1 Role Statements 2 =============== 3 4 role 5 ---- 6 7 Declares a role identifier in the current namespace. 8 9 **Statement definition:** 10 11 (role role_id) 12 13 **Where:** 14 15 <table> 16 <colgroup> 17 <col width="25%" /> 18 <col width="75%" /> 19 </colgroup> 20 <tbody> 21 <tr class="odd"> 22 <td align="left"><p><code>role</code></p></td> 23 <td align="left"><p>The <code>role</code> keyword.</p></td> 24 </tr> 25 <tr class="even"> 26 <td align="left"><p><code>role_id</code></p></td> 27 <td align="left"><p>The <code>role</code> identifier.</p></td> 28 </tr> 29 </tbody> 30 </table> 31 32 **Example:** 33 34 This example declares two roles: `object_r` in the global namespace and `unconfined.role`: 35 36 (role object_r) 37 38 (block unconfined 39 (role role) 40 ) 41 42 roletype 43 -------- 44 45 Authorises a [`role`](cil_role_statements.md#role) to access a [`type`](cil_type_statements.md#type) identifier. 46 47 **Statement definition:** 48 49 (role role_id type_id) 50 51 **Where:** 52 53 <table> 54 <colgroup> 55 <col width="25%" /> 56 <col width="75%" /> 57 </colgroup> 58 <tbody> 59 <tr class="odd"> 60 <td align="left"><p><code>roletype</code></p></td> 61 <td align="left"><p>The <code>roletype</code> keyword.</p></td> 62 </tr> 63 <tr class="even"> 64 <td align="left"><p><code>role_id</code></p></td> 65 <td align="left"><p>A single previously declared <code>role</code> or <code>roleattribute</code> identifier.</p></td> 66 </tr> 67 <tr class="odd"> 68 <td align="left"><p><code>type_id</code></p></td> 69 <td align="left"><p>A single previously declared <code>type</code>, <code>typealias</code> or <code>typeattribute</code> identifier.</p></td> 70 </tr> 71 </tbody> 72 </table> 73 74 **Example:** 75 76 This example will declare [`role`](cil_role_statements.md#role) and [`type`](cil_type_statements.md#type) identifiers, then associate them: 77 78 (block unconfined 79 (role role) 80 (type process) 81 (roletype role process) 82 ) 83 84 roleattribute 85 ------------- 86 87 Declares a role attribute identifier in the current namespace. The identifier may have zero or more [`role`](cil_role_statements.md#role) and [`roleattribute`](cil_role_statements.md#roleattribute) identifiers associated to it via the [`roleattributeset`](cil_role_statements.md#roleattributeset) statement. 88 89 **Statement definition:** 90 91 (roleattribute roleattribute_id) 92 93 **Where:** 94 95 <table> 96 <colgroup> 97 <col width="25%" /> 98 <col width="75%" /> 99 </colgroup> 100 <tbody> 101 <tr class="odd"> 102 <td align="left"><p><code>roleattribute</code></p></td> 103 <td align="left"><p>The <code>roleattribute</code> keyword.</p></td> 104 </tr> 105 <tr class="even"> 106 <td align="left"><p><code>roleattribute_id</code></p></td> 107 <td align="left"><p>The <code>roleattribute</code> identifier.</p></td> 108 </tr> 109 </tbody> 110 </table> 111 112 **Example:** 113 114 This example will declare a role attribute `roles.role_holder` that will have an empty set: 115 116 (block roles 117 (roleattribute role_holder) 118 ) 119 120 roleattributeset 121 ---------------- 122 123 Allows the association of one or more previously declared [`role`](cil_role_statements.md#role) identifiers to a [`roleattribute`](cil_role_statements.md#roleattribute) identifier. Expressions may be used to refine the associations as shown in the examples. 124 125 **Statement definition:** 126 127 (roleattributeset roleattribute_id (role_id ... | expr ...)) 128 129 **Where:** 130 131 <table> 132 <colgroup> 133 <col width="25%" /> 134 <col width="75%" /> 135 </colgroup> 136 <tbody> 137 <tr class="odd"> 138 <td align="left"><p><code>roleattributeset</code></p></td> 139 <td align="left"><p>The <code>roleattributeset</code> keyword.</p></td> 140 </tr> 141 <tr class="even"> 142 <td align="left"><p><code>roleattribute_id</code></p></td> 143 <td align="left"><p>A single previously declared <code>roleattribute</code> identifier.</p></td> 144 </tr> 145 <tr class="odd"> 146 <td align="left"><p><code>role_id</code></p></td> 147 <td align="left"><p>Zero or more previously declared <code>role</code> or <code>roleattribute</code> identifiers.</p> 148 <p>Note that there must be at least one <code>role_id</code> or <code>expr</code> parameter declared.</p></td> 149 </tr> 150 <tr class="even"> 151 <td align="left"><p><code>expr</code></p></td> 152 <td align="left"><p>Zero or more <code>expr</code>'s, the valid operators and syntax are:</p> 153 <p><code> (and (role_id ...) (role_id ...))</code></p> 154 <p><code> (or (role_id ...) (role_id ...))</code></p> 155 <p><code> (xor (role_id ...) (role_id ...))</code></p> 156 <p><code> (not (role_id ...))