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      1 ; RUN: llc < %s -asm-verbose=false -disable-wasm-fallthrough-return-opt -disable-wasm-explicit-locals -verify-machineinstrs | FileCheck %s
      3 ; Test the register stackifier pass.
      5 target datalayout = "e-m:e-p:32:32-i64:64-n32:64-S128"
      6 target triple = "wasm32-unknown-unknown"
      8 ; No because of pointer aliasing.
     10 ; CHECK-LABEL: no0:
     11 ; CHECK: return $1{{$}}
     12 define i32 @no0(i32* %p, i32* %q) {
     13   %t = load i32, i32* %q
     14   store i32 0, i32* %p
     15   ret i32 %t
     16 }
     18 ; No because of side effects.
     20 ; CHECK-LABEL: no1:
     21 ; CHECK: return $1{{$}}
     22 define i32 @no1(i32* %p, i32* dereferenceable(4) %q) {
     23   %t = load volatile i32, i32* %q, !invariant.load !0
     24   store volatile i32 0, i32* %p
     25   ret i32 %t
     26 }
     28 ; Yes because of invariant load and no side effects.
     30 ; CHECK-LABEL: yes0:
     31 ; CHECK: return $pop{{[0-9]+}}{{$}}
     32 define i32 @yes0(i32* %p, i32* dereferenceable(4) %q) {
     33   %t = load i32, i32* %q, !invariant.load !0
     34   store i32 0, i32* %p
     35   ret i32 %t
     36 }
     38 ; Yes because of no intervening side effects.
     40 ; CHECK-LABEL: yes1:
     41 ; CHECK: return $pop0{{$}}
     42 define i32 @yes1(i32* %q) {
     43   %t = load volatile i32, i32* %q
     44   ret i32 %t
     45 }
     47 ; Yes because undefined behavior can be sunk past a store.
     49 ; CHECK-LABEL: sink_trap:
     50 ; CHECK: return $pop{{[0-9]+}}{{$}}
     51 define i32 @sink_trap(i32 %x, i32 %y, i32* %p) {
     52   %t = sdiv i32 %x, %y
     53   store volatile i32 0, i32* %p
     54   ret i32 %t
     55 }
     57 ; Yes because the call is readnone.
     59 ; CHECK-LABEL: sink_readnone_call:
     60 ; CHECK: return $pop0{{$}}
     61 declare i32 @readnone_callee() readnone nounwind
     62 define i32 @sink_readnone_call(i32 %x, i32 %y, i32* %p) {
     63   %t = call i32 @readnone_callee()
     64   store volatile i32 0, i32* %p
     65   ret i32 %t
     66 }
     68 ; No because the call is readonly and there's an intervening store.
     70 ; CHECK-LABEL: no_sink_readonly_call:
     71 ; CHECK: return ${{[0-9]+}}{{$}}
     72 declare i32 @readonly_callee() readonly nounwind
     73 define i32 @no_sink_readonly_call(i32 %x, i32 %y, i32* %p) {
     74   %t = call i32 @readonly_callee()
     75   store i32 0, i32* %p
     76   ret i32 %t
     77 }
     79 ; Don't schedule stack uses into the stack. To reduce register pressure, the
     80 ; scheduler might be tempted to move the definition of $2 down. However, this
     81 ; would risk getting incorrect liveness if the instructions are later
     82 ; rearranged to make the stack contiguous.
