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      1 (*===----------------------------------------------------------------------===
      2  * Code Generation
      3  *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
      5 open Llvm
      7 exception Error of string
      9 let context = global_context ()
     10 let the_module = create_module context "my cool jit"
     11 let builder = builder context
     12 let named_values:(string, llvalue) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 10
     13 let double_type = double_type context
     15 (* Create an alloca instruction in the entry block of the function. This
     16  * is used for mutable variables etc. *)
     17 let create_entry_block_alloca the_function var_name =
     18   let builder = builder_at context (instr_begin (entry_block the_function)) in
     19   build_alloca double_type var_name builder
     21 let rec codegen_expr = function
     22   | Ast.Number n -> const_float double_type n
     23   | Ast.Variable name ->
     24       let v = try Hashtbl.find named_values name with
     25         | Not_found -> raise (Error "unknown variable name")
     26       in
     27       (* Load the value. *)
     28       build_load v name builder
     29   | Ast.Unary (op, operand) ->
     30       let operand = codegen_expr operand in
     31       let callee = "unary" ^ (String.make 1 op) in
     32       let callee =
     33         match lookup_function callee the_module with
     34         | Some callee -> callee
     35         | None -> raise (Error "unknown unary operator")
     36       in
     37       build_call callee [|operand|] "unop" builder
     38   | Ast.Binary (op, lhs, rhs) ->
     39       begin match op with
     40       | '=' ->
     41           (* Special case '=' because we don't want to emit the LHS as an
     42            * expression. *)
     43           let name =
     44             match lhs with
     45             | Ast.Variable name -> name
     46             | _ -> raise (Error "destination of '=' must be a variable")
     47           in
     49           (* Codegen the rhs. *)
     50           let val_ = codegen_expr rhs in
     52           (* Lookup the name. *)
     53           let variable = try Hashtbl.find named_values name with
     54           | Not_found -> raise (Error "unknown variable name")
     55           in
     56           ignore(build_store val_ variable builder);
     57           val_
     58       | _ ->
     59           let lhs_val = codegen_expr lhs in
     60           let rhs_val = codegen_expr rhs in
     61           begin
     62             match op with
     63             | '+' -> build_fadd lhs_val rhs_val "addtmp" builder
     64             | '-' -> build_fsub lhs_val rhs_val "subtmp" builder
     65             | '*' -> build_fmul lhs_val rhs_val "multmp" builder
     66             | '<' ->
     67                 (* Convert bool 0/1 to double 0.0 or 1.0 *)
     68                 let i = build_fcmp Fcmp.Ult lhs_val rhs_val "cmptmp" builder in
     69                 build_uitofp i double_type "booltmp" builder
     70             | _ ->
     71                 (* If it wasn't a builtin binary operator, it must be a user defined
     72                  * one. Emit a call to it. *)
     73                 let callee = "binary" ^ (String.make 1 op) in
     74                 let callee =
     75                   match lookup_function callee the_module with
     76                   | Some callee -> callee
     77                   | None -> raise (Error "binary operator not found!")
     78                 in
     79                 build_call callee [|lhs_val; rhs_val|] "binop" builder
     80           end
     81       end
     82   | Ast.Call (callee, args) ->
     83       (* Look up the name in the module table. *)
     84       let callee =
     85         match lookup_function callee the_module with
     86         | Some callee -> callee
     87         | None -> raise (Error "unknown function referenced")
     88       in
     89       let params = params callee in
     91       (* If argument mismatch error. *)
     92       if Array.length params == Array.length args then () else
     93         raise (Error "incorrect # arguments passed");
     94       let args = Array.map codegen_expr args in
     95       build_call callee args "calltmp" builder
     96   | Ast.If (cond, then_, else_) ->
     97       let cond = codegen_expr cond in
     99       (* Convert condition to a bool by comparing equal to 0.0 *)
    100       let zero = const_float double_type 0.0 in
    101       let cond_val = build_fcmp Fcmp.One cond zero "ifcond" builder in
    103       (* Grab the first block so that we might later add the conditional branch
    104        * to it at the end of the function. *)
    105       let start_bb = insertion_block builder in
    106       let the_function = block_parent start_bb in
    108       let then_bb = append_block context "then" the_function in
    110       (* Emit 'then' value. *)
    111       position_at_end then_bb builder;
    112       let then_val = codegen_expr then_ in
    114       (* Codegen of 'then' can change the current block, update then_bb for the
    115        * phi. We create a new name because one is used for the phi node, and the
    116        * other is used for the conditional branch. *)
    117       let new_then_bb = insertion_block builder in
    119       (* Emit 'else' value. *)
    120       let else_bb = append_block context "else" the_function in
    121       position_at_end else_bb builder;
    122       let else_val = codegen_expr else_ in
    124       (* Codegen of 'else' can change the current block, update else_bb for the
    125        * phi. *)
    126       let new_else_bb = insertion_block builder in
    128       (* Emit merge block. *)
    129       let merge_bb = append_block context "ifcont" the_function in
    130       position_at_end merge_bb builder;
    131       let incoming = [(then_val, new_then_bb); (else_val, new_else_bb)] in
    132       let phi = build_phi incoming "iftmp" builder in
    134       (* Return to the start block to add the conditional branch. *)
    135       position_at_end start_bb builder;
    136       ignore (build_cond_br cond_val then_bb else_bb builder);
    138       (* Set a unconditional branch at the end of the 'then' block and the
    139        * 'else' block to the 'merge' block. *)
    140       position_at_end new_then_bb builder; ignore (build_br merge_bb builder);
    141       position_at_end new_else_bb builder; ignore (build_br merge_bb builder);
    143       (* Finally, set the builder to the end of the merge block. *)
    144       position_at_end merge_bb builder;
    146       phi
    147   | Ast.For (var_name, start, end_, step, body) ->
    148       (* Output this as:
    149        *   var = alloca double
    150        *   ...