</code></p> 157 <p><code> (all)</code></p></td> 158 </tr> 159 </tbody> 160 </table> 161 162 **Example:** 163 164 This example will declare three roles and two role attributes, then associate all the roles to them as shown: 165 166 (block roles 167 (role role_1) 168 (role role_2) 169 (role role_3) 170 171 (roleattribute role_holder) 172 (roleattributeset role_holder (role_1 role_2 role_3)) 173 174 (roleattribute role_holder_all) 175 (roleattributeset role_holder_all (all)) 176 ) 177 178 roleallow 179 --------- 180 181 Authorise the current role to assume a new role. 182 183 Notes: 184 185 - May require a [`roletransition`](cil_role_statements.md#roletransition) rule to ensure transition to the new role. 186 187 - This rule is not allowed in [`booleanif`](cil_conditional_statements.md#booleanif) statements. 188 189 **Statement definition:** 190 191 (roleallow current_role_id new_role_id) 192 193 **Where:** 194 195 <table> 196 <colgroup> 197 <col width="25%" /> 198 <col width="75%" /> 199 </colgroup> 200 <tbody> 201 <tr class="odd"> 202 <td align="left"><p><code>roleallow</code></p></td> 203 <td align="left"><p>The <code>roleallow</code> keyword.</p></td> 204 </tr> 205 <tr class="even"> 206 <td align="left"><p><code>current_role_id</code></p></td> 207 <td align="left"><p>A single previously declared <code>role</code> or <code>roleattribute</code> identifier.</p></td> 208 </tr> 209 <tr class="odd"> 210 <td align="left"><p><code>new_role_id</code></p></td> 211 <td align="left"><p>A single previously declared <code>role</code> or <code>roleattribute</code> identifier.</p></td> 212 </tr> 213 </tbody> 214 </table> 215 216 **Example:** 217 218 See the [`roletransition`](cil_role_statements.md#roletransition) statement for an example. 219 220 roletransition 221 -------------- 222 223 Specify a role transition from the current role to a new role when computing a context for the target type. The [`class`](cil_class_and_permission_statements.md#class) identifier would normally be `process`, however for kernel versions 2.6.39 with policy version \>= 25 and above, any valid class may be used. Note that a [`roleallow`](cil_role_statements.md#roleallow) rule must be used to authorise the transition. 224 225 **Statement definition:** 226 227 (roletransition current_role_id target_type_id class_id new_role_id) 228 229 **Where:** 230 231 <table> 232 <colgroup> 233 <col width="25%" /> 234 <col width="75%" /> 235 </colgroup> 236 <tbody> 237 <tr class="odd"> 238 <td align="left"><p><code>roletransition</code></p></td> 239 <td align="left"><p>The <code>roletransition</code> keyword.</p></td> 240 </tr> 241 <tr class="even"> 242 <td align="left"><p><code>current_role_id</code></p></td> 243 <td align="left"><p>A single previously declared <code>role</code> or <code>roleattribute</code> identifier.</p></td> 244 </tr> 245 <tr class="odd"> 246 <td align="left"><p><code>target_type_id</code></p></td> 247 <td align="left"><p>A single previously declared <code>type</code>, <code>typealias</code> or <code>typeattribute</code> identifier.</p></td> 248 </tr> 249 <tr class="even"> 250 <td align="left"><p><code>class_id</code></p></td> 251 <td align="left"><p>A single previously declared <code>class</code> or <code>classmap</code> identifier.</p></td> 252 </tr> 253 <tr class="odd"> 254 <td align="left"><p><code>new_role_id</code></p></td> 255 <td align="left"><p>A single previously declared <code>role</code> identifier to be set on transition.</p></td> 256 </tr> 257 </tbody> 258 </table> 259 260 **Example:** 261 262 This example will authorise the `unconfined.role` to assume the `msg_filter.role` role, and then transition to that role: 263 264 (block ext_gateway 265 (type process) 266 (type exec) 267 268 (roletype msg_filter.role process) 269 (roleallow unconfined.role msg_filter.role) 270 (roletransition unconfined.role exec process msg_filter.role) 271 ) 272 273 rolebounds 274 ---------- 275 276 Defines a hierarchical relationship between roles where the child role cannot have more privileges than the parent. 277 278 Notes: 279 280 - It is not possible to bind the parent role to more than one child role. 281 282 - While this is added to the binary policy, it is not enforced by the SELinux kernel services. 283 284 **Statement definition:** 285 286 (rolebounds parent_role_id child_role_id) 287 288 **Where:** 289 290 <table> 291 <colgroup> 292 <col width="25%" /> 293 <col width="75%" /> 294 </colgroup> 295 <tbody> 296 <tr class="odd"> 297 <td align="left"><p><code>rolebounds</code></p></td> 298 <td align="left"><p>The <code>rolebounds</code> keyword.</p></td> 299 </tr> 300 <tr class="even"> 301 <td align="left"><p><code>parent_role_id</code></p></td> 302 <td align="left"><p>A single previously declared <code>role</code> identifier.</p></td> 303 </tr> 304 <tr class="odd"> 305 <td align="left"><p><code>child_role_id</code></p></td> 306 <td align="left"><p>A single previously declared <code>role</code> identifier.</p></td> 307 </tr> 308 </tbody> 309 </table> 310 311 **Example:** 312 313 In this example the role `test` cannot have greater priviledges than `unconfined.role`: 314 315 (role test) 316 317 (unconfined 318 (role role) 319 (rolebounds role .test) 320 ) 321