     84 ; CHECK-LABEL: stack_uses:
     85 ; CHECK: .param i32, i32, i32, i32{{$}}
     86 ; CHECK-NEXT: .result i32{{$}}
     87 ; CHECK-NEXT: block   {{$}}
     88 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const   $push[[L13:[0-9]+]]=, 1{{$}}
     89 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.lt_s    $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, $0, $pop[[L13]]{{$}}
     90 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const   $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, 2{{$}}
     91 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.lt_s    $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $pop[[L1]]{{$}}
     92 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.xor     $push[[L5:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L0]], $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
     93 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const   $push[[L12:[0-9]+]]=, 1{{$}}
     94 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.lt_s    $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $2, $pop[[L12]]{{$}}
     95 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const   $push[[L11:[0-9]+]]=, 2{{$}}
     96 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.lt_s    $push[[L4:[0-9]+]]=, $3, $pop[[L11]]{{$}}
     97 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.xor     $push[[L6:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L3]], $pop[[L4]]{{$}}
     98 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.xor     $push[[L7:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L5]], $pop[[L6]]{{$}}
     99 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const   $push10=, 1{{$}}
    100 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.ne      $push8=, $pop7, $pop10{{$}}
    101 ; CHECK-NEXT: br_if       0, $pop8{{$}}
    102 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const   $push9=, 0{{$}}
    103 ; CHECK-NEXT: return      $pop9{{$}}
    104 ; CHECK-NEXT: .LBB7_2:
    105 ; CHECK-NEXT: end_block{{$}}
    106 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const   $push14=, 1{{$}}
    107 ; CHECK-NEXT: return      $pop14{{$}}
    108 define i32 @stack_uses(i32 %x, i32 %y, i32 %z, i32 %w) {
    109 entry:
    110   %c = icmp sle i32 %x, 0
    111   %d = icmp sle i32 %y, 1
    112   %e = icmp sle i32 %z, 0
    113   %f = icmp sle i32 %w, 1
    114   %g = xor i1 %c, %d
    115   %h = xor i1 %e, %f
    116   %i = xor i1 %g, %h
    117   br i1 %i, label %true, label %false
    118 true:
    119   ret i32 0
    120 false:
    121   ret i32 1
    122 }
    124 ; Test an interesting case where the load has multiple uses and cannot
    125 ; be trivially stackified. However, it can be stackified with a tee_local.
    127 ; CHECK-LABEL: multiple_uses:
    128 ; CHECK: .param       i32, i32, i32{{$}}
    129 ; CHECK-NEXT: block   {{$}}
    130 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.load    $push[[NUM0:[0-9]+]]=, 0($2){{$}}
    131 ; CHECK-NEXT: tee_local   $push[[NUM1:[0-9]+]]=, $3=, $pop[[NUM0]]{{$}}
    132 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.ge_u    $push[[NUM2:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[NUM1]], $1{{$}}
    133 ; CHECK-NEXT: br_if       0, $pop[[NUM2]]{{$}}
    134 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.lt_u    $push[[NUM3:[0-9]+]]=, $3, $0{{$}}
    135 ; CHECK-NEXT: br_if       0, $pop[[NUM3]]{{$}}
    136 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.store   0($2), $3{{$}}
    137 ; CHECK-NEXT: .LBB8_3:
    138 ; CHECK-NEXT: end_block{{$}}
    139 ; CHECK-NEXT: return{{$}}
    140 define void @multiple_uses(i32* %arg0, i32* %arg1, i32* %arg2) nounwind {
    141 bb:
    142   br label %loop
    144 loop:
    145   %tmp7 = load i32, i32* %arg2
    146   %tmp8 = inttoptr i32 %tmp7 to i32*
    147   %tmp9 = icmp uge i32* %tmp8, %arg1
    148   %tmp10 = icmp ult i32* %tmp8, %arg0
    149   %tmp11 = or i1 %tmp9, %tmp10
    150   br i1 %tmp11, label %back, label %then
    152 then:
    153   store i32 %tmp7, i32* %arg2
    154   br label %back
    156 back:
    157   br i1 undef, label %return, label %loop
    159 return:
    160   ret void
    161 }
    163 ; Don't stackify stores effects across other instructions with side effects.
    165 ; CHECK:      side_effects:
    166 ; CHECK:      store
    167 ; CHECK-NEXT: call
    168 ; CHECK:      store
    169 ; CHECK-NEXT: call
    170 declare void @evoke_side_effects()
    171 define hidden void @stackify_store_across_side_effects(double* nocapture %d) {
    172 entry:
    173   store double 2.0, double* %d
    174   call void @evoke_side_effects()
    175   store double 2.0, double* %d
    176   call void @evoke_side_effects()
    177   ret void
    178 }
    180 ; Div instructions have side effects and can't be reordered, but this entire
    181 ; function should still be able to be stackified because it's already in
    182 ; tree order.