    151        *   start = startexpr
    152        *   store start -> var
    153        *   goto loop
    154        * loop:
    155        *   ...
    156        *   bodyexpr
    157        *   ...
    158        * loopend:
    159        *   step = stepexpr
    160        *   endcond = endexpr
    161        *
    162        *   curvar = load var
    163        *   nextvar = curvar + step
    164        *   store nextvar -> var
    165        *   br endcond, loop, endloop
    166        * outloop: *)
    168       let the_function = block_parent (insertion_block builder) in
    170       (* Create an alloca for the variable in the entry block. *)
    171       let alloca = create_entry_block_alloca the_function var_name in
    173       (* Emit the start code first, without 'variable' in scope. *)
    174       let start_val = codegen_expr start in
    176       (* Store the value into the alloca. *)
    177       ignore(build_store start_val alloca builder);
    179       (* Make the new basic block for the loop header, inserting after current
    180        * block. *)
    181       let loop_bb = append_block context "loop" the_function in
    183       (* Insert an explicit fall through from the current block to the
    184        * loop_bb. *)
    185       ignore (build_br loop_bb builder);
    187       (* Start insertion in loop_bb. *)
    188       position_at_end loop_bb builder;
    190       (* Within the loop, the variable is defined equal to the PHI node. If it
    191        * shadows an existing variable, we have to restore it, so save it
    192        * now. *)
    193       let old_val =
    194         try Some (Hashtbl.find named_values var_name) with Not_found -> None
    195       in
    196       Hashtbl.add named_values var_name alloca;
    198       (* Emit the body of the loop.  This, like any other expr, can change the
    199        * current BB.  Note that we ignore the value computed by the body, but
    200        * don't allow an error *)
    201       ignore (codegen_expr body);
    203       (* Emit the step value. *)
    204       let step_val =
    205         match step with
    206         | Some step -> codegen_expr step
    207         (* If not specified, use 1.0. *)
    208         | None -> const_float double_type 1.0
    209       in
    211       (* Compute the end condition. *)
    212       let end_cond = codegen_expr end_ in
    214       (* Reload, increment, and restore the alloca. This handles the case where
    215        * the body of the loop mutates the variable. *)
    216       let cur_var = build_load alloca var_name builder in
    217       let next_var = build_add cur_var step_val "nextvar" builder in
    218       ignore(build_store next_var alloca builder);
    220       (* Convert condition to a bool by comparing equal to 0.0. *)
    221       let zero = const_float double_type 0.0 in
    222       let end_cond = build_fcmp Fcmp.One end_cond zero "loopcond" builder in
    224       (* Create the "after loop" block and insert it. *)
    225       let after_bb = append_block context "afterloop" the_function in
    227       (* Insert the conditional branch into the end of loop_end_bb. *)
    228       ignore (build_cond_br end_cond loop_bb after_bb builder);
    230       (* Any new code will be inserted in after_bb. *)
    231       position_at_end after_bb builder;
    233       (* Restore the unshadowed variable. *)
    234       begin match old_val with
    235       | Some old_val -> Hashtbl.add named_values var_name old_val
    236       | None -> ()
    237       end;
    239       (* for expr always returns 0.0. *)
    240       const_null double_type
    241   | Ast.Var (var_names, body) ->
    242       let old_bindings = ref [] in
    244       let the_function = block_parent (insertion_block builder) in
    246       (* Register all variables and emit their initializer. *)
    247       Array.iter (fun (var_name, init) ->
    248         (* Emit the initializer before adding the variable to scope, this
    249          * prevents the initializer from referencing the variable itself, and
    250          * permits stuff like this:
    251          *   var a = 1 in
    252          *     var a = a in ...   # refers to outer 'a'. *)
    253         let init_val =
    254           match init with
    255           | Some init -> codegen_expr init
    256           (* If not specified, use 0.0. *)
    257           | None -> const_float double_type 0.0
    258         in
