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      1 # Pass this file to Valgrind with "--suppressions=tools/valgrind.supp"
      3 # Intentional thread / memory leak in DM and nanbench.
      4 {
      5    nanobench_and_dm_keepalive_thread_leak
      6    Memcheck:Leak
      7    match-leak-kinds: possible,definite
      8    ...
      9    fun:start_keepalive
     10    ...
     11    fun:main
     12    ...
     13 }
     15 # Third party lib, driver issues.
     16 {
     17     ati_driver_bug_1
     18     Memcheck:Param
     19     ioctl(generic)
     20     fun:ioctl
     21     ...
     22     obj:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/fglrx_dri.so
     23 }
     24 {
     25     ati_driver_bug_2
     26     Memcheck:Cond
     27     obj:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/fglrx_dri.so
     28 }
     29 {
     30     ati_driver_bug_3
     31     Memcheck:Addr8
     32     ...
     33     obj:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/fglrx_dri.so
     34 }
     35 {
     36     ati_driver_bug_4
     37     Memcheck:Addr4
     38     ...
     39     obj:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/fglrx_dri.so
     40 }
     41 {
     42     ati_driver_bug_5
     43     Memcheck:Addr2
     44     ...
     45     obj:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/fglrx_dri.so
     46 }
     47 {
     48     ati_driver_bug_6
     49     Memcheck:Addr1
     50     ...
     51     obj:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/fglrx_dri.so
     52 }
     53 {
     54     ati_driver_bug_7
     55     Memcheck:Leak
     56     fun:malloc
     57     obj:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/fglrx_dri.so
     58 }
     59 {
     60     driver_bug_8
     61     Memcheck:Overlap
     62     fun:strcpy
     63     obj:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/fglrx_dri.so
     64 }
     65 {
     66     ati_driver_bug_9
     67     Memcheck:Leak
     68     fun:calloc
     69     obj:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/fglrx_dri.so
     70 }
     71 {
     72     ati_driver_bug_10
     73     Memcheck:Leak
     74     fun:malloc
     75     obj:/usr/lib/fglrx/fglrx-libGL.so.1.2
     76 }
     77 {
     78     nv_driver_bug_1
     79     Memcheck:Param
     80     write(buf)
     81     ...
     82     obj:*/libnvidia-glcore.so*
     83 }
     84 {
     85     nv_driver_bug_2
     86     Memcheck:Cond
     87     ...
     88     obj:*/libnvidia-glcore.so*
     89 }
     90 {
     91     nv_driver_bug_3
     92     Memcheck:Leak
     93     fun:calloc
     94     obj:/usr/lib*/libGL.so*
     95 }
     96 {
     97    nv_driver_bug_4
     98    Memcheck:Param
     99    sendmsg(msg.msg_iov[0])
    100    fun:sendmsg
    101    obj:*/libGLX_nvidia.so*
    102 }
    103 {
    104    nv_driver_bug_5
    105    Memcheck:Leak
    106    fun:malloc
    107    obj:*/libGLX_nvidia.so*
    108 }
    109 {
    110     #Fixed by FontConfig 2.9.0
    111     #http://cgit.freedesktop.org/fontconfig/commit/?id=1c475d5c8cb265ac939d6b9e097666e300162511
    112     font_config_bug_1
    113     Memcheck:Addr4
    114     fun:FcConfigFileExists
    115 }
    116 {
    117     #https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8215
    118     #https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8428
    119     #FcPattern uses 'intptr_t elts_offset' instead of 'FcPatternEltPtr elts',
    120     #which confuses valgrind.
    121     font_config_bug_2
    122     Memcheck:Leak
    123     fun:*alloc
    124     ...
    125     fun:Fc*Add*
    126 }
    127 {
    128     #Same root cause as font_config_bug_2.
    129     #The 'leak' here is a copy of rule values, as opposed to new values.
    130     font_config_bug_3
    131     Memcheck:Leak
    132     fun:*alloc
    133     ...
    134     fun:FcConfigValues
    135     fun:FcConfigSubstituteWithPat
    136     fun:FcFontRenderPrepare
    137 }
    138 {
    139     #Same root cause as font_config_bug_2.
    140     #The 'leak' is copies of font or pattern values into returned pattern values.
    141     font_config_bug_4
    142     Memcheck:Leak
    143     fun:*alloc
    144     ...
    145     fun:FcValue*
    146     fun:FcFontRenderPrepare
    147 }
    148 {
    149    font_config_bug_5
    150    Memcheck:Leak
    151    fun:malloc
    152    obj:*/libfontconfig.so.1.8.0
    153    fun:FcConfigSubstituteWithPat
    154 }
    155 {
    156    font_config_bug_6
    157    Memcheck:Leak
    158    fun:*alloc
    159    ...
    160    obj:*/libfontconfig.so.1.8.0
    161    fun:FcFont*
    162 }
    163 {
    164     zlib_bug_1
    165     Memcheck:Cond
    166     fun:inflateReset2
    167     fun:inflateInit2_
    168     fun:png_create_read_struct_2
    169     fun:png_create_read_struct
    170 }
    171 {
    172     zlib_bug_2
    173     Memcheck:Cond
    174     fun:inflateReset2
    175     fun:inflateInit2_
    176     fun:_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_17doFlateEbP8SkStreamP9SkWStream
    177     fun:_ZN7SkFlate7InflateEP8SkStreamP9SkWStream
    178 }
    180 # Why is it OK to suppress this?
