1 ; RUN: opt -gvn-hoist -S < %s | FileCheck %s 2 3 ; Check that convergent calls are not hoisted. 4 ; 5 ; CHECK-LABEL: @no_convergent_func_hoisting( 6 ; CHECK: if.then: 7 ; CHECK: call float @convergent_func( 8 9 ; CHECK: if.else: 10 ; CHECK: call float @convergent_func( 11 define float @no_convergent_func_hoisting(float %d, float %min, float %max, float %a) { 12 entry: 13 %div = fdiv float 1.000000e+00, %d 14 %cmp = fcmp oge float %div, 0.000000e+00 15 br i1 %cmp, label %if.then, label %if.else 16 17 if.then: 18 %sub1 = fsub float %max, %a 19 %mul2 = call float @convergent_func(float %sub1, float %div) 20 br label %if.end 21 22 if.else: 23 %sub5 = fsub float %max, %a 24 %mul6 = call float @convergent_func(float %sub5, float %div) 25 br label %if.end 26 27 if.end: 28 %tmax.0 = phi float [ %mul2, %if.then ], [ %mul6, %if.else ] 29 %add = fadd float %tmax.0, 10.0 30 ret float %add 31 } 32 33 ; The call site is convergent but the declaration is not. 34 ; CHECK-LABEL: @no_convergent_call_hoisting( 35 36 ; CHECK: if.then: 37 ; CHECK: call float @func( 38 39 ; CHECK: if.else: 40 ; CHECK: call float @func( 41 define float @no_convergent_call_hoisting(float %d, float %min, float %max, float %a) { 42 entry: 43 %div = fdiv float 1.000000e+00, %d 44 %cmp = fcmp oge float %div, 0.000000e+00 45 br i1 %cmp, label %if.then, label %if.else 46 47 if.then: 48 %sub1 = fsub float %max, %a 49 %mul2 = call float @func(float %sub1, float %div) #0 50 br label %if.end 51 52 if.else: 53 %sub5 = fsub float %max, %a 54 %mul6 = call float @func(float %sub5, float %div) #0 55 br label %if.end 56 57 if.end: 58 %tmax.0 = phi float [ %mul2, %if.then ], [ %mul6, %if.else ] 59 %add = fadd float %tmax.0, 10.0 60 ret float %add 61 } 62 63 ; The call site is convergent but the declaration is not. 64 ; CHECK-LABEL: @call_hoisting( 65 ; CHECK: call float @func( 66 ; CHECK-NOT: call float @func( 67 define float @call_hoisting(float %d, float %min, float %max, float %a) { 68 entry: 69 %div = fdiv float 1.000000e+00, %d 70 %cmp = fcmp oge float %div, 0.000000e+00 71 br i1 %cmp, label %if.then, label %if.else 72 73 if.then: 74 %sub1 = fsub float %max, %a 75 %mul2 = call float @func(float %sub1, float %div) 76 br label %if.end 77 78 if.else: 79 %sub5 = fsub float %max, %a 80 %mul6 = call float @func(float %sub5, float %div) 81 br label %if.end 82 83 if.end: 84 %tmax.0 = phi float [ %mul2, %if.then ], [ %mul6, %if.else ] 85 %add = fadd float %tmax.0, 10.0 86 ret float %add 87 } 88 89 declare float @convergent_func(float, float) #0 90 declare float @func(float, float) #1 91 92 attributes #0 = { nounwind readnone convergent } 93 attributes #1 = { nounwind readnone } 94