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      6   <title>CommandLine 2.0 Library Manual</title>
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      9 <body>
     11 <h1>
     12   CommandLine 2.0 Library Manual
     13 </h1>
     15 <ol>
     16   <li><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></li>
     18   <li><a href="#quickstart">Quick Start Guide</a>
     19     <ol>
     20       <li><a href="#bool">Boolean Arguments</a></li>
     21       <li><a href="#alias">Argument Aliases</a></li>
     22       <li><a href="#onealternative">Selecting an alternative from a
     23                                     set of possibilities</a></li>
     24       <li><a href="#namedalternatives">Named alternatives</a></li>
     25       <li><a href="#list">Parsing a list of options</a></li>
     26       <li><a href="#bits">Collecting options as a set of flags</a></li>
     27       <li><a href="#description">Adding freeform text to help output</a></li>
     28     </ol></li>
     30   <li><a href="#referenceguide">Reference Guide</a>
     31     <ol>
     32       <li><a href="#positional">Positional Arguments</a>
     33         <ul>
     34         <li><a href="#--">Specifying positional options with hyphens</a></li>
     35         <li><a href="#getPosition">Determining absolute position with
     36           getPosition</a></li>
     37         <li><a href="#cl::ConsumeAfter">The <tt>cl::ConsumeAfter</tt>
     38              modifier</a></li>
     39         </ul></li>
     41       <li><a href="#storage">Internal vs External Storage</a></li>
     43       <li><a href="#attributes">Option Attributes</a></li>
     45       <li><a href="#modifiers">Option Modifiers</a>
     46         <ul>
     47         <li><a href="#hiding">Hiding an option from <tt>-help</tt>
     48             output</a></li>
     49         <li><a href="#numoccurrences">Controlling the number of occurrences
     50                                      required and allowed</a></li>
     51         <li><a href="#valrequired">Controlling whether or not a value must be
     52                                    specified</a></li>
     53         <li><a href="#formatting">Controlling other formatting options</a></li>
     54         <li><a href="#misc">Miscellaneous option modifiers</a></li>
     55         <li><a href="#response">Response files</a></li>
     56         </ul></li>
     58       <li><a href="#toplevel">Top-Level Classes and Functions</a>
     59         <ul>
     60         <li><a href="#cl::ParseCommandLineOptions">The
     61             <tt>cl::ParseCommandLineOptions</tt> function</a></li>
     62         <li><a href="#cl::ParseEnvironmentOptions">The
     63             <tt>cl::ParseEnvironmentOptions</tt> function</a></li>
     64         <li><a href="#cl::SetVersionPrinter">The <tt>cl::SetVersionPrinter</tt>
     65           function</a></li>
     66         <li><a href="#cl::opt">The <tt>cl::opt</tt> class</a></li>
     67         <li><a href="#cl::list">The <tt>cl::list</tt> class</a></li>
     68         <li><a href="#cl::bits">The <tt>cl::bits</tt> class</a></li>
     69         <li><a href="#cl::alias">The <tt>cl::alias</tt> class</a></li>
     70         <li><a href="#cl::extrahelp">The <tt>cl::extrahelp</tt> class</a></li>
     71         </ul></li>
     73       <li><a href="#builtinparsers">Builtin parsers</a>
     74         <ul>
     75         <li><a href="#genericparser">The Generic <tt>parser&lt;t&gt;</tt>
     76             parser</a></li>
     77         <li><a href="#boolparser">The <tt>parser&lt;bool&gt;</tt>
     78             specialization</a></li>
     79         <li><a href="#boolOrDefaultparser">The <tt>parser&lt;boolOrDefault&gt;</tt>
     80             specialization</a></li>
     81         <li><a href="#stringparser">The <tt>parser&lt;string&gt;</tt>
     82             specialization</a></li>
     83         <li><a href="#intparser">The <tt>parser&lt;int&gt;</tt>
     84             specialization</a></li>
     85         <li><a href="#doubleparser">The <tt>parser&lt;double&gt;</tt> and
     86             <tt>parser&lt;float&gt;</tt> specializations</a></li>
     87         </ul></li>
     88     </ol></li>
     89   <li><a href="#extensionguide">Extension Guide</a>
     90     <ol>
     91       <li><a href="#customparser">Writing a custom parser</a></li>
     92       <li><a href="#explotingexternal">Exploiting external storage</a></li>
     93       <li><a href="#dynamicopts">Dynamically adding command line
     94           options</a></li>
     95     </ol></li>
     96 </ol>
     98 <div class="doc_author">
     99   <p>Written by <a href="mailto:sabre (a] nondot.org">Chris Lattner</a></p>
    100 </div>
    102 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
    103 <h2>
    104   <a name="introduction">Introduction</a>
    105 </h2>
    106 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
    108 <div>
    110 <p>This document describes the CommandLine argument processing library.  It will
    111 show you how to use it, and what it can do.  The CommandLine library uses a
    112 declarative approach to specifying the command line options that your program
    113 takes.  By default, these options declarations implicitly hold the value parsed
    114 for the option declared (of course this <a href="#storage">can be
    115 changed</a>).</p>
    117 <p>Although there are a <b>lot</b> of command line argument parsing libraries
    118 out there in many different languages, none of them fit well with what I needed.
    119 By looking at the features and problems of other libraries, I designed the
    120 CommandLine library to have the following features:</p>
    122 <ol>
    123 <li>Speed: The CommandLine library is very quick and uses little resources.  The
    124 parsing time of the library is directly proportional to the number of arguments
    125 parsed, not the the number of options recognized.  Additionally, command line
    126 argument values are captured transparently into user defined global variables,
    127 which can be accessed like any other variable (and with the same
    128 performance).</li>
    130 <li>Type Safe: As a user of CommandLine, you don't have to worry about
    131 remembering the type of arguments that you want (is it an int?  a string? a
    132 bool? an enum?) and keep casting it around.  Not only does this help prevent
    133 error prone constructs, it also leads to dramatically cleaner source code.</li>
    135 <li>No subclasses required: To use CommandLine, you instantiate variables that
    136 correspond to the arguments that you would like to capture, you don't subclass a
    137 parser.  This means that you don't have to write <b>any</b> boilerplate
    138 code.</li>
    140 <li>Globally accessible: Libraries can specify command line arguments that are
    141 automatically enabled in any tool that links to the library.  This is possible
    142 because the application doesn't have to keep a list of arguments to pass to
    143 the parser.  This also makes supporting <a href="#dynamicopts">dynamically
    144 loaded options</a> trivial.</li>
    146 <li>Cleaner: CommandLine supports enum and other types directly, meaning that
    147 there is less error and more security built into the library.  You don't have to
    148 worry about whether your integral command line argument accidentally got
    149 assigned a value that is not valid for your enum type.</li>
    151 <li>Powerful: The CommandLine library supports many different types of
    152 arguments, from simple <a href="#boolparser">boolean flags</a> to <a
    153 href="#cl::opt">scalars arguments</a> (<a href="#stringparser">strings</a>, <a
    154 href="#intparser">integers</a>, <a href="#genericparser">enums</a>, <a
    155 href="#doubleparser">doubles</a>), to <a href="#cl::list">lists of
    156 arguments</a>.  This is possible because CommandLine is...</li>
    158 <li>Extensible: It is very simple to add a new argument type to CommandLine.
    159 Simply specify the parser that you want to use with the command line option when
    160 you declare it.  <a href="#customparser">Custom parsers</a> are no problem.</li>
    162 <li>Labor Saving: The CommandLine library cuts down on the amount of grunt work
    163 that you, the user, have to do.  For example, it automatically provides a
    164 <tt>-help</tt> option that shows the available command line options for your
    165 tool.  Additionally, it does most of the basic correctness checking for
    166 you.</li>
    168 <li>Capable: The CommandLine library can handle lots of different forms of
    169 options often found in real programs.  For example, <a
    170 href="#positional">positional</a> arguments, <tt>ls</tt> style <a
    171 href="#cl::Grouping">grouping</a> options (to allow processing '<tt>ls
    172 -lad</tt>' naturally), <tt>ld</tt> style <a href="#cl::Prefix">prefix</a>
    173 options (to parse '<tt>-lmalloc -L/usr/lib</tt>'), and <a
    174 href="#cl::ConsumeAfter">interpreter style options</a>.</li>
    176 </ol>
    178 <p>This document will hopefully let you jump in and start using CommandLine in
    179 your utility quickly and painlessly.  Additionally it should be a simple
    180 reference manual to figure out how stuff works.  If it is failing in some area
    181 (or you want an extension to the library), nag the author, <a
    182 href="mailto:sabre (a] nondot.org">Chris Lattner</a>.</p>
    184 </div>
    186 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
    187 <h2>
    188   <a name="quickstart">Quick Start Guide</a>
    189 </h2>
    190 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
    192 <div>
    194 <p>This section of the manual runs through a simple CommandLine'ification of a
    195 basic compiler tool.  This is intended to show you how to jump into using the
    196 CommandLine library in your own program, and show you some of the cool things it
    197 can do.</p>
    199 <p>To start out, you need to include the CommandLine header file into your
    200 program:</p>
    202 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    203   #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
    204 </pre></div>
    206 <p>Additionally, you need to add this as the first line of your main
    207 program:</p>
    209 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    210 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    211   <a href="#cl::ParseCommandLineOptions">cl::ParseCommandLineOptions</a>(argc, argv);
    212   ...
    213 }
    214 </pre></div>
    216 <p>... which actually parses the arguments and fills in the variable
    217 declarations.</p>
    219 <p>Now that you are ready to support command line arguments, we need to tell the
    220 system which ones we want, and what type of arguments they are.  The CommandLine
    221 library uses a declarative syntax to model command line arguments with the
    222 global variable declarations that capture the parsed values.  This means that
    223 for every command line option that you would like to support, there should be a
    224 global variable declaration to capture the result.  For example, in a compiler,
    225 we would like to support the Unix-standard '<tt>-o &lt;filename&gt;</tt>' option
    226 to specify where to put the output.  With the CommandLine library, this is
    227 represented like this:</p>
    229 <a name="value_desc_example"></a>
    230 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    231 <a href="#cl::opt">cl::opt</a>&lt;string&gt; OutputFilename("<i>o</i>", <a href="#cl::desc">cl::desc</a>("<i>Specify output filename</i>"), <a href="#cl::value_desc">cl::value_desc</a>("<i>filename</i>"));
    232 </pre></div>
    234 <p>This declares a global variable &quot;<tt>OutputFilename</tt>&quot; that is used to
    235 capture the result of the &quot;<tt>o</tt>&quot; argument (first parameter).  We specify
    236 that this is a simple scalar option by using the &quot;<tt><a
    237 href="#cl::opt">cl::opt</a></tt>&quot; template (as opposed to the <a
    238 href="#list">&quot;<tt>cl::list</tt> template</a>), and tell the CommandLine library
    239 that the data type that we are parsing is a string.</p>
    241 <p>The second and third parameters (which are optional) are used to specify what
    242 to output for the "<tt>-help</tt>" option.  In this case, we get a line that
    243 looks like this:</p>
    245 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    246 USAGE: compiler [options]
    248 OPTIONS:
    249   -help             - display available options (-help-hidden for more)
    250   <b>-o &lt;filename&gt;     - Specify output filename</b>
    251 </pre></div>
    253 <p>Because we specified that the command line option should parse using the
    254 <tt>string</tt> data type, the variable declared is automatically usable as a
    255 real string in all contexts that a normal C++ string object may be used.  For
    256 example:</p>
    258 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    259   ...
