1 ; REQUIRES: loadable_module 2 ; RUN: bugpoint -load %llvmshlibdir/BugpointPasses%shlibext %s -output-prefix %t -bugpoint-crashcalls -silence-passes -disable-namedmd-remove -disable-strip-debuginfo -disable-strip-debug-types --opt-command opt > /dev/null 3 ; RUN: llvm-dis %t-reduced-simplified.bc -o - | FileCheck %s 4 ; 5 ; RUN: bugpoint -load %llvmshlibdir/BugpointPasses%shlibext %s -output-prefix %t-nodebug -bugpoint-crashcalls -silence-passes -disable-namedmd-remove --opt-command opt > /dev/null 6 ; RUN: llvm-dis %t-nodebug-reduced-simplified.bc -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=NODEBUG 7 ; 8 ; RUN: bugpoint -load %llvmshlibdir/BugpointPasses%shlibext %s -output-prefix %t-notype -bugpoint-crashcalls -silence-passes -disable-namedmd-remove -disable-strip-debuginfo --opt-command opt > /dev/null 9 ; RUN: llvm-dis %t-notype-reduced-simplified.bc -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=NOTYPE 10 ; 11 ; Bugpoint should keep the call's metadata attached to the call. 12 13 ; CHECK: call void @foo(), !dbg ![[LOC:[0-9]+]], !attach ![[CALL:[0-9]+]] 14 ; NODEBUG: call void @foo(), !attach ![[CALL:[0-9]+]] 15 ; NOTYPE: call void @foo(), !dbg ![[LOC:[0-9]+]], !attach ![[CALL:[0-9]+]] 16 ; NODEBUG-NOT: call void @foo(), !attach ![[CALL:[0-9]+]] 17 ; NOTYPE-NOT: !DIBasicType 18 ; NOTYPE: !DICompileUnit 19 ; NOTYPE-NOT: !DIBasicType 20 ; CHECK-DAG: ![[LOC]] = !DILocation(line: 104, column: 105, scope: ![[SCOPE:[0-9]+]]) 21 ; CHECK-DAG: ![[SCOPE]] = distinct !DISubprogram(name: "test",{{.*}}file: ![[FILE:[0-9]+]] 22 ; CHECK-DAG: ![[FILE]] = !DIFile(filename: "source.c", directory: "/dir") 23 ; CHECK-DAG: ![[CALL]] = !{!"the call to foo"} 24 25 %rust_task = type {} 26 define void @test(i32* %a, i8* %b) { 27 %s = mul i8 22, 9, !attach !0, !dbg !10 28 store i8 %s, i8* %b, !attach !1, !dbg !11 29 call void @foo(), !attach !2, !dbg !12 30 store i32 7, i32* %a, !attach !3, !dbg !13 31 %t = add i32 0, 5, !attach !4, !dbg !14 32 ret void 33 } 34 35 declare void @foo() 36 37 !llvm.module.flags = !{!17} 38 !llvm.dbg.cu = !{!8} 39 40 !0 = !{!"boring"} 41 !1 = !{!"uninteresting"} 42 !2 = !{!"the call to foo"} 43 !3 = !{!"noise"} 44 !4 = !{!"filler"} 45 46 !8 = distinct !DICompileUnit(language: DW_LANG_C99, file: !15) 47 !9 = distinct !DISubprogram(name: "test", file: !15, type: !18, unit: !8) 48 !10 = !DILocation(line: 100, column: 101, scope: !9) 49 !11 = !DILocation(line: 102, column: 103, scope: !9) 50 !12 = !DILocation(line: 104, column: 105, scope: !9) 51 !13 = !DILocation(line: 106, column: 107, scope: !9) 52 !14 = !DILocation(line: 108, column: 109, scope: !9) 53 !15 = !DIFile(filename: "source.c", directory: "/dir") 54 !16 = !{} 55 !17 = !{i32 1, !"Debug Info Version", i32 3} 56 !18 = !DISubroutineType(types: !19) 57 !19 = !{!20, !20} 58 !20 = !DIBasicType(name: "int", size: 32, align: 32, encoding: DW_ATE_signed) 59