    184 ; CHECK-LABEL: div_tree:
    185 ; CHECK: .param i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32{{$}}
    186 ; CHECK-NEXT: .result     i32{{$}}
    187 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.div_s   $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, $0, $1{{$}}
    188 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.div_s   $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, $2, $3{{$}}
    189 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.div_s   $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L0]], $pop[[L1]]{{$}}
    190 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.div_s   $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $4, $5{{$}}
    191 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.div_s   $push[[L4:[0-9]+]]=, $6, $7{{$}}
    192 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.div_s   $push[[L5:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L3]], $pop[[L4]]{{$}}
    193 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.div_s   $push[[L6:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L2]], $pop[[L5]]{{$}}
    194 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.div_s   $push[[L7:[0-9]+]]=, $8, $9{{$}}
    195 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.div_s   $push[[L8:[0-9]+]]=, $10, $11{{$}}
    196 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.div_s   $push[[L9:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L7]], $pop[[L8]]{{$}}
    197 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.div_s   $push[[L10:[0-9]+]]=, $12, $13{{$}}
    198 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.div_s   $push[[L11:[0-9]+]]=, $14, $15{{$}}
    199 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.div_s   $push[[L12:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L10]], $pop[[L11]]{{$}}
    200 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.div_s   $push[[L13:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L9]], $pop[[L12]]{{$}}
    201 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.div_s   $push[[L14:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L6]], $pop[[L13]]{{$}}
    202 ; CHECK-NEXT: return      $pop[[L14]]{{$}}
    203 define i32 @div_tree(i32 %a, i32 %b, i32 %c, i32 %d, i32 %e, i32 %f, i32 %g, i32 %h, i32 %i, i32 %j, i32 %k, i32 %l, i32 %m, i32 %n, i32 %o, i32 %p) {
    204 entry:
    205   %div = sdiv i32 %a, %b
    206   %div1 = sdiv i32 %c, %d
    207   %div2 = sdiv i32 %div, %div1
    208   %div3 = sdiv i32 %e, %f
    209   %div4 = sdiv i32 %g, %h
    210   %div5 = sdiv i32 %div3, %div4
    211   %div6 = sdiv i32 %div2, %div5
    212   %div7 = sdiv i32 %i, %j
    213   %div8 = sdiv i32 %k, %l
    214   %div9 = sdiv i32 %div7, %div8
    215   %div10 = sdiv i32 %m, %n
    216   %div11 = sdiv i32 %o, %p
    217   %div12 = sdiv i32 %div10, %div11
    218   %div13 = sdiv i32 %div9, %div12
    219   %div14 = sdiv i32 %div6, %div13
    220   ret i32 %div14
    221 }
    223 ; A simple multiple-use case.
    225 ; CHECK-LABEL: simple_multiple_use:
    226 ; CHECK:  .param      i32, i32{{$}}
    227 ; CHECK-NEXT:  i32.mul     $push[[NUM0:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $0{{$}}
    228 ; CHECK-NEXT:  tee_local   $push[[NUM1:[0-9]+]]=, $[[NUM2:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[NUM0]]{{$}}
    229 ; CHECK-NEXT:  call        use_a@FUNCTION, $pop[[NUM1]]{{$}}
    230 ; CHECK-NEXT:  call        use_b@FUNCTION, $[[NUM2]]{{$}}
    231 ; CHECK-NEXT:  return{{$}}
    232 declare void @use_a(i32)
    233 declare void @use_b(i32)
    234 define void @simple_multiple_use(i32 %x, i32 %y) {
    235   %mul = mul i32 %y, %x
    236   call void @use_a(i32 %mul)
    237   call void @use_b(i32 %mul)
    238   ret void
    239 }
    241 ; Multiple uses of the same value in one instruction.
    243 ; CHECK-LABEL: multiple_uses_in_same_insn:
    244 ; CHECK:  .param      i32, i32{{$}}
    245 ; CHECK-NEXT:  i32.mul     $push[[NUM0:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $0{{$}}
    246 ; CHECK-NEXT:  tee_local   $push[[NUM1:[0-9]+]]=, $[[NUM2:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[NUM0]]{{$}}
    247 ; CHECK-NEXT:  call        use_2@FUNCTION, $pop[[NUM1]], $[[NUM2]]{{$}}
    248 ; CHECK-NEXT:  return{{$}}
    249 declare void @use_2(i32, i32)
    250 define void @multiple_uses_in_same_insn(i32 %x, i32 %y) {
    251   %mul = mul i32 %y, %x
    252   call void @use_2(i32 %mul, i32 %mul)
    253   ret void
    254 }
    256 ; Commute operands to achieve better stackifying.