    260   std::ofstream Output(OutputFilename.c_str());
    261   if (Output.good()) ...
    262   ...
    263 </pre></div>
    265 <p>There are many different options that you can use to customize the command
    266 line option handling library, but the above example shows the general interface
    267 to these options.  The options can be specified in any order, and are specified
    268 with helper functions like <a href="#cl::desc"><tt>cl::desc(...)</tt></a>, so
    269 there are no positional dependencies to remember.  The available options are
    270 discussed in detail in the <a href="#referenceguide">Reference Guide</a>.</p>
    272 <p>Continuing the example, we would like to have our compiler take an input
    273 filename as well as an output filename, but we do not want the input filename to
    274 be specified with a hyphen (ie, not <tt>-filename.c</tt>).  To support this
    275 style of argument, the CommandLine library allows for <a
    276 href="#positional">positional</a> arguments to be specified for the program.
    277 These positional arguments are filled with command line parameters that are not
    278 in option form.  We use this feature like this:</p>
    280 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    281 <a href="#cl::opt">cl::opt</a>&lt;string&gt; InputFilename(<a href="#cl::Positional">cl::Positional</a>, <a href="#cl::desc">cl::desc</a>("<i>&lt;input file&gt;</i>"), <a href="#cl::init">cl::init</a>("<i>-</i>"));
    282 </pre></div>
    284 <p>This declaration indicates that the first positional argument should be
    285 treated as the input filename.  Here we use the <tt><a
    286 href="#cl::init">cl::init</a></tt> option to specify an initial value for the
    287 command line option, which is used if the option is not specified (if you do not
    288 specify a <tt><a href="#cl::init">cl::init</a></tt> modifier for an option, then
    289 the default constructor for the data type is used to initialize the value).
    290 Command line options default to being optional, so if we would like to require
    291 that the user always specify an input filename, we would add the <tt><a
    292 href="#cl::Required">cl::Required</a></tt> flag, and we could eliminate the
    293 <tt><a href="#cl::init">cl::init</a></tt> modifier, like this:</p>
    295 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    296 <a href="#cl::opt">cl::opt</a>&lt;string&gt; InputFilename(<a href="#cl::Positional">cl::Positional</a>, <a href="#cl::desc">cl::desc</a>("<i>&lt;input file&gt;</i>"), <b><a href="#cl::Required">cl::Required</a></b>);
    297 </pre></div>
    299 <p>Again, the CommandLine library does not require the options to be specified
    300 in any particular order, so the above declaration is equivalent to:</p>
    302 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    303 <a href="#cl::opt">cl::opt</a>&lt;string&gt; InputFilename(<a href="#cl::Positional">cl::Positional</a>, <a href="#cl::Required">cl::Required</a>, <a href="#cl::desc">cl::desc</a>("<i>&lt;input file&gt;</i>"));
    304 </pre></div>
    306 <p>By simply adding the <tt><a href="#cl::Required">cl::Required</a></tt> flag,
    307 the CommandLine library will automatically issue an error if the argument is not
    308 specified, which shifts all of the command line option verification code out of
    309 your application into the library.  This is just one example of how using flags
    310 can alter the default behaviour of the library, on a per-option basis.  By
    311 adding one of the declarations above, the <tt>-help</tt> option synopsis is now
    312 extended to:</p>
    314 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    315 USAGE: compiler [options] <b>&lt;input file&gt;</b>
    317 OPTIONS:
    318   -help             - display available options (-help-hidden for more)
    319   -o &lt;filename&gt;     - Specify output filename
    320 </pre></div>
    322 <p>... indicating that an input filename is expected.</p>
    324 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
    325 <h3>
    326   <a name="bool">Boolean Arguments</a>
    327 </h3>
    329 <div>
    331 <p>In addition to input and output filenames, we would like the compiler example
    332 to support three boolean flags: "<tt>-f</tt>" to force writing binary output to
    333 a terminal, "<tt>--quiet</tt>" to enable quiet mode, and "<tt>-q</tt>" for
    334 backwards compatibility with some of our users.  We can support these by
    335 declaring options of boolean type like this:</p>
    337 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    338 <a href="#cl::opt">cl::opt</a>&lt;bool&gt; Force ("<i>f</i>", <a href="#cl::desc">cl::desc</a>("<i>Enable binary output on terminals</i>"));
    339 <a href="#cl::opt">cl::opt</a>&lt;bool&gt; Quiet ("<i>quiet</i>", <a href="#cl::desc">cl::desc</a>("<i>Don't print informational messages</i>"));
    340 <a href="#cl::opt">cl::opt</a>&lt;bool&gt; Quiet2("<i>q</i>", <a href="#cl::desc">cl::desc</a>("<i>Don't print informational messages</i>"), <a href="#cl::Hidden">cl::Hidden</a>);
    341 </pre></div>
    343 <p>This does what you would expect: it declares three boolean variables
    344 ("<tt>Force</tt>", "<tt>Quiet</tt>", and "<tt>Quiet2</tt>") to recognize these
    345 options.  Note that the "<tt>-q</tt>" option is specified with the "<a
    346 href="#cl::Hidden"><tt>cl::Hidden</tt></a>" flag.  This modifier prevents it
    347 from being shown by the standard "<tt>-help</tt>" output (note that it is still
    348 shown in the "<tt>-help-hidden</tt>" output).</p>
    350 <p>The CommandLine library uses a <a href="#builtinparsers">different parser</a>
    351 for different data types.  For example, in the string case, the argument passed
    352 to the option is copied literally into the content of the string variable... we
    353 obviously cannot do that in the boolean case, however, so we must use a smarter
    354 parser.  In the case of the boolean parser, it allows no options (in which case
    355 it assigns the value of true to the variable), or it allows the values
    356 "<tt>true</tt>" or "<tt>false</tt>" to be specified, allowing any of the
    357 following inputs:</p>
    359 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    360  compiler -f          # No value, 'Force' == true
    361  compiler -f=true     # Value specified, 'Force' == true
    362  compiler -f=TRUE     # Value specified, 'Force' == true
    363  compiler -f=FALSE    # Value specified, 'Force' == false
    364 </pre></div>
    366 <p>... you get the idea.  The <a href="#boolparser">bool parser</a> just turns
    367 the string values into boolean values, and rejects things like '<tt>compiler
    368 -f=foo</tt>'.  Similarly, the <a href="#doubleparser">float</a>, <a
    369 href="#doubleparser">double</a>, and <a href="#intparser">int</a> parsers work
    370 like you would expect, using the '<tt>strtol</tt>' and '<tt>strtod</tt>' C
    371 library calls to parse the string value into the specified data type.</p>
    373 <p>With the declarations above, "<tt>compiler -help</tt>" emits this:</p>
    375 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    376 USAGE: compiler [options] &lt;input file&gt;
    378 OPTIONS:
    379   <b>-f     - Enable binary output on terminals</b>
    380   -o     - Override output filename
    381   <b>-quiet - Don't print informational messages</b>
    382   -help  - display available options (-help-hidden for more)
    383 </pre></div>
    385 <p>and "<tt>compiler -help-hidden</tt>" prints this:</p>
    387 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    388 USAGE: compiler [options] &lt;input file&gt;
    390 OPTIONS:
    391   -f     - Enable binary output on terminals
    392   -o     - Override output filename
    393   <b>-q     - Don't print informational messages</b>
    394   -quiet - Don't print informational messages
    395   -help  - display available options (-help-hidden for more)
    396 </pre></div>
    398 <p>This brief example has shown you how to use the '<tt><a
    399 href="#cl::opt">cl::opt</a></tt>' class to parse simple scalar command line
    400 arguments.  In addition to simple scalar arguments, the CommandLine library also
    401 provides primitives to support CommandLine option <a href="#alias">aliases</a>,
    402 and <a href="#list">lists</a> of options.</p>
    404 </div>
    406 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
    407 <h3>
    408   <a name="alias">Argument Aliases</a>
    409 </h3>
    411 <div>
    413 <p>So far, the example works well, except for the fact that we need to check the
    414 quiet condition like this now:</p>
    416 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    417 ...
    418   if (!Quiet &amp;&amp; !Quiet2) printInformationalMessage(...);
    419 ...
    420 </pre></div>
    422 <p>... which is a real pain!  Instead of defining two values for the same
    423 condition, we can use the "<tt><a href="#cl::alias">cl::alias</a></tt>" class to make the "<tt>-q</tt>"
    424 option an <b>alias</b> for the "<tt>-quiet</tt>" option, instead of providing
    425 a value itself:</p>
    427 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    428 <a href="#cl::opt">cl::opt</a>&lt;bool&gt; Force ("<i>f</i>", <a href="#cl::desc">cl::desc</a>("<i>Overwrite output files</i>"));
    429 <a href="#cl::opt">cl::opt</a>&lt;bool&gt; Quiet ("<i>quiet</i>", <a href="#cl::desc">cl::desc</a>("<i>Don't print informational messages</i>"));
    430 <a href="#cl::alias">cl::alias</a>     QuietA("<i>q</i>", <a href="#cl::desc">cl::desc</a>("<i>Alias for -quiet</i>"), <a href="#cl::aliasopt">cl::aliasopt</a>(Quiet));
    431 </pre></div>
    433 <p>The third line (which is the only one we modified from above) defines a
    434 "<tt>-q</tt>" alias that updates the "<tt>Quiet</tt>" variable (as specified by
    435 the <tt><a href="#cl::aliasopt">cl::aliasopt</a></tt> modifier) whenever it is
    436 specified.  Because aliases do not hold state, the only thing the program has to
    437 query is the <tt>Quiet</tt> variable now.  Another nice feature of aliases is
    438 that they automatically hide themselves from the <tt>-help</tt> output
    439 (although, again, they are still visible in the <tt>-help-hidden
    440 output</tt>).</p>
    442 <p>Now the application code can simply use:</p>
    444 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    445 ...
    446   if (!Quiet) printInformationalMessage(...);
    447 ...