    260         let alloca = create_entry_block_alloca the_function var_name in
    261         ignore(build_store init_val alloca builder);
    263         (* Remember the old variable binding so that we can restore the binding
    264          * when we unrecurse. *)
    265         begin
    266           try
    267             let old_value = Hashtbl.find named_values var_name in
    268             old_bindings := (var_name, old_value) :: !old_bindings;
    269           with Not_found -> ()
    270         end;
    272         (* Remember this binding. *)
    273         Hashtbl.add named_values var_name alloca;
    274       ) var_names;
    276       (* Codegen the body, now that all vars are in scope. *)
    277       let body_val = codegen_expr body in
    279       (* Pop all our variables from scope. *)
    280       List.iter (fun (var_name, old_value) ->
    281         Hashtbl.add named_values var_name old_value
    282       ) !old_bindings;
    284       (* Return the body computation. *)
    285       body_val
    287 let codegen_proto = function
    288   | Ast.Prototype (name, args) | Ast.BinOpPrototype (name, args, _) ->
    289       (* Make the function type: double(double,double) etc. *)
    290       let doubles = Array.make (Array.length args) double_type in
    291       let ft = function_type double_type doubles in
    292       let f =
    293         match lookup_function name the_module with
    294         | None -> declare_function name ft the_module
    296         (* If 'f' conflicted, there was already something named 'name'. If it
    297          * has a body, don't allow redefinition or reextern. *)
    298         | Some f ->
    299             (* If 'f' already has a body, reject this. *)
    300             if block_begin f <> At_end f then
    301               raise (Error "redefinition of function");
    303             (* If 'f' took a different number of arguments, reject. *)
    304             if element_type (type_of f) <> ft then
    305               raise (Error "redefinition of function with different # args");
    306             f
    307       in
    309       (* Set names for all arguments. *)
    310       Array.iteri (fun i a ->
    311         let n = args.(i) in
    312         set_value_name n a;
    313         Hashtbl.add named_values n a;
    314       ) (params f);
    315       f
    317 (* Create an alloca for each argument and register the argument in the symbol
    318  * table so that references to it will succeed. *)
    319 let create_argument_allocas the_function proto =
    320   let args = match proto with
    321     | Ast.Prototype (_, args) | Ast.BinOpPrototype (_, args, _) -> args
    322   in
    323   Array.iteri (fun i ai ->
    324     let var_name = args.(i) in
    325     (* Create an alloca for this variable. *)
    326     let alloca = create_entry_block_alloca the_function var_name in
    328     (* Store the initial value into the alloca. *)
    329     ignore(build_store ai alloca builder);
    331     (* Add arguments to variable symbol table. *)
    332     Hashtbl.add named_values var_name alloca;
    333   ) (params the_function)
    335 let codegen_func the_fpm = function
    336   | Ast.Function (proto, body) ->
    337       Hashtbl.clear named_values;
    338       let the_function = codegen_proto proto in
    340       (* If this is an operator, install it. *)
    341       begin match proto with
    342       | Ast.BinOpPrototype (name, args, prec) ->
    343           let op = name.[String.length name - 1] in
    344           Hashtbl.add Parser.binop_precedence op prec;
    345       | _ -> ()
    346       end;
    348       (* Create a new basic block to start insertion into. *)
    349       let bb = append_block context "entry" the_function in
    350       position_at_end bb builder;
    352       try
    353         (* Add all arguments to the symbol table and create their allocas. *)
    354         create_argument_allocas the_function proto;
    356         let ret_val = codegen_expr body in
    358         (* Finish off the function. *)
    359         let _ = build_ret ret_val builder in
    361         (* Validate the generated code, checking for consistency. *)
    362         Llvm_analysis.assert_valid_function the_function;
    364         (* Optimize the function. *)
    365         let _ = PassManager.run_function the_function the_fpm in
    367         the_function
    368       with e ->
    369         delete_function the_function;
    370         raise e