1 ; RUN: llc -mtriple=ppc64-- -ppc-always-use-base-pointer < %s | FileCheck %s --check-prefix CHECK --check-prefix PPC64 2 ; RUN: llc -ppc-always-use-base-pointer < %s | FileCheck %s --check-prefix CHECK --check-prefix PPC32 3 ; RUN: llc -ppc-always-use-base-pointer -relocation-model pic < %s | FileCheck %s --check-prefix CHECK --check-prefix PPC32PIC 4 5 ; CHECK-LABEL: fred: 6 7 ; Check for saving/restoring frame pointer (X31) and base pointer (X30) 8 ; on ppc64: 9 ; PPC64: std 31, -8(1) 10 ; PPC64: std 30, -16(1) 11 ; PPC64: ld 31, -8(1) 12 ; PPC64: ld 30, -16(1) 13 14 ; Check for saving/restoring frame pointer (R31) and base pointer (R30) 15 ; on ppc32: 16 ; PPC32: stwux 1, 1, 0 17 ; PPC32; addic 0, 0, -4 18 ; PPC32: stwx 31, 0, 0 19 ; PPC32: addic 0, 0, -4 20 ; PPC32: stwx 30, 0, 0 21 ; The restore sequence: 22 ; PPC32: lwz 31, 0(1) 23 ; PPC32: addic 30, 0, 8 24 ; PPC32: lwz 0, -4(31) 25 ; PPC32: lwz 30, -8(31) 26 ; PPC32: mr 1, 31 27 ; PPC32: mr 31, 0 28 29 ; Check for saving/restoring frame pointer (R31) and base pointer (R29) 30 ; on ppc32/pic. This is mostly the same as without pic, except that base 31 ; pointer is in R29. 32 ; PPC32PIC: stwux 1, 1, 0 33 ; PPC32PIC; addic 0, 0, -4 34 ; PPC32PIC: stwx 31, 0, 0 35 ; PPC32PIC: addic 0, 0, -8 36 ; PPC32PIC: stwx 29, 0, 0 37 ; The restore sequence: 38 ; PPC32PIC: lwz 31, 0(1) 39 ; PPC32PIC: addic 29, 0, 12 40 ; PPC32PIC: lwz 0, -4(31) 41 ; PPC32PIC: lwz 29, -12(31) 42 ; PPC32PIC: mr 1, 31 43 ; PPC32PIC: mr 31, 0 44 45 46 target datalayout = "E-m:e-p:32:32-i64:64-n32" 47 target triple = "powerpc-unknown-freebsd" 48 49 define i64 @fred() local_unnamed_addr #0 { 50 entry: 51 ret i64 0 52 } 53 54 attributes #0 = { norecurse readnone nounwind sspstrong "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" "target-cpu"="ppc" } 55