    448 </pre></div>
    450 <p>... which is much nicer!  The "<tt><a href="#cl::alias">cl::alias</a></tt>"
    451 can be used to specify an alternative name for any variable type, and has many
    452 uses.</p>
    454 </div>
    456 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
    457 <h3>
    458   <a name="onealternative">Selecting an alternative from a set of
    459   possibilities</a>
    460 </h3>
    462 <div>
    464 <p>So far we have seen how the CommandLine library handles builtin types like
    465 <tt>std::string</tt>, <tt>bool</tt> and <tt>int</tt>, but how does it handle
    466 things it doesn't know about, like enums or '<tt>int*</tt>'s?</p>
    468 <p>The answer is that it uses a table-driven generic parser (unless you specify
    469 your own parser, as described in the <a href="#extensionguide">Extension
    470 Guide</a>).  This parser maps literal strings to whatever type is required, and
    471 requires you to tell it what this mapping should be.</p>
    473 <p>Let's say that we would like to add four optimization levels to our
    474 optimizer, using the standard flags "<tt>-g</tt>", "<tt>-O0</tt>",
    475 "<tt>-O1</tt>", and "<tt>-O2</tt>".  We could easily implement this with boolean
    476 options like above, but there are several problems with this strategy:</p>
    478 <ol>
    479 <li>A user could specify more than one of the options at a time, for example,
    480 "<tt>compiler -O3 -O2</tt>".  The CommandLine library would not be able to
    481 catch this erroneous input for us.</li>
    483 <li>We would have to test 4 different variables to see which ones are set.</li>
    485 <li>This doesn't map to the numeric levels that we want... so we cannot easily
    486 see if some level &gt;= "<tt>-O1</tt>" is enabled.</li>
    488 </ol>
    490 <p>To cope with these problems, we can use an enum value, and have the
    491 CommandLine library fill it in with the appropriate level directly, which is
    492 used like this:</p>
    494 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    495 enum OptLevel {
    496   g, O1, O2, O3
    497 };
    499 <a href="#cl::opt">cl::opt</a>&lt;OptLevel&gt; OptimizationLevel(<a href="#cl::desc">cl::desc</a>("<i>Choose optimization level:</i>"),
    500   <a href="#cl::values">cl::values</a>(
    501     clEnumVal(g , "<i>No optimizations, enable debugging</i>"),
    502     clEnumVal(O1, "<i>Enable trivial optimizations</i>"),
    503     clEnumVal(O2, "<i>Enable default optimizations</i>"),
    504     clEnumVal(O3, "<i>Enable expensive optimizations</i>"),
    505    clEnumValEnd));
    507 ...
    508   if (OptimizationLevel &gt;= O2) doPartialRedundancyElimination(...);
    509 ...
    510 </pre></div>
    512 <p>This declaration defines a variable "<tt>OptimizationLevel</tt>" of the
    513 "<tt>OptLevel</tt>" enum type.  This variable can be assigned any of the values
    514 that are listed in the declaration (Note that the declaration list must be
    515 terminated with the "<tt>clEnumValEnd</tt>" argument!).  The CommandLine
    516 library enforces
    517 that the user can only specify one of the options, and it ensure that only valid
    518 enum values can be specified.  The "<tt>clEnumVal</tt>" macros ensure that the
    519 command line arguments matched the enum values.  With this option added, our
    520 help output now is:</p>
    522 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    523 USAGE: compiler [options] &lt;input file&gt;
    525 OPTIONS:
    526   <b>Choose optimization level:
    527     -g          - No optimizations, enable debugging
    528     -O1         - Enable trivial optimizations
    529     -O2         - Enable default optimizations
    530     -O3         - Enable expensive optimizations</b>
    531   -f            - Enable binary output on terminals
    532   -help         - display available options (-help-hidden for more)
    533   -o &lt;filename&gt; - Specify output filename
    534   -quiet        - Don't print informational messages
    535 </pre></div>
    537 <p>In this case, it is sort of awkward that flag names correspond directly to
    538 enum names, because we probably don't want a enum definition named "<tt>g</tt>"
    539 in our program.  Because of this, we can alternatively write this example like
    540 this:</p>
    542 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    543 enum OptLevel {
    544   Debug, O1, O2, O3
    545 };
    547 <a href="#cl::opt">cl::opt</a>&lt;OptLevel&gt; OptimizationLevel(<a href="#cl::desc">cl::desc</a>("<i>Choose optimization level:</i>"),
    548   <a href="#cl::values">cl::values</a>(
    549    clEnumValN(Debug, "g", "<i>No optimizations, enable debugging</i>"),
    550     clEnumVal(O1        , "<i>Enable trivial optimizations</i>"),
    551     clEnumVal(O2        , "<i>Enable default optimizations</i>"),
    552     clEnumVal(O3        , "<i>Enable expensive optimizations</i>"),
    553    clEnumValEnd));
    555 ...
    556   if (OptimizationLevel == Debug) outputDebugInfo(...);
    557 ...
    558 </pre></div>
    560 <p>By using the "<tt>clEnumValN</tt>" macro instead of "<tt>clEnumVal</tt>", we
    561 can directly specify the name that the flag should get.  In general a direct
    562 mapping is nice, but sometimes you can't or don't want to preserve the mapping,
    563 which is when you would use it.</p>
    565 </div>
    567 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
    568 <h3>
    569   <a name="namedalternatives">Named Alternatives</a>
    570 </h3>
    572 <div>
    574 <p>Another useful argument form is a named alternative style.  We shall use this
    575 style in our compiler to specify different debug levels that can be used.
    576 Instead of each debug level being its own switch, we want to support the
    577 following options, of which only one can be specified at a time:
    578 "<tt>--debug-level=none</tt>", "<tt>--debug-level=quick</tt>",
    579 "<tt>--debug-level=detailed</tt>".  To do this, we use the exact same format as
    580 our optimization level flags, but we also specify an option name.  For this
    581 case, the code looks like this:</p>
    583 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    584 enum DebugLev {
    585   nodebuginfo, quick, detailed
    586 };
    588 // Enable Debug Options to be specified on the command line
    589 <a href="#cl::opt">cl::opt</a>&lt;DebugLev&gt; DebugLevel("<i>debug_level</i>", <a href="#cl::desc">cl::desc</a>("<i>Set the debugging level:</i>"),
    590   <a href="#cl::values">cl::values</a>(
    591     clEnumValN(nodebuginfo, "none", "<i>disable debug information</i>"),
    592      clEnumVal(quick,               "<i>enable quick debug information</i>"),
    593      clEnumVal(detailed,            "<i>enable detailed debug information</i>"),
    594     clEnumValEnd));
    595 </pre></div>
    597 <p>This definition defines an enumerated command line variable of type "<tt>enum
    598 DebugLev</tt>", which works exactly the same way as before.  The difference here
    599 is just the interface exposed to the user of your program and the help output by
    600 the "<tt>-help</tt>" option:</p>
    602 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    603 USAGE: compiler [options] &lt;input file&gt;
    605 OPTIONS:
    606   Choose optimization level:
    607     -g          - No optimizations, enable debugging
    608     -O1         - Enable trivial optimizations
    609     -O2         - Enable default optimizations
    610     -O3         - Enable expensive optimizations
    611   <b>-debug_level  - Set the debugging level:
    612     =none       - disable debug information
    613     =quick      - enable quick debug information
    614     =detailed   - enable detailed debug information</b>
    615   -f            - Enable binary output on terminals
    616   -help         - display available options (-help-hidden for more)
    617   -o &lt;filename&gt; - Specify output filename
    618   -quiet        - Don't print informational messages
    619 </pre></div>
    621 <p>Again, the only structural difference between the debug level declaration and
    622 the optimization level declaration is that the debug level declaration includes
    623 an option name (<tt>"debug_level"</tt>), which automatically changes how the
    624 library processes the argument.  The CommandLine library supports both forms so
    625 that you can choose the form most appropriate for your application.</p>
    627 </div>
    629 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
    630 <h3>
    631   <a name="list">Parsing a list of options</a>
    632 </h3>
    634 <div>
    636 <p>Now that we have the standard run-of-the-mill argument types out of the way,
    637 lets get a little wild and crazy.  Lets say that we want our optimizer to accept
    638 a <b>list</b> of optimizations to perform, allowing duplicates.  For example, we
    639 might want to run: "<tt>compiler -dce -constprop -inline -dce -strip</tt>".  In
    640 this case, the order of the arguments and the number of appearances is very
    641 important.  This is what the "<tt><a href="#cl::list">cl::list</a></tt>"
    642 template is for.  First, start by defining an enum of the optimizations that you
    643 would like to perform:</p>
    645 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    646 enum Opts {
    647   // 'inline' is a C++ keyword, so name it 'inlining'
    648   dce, constprop, inlining, strip
    649 };
    650 </pre></div>
    652 <p>Then define your "<tt><a href="#cl::list">cl::list</a></tt>" variable:</p>
    654 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    655 <a href="#cl::list">cl::list</a>&lt;Opts&gt; OptimizationList(<a href="#cl::desc">cl::desc</a>("<i>Available Optimizations:</i>"),
    656   <a href="#cl::values">cl::values</a>(
    657     clEnumVal(dce               , "<i>Dead Code Elimination</i>"),
    658     clEnumVal(constprop         , "<i>Constant Propagation</i>"),
    659    clEnumValN(inlining, "<i>inline</i>", "<i>Procedure Integration</i>"),
    660     clEnumVal(strip             , "<i>Strip Symbols</i>"),
    661   clEnumValEnd));
    662 </pre></div>
    664 <p>This defines a variable that is conceptually of the type
    665 "<tt>std::vector&lt;enum Opts&gt;</tt>".  Thus, you can access it with standard
    666 vector methods:</p>
    668 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    669   for (unsigned i = 0; i != OptimizationList.size(); ++i)
    670     switch (OptimizationList[i])
    671        ...
    672 </pre></div>
    674 <p>... to iterate through the list of options specified.</p>
    676 <p>Note that the "<tt><a href="#cl::list">cl::list</a></tt>" template is
    677 completely general and may be used with any data types or other arguments that
    678 you can use with the "<tt><a href="#cl::opt">cl::opt</a></tt>" template.  One
    679 especially useful way to use a list is to capture all of the positional
    680 arguments together if there may be more than one specified.  In the case of a
    681 linker, for example, the linker takes several '<tt>.o</tt>' files, and needs to
    682 capture them into a list.  This is naturally specified as:</p>
    684 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    685 ...
    686 <a href="#cl::list">cl::list</a>&lt;std::string&gt; InputFilenames(<a href="#cl::Positional">cl::Positional</a>, <a href="#cl::desc">cl::desc</a>("&lt;Input files&gt;"), <a href="#cl::OneOrMore">cl::OneOrMore</a>);
    687 ...
    688 </pre></div>
    690 <p>This variable works just like a "<tt>vector&lt;string&gt;</tt>" object.  As
    691 such, accessing the list is simple, just like above.  In this example, we used
    692 the <tt><a href="#cl::OneOrMore">cl::OneOrMore</a></tt> modifier to inform the
    693 CommandLine library that it is an error if the user does not specify any
    694 <tt>.o</tt> files on our command line.  Again, this just reduces the amount of
    695 checking we have to do.</p>
    697 </div>
    699 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
    700 <h3>
    701   <a name="bits">Collecting options as a set of flags</a>
    702 </h3>
    704 <div>
    706 <p>Instead of collecting sets of options in a list, it is also possible to
    707 gather information for enum values in a <b>bit vector</b>.  The representation used by
    708 the <a href="#bits"><tt>cl::bits</tt></a> class is an <tt>unsigned</tt>
    709 integer.  An enum value is represented by a 0/1 in the enum's ordinal value bit
    710 position. 1 indicating that the enum was specified, 0 otherwise.  As each
    711 specified value is parsed, the resulting enum's bit is set in the option's bit
    712 vector:</p>
    714 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    715   <i>bits</i> |= 1 << (unsigned)<i>enum</i>;
    716 </pre></div>
    718 <p>Options that are specified multiple times are redundant.  Any instances after
    719 the first are discarded.</p>
    721 <p>Reworking the above list example, we could replace <a href="#list">
    722 <tt>cl::list</tt></a> with <a href="#bits"><tt>cl::bits</tt></a>:</p>
    724 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    725 <a href="#cl::bits">cl::bits</a>&lt;Opts&gt; OptimizationBits(<a href="#cl::desc">cl::desc</a>("<i>Available Optimizations:</i>"),
    726   <a href="#cl::values">cl::values</a>(
    727     clEnumVal(dce               , "<i>Dead Code Elimination</i>"),
    728     clEnumVal(constprop         , "<i>Constant Propagation</i>"),
    729    clEnumValN(inlining, "<i>inline</i>", "<i>Procedure Integration</i>"),
    730     clEnumVal(strip             , "<i>Strip Symbols</i>"),
    731   clEnumValEnd));
    732 </pre></div>
    734 <p>To test to see if <tt>constprop</tt> was specified, we can use the
    735 <tt>cl:bits::isSet</tt> function:</p>
    737 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    738   if (OptimizationBits.isSet(constprop)) {
    739     ...
