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      1 # Config
      2 $urlPath = "https://github.com/hsluoyz/WinDump/releases/download/v0.2/WinDump-for-Npcap-0.2.zip"
      3 $checksum = "9182934bb822511236b4112ddaa006c95c86c864ecc5c2e3c355228463e43bf2"
      5 ############
      6 ############
      7 # Download the file
      8 wget $urlPath -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $PSScriptRoot"\npcap.zip"
      9 Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
     10 function Unzip
     11 {
     12     param([string]$zipfile, [string]$outpath)
     14     [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($zipfile, $outpath)
     15 }
     16 Unzip $PSScriptRoot"\npcap.zip" $PSScriptRoot"\npcap"
     17 Remove-Item $PSScriptRoot"\npcap.zip"
     18 # Now let's check its checksum
     19 $_chksum = $(CertUtil -hashfile $PSScriptRoot"\npcap\x64\WinDump.exe" SHA256)[1] -replace " ",""
     20 if ($_chksum -ne $checksum){
     21     echo "Checksums does NOT match !"
     22     exit
     23 } else {
     24     echo "Checksums matches !"
     25 }
     26 # Finally, move it and remove tmp files
     27 Move-Item -Force $PSScriptRoot"\npcap\x64\WinDump.exe" "C:\Windows\System32\windump.exe"
     28 Remove-Item $PSScriptRoot"\npcap" -recurse