1 SpeexDSP has been ported to the Blackfin DSP, for the STAMP development board. 2 3 This port has been tested on the STAMP development board and requires the 4 toolchain available at http://blackfin.uclinux.org/ 5 6 1/ In order to cross-compile for uClinux from the SpeexDSP tarball: 7 8 ./configure --enable-blackfin-asm --enable-fixed-point --host=bfin-uclinux 9 cd libspeexdsp 10 make 11 12 The --enable-blackfin-asm option is not required, but it speeds up Speex by 13 approximately a factor of two. 14 15 2/ In order to cross-compile for uClinux from the SpeexDSP git: 16 17 git clone git://git.xiph.org/speexdsp.git 18 cd speexdsp 19 ./autogen.sh 20 ./configure --enable-blackfin-asm --enable-fixed-point --host=bfin-uclinux 21 cd libspeexdsp 22 make 23