1 #!/usr/bin/python 2 3 import subprocess 4 import os 5 import argparse 6 7 8 # This script compiles and runs a skia app using Swiftshader in a docker container, making it easy 9 # to use Swiftshade w/o having to over-write /usr/local/lib/libEGL.so and related on the 10 # host development machine. 11 12 # The Skia repo to be compiled will be the one on the host machine, which will 13 # default to the one specified by the environment variable $SKIA_ROOT with a fallback to the 14 # current working directory. 15 16 # Example usage 17 18 # Prove SwiftShader is really being used: 19 # build-with-swift-shader-and-run "out/with-swift-shader/fuzz --gpuInfo -t api -n NativeGLCanvas" 20 21 # Notice the output says GL_RENDERER Google SwiftShader 22 # After running the above, feel free to check out $SKIA_OUT/out/with-swift-shader. It has binaries 23 # but if you try to run out/with-swift-shader/fuzz --gpuInfo -t api -n NativeGLCanvas w/o using 24 # Docker, it will use the host's GPU (e.g. GL_VENDOR NVIDIA Corporation). 25 26 # Reproduce a fuzzer bug in SwiftShader: 27 # First, copy the test case into $SKIA_ROOT, say $SKIA_ROOT/skbug_1234 28 # build-with-swift-shader-and-run "out/with-swift-shader/fuzz -t filter_fuzz -b /skia/skbug_1234" 29 30 # $SKIA_ROOT gets mapped to /skia - other than that, the docker container does not have 31 # access to the host file system. 32 33 34 IMAGE = 'gcr.io/skia-public/skia-with-swift-shader-base:prod' 35 36 BUILD_SCRIPT_PATH = '/skia/docker/skia-with-swift-shader-base/build.sh' 37 EXECUTABLE_DIR = 'out/with-swift-shader/' 38 39 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() 40 parser.add_argument('--sync_deps', action='store_true', help='Sync the deps before building?') 41 parser.add_argument('command', help='A string containing the command to be run ' 42 '(e.g. out/with-swift-shader/fuzz --help)') 43 args = parser.parse_args() 44 45 skia_root = os.environ['SKIA_ROOT'] or os.getcwd() 46 47 print 'Assuming SKIA_ROOT to be %s' % skia_root 48 49 build_cmd = ['docker', 'run', '--rm', '-v', '%s:/skia' % skia_root, IMAGE, BUILD_SCRIPT_PATH] 50 if args.sync_deps: 51 build_cmd += ['sync-deps'] 52 53 print 'Compiling executables to %s/%s' % (skia_root, EXECUTABLE_DIR) 54 55 print subprocess.check_output(build_cmd) 56 57 supplied_cmd = args.command.split(' ') 58 print 'Running supplied command %s' % supplied_cmd 59 run_cmd = ['docker', 'run', '--rm', '-w=/skia', '-v', '%s:/skia' % skia_root, IMAGE] + supplied_cmd 60 61 print subprocess.check_output(run_cmd)