1 import subprocess 2 import sys 3 4 import pytest 5 import pkg_resources 6 7 SETUP_TEMPLATE = """ 8 import setuptools 9 setuptools.setup( 10 name="my-test-package", 11 version="1.0", 12 zip_safe=True, 13 ) 14 """.lstrip() 15 16 17 class TestFindDistributions: 18 19 @pytest.fixture 20 def target_dir(self, tmpdir): 21 target_dir = tmpdir.mkdir('target') 22 # place a .egg named directory in the target that is not an egg: 23 target_dir.mkdir('not.an.egg') 24 return str(target_dir) 25 26 @pytest.fixture 27 def project_dir(self, tmpdir): 28 project_dir = tmpdir.mkdir('my-test-package') 29 (project_dir / "setup.py").write(SETUP_TEMPLATE) 30 return str(project_dir) 31 32 def test_non_egg_dir_named_egg(self, target_dir): 33 dists = pkg_resources.find_distributions(target_dir) 34 assert not list(dists) 35 36 def test_standalone_egg_directory(self, project_dir, target_dir): 37 # install this distro as an unpacked egg: 38 args = [ 39 sys.executable, 40 '-c', 'from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()', 41 '-mNx', 42 '-d', target_dir, 43 '--always-unzip', 44 project_dir, 45 ] 46 subprocess.check_call(args) 47 dists = pkg_resources.find_distributions(target_dir) 48 assert [dist.project_name for dist in dists] == ['my-test-package'] 49 dists = pkg_resources.find_distributions(target_dir, only=True) 50 assert not list(dists) 51 52 def test_zipped_egg(self, project_dir, target_dir): 53 # install this distro as an unpacked egg: 54 args = [ 55 sys.executable, 56 '-c', 'from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()', 57 '-mNx', 58 '-d', target_dir, 59 '--zip-ok', 60 project_dir, 61 ] 62 subprocess.check_call(args) 63 dists = pkg_resources.find_distributions(target_dir) 64 assert [dist.project_name for dist in dists] == ['my-test-package'] 65 dists = pkg_resources.find_distributions(target_dir, only=True) 66 assert not list(dists) 67