1 /* 2 * Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project 3 * 4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be 5 * found in the LICENSE file. 6 */ 7 8 9 #include "SkParse.h" 10 11 static const unsigned int gColorNames[] = { 12 0x85891945, 0x32a50000, 0x00f0f8ff, // aliceblue 13 0x85d44c6b, 0x16e84d0a, 0x00faebd7, // antiquewhite 14 0x86350800, 0x0000ffff, // aqua 15 0x86350b43, 0x492e2800, 0x007fffd4, // aquamarine 16 0x87559140, 0x00f0ffff, // azure 17 0x88a93940, 0x00f5f5dc, // beige 18 0x89338d4a, 0x00ffe4c4, // bisque 19 0x89811ac0, 0x00000000, // black 20 0x898170d1, 0x1481635f, 0x38800000, 0x00ffebcd, // blanchedalmond 21 0x89952800, 0x000000ff, // blue 22 0x89952d93, 0x3d85a000, 0x008a2be2, // blueviolet 23 0x8a4fbb80, 0x00a52a2a, // brown 24 0x8ab2666f, 0x3de40000, 0x00deb887, // burlywood 25 0x8c242d05, 0x32a50000, 0x005f9ea0, // cadetblue 26 0x8d019525, 0x16b32800, 0x007fff00, // chartreuse 27 0x8d0f1bd9, 0x06850000, 0x00d2691e, // chocolate 28 0x8df20b00, 0x00ff7f50, // coral 29 0x8df27199, 0x3ee59099, 0x54a00000, 0x006495ed, // cornflowerblue 30 0x8df274d3, 0x31600000, 0x00fff8dc, // cornsilk 31 0x8e496cdf, 0x38000000, 0x00dc143c, // crimson 32 0x8f217000, 0x0000ffff, // cyan 33 0x90325899, 0x54a00000, 0x0000008b, // darkblue 34 0x903258f3, 0x05c00000, 0x00008b8b, // darkcyan 35 0x903259df, 0x3085749f, 0x10000000, 0x00b8860b, // darkgoldenrod 36 0x903259e5, 0x07200000, 0x00a9a9a9, // darkgray 37 0x903259e5, 0x14ae0000, 0x00006400, // darkgreen 38 0x90325ad1, 0x05690000, 0x00bdb76b, // darkkhaki 39 0x90325b43, 0x1caea040, 0x008b008b, // darkmagenta 40 0x90325bd9, 0x26c53c8b, 0x15c00000, 0x00556b2f, // darkolivegreen 41 0x90325be5, 0x05c72800, 0x00ff8c00, // darkorange 42 0x90325be5, 0x0d092000, 0x009932cc, // darkorchid 43 0x90325c8b, 0x10000000, 0x008b0000, // darkred 44 0x90325cc3, 0x31af7000, 0x00e9967a, // darksalmon 45 0x90325ccb, 0x04f2295c, 0x008fbc8f, // darkseagreen 46 0x90325cd9, 0x0685132b, 0x14000000, 0x00483d8b, // darkslateblue 47 0x90325cd9, 0x06853c83, 0x64000000, 0x002f4f4f, // darkslategray 48 0x90325d2b, 0x4a357a67, 0x14000000, 0x0000ced1, // darkturquoise 49 0x90325d93, 0x3d85a000, 0x009400d3, // darkviolet 50 0x90a58413, 0x39600000, 0x00ff1493, // deeppink 51 0x90a584d7, 0x644ca940, 0x0000bfff, // deepskyblue 52 0x912d3c83, 0x64000000, 0x00696969, // dimgray 53 0x91e43965, 0x09952800, 0x001e90ff, // dodgerblue 54 0x993228a5, 0x246b0000, 0x00b22222, // firebrick 55 0x998f9059, 0x5d09a140, 0x00fffaf0, // floralwhite 56 0x99f22ce9, 0x1e452b80, 0x00228b22, // forestgreen 57 0x9aa344d3, 0x04000000, 0x00ff00ff, // fuchsia 58 0x9c2974c5, 0x3e4f0000, 0x00dcdcdc, // gainsboro 59 0x9d0f9d2f, 0x21342800, 0x00f8f8ff, // ghostwhite 60 0x9dec2000, 0x00ffd700, // gold 61 0x9dec215d, 