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      1 // Copyright (c) 2017 Google Inc.
      2 //
      3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 //
      7 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 //
      9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 // limitations under the License.
     18 #include <unordered_map>
     19 #include <unordered_set>
     20 #include <vector>
     22 #include "source/opt/basic_block.h"
     23 #include "source/opt/function.h"
     24 #include "source/opt/mem_pass.h"
     26 namespace spvtools {
     27 namespace opt {
     29 /*******************************************************************************
     30  *
     31  * Handling Structured Control Flow:
     32  *
     33  * Structured control flow guarantees that the CFG will converge at a given
     34  * point (the merge block). Within structured control flow, all blocks must be
     35  * post-dominated by the merge block, except return blocks and break blocks.
     36  * A break block is a block that branches to the innermost loop's merge block.
     37  *
     38  * Beyond this, we further assume that all unreachable blocks have been
     39  * cleaned up.  This means that the only unreachable blocks are those necessary
     40  * for valid structured control flow.
     41  *
     42  * Algorithm:
     43  *
     44  * If a return is encountered, it should record that: i) the function has
     45  * "returned" and ii) the value of the return. The return should be replaced
     46  * with a branch. If current block is not within structured control flow, this
     47  * is the final return. This block should branch to the new return block (its
     48  * direct successor). If the current block is within structured control flow,
     49  * the branch destination should be the innermost loop's merge.  This loop will
     50  * always exist because a dummy loop is added around the entire function.
     51  * If the merge block produces any live values it will need to be predicated.
     52  * While the merge is nested in structured control flow, the predication path
     53  *should branch to the merge block of the inner-most loop it is contained in.
     54  *Once structured control flow has been exited, it will be at the merge of the
     55  *dummy loop, with will simply return.
     56  *
     57  * In the final return block, the return value should be loaded and returned.
     58  * Memory promotion passes should be able to promote the newly introduced
     59  * variables ("has returned" and "return value").
     60  *
     61  * Predicating the Final Merge:
     62  *
     63  * At each merge block predication needs to be introduced (optimization: only if
     64  * that block produces value live beyond it). This needs to be done carefully.
     65  * The merge block should be split into multiple blocks.
     66  *
     67  *          1 (loop header)
     68  *        /   \
     69  * (ret) 2     3 (merge)
     70  *
     71  *         ||
     72  *         \/
     73  *
     74  *          0 (dummy loop header)
     75  *          |
     76  *          1 (loop header)
     77  *         / \
     78  *        2  | (merge)
     79  *        \ /
     80  *         3' (merge)
     81  *        / \
     82  *        |  3 (original code in 3)
     83  *        \ /
     84  *   (ret) 4 (dummy loop merge)
     85  *
     86  * In the above (simple) example, the return originally in |2| is passed through
     87  * the merge. That merge is predicated such that the old body of the block is
     88  * the else branch. The branch condition is based on the value of the "has
     89  * returned" variable.
     90  *
     91  ******************************************************************************/
     93 // Documented in optimizer.hpp
     94 class MergeReturnPass : public MemPass {
     95  public:
     96   MergeReturnPass()
     97       : function_(nullptr),
     98         return_flag_(nullptr),
     99         return_value_(nullptr),
    100         constant_true_(nullptr),
    101         final_return_block_(nullptr) {}
    103   const char* name() const override { return "merge-return"; }
    104   Status Process() override;
    106   IRContext::Analysis GetPreservedAnalyses() override {
    107     return IRContext::kAnalysisConstants | IRContext::kAnalysisTypes;
    108   }
    110  private:
    111   // This class is used to store the a loop merge instruction and a selection
    112   // merge instruction.  The intended use is that is represent the inner most
    113   // contain selection construct and the inner most loop construct.
    114   class StructuredControlState {
    115    public:
    116     StructuredControlState(Instruction* loop, Instruction* merge)
    117         : loop_merge_(loop), current_merge_(merge) {}
    119     StructuredControlState(const StructuredControlState&) = default;
    121     bool InLoop() const { return loop_merge_; }
    122     bool InStructuredFlow() const { return CurrentMergeId() != 0; }
    124     uint32_t CurrentMergeId() const {
    125       return current_merge_ ? current_merge_->GetSingleWordInOperand(0u) : 0u;
    126     }
    128     uint32_t CurrentMergeHeader() const {
    129       return current_merge_ ? current_merge_->context()
    130                                   ->get_instr_block(current_merge_)
    131                                   ->id()
    132                             : 0;
    133     }
    135     uint32_t LoopMergeId() const {
    136       return loop_merge_ ? loop_merge_->GetSingleWordInOperand(0u) : 0u;
    137     }
    139     uint32_t CurrentLoopHeader() const {
    140       return loop_merge_
    141                  ? loop_merge_->context()->get_instr_block(loop_merge_)->id()
    142                  : 0;
    143     }
    145     Instruction* LoopMergeInst() const { return loop_merge_; }
    147    private:
    148     Instruction* loop_merge_;
    149     Instruction* current_merge_;
    150   };
    152   // Returns all BasicBlocks terminated by OpReturn or OpReturnValue in
    153   // |function|.
