { # Project-specific data associated with a beacon.
    166     "data": "A String", # An opaque data container for client-provided data. Must be
    167         # [base64](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#section-4) encoded in HTTP
    168         # requests, and will be so encoded (with padding) in responses.
    169         # Required.
    170     "creationTimeMs": "A String", # The UTC time when this attachment was created, in milliseconds since the
    171         # UNIX epoch.
    172     "attachmentName": "A String", # Resource name of this attachment. Attachment names have the format:
    173         # <code>beacons/<var>beacon_id</var>/attachments/<var>attachment_id</var></code>.
    174         # Leave this empty on creation.
    175     "namespacedType": "A String", # Specifies what kind of attachment this is. Tells a client how to
    176         # interpret the `data` field. Format is <var>namespace/type</var>. Namespace
    177         # provides type separation between clients. Type describes the type of
    178         # `data`, for use by the client when parsing the `data` field.
    179         # Required.
    180   }
    182   projectId: string, The project id of the project the attachment will belong to. If
    183 the project id is not specified then the project making the request
    184 is used.
    185 Optional.
    186   x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    187     Allowed values
    188       1 - v1 error format
    189       2 - v2 error format
    191 Returns:
    192   An object of the form:
    194     { # Project-specific data associated with a beacon.
    195       "data": "A String", # An opaque data container for client-provided data. Must be
    196           # [base64](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#section-4) encoded in HTTP
    197           # requests, and will be so encoded (with padding) in responses.
    198           # Required.
    199       "creationTimeMs": "A String", # The UTC time when this attachment was created, in milliseconds since the
    200           # UNIX epoch.
    201       "attachmentName": "A String", # Resource name of this attachment. Attachment names have the format:
    202           # <code>beacons/<var>beacon_id</var>/attachments/<var>attachment_id</var></code>.
    203           # Leave this empty on creation.
    204       "namespacedType": "A String", # Specifies what kind of attachment this is. Tells a client how to
    205           # interpret the `data` field. Format is <var>namespace/type</var>. Namespace
    206           # provides type separation between clients. Type describes the type of
    207           # `data`, for use by the client when parsing the `data` field.
    208           # Required.
    209     }</pre>
    210 </div>
    212 <div class="method">
    213     <code class="details" id="delete">delete(attachmentName, projectId=None, x__xgafv=None)</code>
    214   <pre>Deletes the specified attachment for the given beacon. Each attachment has
    215 a unique attachment name (`attachmentName`) which is returned when you
    216 fetch the attachment data via this API. You specify this with the delete
    217 request to control which attachment is removed. This operation cannot be
    218 undone.
    220 Authenticate using an [OAuth access token](https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2)
    221 from a signed-in user with **Is owner** or **Can edit** permissions in the
    222 Google Developers Console project.
    224 Args:
    225   attachmentName: string, The attachment name (`attachmentName`) of
    226 the attachment to remove. For example:
    227 `beacons/3!893737abc9/attachments/c5e937-af0-494-959-ec49d12738`. For
    228 Eddystone-EID beacons, the beacon ID portion (`3!893737abc9`) may be the
    229 beacon's current EID, or its "stable" Eddystone-UID.
    230 Required. (required)
    231   projectId: string, The project id of the attachment to delete. If not provided, the project
    232 that is making the request is used.
    233 Optional.
    234   x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    235     Allowed values
    236       1 - v1 error format
    237       2 - v2 error format
    239 Returns:
    240   An object of the form:
    242     { # A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated
    243       # empty messages in your APIs. A typical example is to use it as the request
    244       # or the response type of an API method. For instance:
    245       #
    246       #     service Foo {
    247       #       rpc Bar(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
    248       #     }
    249       #
    250       # The JSON representation for `Empty` is empty JSON object `{}`.
    251   }</pre>
    252 </div>
    254 <div class="method">
    255     <code class="details" id="list">list(beaconName, namespacedType=None, projectId=None, x__xgafv=None)</code>
    256   <pre>Returns the attachments for the specified beacon that match the specified
    257 namespaced-type pattern.
    259 To control which namespaced types are returned, you add the
    260 `namespacedType` query parameter to the request. You must either use
    261 `*/*`, to return all attachments, or the namespace must be one of
    262 the ones returned from the  `namespaces` endpoint.
    264 Authenticate using an [OAuth access token](https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2)
    265 from a signed-in user with **viewer**, **Is owner** or **Can edit**
    266 permissions in the Google Developers Console project.
    268 Args:
    269   beaconName: string, Beacon whose attachments should be fetched. A beacon name has the
    270 format "beacons/N!beaconId" where the beaconId is the base16 ID broadcast
    271 by the beacon and N is a code for the beacon's type. Possible values are
    272 `3` for Eddystone-UID, `4` for Eddystone-EID, `1` for iBeacon, or `5`
    273 for AltBeacon. For Eddystone-EID beacons, you may use either the
    274 current EID or the beacon's "stable" UID.
    275 Required. (required)
    276   namespacedType: string, Specifies the namespace and type of attachment to include in response in
    277 <var>namespace/type</var> format. Accepts `*/*` to specify
    278 "all types in all namespaces".
    279   projectId: string, The project id to list beacon attachments under. This field can be
    280 used when "*" is specified to mean all attachment namespaces. Projects
    281 may have multiple attachments with multiple namespaces. If "*" is
    282 specified and the projectId string is empty, then the project
    283 making the request is used.
    284 Optional.
    285   x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
    286     Allowed values
    287       1 - v1 error format
    288       2 - v2 error format
    290 Returns:
    291   An object of the form:
    293     { # Response to `ListBeaconAttachments` that contains the requested attachments.
    294     "attachments": [ # The attachments that corresponded to the request params.
    295       { # Project-specific data associated with a beacon.
    296           "data": "A String", # An opaque data container for client-provided data. Must be
    297               # [base64](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#section-4) encoded in HTTP
    298               # requests, and will be so encoded (with padding) in responses.
    299               # Required.
    300           "creationTimeMs": "A String", # The UTC time when this attachment was created, in milliseconds since the
    301               # UNIX epoch.
    302           "attachmentName": "A String", # Resource name of this attachment. Attachment names have the format:
    303               # <code>beacons/<var>beacon_id</var>/attachments/<var>attachment_id</var></code>.
    304               # Leave this empty on creation.
    305           "namespacedType": "A String", # Specifies what kind of attachment this is. Tells a client how to
    306               # interpret the `data` field. Format is <var>namespace/type</var>. Namespace
    307               # provides type separation between clients. Type describes the type of
    308               # `data`, for use by the client when parsing the `data` field.
    309               # Required.
    310         },
    311     ],
    312   }</pre>
    313 </div>
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