1 ; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_llc_test_checks.py 2 ; RUN: llc -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-unknown -show-mc-encoding < %s | FileCheck %s 3 4 ; Test that the direct object emission selects the 'and' variant with 8-bit 5 ; immediate. 6 ; We used to get this wrong when using direct object emission, but not when 7 ; reading assembly. 8 9 define void @f1() nounwind { 10 ; CHECK-LABEL: f1: 11 ; CHECK: # %bb.0: 12 ; CHECK-NEXT: pushq %rbp # encoding: [0x55] 13 ; CHECK-NEXT: movq %rsp, %rbp # encoding: [0x48,0x89,0xe5] 14 ; CHECK-NEXT: andq $-32, %rsp # encoding: [0x48,0x83,0xe4,0xe0] 15 ; CHECK-NEXT: movq %rbp, %rsp # encoding: [0x48,0x89,0xec] 16 ; CHECK-NEXT: popq %rbp # encoding: [0x5d] 17 ; CHECK-NEXT: retq # encoding: [0xc3] 18 %foo = alloca i8, align 32 19 ret void 20 } 21 22 define void @f2(i16 %x, i1 *%y) nounwind { 23 ; CHECK-LABEL: f2: 24 ; CHECK: # %bb.0: 25 ; CHECK-NEXT: andl $1, %edi # encoding: [0x83,0xe7,0x01] 26 ; CHECK-NEXT: movb %dil, (%rsi) # encoding: [0x40,0x88,0x3e] 27 ; CHECK-NEXT: retq # encoding: [0xc3] 28 %c = trunc i16 %x to i1 29 store i1 %c, i1* %y 30 ret void 31 } 32 33 define void @f3(i32 %x, i1 *%y) nounwind { 34 ; CHECK-LABEL: f3: 35 ; CHECK: # %bb.0: 36 ; CHECK-NEXT: andl $1, %edi # encoding: [0x83,0xe7,0x01] 37 ; CHECK-NEXT: movb %dil, (%rsi) # encoding: [0x40,0x88,0x3e] 38 ; CHECK-NEXT: retq # encoding: [0xc3] 39 %c = trunc i32 %x to i1 40 store i1 %c, i1* %y 41 ret void 42 } 43 44 ; The immediate (0x0ffffff0) can be made into an i8 by making it negative. 45 46 define i32 @lopped32_32to8(i32 %x) { 47 ; CHECK-LABEL: lopped32_32to8: 48 ; CHECK: # %bb.0: 49 ; CHECK-NEXT: shrl $4, %edi # encoding: [0xc1,0xef,0x04] 50 ; CHECK-NEXT: andl $-16, %edi # encoding: [0x83,0xe7,0xf0] 51 ; CHECK-NEXT: movl %edi, %eax # encoding: [0x89,0xf8] 52 ; CHECK-NEXT: retq # encoding: [0xc3] 53 %shr = lshr i32 %x, 4 54 %and = and i32 %shr, 268435440 55 ret i32 %and 56 } 57 58 ; The immediate (0x0ffffff0) can be made into an i8 by making it negative. 59 60 define i64 @lopped64_32to8(i64 %x) { 61 ; CHECK-LABEL: lopped64_32to8: 62 ; CHECK: # %bb.0: 63 ; CHECK-NEXT: shrq $36, %rdi # encoding: [0x48,0xc1,0xef,0x24] 64 ; CHECK-NEXT: andl $-16, %edi # encoding: [0x83,0xe7,0xf0] 65 ; CHECK-NEXT: movq %rdi, %rax # encoding: [0x48,0x89,0xf8] 66 ; CHECK-NEXT: retq # encoding: [0xc3] 67 %shr = lshr i64 %x, 36 68 %and = and i64 %shr, 268435440 69 ret i64 %and 70 } 71 72 ; The immediate (0x0ffffffffffffff0) can be made into an i8 by making it negative. 73 74 define i64 @lopped64_64to8(i64 %x) { 75 ; CHECK-LABEL: lopped64_64to8: 76 ; CHECK: # %bb.0: 77 ; CHECK-NEXT: shrq $4, %rdi # encoding: [0x48,0xc1,0xef,0x04] 78 ; CHECK-NEXT: andq $-16, %rdi # encoding: [0x48,0x83,0xe7,0xf0] 79 ; CHECK-NEXT: movq %rdi, %rax # encoding: [0x48,0x89,0xf8] 80 ; CHECK-NEXT: retq # encoding: [0xc3] 81 %shr = lshr i64 %x, 4 82 %and = and i64 %shr, 1152921504606846960 83 ret i64 %and 84 } 85 86 ; The immediate (0x0ffffffffff0fff0) can be made into an i32 by making it negative. 87 88 define i64 @lopped64_64to32(i64 %x) { 89 ; CHECK-LABEL: lopped64_64to32: 90 ; CHECK: # %bb.0: 91 ; CHECK-NEXT: shrq $4, %rdi # encoding: [0x48,0xc1,0xef,0x04] 92 ; CHECK-NEXT: andq $-983056, %rdi # encoding: [0x48,0x81,0xe7,0xf0,0xff,0xf0,0xff] 93 ; CHECK-NEXT: # imm = 0xFFF0FFF0 94 ; CHECK-NEXT: movq %rdi, %rax # encoding: [0x48,0x89,0xf8] 95 ; CHECK-NEXT: retq # encoding: [0xc3] 96 %shr = lshr i64 %x, 4 97 %and = and i64 %shr, 1152921504605863920 98 ret i64 %and 99 } 100 101 ; The transform is not limited to shifts - computeKnownBits() knows the top 4 bits 102 ; must be cleared, so 0x0fffff80 can become 0x80 sign-extended. 103 104 define i32 @shrinkAndKnownBits(i32 %x) { 105 ; CHECK-LABEL: shrinkAndKnownBits: 106 ; CHECK: # %bb.0: 107 ; CHECK-NEXT: movl %edi, %ecx # encoding: [0x89,0xf9] 108 ; CHECK-NEXT: movl $4042322161, %eax # encoding: [0xb8,0xf1,0xf0,0xf0,0xf0] 109 ; CHECK-NEXT: # imm = 0xF0F0F0F1 110 ; CHECK-NEXT: imulq %rcx, %rax # encoding: [0x48,0x0f,0xaf,0xc1] 111 ; CHECK-NEXT: shrq $36, %rax # encoding: [0x48,0xc1,0xe8,0x24] 112 ; CHECK-NEXT: andl $-128, %eax # encoding: [0x83,0xe0,0x80] 113 ; CHECK-NEXT: # kill: def $eax killed $eax killed $rax 114 ; CHECK-NEXT: retq # encoding: [0xc3] 115 %div = udiv i32 %x, 17 116 %and = and i32 %div, 268435328 117 ret i32 %and 118 } 119 120