    154   std::vector<BasicBlock*> CollectReturnBlocks(Function* function);
    156   // Creates a new basic block with a single return. If |function| returns a
    157   // value, a phi node is created to select the correct value to return.
    158   // Replaces old returns with an unconditional branch to the new block.
    159   void MergeReturnBlocks(Function* function,
    160                          const std::vector<BasicBlock*>& returnBlocks);
    162   // Merges the return instruction in |function| so that it has a single return
    163   // statement.  It is assumed that |function| has structured control flow, and
    164   // that |return_blocks| is a list of all of the basic blocks in |function|
    165   // that have a return.
    166   bool ProcessStructured(Function* function,
    167                          const std::vector<BasicBlock*>& return_blocks);
    169   // Changes an OpReturn* or OpUnreachable instruction at the end of |block|
    170   // into a store to |return_flag_|, a store to |return_value_| (if necessary),
    171   // and a branch to the appropriate merge block.
    172   //
    173   // Is is assumed that |AddReturnValue| have already been called to created the
    174   // variable to store a return value if there is one.
    175   //
    176   // Note this will break the semantics.  To fix this, PredicateBlock will have
    177   // to be called on the merge block the branch targets.
    178   void ProcessStructuredBlock(BasicBlock* block);
    180   // Creates a variable used to store whether or not the control flow has
    181   // traversed a block that used to have a return.  A pointer to the instruction
    182   // declaring the variable is stored in |return_flag_|.
    183   void AddReturnFlag();
    185   // Creates the variable used to store the return value when passing through
    186   // a block that use to contain an OpReturnValue.
    187   void AddReturnValue();
    189   // Adds a store that stores true to |return_flag_| immediately before the
    190   // terminator of |block|. It is assumed that |AddReturnFlag| has already been
    191   // called.
    192   void RecordReturned(BasicBlock* block);
    194   // Adds an instruction that stores the value being returned in the
    195   // OpReturnValue in |block|.  The value is stored to |return_value_|, and the
    196   // store is placed before the OpReturnValue.
    197   //
    198   // If |block| does not contain an OpReturnValue, then this function has no
    199   // effect. If |block| contains an OpReturnValue, then |AddReturnValue| must
    200   // have already been called to create the variable to store to.
    201   void RecordReturnValue(BasicBlock* block);
    203   // Adds an unconditional branch in |block| that branches to |target|.  It also
    204   // adds stores to |return_flag_| and |return_value_| as needed.
    205   // |AddReturnFlag| and |AddReturnValue| must have already been called.
    206   void BranchToBlock(BasicBlock* block, uint32_t target);
    208   // For every basic block that is reachable from |return_block|, extra code is
    209   // added to jump around any code that should not be executed because the
    210   // original code would have already returned. This involves adding new
    211   // selections constructs to jump around these instructions.
    212   //
    213   // If new blocks that are created will be added to |order|.  This way a call
    214   // can traverse these new block in structured order.
    215   //
    216   // Returns true if successful.
    217   bool PredicateBlocks(BasicBlock* return_block,
    218                        std::unordered_set<BasicBlock*>* pSet,
    219                        std::list<BasicBlock*>* order);
    221   // Add a conditional branch at the start of |block| that either jumps to
    222   // the merge block of |loop_merge_inst| or the original code in |block|
    223   // depending on the value in |return_flag_|.  The continue target in
    224   // |loop_merge_inst| will be updated if needed.
    225   //
    226   // If new blocks that are created will be added to |order|.  This way a call
    227   // can traverse these new block in structured order.
    228   //
    229   // Returns true if successful.
    230   bool BreakFromConstruct(BasicBlock* block,
    231                           std::unordered_set<BasicBlock*>* predicated,
    232                           std::list<BasicBlock*>* order,
    233                           Instruction* loop_merge_inst);
    235   // Add an |OpReturn| or |OpReturnValue| to the end of |block|.  If an
    236   // |OpReturnValue| is needed, the return value is loaded from |return_value_|.