    181 {
    182     SkRTConfRegistry_bug_1
    183     Memcheck:Leak
    184     fun:_Znwm
    185     fun:_ZN16SkRTConfRegistry12registerConfEP12SkRTConfBase
    186 }
    188 # The gpu_issue_* suppressions suppress issues that cannot be reproduced locally. These appear to be
    189 # due to valgrind not knowing about memory mapped by the ATI driver via glMapBuffer.
    190 {
    191     gpu_issue_1
    192     Memcheck:Addr2
    193     fun:_ZNK5GrGpu18getQuadIndexBufferEv
    194 }
    195 {
    196     gpu_issue_2
    197     Memcheck:Addr2
    198     fun:_ZN24GrAAHairLinePathRenderer6CreateEP9GrContext
    199 }
    200 {
    201     gpu_issue_3
    202     Memcheck:Addr2
    203     fun:_ZN16GrAARectRenderer21aaFillRectIndexBufferEP5GrGpu
    204 }
    205 {
    206     gpu_issue_4
    207     Memcheck:Addr8
    208     fun:_ZN24GrAAHairLinePathRenderer14createLineGeomERK6SkPathP12GrDrawTargetRK8SkTArrayI7SkPointLb1EEiPNS3_19AutoReleaseGeometryEP6SkRect
    209 }
    210 {
    211     gpu_issue_5
    212     Memcheck:Addr8
    213     fun:_ZN21GrDefaultPathRenderer10createGeomERK6SkPathRK11SkStrokeRecfP12GrDrawTargetP15GrPrimitiveTypePiSA_PNS6_19AutoReleaseGeometryE
    214 }
    215 {
    216     gpu_issue_6
    217     Memcheck:Addr8
    218     fun:_ZN22GrAAConvexPathRenderer10onDrawPathERK11SkStrokeRecP12GrDrawTargetb
    219 }
    220 {
    221     gpu_issue_7
    222     Memcheck:Addr4
    223     fun:_ZNK7SkPoint24distanceToLineBetweenSqdERKS_S1_PNS_4SideE
    224     fun:_ZN22GrAAConvexPathRenderer10onDrawPathERK11SkStrokeRecP12GrDrawTargetb
    225 }
    226 {
    227     gpu_issue_8
    228     Memcheck:Addr4
    229     fun:_ZN24GrAAHairLinePathRenderer14createLineGeomERK6SkPathP12GrDrawTargetRK8SkTArrayI7SkPointLb1EEiPNS3_19AutoReleaseGeometryEP6SkRect
    230 }
    231 {
    232     gpu_issue_9
    233     Memcheck:Addr2
    234     fun:_ZN21GrDefaultPathRenderer10createGeomERK6SkPathRK11SkStrokeRecfP12GrDrawTargetP15GrPrimitiveTypePiSA_PNS6_19AutoReleaseGeometryE
    235 }
    236 {
    237     gpu_issue_10
    238     Memcheck:Addr4
    239     fun:_ZN22GrAAConvexPathRenderer10onDrawPathERK11SkStrokeRecP12GrDrawTargetb
    240 }
    241 {
    242     gpu_issue_11
    243     Memcheck:Addr2
    244     fun:_ZN22GrAAConvexPathRenderer10onDrawPathERK11SkStrokeRecP12GrDrawTargetb
    245 }
    246 {
    247     gpu_issue_12
    248     Memcheck:Addr8
    249     fun:_ZN22GrAAConvexPathRenderer10onDrawPathERK6SkPathRK11SkStrokeRecP12GrDrawTargetb
    250 }
    251 {
    252     gpu_issue_13
    253     Memcheck:Addr4
    254     fun:_ZNK7SkPoint24distanceToLineBetweenSqdERKS_S1_PNS_4SideE
    255     fun:_ZN22GrAAConvexPathRenderer10onDrawPathERK6SkPathRK11SkStrokeRecP12GrDrawTargetb
    256 }
    257 {
    258     gpu_issue_14
    259     Memcheck:Addr4
    260     fun:_ZN22GrAAConvexPathRenderer10onDrawPathERK6SkPathRK11SkStrokeRecP12GrDrawTargetb
    261 }
    262 {
    263     gpu_issue_15
    264     Memcheck:Addr2
    265     fun:_ZN22GrAAConvexPathRenderer10onDrawPathERK6SkPathRK11SkStrokeRecP12GrDrawTargetb
    266 }
    267 {
    268     libjpeg_turbo_bug4550_1
    269     Memcheck:Cond
    270     fun:_Z26S32A_Opaque_BlitRow32_SSE4PjPKjij
    271     fun:_ZN14Sprite_D32_S328blitRectEiiii
    272 }
    273 {
    274     libjpeg_turbo_bug4550_2
    275     Memcheck:Cond
    276     fun:_ZL15S32A_D565_BlendPtPKjijii
    277     fun:_ZN26Sprite_D16_S32_BlitRowProc8blitRectEiiii
    278 }
    279 {
    280     libjpeg_turbo_bug4550_3
    281     Memcheck:Cond
    282     fun:_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_120ConvolveHorizontallyILb0EEEvPKhRK21SkConvolutionFilter1DPh
    283     fun:_Z14BGRAConvolve2DPKhibRK21SkConvolutionFilter1DS3_iPhRK18SkConvolutionProcsb
    284 }