    740   }
    741 </pre></div>
    743 <p>It's also possible to get the raw bit vector using the
    744 <tt>cl::bits::getBits</tt> function:</p>
    746 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    747   unsigned bits = OptimizationBits.getBits();
    748 </pre></div>
    750 <p>Finally, if external storage is used, then the location specified must be of
    751 <b>type</b> <tt>unsigned</tt>. In all other ways a <a
    752 href="#bits"><tt>cl::bits</tt></a> option is equivalent to a <a
    753 href="#list"> <tt>cl::list</tt></a> option.</p>
    755 </div>
    758 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
    759 <h3>
    760   <a name="description">Adding freeform text to help output</a>
    761 </h3>
    763 <div>
    765 <p>As our program grows and becomes more mature, we may decide to put summary
    766 information about what it does into the help output.  The help output is styled
    767 to look similar to a Unix <tt>man</tt> page, providing concise information about
    768 a program.  Unix <tt>man</tt> pages, however often have a description about what
    769 the program does.  To add this to your CommandLine program, simply pass a third
    770 argument to the <a
    771 href="#cl::ParseCommandLineOptions"><tt>cl::ParseCommandLineOptions</tt></a>
    772 call in main.  This additional argument is then printed as the overview
    773 information for your program, allowing you to include any additional information
    774 that you want.  For example:</p>
    776 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    777 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    778   <a href="#cl::ParseCommandLineOptions">cl::ParseCommandLineOptions</a>(argc, argv, " CommandLine compiler example\n\n"
    779                               "  This program blah blah blah...\n");
    780   ...
    781 }
    782 </pre></div>
    784 <p>would yield the help output:</p>
    786 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    787 <b>OVERVIEW: CommandLine compiler example
    789   This program blah blah blah...</b>
    791 USAGE: compiler [options] &lt;input file&gt;
    793 OPTIONS:
    794   ...
    795   -help             - display available options (-help-hidden for more)
    796   -o &lt;filename&gt;     - Specify output filename
    797 </pre></div>
    799 </div>
    801 </div>
    803 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
    804 <h2>
    805   <a name="referenceguide">Reference Guide</a>
    806 </h2>
    807 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
    809 <div>
    811 <p>Now that you know the basics of how to use the CommandLine library, this
    812 section will give you the detailed information you need to tune how command line
    813 options work, as well as information on more "advanced" command line option
    814 processing capabilities.</p>
    816 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
    817 <h3>
    818   <a name="positional">Positional Arguments</a>
    819 </h3>
    821 <div>
    823 <p>Positional arguments are those arguments that are not named, and are not
    824 specified with a hyphen.  Positional arguments should be used when an option is
    825 specified by its position alone.  For example, the standard Unix <tt>grep</tt>
    826 tool takes a regular expression argument, and an optional filename to search
    827 through (which defaults to standard input if a filename is not specified).
    828 Using the CommandLine library, this would be specified as:</p>
    830 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    831 <a href="#cl::opt">cl::opt</a>&lt;string&gt; Regex   (<a href="#cl::Positional">cl::Positional</a>, <a href="#cl::desc">cl::desc</a>("<i>&lt;regular expression&gt;</i>"), <a href="#cl::Required">cl::Required</a>);
    832 <a href="#cl::opt">cl::opt</a>&lt;string&gt; Filename(<a href="#cl::Positional">cl::Positional</a>, <a href="#cl::desc">cl::desc</a>("<i>&lt;input file&gt;</i>"), <a href="#cl::init">cl::init</a>("<i>-</i>"));
    833 </pre></div>
    835 <p>Given these two option declarations, the <tt>-help</tt> output for our grep
    836 replacement would look like this:</p>
    838 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    839 USAGE: spiffygrep [options] <b>&lt;regular expression&gt; &lt;input file&gt;</b>
    841 OPTIONS:
    842   -help - display available options (-help-hidden for more)
    843 </pre></div>
    845 <p>... and the resultant program could be used just like the standard
    846 <tt>grep</tt> tool.</p>
    848 <p>Positional arguments are sorted by their order of construction.  This means
    849 that command line options will be ordered according to how they are listed in a
    850 .cpp file, but will not have an ordering defined if the positional arguments
    851 are defined in multiple .cpp files.  The fix for this problem is simply to
    852 define all of your positional arguments in one .cpp file.</p>
    854 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
    855 <h4>
    856   <a name="--">Specifying positional options with hyphens</a>
    857 </h4>
    859 <div>
    861 <p>Sometimes you may want to specify a value to your positional argument that
    862 starts with a hyphen (for example, searching for '<tt>-foo</tt>' in a file).  At
    863 first, you will have trouble doing this, because it will try to find an argument
    864 named '<tt>-foo</tt>', and will fail (and single quotes will not save you).
    865 Note that the system <tt>grep</tt> has the same problem:</p>
    867 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    868   $ spiffygrep '-foo' test.txt
    869   Unknown command line argument '-foo'.  Try: spiffygrep -help'
    871   $ grep '-foo' test.txt
    872   grep: illegal option -- f
    873   grep: illegal option -- o
    874   grep: illegal option -- o
    875   Usage: grep -hblcnsviw pattern file . . .
    876 </pre></div>
    878 <p>The solution for this problem is the same for both your tool and the system
    879 version: use the '<tt>--</tt>' marker.  When the user specifies '<tt>--</tt>' on
    880 the command line, it is telling the program that all options after the
    881 '<tt>--</tt>' should be treated as positional arguments, not options.  Thus, we
    882 can use it like this:</p>
    884 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    885   $ spiffygrep -- -foo test.txt
    886     ...output...
    887 </pre></div>
    889 </div>
    891 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
    892 <h4>
    893   <a name="getPosition">Determining absolute position with getPosition()</a>
    894 </h4>
    895 <div>
    896   <p>Sometimes an option can affect or modify the meaning of another option. For
    897   example, consider <tt>gcc</tt>'s <tt>-x LANG</tt> option. This tells
    898   <tt>gcc</tt> to ignore the suffix of subsequent positional arguments and force
    899   the file to be interpreted as if it contained source code in language
    900   <tt>LANG</tt>. In order to handle this properly, you need to know the
    901   absolute position of each argument, especially those in lists, so their
    902   interaction(s) can be applied correctly. This is also useful for options like
    903   <tt>-llibname</tt> which is actually a positional argument that starts with
    904   a dash.</p>
    905   <p>So, generally, the problem is that you have two <tt>cl::list</tt> variables
    906   that interact in some way. To ensure the correct interaction, you can use the
    907   <tt>cl::list::getPosition(optnum)</tt> method. This method returns the
    908   absolute position (as found on the command line) of the <tt>optnum</tt>
    909   item in the <tt>cl::list</tt>.</p>
    910   <p>The idiom for usage is like this:</p>
    912   <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    913   static cl::list&lt;std::string&gt; Files(cl::Positional, cl::OneOrMore);
    914   static cl::list&lt;std::string&gt; Libraries("l", cl::ZeroOrMore);
    916   int main(int argc, char**argv) {
    917     // ...
    918     std::vector&lt;std::string&gt;::iterator fileIt = Files.begin();
    919     std::vector&lt;std::string&gt;::iterator libIt  = Libraries.begin();
    920     unsigned libPos = 0, filePos = 0;
    921     while ( 1 ) {
    922       if ( libIt != Libraries.end() )
    923         libPos = Libraries.getPosition( libIt - Libraries.begin() );
    924       else
    925         libPos = 0;
    926       if ( fileIt != Files.end() )
    927         filePos = Files.getPosition( fileIt - Files.begin() );
    928       else
    929         filePos = 0;
    931       if ( filePos != 0 &amp;&amp; (libPos == 0 || filePos &lt; libPos) ) {
    932         // Source File Is next
    933         ++fileIt;
    934       }
    935       else if ( libPos != 0 &amp;&amp; (filePos == 0 || libPos &lt; filePos) ) {
    936         // Library is next
    937         ++libIt;
    938       }
    939       else
    940         break; // we're done with the list
    941     }
    942   }</pre></div>
    944   <p>Note that, for compatibility reasons, the <tt>cl::opt</tt> also supports an
    945   <tt>unsigned getPosition()</tt> option that will provide the absolute position
    946   of that option. You can apply the same approach as above with a
    947   <tt>cl::opt</tt> and a <tt>cl::list</tt> option as you can with two lists.</p>
    948 </div>
    950 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
    951 <h4>
    952   <a name="cl::ConsumeAfter">The <tt>cl::ConsumeAfter</tt> modifier</a>
    953 </h4>
    955 <div>
    957 <p>The <tt>cl::ConsumeAfter</tt> <a href="#formatting">formatting option</a> is
    958 used to construct programs that use "interpreter style" option processing.  With
    959 this style of option processing, all arguments specified after the last
    960 positional argument are treated as special interpreter arguments that are not
    961 interpreted by the command line argument.</p>
    963 <p>As a concrete example, lets say we are developing a replacement for the
    964 standard Unix Bourne shell (<tt>/bin/sh</tt>).  To run <tt>/bin/sh</tt>, first
    965 you specify options to the shell itself (like <tt>-x</tt> which turns on trace
    966 output), then you specify the name of the script to run, then you specify
    967 arguments to the script.  These arguments to the script are parsed by the Bourne
    968 shell command line option processor, but are not interpreted as options to the
    969 shell itself.  Using the CommandLine library, we would specify this as:</p>
    971 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    972 <a href="#cl::opt">cl::opt</a>&lt;string&gt; Script(<a href="#cl::Positional">cl::Positional</a>, <a href="#cl::desc">cl::desc</a>("<i>&lt;input script&gt;</i>"), <a href="#cl::init">cl::init</a>("-"));
    973 <a href="#cl::list">cl::list</a>&lt;string&gt;  Argv(<a href="#cl::ConsumeAfter">cl::ConsumeAfter</a>, <a href="#cl::desc">cl::desc</a>("<i>&lt;program arguments&gt;...</i>"));
    974 <a href="#cl::opt">cl::opt</a>&lt;bool&gt;    Trace("<i>x</i>", <a href="#cl::desc">cl::desc</a>("<i>Enable trace output</i>"));
    975 </pre></div>
    977 <p>which automatically provides the help output:</p>
    979 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
    980 USAGE: spiffysh [options] <b>&lt;input script&gt; &lt;program arguments&gt;...</b>
    982 OPTIONS:
    983   -help - display available options (-help-hidden for more)
    984   <b>-x    - Enable trace output</b>
    985 </pre></div>
    987 <p>At runtime, if we run our new shell replacement as `<tt>spiffysh -x test.sh
    988 -a -x -y bar</tt>', the <tt>Trace</tt> variable will be set to true, the
    989 <tt>Script</tt> variable will be set to "<tt>test.sh</tt>", and the
    990 <tt>Argv</tt> list will contain <tt>["-a", "-x", "-y", "bar"]</tt>, because they
    991 were specified after the last positional argument (which is the script
    992 name).</p>
    994 <p>There are several limitations to when <tt>cl::ConsumeAfter</tt> options can
    995 be specified.  For example, only one <tt>cl::ConsumeAfter</tt> can be specified
    996 per program, there must be at least one <a href="#positional">positional
    997 argument</a> specified, there must not be any <a href="#cl::list">cl::list</a>
    998 positional arguments, and the <tt>cl::ConsumeAfter</tt> option should be a <a
    999 href="#cl::list">cl::list</a> option.</p>
   1001 </div>
   1003 </div>
   1005 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
   1006 <h3>
   1007   <a name="storage">Internal vs External Storage</a>
   1008 </h3>
   1010 <div>
   1012 <p>By default, all command line options automatically hold the value that they
   1013 parse from the command line.  This is very convenient in the common case,
   1014 especially when combined with the ability to define command line options in the
   1015 files that use them.  This is called the internal storage model.</p>
   1017 <p>Sometimes, however, it is nice to separate the command line option processing
   1018 code from the storage of the value parsed.  For example, lets say that we have a
   1019 '<tt>-debug</tt>' option that we would like to use to enable debug information
   1020 across the entire body of our program.  In this case, the boolean value
   1021 controlling the debug code should be globally accessible (in a header file, for
   1022 example) yet the command line option processing code should not be exposed to
   1023 all of these clients (requiring lots of .cpp files to #include
   1024 <tt>CommandLine.h</tt>).</p>
   1026 <p>To do this, set up your .h file with your option, like this for example:</p>
   1028 <div class="doc_code">
   1029 <pre>
   1030 <i>// DebugFlag.h - Get access to the '-debug' command line option
   1031 //
   1033 // DebugFlag - This boolean is set to true if the '-debug' command line option
   1034 // is specified.  This should probably not be referenced directly, instead, use
   1035 // the DEBUG macro below.