    258 ; CHECK-LABEL: commute:
    259 ; CHECK-NOT: param
    260 ; CHECK:  .result     i32{{$}}
    261 ; CHECK-NEXT:  i32.call    $push0=, red@FUNCTION{{$}}
    262 ; CHECK-NEXT:  i32.call    $push1=, green@FUNCTION{{$}}
    263 ; CHECK-NEXT:  i32.add     $push2=, $pop0, $pop1{{$}}
    264 ; CHECK-NEXT:  i32.call    $push3=, blue@FUNCTION{{$}}
    265 ; CHECK-NEXT:  i32.add     $push4=, $pop2, $pop3{{$}}
    266 ; CHECK-NEXT:  return      $pop4{{$}}
    267 declare i32 @red()
    268 declare i32 @green()
    269 declare i32 @blue()
    270 define i32 @commute() {
    271   %call = call i32 @red()
    272   %call1 = call i32 @green()
    273   %add = add i32 %call1, %call
    274   %call2 = call i32 @blue()
    275   %add3 = add i32 %add, %call2
    276   ret i32 %add3
    277 }
    279 ; Don't stackify a register when it would move a the def of the register past
    280 ; an implicit get_local for the register.
    282 ; CHECK-LABEL: no_stackify_past_use:
    283 ; CHECK:      i32.call        $1=, callee@FUNCTION, $0
    284 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const       $push0=, 1
    285 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.add         $push1=, $0, $pop0
    286 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.call        $push2=, callee@FUNCTION, $pop1
    287 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.sub         $push3=, $pop2, $1
    288 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.div_s       $push4=, $pop3, $1
    289 ; CHECK-NEXT: return          $pop4
    290 declare i32 @callee(i32)
    291 define i32 @no_stackify_past_use(i32 %arg) {
    292   %tmp1 = call i32 @callee(i32 %arg)
    293   %tmp2 = add i32 %arg, 1
    294   %tmp3 = call i32 @callee(i32 %tmp2)
    295   %tmp5 = sub i32 %tmp3, %tmp1
    296   %tmp6 = sdiv i32 %tmp5, %tmp1
    297   ret i32 %tmp6
    298 }
    300 ; This is the same as no_stackify_past_use, except using a commutative operator,
    301 ; so we can reorder the operands and stackify.
    303 ; CHECK-LABEL: commute_to_fix_ordering:
    304 ; CHECK: i32.call        $push[[L0:.+]]=, callee@FUNCTION, $0
    305 ; CHECK: tee_local       $push[[L1:.+]]=, $1=, $pop[[L0]]
    306 ; CHECK: i32.const       $push0=, 1
    307 ; CHECK: i32.add         $push1=, $0, $pop0
    308 ; CHECK: i32.call        $push2=, callee@FUNCTION, $pop1
    309 ; CHECK: i32.add         $push3=, $1, $pop2
    310 ; CHECK: i32.mul         $push4=, $pop[[L1]], $pop3
    311 ; CHECK: return          $pop4
    312 define i32 @commute_to_fix_ordering(i32 %arg) {
    313   %tmp1 = call i32 @callee(i32 %arg)
    314   %tmp2 = add i32 %arg, 1
    315   %tmp3 = call i32 @callee(i32 %tmp2)
    316   %tmp5 = add i32 %tmp3, %tmp1
    317   %tmp6 = mul i32 %tmp5, %tmp1
    318   ret i32 %tmp6
    319 }
    321 ; Stackify individual defs of virtual registers with multiple defs.
    323 ; CHECK-LABEL: multiple_defs:
    324 ; CHECK:        f64.add         $push[[NUM0:[0-9]+]]=, ${{[0-9]+}}, $pop{{[0-9]+}}{{$}}
    325 ; CHECK-NEXT:   tee_local       $push[[NUM1:[0-9]+]]=, $[[NUM2:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[NUM0]]{{$}}
    326 ; CHECK-NEXT:   f64.select      $push{{[0-9]+}}=, $pop{{[0-9]+}}, $pop[[NUM1]], ${{[0-9]+}}{{$}}
    327 ; CHECK:        $[[NUM2]]=,
    328 define void @multiple_defs(i32 %arg, i32 %arg1, i1 %arg2, i1 %arg3, i1 %arg4) {
    329 bb:
    330   br label %bb5
    332 bb5:                                              ; preds = %bb21, %bb
    333   %tmp = phi double [ 0.000000e+00, %bb ], [ %tmp22, %bb21 ]
    334   %tmp6 = phi double [ 0.000000e+00, %bb ], [ %tmp23, %bb21 ]
