1 ; RUN: FileCheck -DVALUE=10 -input-file %s %s 2 ; RUN: not FileCheck -DVALUE=20 -input-file %s %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix ERRMSG 3 ; 4 ; RUN: not FileCheck -DVALUE=10 -check-prefix NOT -input-file %s %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s -check-prefix NOT-ERRMSG 5 ; RUN: FileCheck -DVALUE=20 -check-prefix NOT -input-file %s %s 6 7 Value = 10 8 ; CHECK: Value = [[VALUE]] 9 ; NOT-NOT: Value = [[VALUE]] 10 11 ; ERRMSG: defines.txt:8:10: error: CHECK: expected string not found in input 12 ; ERRMSG: defines.txt:1:1: note: scanning from here 13 ; ERRMSG: defines.txt:1:1: note: with variable "VALUE" equal to "20" 14 ; ERRMSG: defines.txt:7:1: note: possible intended match here 15 16 ; NOT-ERRMSG: defines.txt:9:12: error: {{NOT}}-NOT: excluded string found in input 17 ; NOT-ERRMSG: defines.txt:7:1: note: found here 18 ; NOT-ERRMSG: defines.txt:7:1: note: with variable "VALUE" equal to "10"