1 ; RUN: llc -fast-isel -O0 -mcpu=generic -mtriple=i386-apple-darwin10 -relocation-model=pic < %s | FileCheck %s 2 ; RUN: llc -fast-isel -O0 -mcpu=generic -mtriple=i386-apple-darwin10 -relocation-model=pic < %s -pass-remarks-missed=isel 2>&1 >/dev/null | FileCheck -check-prefix=STDERR -allow-empty %s 3 4 ; This should use flds to set the return value. 5 ; CHECK-LABEL: test0: 6 ; CHECK: flds 7 ; CHECK: retl 8 @G = external global float 9 define float @test0() nounwind { 10 %t = load float, float* @G 11 ret float %t 12 } 13 14 ; This should pop 4 bytes on return. 15 ; CHECK-LABEL: test1: 16 ; CHECK: retl $4 17 define void @test1({i32, i32, i32, i32}* sret %p) nounwind { 18 store {i32, i32, i32, i32} zeroinitializer, {i32, i32, i32, i32}* %p 19 ret void 20 } 21 22 ; This should pop 8 bytes on return. 23 ; CHECK-LABEL: thiscallfun: 24 ; CHECK: retl $8 25 define x86_thiscallcc i32 @thiscallfun(i32* %this, i32 %a, i32 %b) nounwind { 26 ; STDERR-NOT: FastISel missed terminator: ret i32 12345 27 ret i32 12345 28 } 29 30 ; Here, the callee pop doesn't fit the 16 bit immediate -- see x86-big-ret.ll 31 ; This checks that -fast-isel doesn't miscompile this. 32 ; CHECK-LABEL: thiscall_large: 33 ; CHECK: popl %ecx 34 ; CHECK-NEXT: addl $65536, %esp 35 ; CHECK-NEXT: pushl %ecx 36 ; CHECK-NEXT: retl 37 define x86_thiscallcc void @thiscall_large(i32* %this, [65533 x i8]* byval %b) nounwind { 38 ret void 39 } 40 41 ; This should pop 4 bytes on return. 42 ; CHECK-LABEL: stdcallfun: 43 ; CHECK: retl $4 44 define x86_stdcallcc i32 @stdcallfun(i32 %a) nounwind { 45 ; STDERR-NOT: FastISel missed terminator: ret i32 54321 46 ret i32 54321 47 } 48 49 ; Properly initialize the pic base. 50 ; CHECK-LABEL: test2: 51 ; CHECK-NOT: HHH 52 ; CHECK: call{{.*}}L5$pb 53 ; CHECK-NEXT: L5$pb: 54 ; CHECK-NEXT: pop 55 ; CHECK: HHH 56 ; CHECK: retl 57 @HHH = external global i32 58 define i32 @test2() nounwind { 59 %t = load i32, i32* @HHH 60 ret i32 %t 61 } 62 63 ; Check that we fast-isel sret, and handle the callee-pops behavior correctly. 64 %struct.a = type { i64, i64, i64 } 65 define void @test3() nounwind ssp { 66 entry: 67 %tmp = alloca %struct.a, align 8 68 call void @test3sret(%struct.a* sret %tmp) 69 ret void 70 ; CHECK-LABEL: test3: 71 ; CHECK: subl $44 72 ; CHECK: leal 16(%esp) 73 ; CHECK: calll _test3sret 74 ; CHECK: addl $40 75 } 76 declare void @test3sret(%struct.a* sret) 77 78 ; Check that fast-isel sret works with fastcc (and does not callee-pop) 79 define void @test4() nounwind ssp { 80 entry: 81 %tmp = alloca %struct.a, align 8 82 call fastcc void @test4fastccsret(%struct.a* sret %tmp) 83 ret void 84 ; CHECK-LABEL: test4: 85 ; CHECK: subl $28 86 ; CHECK: movl %esp, %ecx 87 ; CHECK: calll _test4fastccsret 88 ; CHECK: addl $28 89 } 90 declare fastcc void @test4fastccsret(%struct.a* sret) 91