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      1 ; RUN: llc -verify-machineinstrs -O0 < %s | FileCheck %s
      2 target triple = "powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu"
      4 %StructA = type { double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double }
      6 define void @Test(%StructA* %tmp) unnamed_addr #0 align 2 {
      7 ; CHECK-LABEL: Test:
      8 ; CHECK: lxvd2x
      9 ; CHECK-NEXT: xxswapd
     10 ; CHECK: lxvd2x
     11 ; CHECK-NEXT: xxswapd
     12 ; CHECK: lxvd2x
     13 ; CHECK-NEXT: xxswapd
     14 ; CHECK: lxvd2x
     15 ; CHECK-NEXT: xxswapd
     16 ; CHECK: xxswapd [[OUTPUT:[0-9]+]]
     17 ; CHECK-NEXT: stxvd2x [[OUTPUT]]
     18 bb:
     19   %tmp2 = getelementptr inbounds %StructA, %StructA* %tmp, i64 0, i32 0
     20   %tmp4 = bitcast %StructA* %tmp to <2 x double>*
     21   %tmp5 = getelementptr inbounds %StructA, %StructA* %tmp, i64 0, i32 2
     22   %tmp9 = getelementptr inbounds %StructA, %StructA* %tmp, i64 0, i32 4
     23   %tmp11 = getelementptr inbounds %StructA, %StructA* %tmp, i64 0, i32 5
     24   %tmp13 = getelementptr inbounds %StructA, %StructA* %tmp, i64 0, i32 6
     25   %tmp15 = getelementptr inbounds %StructA, %StructA* %tmp, i64 0, i32 7
     26   %tmp18 = load double, double* %tmp2, align 16
     27   %tmp19 = load double, double* %tmp11, align 8
     28   %tmp20 = load double, double* %tmp9, align 16
     29   %tmp21 = fsub double 1.210000e+04, %tmp20
     30   %tmp22 = fmul double %tmp18, %tmp21
     31   %tmp23 = fadd double %tmp20, %tmp22
     32   %tmp24 = load double, double* %tmp13, align 16
     33   %tmp25 = fsub double 1.000000e+02, %tmp24
     34   %tmp26 = fmul double %tmp18, %tmp25
     35   %tmp27 = fadd double %tmp24, %tmp26
     36   %tmp28 = load double, double* %tmp15, align 8
     37   %tmp29 = insertelement <2 x double> undef, double %tmp19, i32 0
     38   %tmp30 = insertelement <2 x double> %tmp29, double %tmp28, i32 1
     39   %tmp31 = fsub <2 x double> <double 1.100000e+04, double 1.100000e+02>, %tmp30
     40   %tmp32 = insertelement <2 x double> undef, double %tmp18, i32 0
     41   %tmp33 = insertelement <2 x double> %tmp32, double %tmp18, i32 1
     42   %tmp34 = fmul <2 x double> %tmp33, %tmp31
     43   %tmp35 = fadd <2 x double> %tmp30, %tmp34
     44   %tmp36 = bitcast double* %tmp5 to <2 x double>*
     45   %tmp37 = load <2 x double>, <2 x double>* %tmp36, align 16
     46   %tmp38 = fsub <2 x double> <double 1.000000e+00, double 1.000000e+04>, %tmp37
     47   %tmp39 = fmul <2 x double> %tmp33, %tmp38
     48   %tmp40 = fadd <2 x double> %tmp37, %tmp39
     49   %tmp41 = fsub <2 x double> <double 1.000000e+00, double 1.000000e+04>, %tmp40
     50   %tmp42 = fmul <2 x double> %tmp33, %tmp41
     51   %tmp43 = fadd <2 x double> %tmp40, %tmp42
     52   %tmp44 = fsub <2 x double> <double 1.200000e+04, double 1.200000e+02>, %tmp35
     53   %tmp45 = fmul <2 x double> %tmp33, %tmp44
     54   %tmp46 = fadd <2 x double> %tmp35, %tmp45
     55   %tmp48 = fsub double 1.440000e+04, %tmp23
     56   %tmp49 = fmul double %tmp18, %tmp48
     57   %tmp50 = fadd double %tmp23, %tmp49
     58   store double %tmp50, double* %tmp9, align 16
     59   %tmp51 = fsub double 1.000000e+02, %tmp27
     60   %tmp52 = fmul double %tmp18, %tmp51
     61   %tmp53 = fadd double %tmp27, %tmp52
     62   store double %tmp53, double* %tmp13, align 16
     63   %tmp54 = extractelement <2 x double> %tmp46, i32 1
     64   store double %tmp54, double* %tmp15, align 8
     65   %tmp55 = bitcast double* %tmp5 to <2 x double>*
     66   store <2 x double> %tmp43, <2 x double>* %tmp55, align 16
     67   ret void
     68 }
     70 attributes #0 = { nounwind "disable-tail-calls"="false" "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" "no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-jump-tables"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-cpu"="pwr8" "target-features"="+altivec,+bpermd,+crypto,+direct-move,+extdiv,+power8-vector,+vsx,-qpx" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" }