0x49e40000, 0x00daa520, // goldenrod 62 0x9e41c800, 0x00808080, // gray 63 0x9e452b80, 0x00008000, // green 64 0x9e452bb3, 0x158c7dc0, 0x00adff2f, // greenyellow 65 0xa1ee2e49, 0x16e00000, 0x00f0fff0, // honeydew 66 0xa1f4825d, 0x2c000000, 0x00ff69b4, // hotpink 67 0xa5c4485d, 0x48a40000, 0x00cd5c5c, // indianred 68 0xa5c449de, 0x004b0082, // indigo 69 0xa6cf9640, 0x00fffff0, // ivory 70 0xad015a40, 0x00f0e68c, // khaki 71 0xb0362b89, 0x16400000, 0x00e6e6fa, // lavender 72 0xb0362b89, 0x16426567, 0x20000000, 0x00fff0f5, // lavenderblush 73 0xb03771e5, 0x14ae0000, 0x007cfc00, // lawngreen 74 0xb0ad7b87, 0x212633dc, 0x00fffacd, // lemonchiffon 75 0xb1274505, 0x32a50000, 0x00add8e6, // lightblue 76 0xb1274507, 0x3e416000, 0x00f08080, // lightcoral 77 0xb1274507, 0x642e0000, 0x00e0ffff, // lightcyan 78 0xb127450f, 0x3d842ba5, 0x3c992b19, 0x3ee00000, 0x00fafad2, // lightgoldenrodyellow 79 0xb127450f, 0x48a57000, 0x0090ee90, // lightgreen 80 0xb127450f, 0x48b90000, 0x00d3d3d3, // lightgrey 81 0xb1274521, 0x25cb0000, 0x00ffb6c1, // lightpink 82 0xb1274527, 0x058d7b80, 0x00ffa07a, // lightsalmon 83 0xb1274527, 0x1427914b, 0x38000000, 0x0020b2aa, // lightseagreen 84 0xb1274527, 0x2f22654a, 0x0087cefa, // lightskyblue 85 0xb1274527, 0x303429e5, 0x07200000, 0x00778899, // lightslategray 86 0xb1274527, 0x50a56099, 0x54a00000, 0x00b0c4de, // lightsteelblue 87 0xb1274533, 0x158c7dc0, 0x00ffffe0, // lightyellow 88 0xb12d2800, 0x0000ff00, // lime 89 0xb12d29e5, 0x14ae0000, 0x0032cd32, // limegreen 90 0xb12e2b80, 0x00faf0e6, // linen 91 0xb4272ba9, 0x04000000, 0x00ff00ff, // magenta 92 0xb4327bdc, 0x00800000, // maroon 93 0xb4a44d5b, 0x06350b43, 0x492e2800, 0x0066cdaa, // mediumaquamarine 94 0xb4a44d5b, 0x09952800, 0x000000cd, // mediumblue 95 0xb4a44d5b, 0x3e434248, 0x00ba55d3, // mediumorchid 96 0xb4a44d5b, 0x42b2830a, 0x009370db, // mediumpurple 97 0xb4a44d5b, 0x4ca13c8b, 0x15c00000, 0x003cb371, // mediumseagreen 98 0xb4a44d5b, 0x4d81a145, 0x32a50000, 0x007b68ee, // mediumslateblue 99 0xb4a44d5b, 0x4e124b8f, 0x1e452b80, 0x0000fa9a, // mediumspringgreen 100 0xb4a44d5b, 0x52b28d5f, 0x26650000, 0x0048d1cc, // mediumturquoise 101 0xb4a44d5b, 0x592f6169, 0x48a40000, 0x00c71585, // mediumvioletred 102 0xb524724f, 0x2282654a, 0x00191970, // midnightblue 103 0xb52ea0e5, 0x142d0000, 0x00f5fffa, // mintcream 104 0xb533a665, 0x3e650000, 0x00ffe4e1, // mistyrose 105 0xb5e31867, 0x25c00000, 0x00ffe4b5, // moccasin 106 0xb8360a9f, 0x5d09a140, 0x00ffdead, // navajowhite 107 0xb836c800, 0x00000080, // navy 108 0xbd846047, 0x14000000, 0x00fdf5e6, // oldlace 109 0xbd89b140, 0x00808000, // olive 110 0xbd89b149, 0x48220000, 0x006b8e23, // olivedrab 111 0xbe4171ca, 0x00ffa500, // orange 112 0xbe4171cb, 0x48a40000, 0x00ff4500, // orangered 113 