    335   %tmp7 = fcmp olt double %tmp6, 2.323450e+01
    336   br i1 %tmp7, label %bb8, label %bb21
    338 bb8:                                              ; preds = %bb17, %bb5
    339   %tmp9 = phi double [ %tmp19, %bb17 ], [ %tmp, %bb5 ]
    340   %tmp10 = fadd double %tmp6, -1.000000e+00
    341   %tmp11 = select i1 %arg2, double -1.135357e+04, double %tmp10
    342   %tmp12 = fadd double %tmp11, %tmp9
    343   br i1 %arg3, label %bb17, label %bb13
    345 bb13:                                             ; preds = %bb8
    346   %tmp14 = or i32 %arg1, 2
    347   %tmp15 = icmp eq i32 %tmp14, 14
    348   %tmp16 = select i1 %tmp15, double -1.135357e+04, double 0xBFCE147AE147B000
    349   br label %bb17
    351 bb17:                                             ; preds = %bb13, %bb8
    352   %tmp18 = phi double [ %tmp16, %bb13 ], [ %tmp10, %bb8 ]
    353   %tmp19 = fadd double %tmp18, %tmp12
    354   %tmp20 = fcmp olt double %tmp6, 2.323450e+01
    355   br i1 %tmp20, label %bb8, label %bb21
    357 bb21:                                             ; preds = %bb17, %bb5
    358   %tmp22 = phi double [ %tmp, %bb5 ], [ %tmp9, %bb17 ]
    359   %tmp23 = fadd double %tmp6, 1.000000e+00
    360   br i1 %arg4, label %exit, label %bb5
    361 exit:
    362   ret void
    363 }
    365 ; Don't move calls past loads
    366 ; CHECK-LABEL: no_stackify_call_past_load:
    367 ; CHECK: i32.call $0=, red
    368 ; CHECK: i32.const $push0=, 0
    369 ; CHECK: i32.load $1=, count($pop0)
    370 @count = hidden global i32 0, align 4
    371 define i32 @no_stackify_call_past_load() {
    372   %a = call i32 @red()
    373   %b = load i32, i32* @count, align 4
    374   call i32 @callee(i32 %a)
    375   ret i32 %b
    376   ; use of a
    377 }
    379 ; Don't move stores past loads if there may be aliasing
    380 ; CHECK-LABEL: no_stackify_store_past_load
    381 ; CHECK: i32.store 0($1), $0
    382 ; CHECK: i32.load {{.*}}, 0($2)
    383 ; CHECK: i32.call {{.*}}, callee@FUNCTION, $0{{$}}
    384 define i32 @no_stackify_store_past_load(i32 %a, i32* %p1, i32* %p2) {
    385   store i32 %a, i32* %p1
    386   %b = load i32, i32* %p2, align 4
    387   call i32 @callee(i32 %a)
    388   ret i32 %b
    389 }
    391 ; Can still stackify past invariant loads.
    392 ; CHECK-LABEL: store_past_invar_load
    393 ; CHECK: i32.store 0($1), $0
    394 ; CHECK: i32.call {{.*}}, callee@FUNCTION, $0
    395 ; CHECK: i32.load $push{{.*}}, 0($2)
    396 ; CHECK: return $pop
    397 define i32 @store_past_invar_load(i32 %a, i32* %p1, i32* dereferenceable(4) %p2) {
    398   store i32 %a, i32* %p1
    399   %b = load i32, i32* %p2, !invariant.load !0
    400   call i32 @callee(i32 %a)
    401   ret i32 %b
    402 }
    404 ; CHECK-LABEL: ignore_dbg_value:
    405 ; CHECK-NEXT: .Lfunc_begin
    406 ; CHECK-NEXT: unreachable
    407 declare void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata, i64, metadata, metadata)
    408 define void @ignore_dbg_value() {
    409   call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i32 0, i64 0, metadata !7, metadata !9), !dbg !10
    410   unreachable
    411 }
    413 ; Don't stackify an expression that might use the stack into a return, since we
    414 ; might insert a prologue before the return.
    416 ; CHECK-LABEL: no_stackify_past_epilogue:
    417 ; CHECK: return ${{[0-9]+}}{{$}}
    418 declare i32 @use_memory(i32*)
    419 define i32 @no_stackify_past_epilogue() {
    420   %x = alloca i32
    421   %call = call i32 @use_memory(i32* %x)
    422   ret i32 %call
    423 }
    425 ; Stackify a loop induction variable into a loop comparison.