    237   void CreateReturn(BasicBlock* block);
    239   // Creates a block at the end of the function that will become the single
    240   // return block at the end of the pass.
    241   void CreateReturnBlock();
    243   // Creates a Phi node in |merge_block| for the result of |inst| coming from
    244   // |predecessor|.  Any uses of the result of |inst| that are no longer
    245   // dominated by |inst|, are replaced with the result of the new |OpPhi|
    246   // instruction.
    247   void CreatePhiNodesForInst(BasicBlock* merge_block, uint32_t predecessor,
    248                              Instruction& inst);
    250   // Traverse the nodes in |new_merge_nodes_|, and adds the OpPhi instructions
    251   // that are needed to make the code correct.  It is assumed that at this point
    252   // there are no unreachable blocks in the control flow graph.
    253   void AddNewPhiNodes();
    255   // Creates any new phi nodes that are needed in |bb| now that |pred| is no
    256   // longer the only block that preceedes |bb|.  |header_id| is the id of the
    257   // basic block for the loop or selection construct that merges at |bb|.
    258   void AddNewPhiNodes(BasicBlock* bb, BasicBlock* pred, uint32_t header_id);
    260   // Saves |block| to a list of basic block that will require OpPhi nodes to be
    261   // added by calling |AddNewPhiNodes|.  It is assumed that |block| used to have
    262   // a single predecessor, |single_original_pred|, but now has more.
    263   void MarkForNewPhiNodes(BasicBlock* block, BasicBlock* single_original_pred);
    265   // Return the original single predcessor of |block| if it was flagged as
    266   // having a single predecessor.  |nullptr| is returned otherwise.
    267   BasicBlock* MarkedSinglePred(BasicBlock* block) {
    268     auto it = new_merge_nodes_.find(block);
    269     if (it != new_merge_nodes_.end()) {
    270       return it->second;
    271     } else {
    272       return nullptr;
    273     }
    274   }
    276   // Modifies existing OpPhi instruction in |target| block to account for the
    277   // new edge from |new_source|.  The value for that edge will be an Undef. If
    278   // |target| only had a single predecessor, then it is marked as needing new
    279   // phi nodes.  See |MarkForNewPhiNodes|.
    280   //
    281   // The CFG must not include the edge from |new_source| to |target| yet.
    282   void UpdatePhiNodes(BasicBlock* new_source, BasicBlock* target);
    284   StructuredControlState& CurrentState() { return state_.back(); }
    286   // Inserts |new_element| into |list| after the first occurrence of |element|.
    287   // |element| must be in |list| at least once.
    288   void InsertAfterElement(BasicBlock* element, BasicBlock* new_element,
    289                           std::list<BasicBlock*>* list);
    291   // Creates a single iteration loop around all of the exectuable code of the
    292   // current function and returns after the loop is done. Sets
    293   // |final_return_block_|.
    294   void AddDummyLoopAroundFunction();
    296   // Creates a new basic block that branches to |header_label_id|.  Returns the
    297   // new basic block.  The block will be the second last basic block in the
    298   // function.
    299   BasicBlock* CreateContinueTarget(uint32_t header_label_id);
    301   // Creates a loop around the executable code of the function with
    302   // |merge_target| as the merge node.
    303   void CreateDummyLoop(BasicBlock* merge_target);
    305   // A stack used to keep track of the innermost contain loop and selection
    306   // constructs.
    307   std::vector<StructuredControlState> state_;
    309   // The current function being transformed.
    310   Function* function_;
    312   // The |OpVariable| instruction defining a boolean variable used to keep track
    313   // of whether or not the function is trying to return.
    314   Instruction* return_flag_;
    316   // The |OpVariable| instruction defining a variabled to used to keep track of
    317   // the value that was returned when passing through a block that use to
    318   // contain an |OpReturnValue|.
    319   Instruction* return_value_;
    321   // The instruction defining the boolean constant true.
    322   Instruction* constant_true_;
    324   // The basic block that is suppose to become the contain the only return value
    325   // after processing the current function.
    326   BasicBlock* final_return_block_;
    328   // This map contains the set of nodes that use to have a single predcessor,
    329   // but now have more.  They will need new OpPhi nodes.  For each of the nodes,
    330   // it is mapped to it original single predcessor.  It is assumed there are no
    331   // values that will need a phi on the new edges.
    332   std::unordered_map<BasicBlock*, BasicBlock*> new_merge_nodes_;
    333   bool HasNontrivialUnreachableBlocks(Function* function);
    334 };
    336 }  // namespace opt
    337 }  // namespace spvtools
    339 #endif  // SOURCE_OPT_MERGE_RETURN_PASS_H_