   1036 //</i>
   1037 extern bool DebugFlag;
   1039 <i>// DEBUG macro - This macro should be used by code to emit debug information.
   1040 // In the '-debug' option is specified on the command line, and if this is a
   1041 // debug build, then the code specified as the option to the macro will be
   1042 // executed.  Otherwise it will not be.</i>
   1043 <span class="doc_hilite">#ifdef NDEBUG
   1044 #define DEBUG(X)
   1045 #else
   1046 #define DEBUG(X)</span> do { if (DebugFlag) { X; } } while (0)
   1047 <span class="doc_hilite">#endif</span>
   1048 </pre>
   1049 </div>
   1051 <p>This allows clients to blissfully use the <tt>DEBUG()</tt> macro, or the
   1052 <tt>DebugFlag</tt> explicitly if they want to.  Now we just need to be able to
   1053 set the <tt>DebugFlag</tt> boolean when the option is set.  To do this, we pass
   1054 an additional argument to our command line argument processor, and we specify
   1055 where to fill in with the <a href="#cl::location">cl::location</a>
   1056 attribute:</p>
   1058 <div class="doc_code">
   1059 <pre>
   1060 bool DebugFlag;                  <i>// the actual value</i>
   1061 static <a href="#cl::opt">cl::opt</a>&lt;bool, true&gt;       <i>// The parser</i>
   1062 Debug("<i>debug</i>", <a href="#cl::desc">cl::desc</a>("<i>Enable debug output</i>"), <a href="#cl::Hidden">cl::Hidden</a>, <a href="#cl::location">cl::location</a>(DebugFlag));
   1063 </pre>
   1064 </div>
   1066 <p>In the above example, we specify "<tt>true</tt>" as the second argument to
   1067 the <tt><a href="#cl::opt">cl::opt</a></tt> template, indicating that the
   1068 template should not maintain a copy of the value itself.  In addition to this,
   1069 we specify the <tt><a href="#cl::location">cl::location</a></tt> attribute, so
   1070 that <tt>DebugFlag</tt> is automatically set.</p>
   1072 </div>
   1074 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
   1075 <h3>
   1076   <a name="attributes">Option Attributes</a>
   1077 </h3>
   1079 <div>
   1081 <p>This section describes the basic attributes that you can specify on
   1082 options.</p>
   1084 <ul>
   1086 <li>The option name attribute (which is required for all options, except <a
   1087 href="#positional">positional options</a>) specifies what the option name is.
   1088 This option is specified in simple double quotes:
   1090 <pre>
   1091 <a href="#cl::opt">cl::opt</a>&lt;<b>bool</b>&gt; Quiet("<i>quiet</i>");
   1092 </pre>
   1094 </li>
   1096 <li><a name="cl::desc">The <b><tt>cl::desc</tt></b></a> attribute specifies a
   1097 description for the option to be shown in the <tt>-help</tt> output for the
   1098 program.</li>
   1100 <li><a name="cl::value_desc">The <b><tt>cl::value_desc</tt></b></a> attribute
   1101 specifies a string that can be used to fine tune the <tt>-help</tt> output for
   1102 a command line option.  Look <a href="#value_desc_example">here</a> for an
   1103 example.</li>
   1105 <li><a name="cl::init">The <b><tt>cl::init</tt></b></a> attribute specifies an
   1106 initial value for a <a href="#cl::opt">scalar</a> option.  If this attribute is
   1107 not specified then the command line option value defaults to the value created
   1108 by the default constructor for the type. <b>Warning</b>: If you specify both
   1109 <b><tt>cl::init</tt></b> and <b><tt>cl::location</tt></b> for an option,
   1110 you must specify <b><tt>cl::location</tt></b> first, so that when the
   1111 command-line parser sees <b><tt>cl::init</tt></b>, it knows where to put the
   1112 initial value. (You will get an error at runtime if you don't put them in
   1113 the right order.)</li>
   1115 <li><a name="cl::location">The <b><tt>cl::location</tt></b></a> attribute where
   1116 to store the value for a parsed command line option if using external storage.
   1117 See the section on <a href="#storage">Internal vs External Storage</a> for more
   1118 information.</li>
   1120 <li><a name="cl::aliasopt">The <b><tt>cl::aliasopt</tt></b></a> attribute
   1121 specifies which option a <tt><a href="#cl::alias">cl::alias</a></tt> option is
   1122 an alias for.</li>
   1124 <li><a name="cl::values">The <b><tt>cl::values</tt></b></a> attribute specifies
   1125 the string-to-value mapping to be used by the generic parser.  It takes a
   1126 <b>clEnumValEnd terminated</b> list of (option, value, description) triplets
   1127 that
   1128 specify the option name, the value mapped to, and the description shown in the
   1129 <tt>-help</tt> for the tool.  Because the generic parser is used most
   1130 frequently with enum values, two macros are often useful:
   1132 <ol>
   1134 <li><a name="clEnumVal">The <b><tt>clEnumVal</tt></b></a> macro is used as a
   1135 nice simple way to specify a triplet for an enum.  This macro automatically
   1136 makes the option name be the same as the enum name.  The first option to the
   1137 macro is the enum, the second is the description for the command line
   1138 option.</li>
   1140 <li><a name="clEnumValN">The <b><tt>clEnumValN</tt></b></a> macro is used to
   1141 specify macro options where the option name doesn't equal the enum name.  For
   1142 this macro, the first argument is the enum value, the second is the flag name,
   1143 and the second is the description.</li>
   1145 </ol>
   1147 You will get a compile time error if you try to use cl::values with a parser
   1148 that does not support it.</li>
   1150 <li><a name="cl::multi_val">The <b><tt>cl::multi_val</tt></b></a>
   1151 attribute specifies that this option takes has multiple values
   1152 (example: <tt>-sectalign segname sectname sectvalue</tt>). This
   1153 attribute takes one unsigned argument - the number of values for the
   1154 option. This attribute is valid only on <tt>cl::list</tt> options (and
   1155 will fail with compile error if you try to use it with other option
   1156 types). It is allowed to use all of the usual modifiers on
   1157 multi-valued options (besides <tt>cl::ValueDisallowed</tt>,
   1158 obviously).</li>
   1160 </ul>
   1162 </div>
   1164 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
   1165 <h3>
   1166   <a name="modifiers">Option Modifiers</a>
   1167 </h3>
   1169 <div>
   1171 <p>Option modifiers are the flags and expressions that you pass into the
   1172 constructors for <tt><a href="#cl::opt">cl::opt</a></tt> and <tt><a
   1173 href="#cl::list">cl::list</a></tt>.  These modifiers give you the ability to
   1174 tweak how options are parsed and how <tt>-help</tt> output is generated to fit
   1175 your application well.</p>
   1177 <p>These options fall into five main categories:</p>
   1179 <ol>
   1180 <li><a href="#hiding">Hiding an option from <tt>-help</tt> output</a></li>
   1181 <li><a href="#numoccurrences">Controlling the number of occurrences
   1182                              required and allowed</a></li>
   1183 <li><a href="#valrequired">Controlling whether or not a value must be
   1184                            specified</a></li>
   1185 <li><a href="#formatting">Controlling other formatting options</a></li>
   1186 <li><a href="#misc">Miscellaneous option modifiers</a></li>
   1187 </ol>
   1189 <p>It is not possible to specify two options from the same category (you'll get
   1190 a runtime error) to a single option, except for options in the miscellaneous
   1191 category.  The CommandLine library specifies defaults for all of these settings
   1192 that are the most useful in practice and the most common, which mean that you
   1193 usually shouldn't have to worry about these.</p>
   1195 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
   1196 <h4>
   1197   <a name="hiding">Hiding an option from <tt>-help</tt> output</a>
   1198 </h4>
   1200 <div>
   1202 <p>The <tt>cl::NotHidden</tt>, <tt>cl::Hidden</tt>, and
   1203 <tt>cl::ReallyHidden</tt> modifiers are used to control whether or not an option
   1204 appears in the <tt>-help</tt> and <tt>-help-hidden</tt> output for the
   1205 compiled program:</p>
   1207 <ul>
   1209 <li><a name="cl::NotHidden">The <b><tt>cl::NotHidden</tt></b></a> modifier
   1210 (which is the default for <tt><a href="#cl::opt">cl::opt</a></tt> and <tt><a
   1211 href="#cl::list">cl::list</a></tt> options) indicates the option is to appear
   1212 in both help listings.</li>
   1214 <li><a name="cl::Hidden">The <b><tt>cl::Hidden</tt></b></a> modifier (which is the
   1215 default for <tt><a href="#cl::alias">cl::alias</a></tt> options) indicates that
   1216 the option should not appear in the <tt>-help</tt> output, but should appear in
   1217 the <tt>-help-hidden</tt> output.</li>
   1219 <li><a name="cl::ReallyHidden">The <b><tt>cl::ReallyHidden</tt></b></a> modifier
   1220 indicates that the option should not appear in any help output.</li>
   1222 </ul>
   1224 </div>
   1226 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
   1227 <h4>
   1228   <a name="numoccurrences">Controlling the number of occurrences required and
   1229   allowed</a>
   1230 </h4>
   1232 <div>
   1234 <p>This group of options is used to control how many time an option is allowed
   1235 (or required) to be specified on the command line of your program.  Specifying a
   1236 value for this setting allows the CommandLine library to do error checking for
   1237 you.</p>
   1239 <p>The allowed values for this option group are:</p>
   1241 <ul>
   1243 <li><a name="cl::Optional">The <b><tt>cl::Optional</tt></b></a> modifier (which
   1244 is the default for the <tt><a href="#cl::opt">cl::opt</a></tt> and <tt><a
   1245 href="#cl::alias">cl::alias</a></tt> classes) indicates that your program will
   1246 allow either zero or one occurrence of the option to be specified.</li>
   1248 <li><a name="cl::ZeroOrMore">The <b><tt>cl::ZeroOrMore</tt></b></a> modifier
   1249 (which is the default for the <tt><a href="#cl::list">cl::list</a></tt> class)
   1250 indicates that your program will allow the option to be specified zero or more
   1251 times.</li>
   1253 <li><a name="cl::Required">The <b><tt>cl::Required</tt></b></a> modifier
   1254 indicates that the specified option must be specified exactly one time.</li>
   1256 <li><a name="cl::OneOrMore">The <b><tt>cl::OneOrMore</tt></b></a> modifier
   1257 indicates that the option must be specified at least one time.</li>
   1259 <li>The <b><tt>cl::ConsumeAfter</tt></b> modifier is described in the <a
   1260 href="#positional">Positional arguments section</a>.</li>
   1262 </ul>
   1264 <p>If an option is not specified, then the value of the option is equal to the
   1265 value specified by the <tt><a href="#cl::init">cl::init</a></tt> attribute.  If
   1266 the <tt><a href="#cl::init">cl::init</a></tt> attribute is not specified, the
   1267 option value is initialized with the default constructor for the data type.</p>
   1269 <p>If an option is specified multiple times for an option of the <tt><a
   1270 href="#cl::opt">cl::opt</a></tt> class, only the last value will be
   1271 retained.</p>
   1273 </div>
   1275 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
   1276 <h4>
   1277   <a name="valrequired">Controlling whether or not a value must be specified</a>
   1278 </h4>
   1280 <div>
   1282 <p>This group of options is used to control whether or not the option allows a
   1283 value to be present.  In the case of the CommandLine library, a value is either
   1284 specified with an equal sign (e.g. '<tt>-index-depth=17</tt>') or as a trailing
   1285 string (e.g. '<tt>-o a.out</tt>').</p>
   1287 <p>The allowed values for this option group are:</p>
   1289 <ul>
   1291 <li><a name="cl::ValueOptional">The <b><tt>cl::ValueOptional</tt></b></a> modifier
   1292 (which is the default for <tt>bool</tt> typed options) specifies that it is
   1293 acceptable to have a value, or not.  A boolean argument can be enabled just by
   1294 appearing on the command line, or it can have an explicit '<tt>-foo=true</tt>'.