    427 ; CHECK-LABEL: stackify_indvar:
    428 ; CHECK:             i32.const   $push[[L5:.+]]=, 1{{$}}
    429 ; CHECK-NEXT:        i32.add     $push[[L4:.+]]=, $[[R0:.+]], $pop[[L5]]{{$}}
    430 ; CHECK-NEXT:        tee_local   $push[[L3:.+]]=, $[[R0]]=, $pop[[L4]]{{$}}
    431 ; CHECK-NEXT:        i32.ne      $push[[L2:.+]]=, $0, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
    432 define void @stackify_indvar(i32 %tmp, i32* %v) #0 {
    433 bb:
    434   br label %bb3
    436 bb3:                                              ; preds = %bb3, %bb2
    437   %tmp4 = phi i32 [ %tmp7, %bb3 ], [ 0, %bb ]
    438   %tmp5 = load volatile i32, i32* %v, align 4
    439   %tmp6 = add nsw i32 %tmp5, %tmp4
    440   store volatile i32 %tmp6, i32* %v, align 4
    441   %tmp7 = add nuw nsw i32 %tmp4, 1
    442   %tmp8 = icmp eq i32 %tmp7, %tmp
    443   br i1 %tmp8, label %bb10, label %bb3
    445 bb10:                                             ; preds = %bb9, %bb
    446   ret void
    447 }
    449 ; Don't stackify a call past a __stack_pointer store.
    451 ; CHECK-LABEL: stackpointer_dependency:
    452 ; CHECK:      call {{.+}}, stackpointer_callee@FUNCTION,
    453 ; CHECK-NEXT: set_global __stack_pointer,
    454 declare i32 @stackpointer_callee(i8* readnone, i8* readnone)
    455 declare i8* @llvm.frameaddress(i32)
    456 define i32 @stackpointer_dependency(i8* readnone) {
    457   %2 = tail call i8* @llvm.frameaddress(i32 0)
    458   %3 = tail call i32 @stackpointer_callee(i8* %0, i8* %2)
    459   ret i32 %3
    460 }
    462 ; Stackify a call_indirect with respect to its ordering
    464 ; CHECK-LABEL: call_indirect_stackify:
    465 ; CHECK: i32.load  $push[[L4:.+]]=, 0($0)
    466 ; CHECK-NEXT: tee_local $push[[L3:.+]]=, $0=, $pop[[L4]]
    467 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.load  $push[[L0:.+]]=, 0($0)
    468 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.load  $push[[L1:.+]]=, 0($pop[[L0]])
    469 ; CHECK-NEXT: i32.call_indirect $push{{.+}}=, $pop[[L3]], $1, $pop[[L1]]
    470 %class.call_indirect = type { i32 (...)** }
    471 define i32 @call_indirect_stackify(%class.call_indirect** %objptr, i32 %arg) {
    472   %obj = load %class.call_indirect*, %class.call_indirect** %objptr
    473   %addr = bitcast %class.call_indirect* %obj to i32(%class.call_indirect*, i32)***
    474   %vtable = load i32(%class.call_indirect*, i32)**, i32(%class.call_indirect*, i32)*** %addr
    475   %vfn = getelementptr inbounds i32(%class.call_indirect*, i32)*, i32(%class.call_indirect*, i32)** %vtable, i32 0
    476   %f = load i32(%class.call_indirect*, i32)*, i32(%class.call_indirect*, i32)** %vfn
    477   %ret = call i32 %f(%class.call_indirect* %obj, i32 %arg)
    478   ret i32 %ret
    479 }
    481 !llvm.module.flags = !{!0}
    482 !llvm.dbg.cu = !{!1}
    484 !0 = !{i32 2, !"Debug Info Version", i32 3}
    485 !1 = distinct !DICompileUnit(language: DW_LANG_C99, file: !2, producer: "clang version 3.9.0 (trunk 266005) (llvm/trunk 266105)", isOptimized: false, runtimeVersion: 0, emissionKind: FullDebug, enums: !3)
    486 !2 = !DIFile(filename: "test.c", directory: "/")
    487 !3 = !{}
    488 !5 = distinct !DISubprogram(name: "test", scope: !2, file: !2, line: 10, type: !6, isLocal: false, isDefinition: true, scopeLine: 11, flags: DIFlagPrototyped, isOptimized: true, unit: !1, retainedNodes: !3)
    489 !6 = !DISubroutineType(types: !3)
    490 !7 = !DILocalVariable(name: "nzcnt", scope: !5, file: !2, line: 15, type: !8)
    491 !8 = !DIBasicType(name: "int", size: 32, align: 32, encoding: DW_ATE_signed)
    492 !9 = !DIExpression()
    493 !10 = !DILocation(line: 15, column: 6, scope: !5)