1 2 # Create sphinx target 3 if (LLVM_ENABLE_SPHINX) 4 message(STATUS "Sphinx enabled.") 5 find_package(Sphinx REQUIRED) 6 if (LLVM_BUILD_DOCS AND NOT TARGET sphinx) 7 add_custom_target(sphinx ALL) 8 endif() 9 else() 10 message(STATUS "Sphinx disabled.") 11 endif() 12 13 14 # Handy function for creating the different Sphinx targets. 15 # 16 # ``builder`` should be one of the supported builders used by 17 # the sphinx-build command. 18 # 19 # ``project`` should be the project name 20 function (add_sphinx_target builder project) 21 set(SPHINX_BUILD_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${builder}") 22 set(SPHINX_DOC_TREE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_doctrees-${project}-${builder}") 23 set(SPHINX_TARGET_NAME docs-${project}-${builder}) 24 25 if (SPHINX_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS) 26 set(SPHINX_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS_FLAG "-W") 27 else() 28 set(SPHINX_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS_FLAG "") 29 endif() 30 31 add_custom_target(${SPHINX_TARGET_NAME} 32 COMMAND ${SPHINX_EXECUTABLE} 33 -b ${builder} 34 -d "${SPHINX_DOC_TREE_DIR}" 35 -q # Quiet: no output other than errors and warnings. 36 ${SPHINX_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS_FLAG} # Treat warnings as errors if requested 37 "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" # Source 38 "${SPHINX_BUILD_DIR}" # Output 39 COMMENT 40 "Generating ${builder} Sphinx documentation for ${project} into \"${SPHINX_BUILD_DIR}\"") 41 42 # When "clean" target is run, remove the Sphinx build directory 43 set_property(DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY 44 ADDITIONAL_MAKE_CLEAN_FILES 45 "${SPHINX_BUILD_DIR}") 46 47 # We need to remove ${SPHINX_DOC_TREE_DIR} when make clean is run 48 # but we should only add this path once 49 get_property(_CURRENT_MAKE_CLEAN_FILES 50 DIRECTORY PROPERTY ADDITIONAL_MAKE_CLEAN_FILES) 51 list(FIND _CURRENT_MAKE_CLEAN_FILES "${SPHINX_DOC_TREE_DIR}" _INDEX) 52 if (_INDEX EQUAL -1) 53 set_property(DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY 54 ADDITIONAL_MAKE_CLEAN_FILES 55 "${SPHINX_DOC_TREE_DIR}") 56 endif() 57 58 if (LLVM_BUILD_DOCS) 59 add_dependencies(sphinx ${SPHINX_TARGET_NAME}) 60 61 # Handle installation 62 if (NOT LLVM_INSTALL_TOOLCHAIN_ONLY) 63 if (builder STREQUAL man) 64 if (CMAKE_INSTALL_MANDIR) 65 set(INSTALL_MANDIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_MANDIR}/) 66 else() 67 set(INSTALL_MANDIR share/man/) 68 endif() 69 # FIXME: We might not ship all the tools that these man pages describe 70 install(DIRECTORY "${SPHINX_BUILD_DIR}/" # Slash indicates contents of 71 COMPONENT "${project}-sphinx-man" 72 DESTINATION ${INSTALL_MANDIR}man1) 73 74 elseif (builder STREQUAL html) 75 string(TOUPPER "${project}" project_upper) 76 set(${project_upper}_INSTALL_SPHINX_HTML_DIR "share/doc/${project}/html" 77 CACHE STRING "HTML documentation install directory for ${project}") 78 79 # '/.' indicates: copy the contents of the directory directly into 80 # the specified destination, without recreating the last component 81 # of ${SPHINX_BUILD_DIR} implicitly. 82 install(DIRECTORY "${SPHINX_BUILD_DIR}/." 83 COMPONENT "${project}-sphinx-html" 84 DESTINATION "${${project_upper}_INSTALL_SPHINX_HTML_DIR}") 85 else() 86 message(WARNING Installation of ${builder} not supported) 87 endif() 88 endif() 89 endif() 90 endfunction() 91