   1295 If an option is specified with this mode, it is illegal for the value to be
   1296 provided without the equal sign.  Therefore '<tt>-foo true</tt>' is illegal.  To
   1297 get this behavior, you must use the <a
   1298 href="#cl::ValueRequired">cl::ValueRequired</a> modifier.</li>
   1300 <li><a name="cl::ValueRequired">The <b><tt>cl::ValueRequired</tt></b></a> modifier
   1301 (which is the default for all other types except for <a
   1302 href="#onealternative">unnamed alternatives using the generic parser</a>)
   1303 specifies that a value must be provided.  This mode informs the command line
   1304 library that if an option is not provides with an equal sign, that the next
   1305 argument provided must be the value.  This allows things like '<tt>-o
   1306 a.out</tt>' to work.</li>
   1308 <li><a name="cl::ValueDisallowed">The <b><tt>cl::ValueDisallowed</tt></b></a>
   1309 modifier (which is the default for <a href="#onealternative">unnamed
   1310 alternatives using the generic parser</a>) indicates that it is a runtime error
   1311 for the user to specify a value.  This can be provided to disallow users from
   1312 providing options to boolean options (like '<tt>-foo=true</tt>').</li>
   1314 </ul>
   1316 <p>In general, the default values for this option group work just like you would
   1317 want them to.  As mentioned above, you can specify the <a
   1318 href="#cl::ValueDisallowed">cl::ValueDisallowed</a> modifier to a boolean
   1319 argument to restrict your command line parser.  These options are mostly useful
   1320 when <a href="#extensionguide">extending the library</a>.</p>
   1322 </div>
   1324 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
   1325 <h4>
   1326   <a name="formatting">Controlling other formatting options</a>
   1327 </h4>
   1329 <div>
   1331 <p>The formatting option group is used to specify that the command line option
   1332 has special abilities and is otherwise different from other command line
   1333 arguments.  As usual, you can only specify one of these arguments at most.</p>
   1335 <ul>
   1337 <li><a name="cl::NormalFormatting">The <b><tt>cl::NormalFormatting</tt></b></a>
   1338 modifier (which is the default all options) specifies that this option is
   1339 "normal".</li>
   1341 <li><a name="cl::Positional">The <b><tt>cl::Positional</tt></b></a> modifier
   1342 specifies that this is a positional argument that does not have a command line
   1343 option associated with it.  See the <a href="#positional">Positional
   1344 Arguments</a> section for more information.</li>
   1346 <li>The <b><a href="#cl::ConsumeAfter"><tt>cl::ConsumeAfter</tt></a></b> modifier
   1347 specifies that this option is used to capture "interpreter style" arguments.  See <a href="#cl::ConsumeAfter">this section for more information</a>.</li>
   1349 <li><a name="cl::Prefix">The <b><tt>cl::Prefix</tt></b></a> modifier specifies
   1350 that this option prefixes its value.  With 'Prefix' options, the equal sign does
   1351 not separate the value from the option name specified. Instead, the value is
   1352 everything after the prefix, including any equal sign if present. This is useful
   1353 for processing odd arguments like <tt>-lmalloc</tt> and <tt>-L/usr/lib</tt> in a
   1354 linker tool or <tt>-DNAME=value</tt> in a compiler tool.   Here, the
   1355 '<tt>l</tt>', '<tt>D</tt>' and '<tt>L</tt>' options are normal string (or list)
   1356 options, that have the <b><tt><a href="#cl::Prefix">cl::Prefix</a></tt></b>
   1357 modifier added to allow the CommandLine library to recognize them.  Note that
   1358 <b><tt><a href="#cl::Prefix">cl::Prefix</a></tt></b> options must not have the
   1359 <b><tt><a href="#cl::ValueDisallowed">cl::ValueDisallowed</a></tt></b> modifier
   1360 specified.</li>
   1362 <li><a name="cl::Grouping">The <b><tt>cl::Grouping</tt></b></a> modifier is used
   1363 to implement Unix-style tools (like <tt>ls</tt>) that have lots of single letter
   1364 arguments, but only require a single dash.  For example, the '<tt>ls -labF</tt>'
   1365 command actually enables four different options, all of which are single
   1366 letters.  Note that <b><tt><a href="#cl::Grouping">cl::Grouping</a></tt></b>
   1367 options cannot have values.</li>
   1369 </ul>
   1371 <p>The CommandLine library does not restrict how you use the <b><tt><a
   1372 href="#cl::Prefix">cl::Prefix</a></tt></b> or <b><tt><a
   1373 href="#cl::Grouping">cl::Grouping</a></tt></b> modifiers, but it is possible to
   1374 specify ambiguous argument settings.  Thus, it is possible to have multiple
   1375 letter options that are prefix or grouping options, and they will still work as
   1376 designed.</p>
   1378 <p>To do this, the CommandLine library uses a greedy algorithm to parse the
   1379 input option into (potentially multiple) prefix and grouping options.  The
   1380 strategy basically looks like this:</p>
   1382 <div class="doc_code"><tt>parse(string OrigInput) {</tt>
   1384 <ol>
   1385 <li><tt>string input = OrigInput;</tt>
   1386 <li><tt>if (isOption(input)) return getOption(input).parse();</tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>// Normal option</i>
   1387 <li><tt>while (!isOption(input) &amp;&amp; !input.empty()) input.pop_back();</tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>// Remove the last letter</i>
   1388 <li><tt>if (input.empty()) return error();</tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>// No matching option</i>
   1389 <li><tt>if (getOption(input).isPrefix())<br>
   1390 &nbsp;&nbsp;return getOption(input).parse(input);</tt>
   1391 <li><tt>while (!input.empty()) {&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>// Must be grouping options</i><br>
   1392 &nbsp;&nbsp;getOption(input).parse();<br>
   1393 &nbsp;&nbsp;OrigInput.erase(OrigInput.begin(), OrigInput.begin()+input.length());<br>
   1394 &nbsp;&nbsp;input = OrigInput;<br>
   1395 &nbsp;&nbsp;while (!isOption(input) &amp;&amp; !input.empty()) input.pop_back();<br>
   1396 }</tt>
   1397 <li><tt>if (!OrigInput.empty()) error();</tt></li>
   1398 </ol>
   1400 <p><tt>}</tt></p>
   1401 </div>
   1403 </div>
   1405 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
   1406 <h4>
   1407   <a name="misc">Miscellaneous option modifiers</a>
   1408 </h4>
   1410 <div>
   1412 <p>The miscellaneous option modifiers are the only flags where you can specify
   1413 more than one flag from the set: they are not mutually exclusive.  These flags
   1414 specify boolean properties that modify the option.</p>
   1416 <ul>
   1418 <li><a name="cl::CommaSeparated">The <b><tt>cl::CommaSeparated</tt></b></a> modifier
   1419 indicates that any commas specified for an option's value should be used to
   1420 split the value up into multiple values for the option.  For example, these two
   1421 options are equivalent when <tt>cl::CommaSeparated</tt> is specified:
   1422 "<tt>-foo=a -foo=b -foo=c</tt>" and "<tt>-foo=a,b,c</tt>".  This option only
   1423 makes sense to be used in a case where the option is allowed to accept one or
   1424 more values (i.e. it is a <a href="#cl::list">cl::list</a> option).</li>
   1426 <li><a name="cl::PositionalEatsArgs">The
   1427 <b><tt>cl::PositionalEatsArgs</tt></b></a> modifier (which only applies to
   1428 positional arguments, and only makes sense for lists) indicates that positional
   1429 argument should consume any strings after it (including strings that start with
   1430 a "-") up until another recognized positional argument.  For example, if you
   1431 have two "eating" positional arguments, "<tt>pos1</tt>" and "<tt>pos2</tt>", the
   1432 string "<tt>-pos1 -foo -bar baz -pos2 -bork</tt>" would cause the "<tt>-foo -bar
   1433 -baz</tt>" strings to be applied to the "<tt>-pos1</tt>" option and the
   1434 "<tt>-bork</tt>" string to be applied to the "<tt>-pos2</tt>" option.</li>
   1436 <li><a name="cl::Sink">The <b><tt>cl::Sink</tt></b></a> modifier is
   1437 used to handle unknown options. If there is at least one option with
   1438 <tt>cl::Sink</tt> modifier specified, the parser passes
   1439 unrecognized option strings to it as values instead of signaling an
   1440 error. As with <tt>cl::CommaSeparated</tt>, this modifier
   1441 only makes sense with a <a href="#cl::list">cl::list</a> option.</li>
   1443 </ul>
   1445 <p>So far, these are the only three miscellaneous option modifiers.</p>
   1447 </div>
   1449 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
   1450 <h4>
   1451   <a name="response">Response files</a>
   1452 </h4>
   1454 <div>
   1456 <p>Some systems, such as certain variants of Microsoft Windows and
   1457 some older Unices have a relatively low limit on command-line
   1458 length. It is therefore customary to use the so-called 'response
   1459 files' to circumvent this restriction. These files are mentioned on
   1460 the command-line (using the "@file") syntax. The program reads these
   1461 files and inserts the contents into argv, thereby working around the
   1462 command-line length limits. Response files are enabled by an optional
   1463 fourth argument to
   1464 <a href="#cl::ParseEnvironmentOptions"><tt>cl::ParseEnvironmentOptions</tt></a>
   1465 and
   1466 <a href="#cl::ParseCommandLineOptions"><tt>cl::ParseCommandLineOptions</tt></a>.
