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      1 # Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 # found in the LICENSE file.
      6 def compile_fn(api, checkout_root, out_dir):
      7   skia_dir      = checkout_root.join('skia')
      8   configuration = api.vars.builder_cfg.get('configuration')
      9   target_arch   = api.vars.builder_cfg.get('target_arch')
     11   clang_linux = api.vars.slave_dir.join('clang_linux')
     12   # This is a pretty typical arm-linux-gnueabihf sysroot
     13   sysroot_dir = api.vars.slave_dir.join('armhf_sysroot')
     15   if 'arm' == target_arch:
     16     # This is the extra things needed to link against for the chromebook.
     17     #  For example, the Mali GL drivers.
     18     gl_dir = api.vars.slave_dir.join('chromebook_arm_gles')
     19     env = {'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': sysroot_dir.join('lib')}
     20     extra_asmflags = [
     21       '--target=armv7a-linux-gnueabihf',
     22       '--sysroot=%s' % sysroot_dir,
     23       '-march=armv7-a',
     24       '-mfpu=neon',
     25       '-mthumb',
     26     ]
     28     extra_cflags = [
     29       '--target=armv7a-linux-gnueabihf',
     30       '--sysroot=%s' % sysroot_dir,
     31       '-I%s' % gl_dir.join('include'),
     32       '-I%s' % sysroot_dir.join('include'),
     33       '-I%s' % sysroot_dir.join('include', 'c++', '4.8.4'),
     34       '-I%s' % sysroot_dir.join('include', 'c++', '4.8.4',
     35                                 'arm-linux-gnueabihf'),
     36       '-DMESA_EGL_NO_X11_HEADERS',
     37       '-U_GLIBCXX_DEBUG',
     38     ]
     40     extra_ldflags = [
     41       '--target=armv7a-linux-gnueabihf',
     42       '--sysroot=%s' % sysroot_dir,
     43       # use sysroot's ld which can properly link things.
     44       '-B%s' % sysroot_dir.join('bin'),
     45       # helps locate crt*.o
     46       '-B%s' % sysroot_dir.join('gcc-cross'),
     47       # helps locate libgcc*.so
     48       '-L%s' % sysroot_dir.join('gcc-cross'),
     49       '-L%s' % sysroot_dir.join('lib'),
     50       '-L%s' % gl_dir.join('lib'),
     51       # Explicitly do not use lld for cross compiling like this - I observed
     52       # failures like "Unrecognized reloc 41" and couldn't find out why.
     53     ]
     54   else:
     55     gl_dir = api.vars.slave_dir.join('chromebook_x86_64_gles')
     56     env = {}
     57     extra_asmflags = []
     58     extra_cflags = [
     59       '-DMESA_EGL_NO_X11_HEADERS',
     60       '-I%s' % gl_dir.join('include'),
     61     ]
     62     extra_ldflags = [
     63       '-L%s' % gl_dir.join('lib'),
     64       '-static-libstdc++', '-static-libgcc',
     65       '-fuse-ld=lld',
     66     ]
     68   quote = lambda x: '"%s"' % x
     69   args = {
     70     'cc': quote(clang_linux.join('bin','clang')),
     71     'cxx': quote(clang_linux.join('bin','clang++')),
     72     'target_cpu': quote(target_arch),
     73     'skia_use_fontconfig': 'false',
     74     'skia_use_system_freetype2': 'false',
     75     'skia_use_egl': 'true',
     76   }
     77   extra_cflags.append('-DDUMMY_clang_linux_version=%s' %
     78                       api.run.asset_version('clang_linux', skia_dir))
     80   if configuration != 'Debug':
     81     args['is_debug'] = 'false'
     82   args['extra_asmflags'] = repr(extra_asmflags).replace("'", '"')
     83   args['extra_cflags'] = repr(extra_cflags).replace("'", '"')
     84   args['extra_ldflags'] = repr(extra_ldflags).replace("'", '"')
     86   gn_args = ' '.join('%s=%s' % (k,v) for (k,v) in sorted(args.iteritems()))
     87   gn = skia_dir.join('bin', 'gn')
     89   with api.context(cwd=skia_dir, env=env):
     90     api.run(api.python, 'fetch-gn',
     91             script=skia_dir.join('bin', 'fetch-gn'),
     92             infra_step=True)
     93     api.run(api.step, 'gn gen', cmd=[gn, 'gen', out_dir, '--args=' + gn_args])
     94     api.run(api.step, 'ninja',
     95             cmd=['ninja', '-C', out_dir, 'nanobench', 'dm'])
     98 def copy_extra_build_products(api, src, dst):
     99   pass