1 # CMake build rules for the OCaml language. 2 # Assumes FindOCaml is used. 3 # http://ocaml.org/ 4 # 5 # Example usage: 6 # 7 # add_ocaml_library(pkg_a OCAML mod_a OCAMLDEP pkg_b C mod_a_stubs PKG ctypes LLVM core) 8 # 9 # Unnamed parameters: 10 # 11 # * Library name. 12 # 13 # Named parameters: 14 # 15 # OCAML OCaml module names. Imply presence of a corresponding .ml and .mli files. 16 # OCAMLDEP Names of libraries this library depends on. 17 # C C stub sources. Imply presence of a corresponding .c file. 18 # CFLAGS Additional arguments passed when compiling C stubs. 19 # PKG Names of ocamlfind packages this library depends on. 20 # LLVM Names of LLVM libraries this library depends on. 21 # NOCOPY Do not automatically copy sources (.c, .ml, .mli) from the source directory, 22 # e.g. if they are generated. 23 # 24 25 function(add_ocaml_library name) 26 CMAKE_PARSE_ARGUMENTS(ARG "NOCOPY" "" "OCAML;OCAMLDEP;C;CFLAGS;PKG;LLVM" ${ARGN}) 27 28 set(src ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) 29 set(bin ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) 30 31 set(ocaml_pkgs) 32 foreach( ocaml_pkg ${ARG_PKG} ) 33 list(APPEND ocaml_pkgs "-package" "${ocaml_pkg}") 34 endforeach() 35 36 set(sources) 37 38 set(ocaml_inputs) 39 40 set(ocaml_outputs "${bin}/${name}.cma") 41 if( ARG_C ) 42 list(APPEND ocaml_outputs 43 "${bin}/lib${name}${CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}") 44 if ( BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ) 45 list(APPEND ocaml_outputs 46 "${bin}/dll${name}${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}") 47 endif() 48 endif() 49 if( HAVE_OCAMLOPT ) 50 list(APPEND ocaml_outputs 51 "${bin}/${name}.cmxa" 52 "${bin}/${name}${CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}") 53 endif() 54 55 set(ocaml_flags "-lstdc++" "-ldopt" "-L${LLVM_LIBRARY_DIR}" 56 "-ccopt" "-L\\$CAMLORIGIN/../.." 57 "-ccopt" "-Wl,-rpath,\\$CAMLORIGIN/../.." 58 ${ocaml_pkgs}) 59 60 foreach( ocaml_dep ${ARG_OCAMLDEP} ) 61 get_target_property(dep_ocaml_flags "ocaml_${ocaml_dep}" OCAML_FLAGS) 62 list(APPEND ocaml_flags ${dep_ocaml_flags}) 63 endforeach() 64 65 if( NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ) 66 list(APPEND ocaml_flags "-custom") 67 endif() 68 69 explicit_map_components_to_libraries(llvm_libs ${ARG_LLVM}) 70 foreach( llvm_lib ${llvm_libs} ) 71 list(APPEND ocaml_flags "-l${llvm_lib}" ) 72 endforeach() 73 74 get_property(system_libs TARGET LLVMSupport PROPERTY LLVM_SYSTEM_LIBS) 75 foreach(system_lib ${system_libs}) 76 if (system_lib MATCHES "^-") 77 # If it's an option, pass it without changes. 78 list(APPEND ocaml_flags "${system_lib}" ) 79 else() 80 # Otherwise assume it's a library name we need to link with. 81 list(APPEND ocaml_flags "-l${system_lib}" ) 82 endif() 83 endforeach() 84 85 string(REPLACE ";" " " ARG_CFLAGS "${ARG_CFLAGS}") 86 set(c_flags "${ARG_CFLAGS} ${LLVM_DEFINITIONS}") 87 foreach( include_dir ${LLVM_INCLUDE_DIR} ${LLVM_MAIN_INCLUDE_DIR} ) 88 set(c_flags "${c_flags} -I${include_dir}") 89 endforeach() 90 # include -D/-UNDEBUG to match dump function visibility 91 # regex from HandleLLVMOptions.cmake 92 string(REGEX MATCH "(^| )[/-][UD] *NDEBUG($| )" flag_matches 93 "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_${uppercase_CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}} ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") 94 set(c_flags "${c_flags} ${flag_matches}") 95 96 foreach( ocaml_file ${ARG_OCAML} ) 97 list(APPEND sources "${ocaml_file}.mli" "${ocaml_file}.ml") 98 99 list(APPEND ocaml_inputs "${bin}/${ocaml_file}.mli" "${bin}/${ocaml_file}.ml") 100 101 list(APPEND ocaml_outputs "${bin}/${ocaml_file}.cmi" "${bin}/${ocaml_file}.cmo") 102 if( HAVE_OCAMLOPT ) 103 list(APPEND ocaml_outputs 104 "${bin}/${ocaml_file}.cmx" 105 "${bin}/${ocaml_file}${CMAKE_C_OUTPUT_EXTENSION}") 106 endif() 107 endforeach() 108 109 foreach( c_file ${ARG_C} ) 110 list(APPEND sources "${c_file}.c") 111 112 list(APPEND c_inputs "${bin}/${c_file}.c") 113 list(APPEND c_outputs "${bin}/${c_file}${CMAKE_C_OUTPUT_EXTENSION}") 