0xbe434248, 0x00da70d6, // orchid 114 0xc02c29df, 0x3085749f, 0x10000000, 0x00eee8aa, // palegoldenrod 115 0xc02c29e5, 0x14ae0000, 0x0098fb98, // palegreen 116 0xc02c2d2b, 0x4a357a67, 0x14000000, 0x00afeeee, // paleturquoise 117 0xc02c2d93, 0x3d85a48b, 0x10000000, 0x00db7093, // palevioletred 118 0xc0300e43, 0x5d098000, 0x00ffefd5, // papayawhip 119 0xc0a11a21, 0x54c60000, 0x00ffdab9, // peachpuff 120 0xc0b2a800, 0x00cd853f, // peru 121 0xc12e5800, 0x00ffc0cb, // pink 122 0xc1956800, 0x00dda0dd, // plum 123 0xc1f72165, 0x09952800, 0x00b0e0e6, // powderblue 124 0xc2b2830a, 0x00800080, // purple 125 0xc8a40000, 0x00ff0000, // red 126 0xc9f3c8a5, 0x3eee0000, 0x00bc8f8f, // rosybrown 127 0xc9f90b05, 0x32a50000, 0x004169e1, // royalblue 128 0xcc24230b, 0x0a4fbb80, 0x008b4513, // saddlebrown 129 0xcc2c6bdc, 0x00fa8072, // salmon 130 0xcc2e2645, 0x49f77000, 0x00f4a460, // sandybrown 131 0xcca13c8b, 0x15c00000, 0x002e8b57, // seagreen 132 0xcca19a0b, 0x31800000, 0x00fff5ee, // seashell 133 0xcd257382, 0x00a0522d, // sienna 134 0xcd2cb164, 0x00c0c0c0, // silver 135 0xcd79132b, 0x14000000, 0x0087ceeb, // skyblue 136 0xcd81a145, 0x32a50000, 0x006a5acd, // slateblue 137 0xcd81a14f, 0x48390000, 0x00708090, // slategray 138 0xcdcfb800, 0x00fffafa, // snow 139 0xce124b8f, 0x1e452b80, 0x0000ff7f, // springgreen 140 0xce852b05, 0x32a50000, 0x004682b4, // steelblue 141 0xd02e0000, 0x00d2b48c, // tan 142 0xd0a16000, 0x00008080, // teal 143 0xd1099d19, 0x14000000, 0x00d8bfd8, // thistle 144 0xd1ed0d1e, 0x00ff6347, // tomato 145 0xd2b28d5f, 0x26650000, 0x0040e0d0, // turquoise 146 0xd92f6168, 0x00ee82ee, // violet 147 0xdd050d00, 0x00f5deb3, // wheat 148 0xdd09a140, 0x00ffffff, // white 149 0xdd09a167, 0x35eb2800, 0x00f5f5f5, // whitesmoke 150 0xe4ac63ee, 0x00ffff00, // yellow 151 0xe4ac63ef, 0x1e452b80, 0x009acd32 // yellowgreen 152 }; // original = 2505 : replacement = 1616 153 154 155 const char* SkParse::FindNamedColor(const char* name, size_t len, SkColor* color) { 156 const char* namePtr = name; 157 unsigned int sixMatches[4]; 158 unsigned int* sixMatchPtr = sixMatches; 159 bool first = true; 160 bool last = false; 161 char ch; 162 do { 163 unsigned int sixMatch = 0; 164 for (int chIndex = 0; chIndex < 6; chIndex++) { 165 sixMatch <<= 5; 166 ch = *namePtr | 0x20; 167 if (ch < 'a' || ch > 'z') 168 ch = 0; 169 else { 170 ch = ch - 'a' + 1; 171 namePtr++; 172 } 173 sixMatch |= ch ; // turn 'A' (0x41) into 'a' (0x61); 174 } 175 sixMatch <<= 1; 176 sixMatch |= 1; 177 if (first) { 178 sixMatch |= 0x80000000; 179 first = false; 180 } 181 ch = *namePtr | 0x20; 182 last = ch < 'a' || ch > 'z'; 183 if (last) 184 sixMatch &= ~1; 185 len -= 6; 186 *sixMatchPtr++ = sixMatch; 187 } while (last == false && len > 0); 188 const int colorNameSize = sizeof(gColorNames) / sizeof(unsigned int); 189 int lo = 0; 190 int hi = colorNameSize - 3; // back off to beginning of yellowgreen 191 while (lo <= hi) { 192 int mid = (hi + lo) >> 1; 193 while ((int) gColorNames[mid] >= 0) 194 --mid; 195 sixMatchPtr = sixMatches; 196 while (gColorNames[mid] == *sixMatchPtr) { 197 ++mid; 198 if ((*sixMatchPtr & 1) == 0) { // last 199 *color = gColorNames[mid] | 0xFF000000; 200 return namePtr; 201 } 202 ++sixMatchPtr; 203 } 204 int sixMask = *sixMatchPtr & ~0x80000000; 205 int midMask = gColorNames[mid] & ~0x80000000; 206 if (sixMask > midMask) { 207 lo = mid + 2; // skip color 208 while ((int) gColorNames[lo] >= 0) 209 ++lo; 210 } else if (hi == mid) 211 return nullptr; 212 else 213 hi = mid; 214 } 215 return nullptr; 216 } 217 218 // !!! move to char utilities 219 //static int count_separators(const char* str, const char* sep) { 220 // char c; 221 // int separators = 0; 222 // while ((c = *str++) != '\0') { 223 // if (strchr(sep, c) == nullptr) 224 // continue; 225 // do { 226 // if ((c = *str++) == '\0') 227 // goto goHome; 228 // } while (strchr(sep, c) != nullptr); 229 // separators++; 230 // } 231 //goHome: 232 // return separators; 233 //} 234 235 static inline unsigned nib2byte(unsigned n) 236 { 237 SkASSERT((n & ~0xF) == 0); 238 return (n << 4) | n; 239 } 240 241 const char* SkParse::FindColor(const char* value, SkColor* colorPtr) { 242 unsigned int oldAlpha = SkColorGetA(*colorPtr); 243 if (value[0] == '#') { 244 uint32_t hex; 245 const char* end = SkParse::FindHex(value + 1, &hex); 246 // SkASSERT(end); 247 if (end == nullptr) 248 return end; 249 size_t len = end - value - 1; 250 if (len == 3 || len == 4) { 251 unsigned a = len == 4 ? nib2byte(hex >> 12) : oldAlpha; 252 unsigned r = nib2byte((hex >> 8) & 0xF); 253 unsigned g = nib2byte((hex >> 4) & 0xF); 254 unsigned b = nib2byte(hex & 0xF); 255 *colorPtr = SkColorSetARGB(a, r, g, b); 256 return end; 257 } else if (len == 6 || len == 8) { 258 if (len == 6) 259 hex |= oldAlpha << 24; 260 *colorPtr = hex; 261 return end; 262 } else { 263 // SkASSERT(0); 264 return nullptr; 265 } 266 // } else if (strchr(value, ',')) { 267 // SkScalar array[4]; 268 // int count = count_separators(value, ",") + 1; // !!! count commas, add 1 269 // SkASSERT(count == 3 || count == 4); 270 // array[0] = SK_Scalar1 * 255; 271 // const char* end = SkParse::FindScalars(value, &array[4 - count], count); 272 // if (end == nullptr) 273 // return nullptr; 274 // !!! range check for errors? 275 // *colorPtr = SkColorSetARGB(SkScalarRoundToInt(array[0]), SkScalarRoundToInt(array[1]), 276 // SkScalarRoundToInt(array[2]), SkScalarRoundToInt(array[3])); 277 // return end; 278 } else 279 return FindNamedColor(value, strlen(value), colorPtr); 280 } 281