   1467 </p>
   1469 </div>
   1471 </div>
   1473 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
   1474 <h3>
   1475   <a name="toplevel">Top-Level Classes and Functions</a>
   1476 </h3>
   1478 <div>
   1480 <p>Despite all of the built-in flexibility, the CommandLine option library
   1481 really only consists of one function (<a
   1482 href="#cl::ParseCommandLineOptions"><tt>cl::ParseCommandLineOptions</tt></a>)
   1483 and three main classes: <a href="#cl::opt"><tt>cl::opt</tt></a>, <a
   1484 href="#cl::list"><tt>cl::list</tt></a>, and <a
   1485 href="#cl::alias"><tt>cl::alias</tt></a>.  This section describes these three
   1486 classes in detail.</p>
   1488 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
   1489 <h4>
   1490   <a name="cl::ParseCommandLineOptions">The <tt>cl::ParseCommandLineOptions</tt>
   1491   function</a>
   1492 </h4>
   1494 <div>
   1496 <p>The <tt>cl::ParseCommandLineOptions</tt> function is designed to be called
   1497 directly from <tt>main</tt>, and is used to fill in the values of all of the
   1498 command line option variables once <tt>argc</tt> and <tt>argv</tt> are
   1499 available.</p>
   1501 <p>The <tt>cl::ParseCommandLineOptions</tt> function requires two parameters
   1502 (<tt>argc</tt> and <tt>argv</tt>), but may also take an optional third parameter
   1503 which holds <a href="#description">additional extra text</a> to emit when the
   1504 <tt>-help</tt> option is invoked, and a fourth boolean parameter that enables
   1505 <a href="#response">response files</a>.</p>
   1507 </div>
   1509 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
   1510 <h4>
   1511   <a name="cl::ParseEnvironmentOptions">The <tt>cl::ParseEnvironmentOptions</tt>
   1512   function</a>
   1513 </h4>
   1515 <div>
   1517 <p>The <tt>cl::ParseEnvironmentOptions</tt> function has mostly the same effects
   1518 as <a
   1519 href="#cl::ParseCommandLineOptions"><tt>cl::ParseCommandLineOptions</tt></a>,
   1520 except that it is designed to take values for options from an environment
   1521 variable, for those cases in which reading the command line is not convenient or
   1522 desired. It fills in the values of all the command line option variables just
   1523 like <a
   1524 href="#cl::ParseCommandLineOptions"><tt>cl::ParseCommandLineOptions</tt></a>
   1525 does.</p>
   1527 <p>It takes four parameters: the name of the program (since <tt>argv</tt> may
   1528 not be available, it can't just look in <tt>argv[0]</tt>), the name of the
   1529 environment variable to examine, the optional
   1530 <a href="#description">additional extra text</a> to emit when the
   1531 <tt>-help</tt> option is invoked, and the boolean
   1532 switch that controls whether <a href="#response">response files</a>
   1533 should be read.</p>
   1535 <p><tt>cl::ParseEnvironmentOptions</tt> will break the environment
   1536 variable's value up into words and then process them using
   1537 <a href="#cl::ParseCommandLineOptions"><tt>cl::ParseCommandLineOptions</tt></a>.
   1538 <b>Note:</b> Currently <tt>cl::ParseEnvironmentOptions</tt> does not support
   1539 quoting, so an environment variable containing <tt>-option "foo bar"</tt> will
   1540 be parsed as three words, <tt>-option</tt>, <tt>"foo</tt>, and <tt>bar"</tt>,
   1541 which is different from what you would get from the shell with the same
   1542 input.</p>
   1544 </div>
   1546 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
   1547 <h4>
   1548   <a name="cl::SetVersionPrinter">The <tt>cl::SetVersionPrinter</tt>
   1549   function</a>
   1550 </h4>
   1552 <div>
   1554 <p>The <tt>cl::SetVersionPrinter</tt> function is designed to be called
   1555 directly from <tt>main</tt> and <i>before</i>
   1556 <tt>cl::ParseCommandLineOptions</tt>. Its use is optional. It simply arranges
   1557 for a function to be called in response to the <tt>--version</tt> option instead
   1558 of having the <tt>CommandLine</tt> library print out the usual version string
   1559 for LLVM. This is useful for programs that are not part of LLVM but wish to use
   1560 the <tt>CommandLine</tt> facilities. Such programs should just define a small
   1561 function that takes no arguments and returns <tt>void</tt> and that prints out
   1562 whatever version information is appropriate for the program. Pass the address
   1563 of that function to <tt>cl::SetVersionPrinter</tt> to arrange for it to be
   1564 called when the <tt>--version</tt> option is given by the user.</p>
   1566 </div>
   1567 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
   1568 <h4>
   1569   <a name="cl::opt">The <tt>cl::opt</tt> class</a>
   1570 </h4>
   1572 <div>
   1574 <p>The <tt>cl::opt</tt> class is the class used to represent scalar command line
   1575 options, and is the one used most of the time.  It is a templated class which
   1576 can take up to three arguments (all except for the first have default values
   1577 though):</p>
   1579 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
   1580 <b>namespace</b> cl {
   1581   <b>template</b> &lt;<b>class</b> DataType, <b>bool</b> ExternalStorage = <b>false</b>,
   1582             <b>class</b> ParserClass = parser&lt;DataType&gt; &gt;
   1583   <b>class</b> opt;
   1584 }
   1585 </pre></div>
   1587 <p>The first template argument specifies what underlying data type the command
   1588 line argument is, and is used to select a default parser implementation.  The
   1589 second template argument is used to specify whether the option should contain
   1590 the storage for the option (the default) or whether external storage should be
   1591 used to contain the value parsed for the option (see <a href="#storage">Internal
   1592 vs External Storage</a> for more information).</p>
   1594 <p>The third template argument specifies which parser to use.  The default value
   1595 selects an instantiation of the <tt>parser</tt> class based on the underlying
   1596 data type of the option.  In general, this default works well for most
   1597 applications, so this option is only used when using a <a
   1598 href="#customparser">custom parser</a>.</p>
   1600 </div>
   1602 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
   1603 <h4>
   1604   <a name="cl::list">The <tt>cl::list</tt> class</a>
   1605 </h4>
   1607 <div>
   1609 <p>The <tt>cl::list</tt> class is the class used to represent a list of command
   1610 line options.  It too is a templated class which can take up to three
   1611 arguments:</p>
   1613 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
   1614 <b>namespace</b> cl {
   1615   <b>template</b> &lt;<b>class</b> DataType, <b>class</b> Storage = <b>bool</b>,
   1616             <b>class</b> ParserClass = parser&lt;DataType&gt; &gt;
   1617   <b>class</b> list;
   1618 }
   1619 </pre></div>
   1621 <p>This class works the exact same as the <a
   1622 href="#cl::opt"><tt>cl::opt</tt></a> class, except that the second argument is
   1623 the <b>type</b> of the external storage, not a boolean value.  For this class,
   1624 the marker type '<tt>bool</tt>' is used to indicate that internal storage should
   1625 be used.</p>
   1627 </div>
   1629 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
   1630 <h4>
   1631   <a name="cl::bits">The <tt>cl::bits</tt> class</a>
   1632 </h4>
   1634 <div>
   1636 <p>The <tt>cl::bits</tt> class is the class used to represent a list of command
   1637 line options in the form of a bit vector.  It is also a templated class which
   1638 can take up to three arguments:</p>
   1640 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
   1641 <b>namespace</b> cl {
   1642   <b>template</b> &lt;<b>class</b> DataType, <b>class</b> Storage = <b>bool</b>,
   1643             <b>class</b> ParserClass = parser&lt;DataType&gt; &gt;
   1644   <b>class</b> bits;
   1645 }
   1646 </pre></div>
   1648 <p>This class works the exact same as the <a
   1649 href="#cl::opt"><tt>cl::lists</tt></a> class, except that the second argument
   1650 must be of <b>type</b> <tt>unsigned</tt> if external storage is used.</p>
   1652 </div>
   1654 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
   1655 <h4>
   1656   <a name="cl::alias">The <tt>cl::alias</tt> class</a>
   1657 </h4>
   1659 <div>
   1661 <p>The <tt>cl::alias</tt> class is a nontemplated class that is used to form
   1662 aliases for other arguments.</p>
   1664 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
   1665 <b>namespace</b> cl {
   1666   <b>class</b> alias;
   1667 }
   1668 </pre></div>
   1670 <p>The <a href="#cl::aliasopt"><tt>cl::aliasopt</tt></a> attribute should be
   1671 used to specify which option this is an alias for.  Alias arguments default to
   1672 being <a href="#cl::Hidden">Hidden</a>, and use the aliased options parser to do
   1673 the conversion from string to data.</p>
   1675 </div>
   1677 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
   1678 <h4>
   1679   <a name="cl::extrahelp">The <tt>cl::extrahelp</tt> class</a>
   1680 </h4>
   1682 <div>
   1684 <p>The <tt>cl::extrahelp</tt> class is a nontemplated class that allows extra
   1685 help text to be printed out for the <tt>-help</tt> option.</p>
   1687 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
   1688 <b>namespace</b> cl {
   1689   <b>struct</b> extrahelp;
   1690 }
   1691 </pre></div>
   1693 <p>To use the extrahelp, simply construct one with a <tt>const char*</tt>
   1694 parameter to the constructor. The text passed to the constructor will be printed
   1695 at the bottom of the help message, verbatim. Note that multiple
   1696 <tt>cl::extrahelp</tt> <b>can</b> be used, but this practice is discouraged. If
   1697 your tool needs to print additional help information, put all that help into a
   1698 single <tt>cl::extrahelp</tt> instance.</p>
   1699 <p>For example:</p>
   1700 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
   1701   cl::extrahelp("\nADDITIONAL HELP:\n\n  This is the extra help\n");
   1702 </pre></div>
   1703 </div>
   1705 </div>
   1707 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
   1708 <h3>
   1709   <a name="builtinparsers">Builtin parsers</a>
   1710 </h3>
   1712 <div>
   1714 <p>Parsers control how the string value taken from the command line is
   1715 translated into a typed value, suitable for use in a C++ program.  By default,
   1716 the CommandLine library uses an instance of <tt>parser&lt;type&gt;</tt> if the
   1717 command line option specifies that it uses values of type '<tt>type</tt>'.