114 endforeach() 115 116 if( NOT ARG_NOCOPY ) 117 foreach( source ${sources} ) 118 add_custom_command( 119 OUTPUT "${bin}/${source}" 120 COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" "-E" "copy" "${src}/${source}" "${bin}" 121 DEPENDS "${src}/${source}" 122 COMMENT "Copying ${source} to build area") 123 endforeach() 124 endif() 125 126 foreach( c_input ${c_inputs} ) 127 get_filename_component(basename "${c_input}" NAME_WE) 128 add_custom_command( 129 OUTPUT "${basename}${CMAKE_C_OUTPUT_EXTENSION}" 130 COMMAND "${OCAMLFIND}" "ocamlc" "-c" "${c_input}" -ccopt ${c_flags} 131 DEPENDS "${c_input}" 132 COMMENT "Building OCaml stub object file ${basename}${CMAKE_C_OUTPUT_EXTENSION}" 133 VERBATIM) 134 endforeach() 135 136 set(ocaml_params) 137 foreach( ocaml_input ${ocaml_inputs} ${c_outputs}) 138 get_filename_component(filename "${ocaml_input}" NAME) 139 list(APPEND ocaml_params "${filename}") 140 endforeach() 141 142 if( APPLE ) 143 set(ocaml_rpath "@executable_path/../../../lib${LLVM_LIBDIR_SUFFIX}") 144 elseif( UNIX ) 145 set(ocaml_rpath "\\$ORIGIN/../../../lib${LLVM_LIBDIR_SUFFIX}") 146 endif() 147 list(APPEND ocaml_flags "-ldopt" "-Wl,-rpath,${ocaml_rpath}") 148 149 add_custom_command( 150 OUTPUT ${ocaml_outputs} 151 COMMAND "${OCAMLFIND}" "ocamlmklib" "-o" "${name}" ${ocaml_flags} ${ocaml_params} 152 DEPENDS ${ocaml_inputs} ${c_outputs} 153 COMMENT "Building OCaml library ${name}" 154 VERBATIM) 155 156 add_custom_command( 157 OUTPUT "${bin}/${name}.odoc" 158 COMMAND "${OCAMLFIND}" "ocamldoc" 159 "-I" "${bin}" 160 "-I" "${LLVM_LIBRARY_DIR}/ocaml/llvm/" 161 "-dump" "${bin}/${name}.odoc" 162 ${ocaml_pkgs} ${ocaml_inputs} 163 DEPENDS ${ocaml_inputs} ${ocaml_outputs} 164 COMMENT "Building OCaml documentation for ${name}" 165 VERBATIM) 166 167 add_custom_target("ocaml_${name}" ALL DEPENDS ${ocaml_outputs} "${bin}/${name}.odoc") 168 169 set_target_properties("ocaml_${name}" PROPERTIES 170 OCAML_FLAGS "-I;${bin}") 171 set_target_properties("ocaml_${name}" PROPERTIES 172 OCAML_ODOC "${bin}/${name}.odoc") 173 174 foreach( ocaml_dep ${ARG_OCAMLDEP} ) 175 add_dependencies("ocaml_${name}" "ocaml_${ocaml_dep}") 176 endforeach() 177 178 if( NOT LLVM_OCAML_OUT_OF_TREE ) 179 foreach( llvm_lib ${llvm_libs} ) 180 add_dependencies("ocaml_${name}" "${llvm_lib}") 181 endforeach() 182 endif() 183 184 add_dependencies("ocaml_all" "ocaml_${name}") 185 186 set(install_files) 187 set(install_shlibs) 188 foreach( ocaml_output ${ocaml_inputs} ${ocaml_outputs} ) 189 get_filename_component(ext "${ocaml_output}" EXT) 190 191 if( NOT (ext STREQUAL ".cmo" OR 192 ext STREQUAL ".ml" OR 193 ext STREQUAL CMAKE_C_OUTPUT_EXTENSION OR 194 ext STREQUAL CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX) ) 195 list(APPEND install_files "${ocaml_output}") 196 elseif( ext STREQUAL CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX) 197 list(APPEND install_shlibs "${ocaml_output}") 198 endif() 199 endforeach() 200 201 install(FILES ${install_files} 202 DESTINATION "${LLVM_OCAML_INSTALL_PATH}/llvm") 203 install(FILES ${install_shlibs} 204 PERMISSIONS OWNER_READ OWNER_WRITE OWNER_EXECUTE 205 GROUP_READ GROUP_EXECUTE 206 WORLD_READ WORLD_EXECUTE 207 DESTINATION "${LLVM_OCAML_INSTALL_PATH}/stublibs") 208 209 foreach( install_file ${install_files} ${install_shlibs} ) 210 get_filename_component(filename "${install_file}" NAME) 211 add_custom_command(TARGET "ocaml_${name}" POST_BUILD 212 COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" "-E" "copy" "${install_file}" 213 "${LLVM_LIBRARY_DIR}/ocaml/llvm/" 214 COMMENT "Copying OCaml library component ${filename} to intermediate area" 215 VERBATIM) 216 add_dependencies("ocaml_${name}" ocaml_make_directory) 217 endforeach() 218 endfunction() 219 220 add_custom_target(ocaml_make_directory 221 COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" "-E" "make_directory" "${LLVM_LIBRARY_DIR}/ocaml/llvm") 222 add_custom_target("ocaml_all") 223 set_target_properties(ocaml_all PROPERTIES FOLDER "Misc") 224 set_target_properties(ocaml_make_directory PROPERTIES FOLDER "Misc") 225