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     57 <!-- ==================== MODULE DESCRIPTION ==================== -->
     58 <h1 class="epydoc">Module schema</h1><p class="nomargin-top"><span class="codelink"><a href="googleapiclient.schema-pysrc.html">source&nbsp;code</a></span></p>
     59 <pre class="literalblock">
     60 Schema processing for discovery based APIs
     62 Schemas holds an APIs discovery schemas. It can return those schema as
     63 deserialized JSON objects, or pretty print them as prototype objects that
     64 conform to the schema.
     66 For example, given the schema:
     68  schema = &quot;&quot;&quot;{
     69    &quot;Foo&quot;: {
     70     &quot;type&quot;: &quot;object&quot;,
     71     &quot;properties&quot;: {
     72      &quot;etag&quot;: {
     73       &quot;type&quot;: &quot;string&quot;,
     74       &quot;description&quot;: &quot;ETag of the collection.&quot;
     75      },
     76      &quot;kind&quot;: {
     77       &quot;type&quot;: &quot;string&quot;,
     78       &quot;description&quot;: &quot;Type of the collection ('calendar#acl').&quot;,
     79       &quot;default&quot;: &quot;calendar#acl&quot;
     80      },
     81      &quot;nextPageToken&quot;: {
     82       &quot;type&quot;: &quot;string&quot;,
     83       &quot;description&quot;: &quot;Token used to access the next
     84          page of this result. Omitted if no further results are available.&quot;
     85      }
     86     }
     87    }
     88  }&quot;&quot;&quot;
     90  s = Schemas(schema)
     91  print s.prettyPrintByName('Foo')
     93  Produces the following output:
     95   {
     96    &quot;nextPageToken&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Token used to access the
     97        # next page of this result. Omitted if no further results are available.
     98    &quot;kind&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # Type of the collection ('calendar#acl').
     99    &quot;etag&quot;: &quot;A String&quot;, # ETag of the collection.
    100   },
    102 The constructor takes a discovery document in which to look up named schema.
    104 </pre>
    106 <hr />
    107 <div class="fields">      <p><strong>Author:</strong>
    108         jcgregorio (a] google.com (Joe Gregorio)
    109       </p>
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    130     </td><td class="summary">
    131         <a href="googleapiclient.schema.Schemas-class.html" class="summary-name">Schemas</a><br />
    132       Schemas for an API.
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    139         <a href="googleapiclient.schema._SchemaToStruct-class.html" class="summary-name" onclick="show_private();">_SchemaToStruct</a><br />
    140       Convert schema to a prototype object.
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