   1718 Because of this, custom option processing is specified with specializations of
   1719 the '<tt>parser</tt>' class.</p>
   1721 <p>The CommandLine library provides the following builtin parser
   1722 specializations, which are sufficient for most applications. It can, however,
   1723 also be extended to work with new data types and new ways of interpreting the
   1724 same data.  See the <a href="#customparser">Writing a Custom Parser</a> for more
   1725 details on this type of library extension.</p>
   1727 <ul>
   1729 <li><a name="genericparser">The <b>generic <tt>parser&lt;t&gt;</tt> parser</b></a>
   1730 can be used to map strings values to any data type, through the use of the <a
   1731 href="#cl::values">cl::values</a> property, which specifies the mapping
   1732 information.  The most common use of this parser is for parsing enum values,
   1733 which allows you to use the CommandLine library for all of the error checking to
   1734 make sure that only valid enum values are specified (as opposed to accepting
   1735 arbitrary strings).  Despite this, however, the generic parser class can be used
   1736 for any data type.</li>
   1738 <li><a name="boolparser">The <b><tt>parser&lt;bool&gt;</tt> specialization</b></a>
   1739 is used to convert boolean strings to a boolean value.  Currently accepted
   1740 strings are "<tt>true</tt>", "<tt>TRUE</tt>", "<tt>True</tt>", "<tt>1</tt>",
   1741 "<tt>false</tt>", "<tt>FALSE</tt>", "<tt>False</tt>", and "<tt>0</tt>".</li>
   1743 <li><a name="boolOrDefaultparser">The <b><tt>parser&lt;boolOrDefault&gt;</tt>
   1744  specialization</b></a> is used for cases where the value is boolean,
   1745 but we also need to know whether the option was specified at all.  boolOrDefault
   1746 is an enum with 3 values, BOU_UNSET, BOU_TRUE and BOU_FALSE.  This parser accepts
   1747 the same strings as <b><tt>parser&lt;bool&gt;</tt></b>.</li>
   1749 <li><a name="stringparser">The <b><tt>parser&lt;string&gt;</tt>
   1750 specialization</b></a> simply stores the parsed string into the string value
   1751 specified.  No conversion or modification of the data is performed.</li>
   1753 <li><a name="intparser">The <b><tt>parser&lt;int&gt;</tt> specialization</b></a>
   1754 uses the C <tt>strtol</tt> function to parse the string input.  As such, it will
   1755 accept a decimal number (with an optional '+' or '-' prefix) which must start
   1756 with a non-zero digit.  It accepts octal numbers, which are identified with a
   1757 '<tt>0</tt>' prefix digit, and hexadecimal numbers with a prefix of
   1758 '<tt>0x</tt>' or '<tt>0X</tt>'.</li>
   1760 <li><a name="doubleparser">The <b><tt>parser&lt;double&gt;</tt></b></a> and
   1761 <b><tt>parser&lt;float&gt;</tt> specializations</b> use the standard C
   1762 <tt>strtod</tt> function to convert floating point strings into floating point
   1763 values.  As such, a broad range of string formats is supported, including
   1764 exponential notation (ex: <tt>1.7e15</tt>) and properly supports locales.
   1765 </li>
   1767 </ul>
   1769 </div>
   1771 </div>
   1773 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
   1774 <h2>
   1775   <a name="extensionguide">Extension Guide</a>
   1776 </h2>
   1777 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
   1779 <div>
   1781 <p>Although the CommandLine library has a lot of functionality built into it
   1782 already (as discussed previously), one of its true strengths lie in its
   1783 extensibility.  This section discusses how the CommandLine library works under
   1784 the covers and illustrates how to do some simple, common, extensions.</p>
   1786 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
   1787 <h3>
   1788   <a name="customparser">Writing a custom parser</a>
   1789 </h3>
   1791 <div>
   1793 <p>One of the simplest and most common extensions is the use of a custom parser.
   1794 As <a href="#builtinparsers">discussed previously</a>, parsers are the portion
   1795 of the CommandLine library that turns string input from the user into a
   1796 particular parsed data type, validating the input in the process.</p>
   1798 <p>There are two ways to use a new parser:</p>
   1800 <ol>
   1802 <li>
   1804 <p>Specialize the <a href="#genericparser"><tt>cl::parser</tt></a> template for
   1805 your custom data type.<p>
   1807 <p>This approach has the advantage that users of your custom data type will
   1808 automatically use your custom parser whenever they define an option with a value
   1809 type of your data type.  The disadvantage of this approach is that it doesn't
   1810 work if your fundamental data type is something that is already supported.</p>
   1812 </li>
   1814 <li>
   1816 <p>Write an independent class, using it explicitly from options that need
   1817 it.</p>
   1819 <p>This approach works well in situations where you would line to parse an
   1820 option using special syntax for a not-very-special data-type.  The drawback of
   1821 this approach is that users of your parser have to be aware that they are using
   1822 your parser instead of the builtin ones.</p>
   1824 </li>
   1826 </ol>
   1828 <p>To guide the discussion, we will discuss a custom parser that accepts file
   1829 sizes, specified with an optional unit after the numeric size.  For example, we
   1830 would like to parse "102kb", "41M", "1G" into the appropriate integer value.  In
   1831 this case, the underlying data type we want to parse into is
   1832 '<tt>unsigned</tt>'.  We choose approach #2 above because we don't want to make
   1833 this the default for all <tt>unsigned</tt> options.</p>
   1835 <p>To start out, we declare our new <tt>FileSizeParser</tt> class:</p>
   1837 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
   1838 <b>struct</b> FileSizeParser : <b>public</b> cl::basic_parser&lt;<b>unsigned</b>&gt; {
   1839   <i>// parse - Return true on error.</i>
   1840   <b>bool</b> parse(cl::Option &amp;O, <b>const char</b> *ArgName, <b>const</b> std::string &amp;ArgValue,
   1841              <b>unsigned</b> &amp;Val);
   1842 };
   1843 </pre></div>
   1845 <p>Our new class inherits from the <tt>cl::basic_parser</tt> template class to
   1846 fill in the default, boiler plate code for us.  We give it the data type that
   1847 we parse into, the last argument to the <tt>parse</tt> method, so that clients of
   1848 our custom parser know what object type to pass in to the parse method.  (Here we
   1849 declare that we parse into '<tt>unsigned</tt>' variables.)</p>
   1851 <p>For most purposes, the only method that must be implemented in a custom
   1852 parser is the <tt>parse</tt> method.  The <tt>parse</tt> method is called
   1853 whenever the option is invoked, passing in the option itself, the option name,
   1854 the string to parse, and a reference to a return value.  If the string to parse
   1855 is not well-formed, the parser should output an error message and return true.
   1856 Otherwise it should return false and set '<tt>Val</tt>' to the parsed value.  In
   1857 our example, we implement <tt>parse</tt> as:</p>
   1859 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
   1860 <b>bool</b> FileSizeParser::parse(cl::Option &amp;O, <b>const char</b> *ArgName,
   1861                            <b>const</b> std::string &amp;Arg, <b>unsigned</b> &amp;Val) {
   1862   <b>const char</b> *ArgStart = Arg.c_str();
   1863   <b>char</b> *End;
   1865   <i>// Parse integer part, leaving 'End' pointing to the first non-integer char</i>
   1866   Val = (unsigned)strtol(ArgStart, &amp;End, 0);
   1868   <b>while</b> (1) {
   1869     <b>switch</b> (*End++) {
   1870     <b>case</b> 0: <b>return</b> false;   <i>// No error</i>
   1871     <b>case</b> 'i':               <i>// Ignore the 'i' in KiB if people use that</i>
   1872     <b>case</b> 'b': <b>case</b> 'B':     <i>// Ignore B suffix</i>
   1873       <b>break</b>;
   1875     <b>case</b> 'g': <b>case</b> 'G': Val *= 1024*1024*1024; <b>break</b>;
   1876     <b>case</b> 'm': <b>case</b> 'M': Val *= 1024*1024;      <b>break</b>;
   1877     <b>case</b> 'k': <b>case</b> 'K': Val *= 1024;           <b>break</b>;
   1879     default:
   1880       <i>// Print an error message if unrecognized character!</i>
   1881       <b>return</b> O.error("'" + Arg + "' value invalid for file size argument!");
   1882     }
   1883   }
   1884 }
   1885 </pre></div>
   1887 <p>This function implements a very simple parser for the kinds of strings we are
   1888 interested in.  Although it has some holes (it allows "<tt>123KKK</tt>" for
   1889 example), it is good enough for this example.  Note that we use the option
   1890 itself to print out the error message (the <tt>error</tt> method always returns
   1891 true) in order to get a nice error message (shown below).  Now that we have our
   1892 parser class, we can use it like this:</p>
   1894 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
   1895 <b>static</b> <a href="#cl::opt">cl::opt</a>&lt;<b>unsigned</b>, <b>false</b>, FileSizeParser&gt;
   1896 MFS(<i>"max-file-size"</i>, <a href="#cl::desc">cl::desc</a>(<i>"Maximum file size to accept"</i>),
   1897     <a href="#cl::value_desc">cl::value_desc</a>("<i>size</i>"));
   1898 </pre></div>
   1900 <p>Which adds this to the output of our program:</p>
   1902 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
   1903 OPTIONS:
   1904   -help                 - display available options (-help-hidden for more)
   1905   ...
   1906   <b>-max-file-size=&lt;size&gt; - Maximum file size to accept</b>
   1907 </pre></div>
   1909 <p>And we can test that our parse works correctly now (the test program just
   1910 prints out the max-file-size argument value):</p>
   1912 <div class="doc_code"><pre>
   1913 $ ./test
   1914 MFS: 0
   1915 $ ./test -max-file-size=123MB
   1916 MFS: 128974848
   1917 $ ./test -max-file-size=3G
   1918 MFS: 3221225472
   1919 $ ./test -max-file-size=dog
   1920 -max-file-size option: 'dog' value invalid for file size argument!
   1921 </pre></div>
   1923 <p>It looks like it works.  The error message that we get is nice and helpful,
   1924 and we seem to accept reasonable file sizes.  This wraps up the "custom parser"
   1925 tutorial.</p>
   1927 </div>
   1929 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
   1930 <h3>
   1931   <a name="explotingexternal">Exploiting external storage</a>
   1932 </h3>
   1934 <div>
   1935   <p>Several of the LLVM libraries define static <tt>cl::opt</tt> instances that
   1936   will automatically be included in any program that links with that library.
   1937   This is a feature. However, sometimes it is necessary to know the value of the
   1938   command line option outside of the library. In these cases the library does or
   1939   should provide an external storage location that is accessible to users of the
   1940   library. Examples of this include the <tt>llvm::DebugFlag</tt> exported by the
   1941   <tt>lib/Support/Debug.cpp</tt> file and the <tt>llvm::TimePassesIsEnabled</tt>
   1942   flag exported by the <tt>lib/VMCore/Pass.cpp</tt> file.</p>
   1944 <p>TODO: complete this section</p>
   1946 </div>
   1948 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
   1949 <h3>
   1950   <a name="dynamicopts">Dynamically adding command line options</a>
   1951 </h3>
   1953 <div>
   1955 <p>TODO: fill in this section</p>
   1957 </div>
   1959 </div>
   1961 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
   1963 <hr>
   1964 <address>
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   1970   <a href="mailto:sabre (a] nondot.org">Chris Lattner</a><br>
   1971   <a href="http://llvm.org/">LLVM Compiler Infrastructure</a><br>
   1972   Last modified: $Date: 2011-04-22 20:30:22 -0400 (Fri, 22 Apr 2011) $
   1973 </address>
   1975 </body>
   1976 </html>