1 ; RUN: opt < %s -S -ipsccp | FileCheck %s 2 ; PR5596 3 4 ; IPSCCP should propagate the 0 argument, eliminate the switch, and propagate 5 ; the result. 6 7 ; CHECK: define i32 @main() #0 { 8 ; CHECK-NEXT: entry: 9 ; CHECK-NOT: call 10 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 123 11 12 define i32 @main() noreturn nounwind { 13 entry: 14 %call2 = tail call i32 @wwrite(i64 0) nounwind 15 ret i32 %call2 16 } 17 18 define internal i32 @wwrite(i64 %i) nounwind readnone { 19 entry: 20 switch i64 %i, label %sw.default [ 21 i64 3, label %return 22 i64 10, label %return 23 ] 24 25 sw.default: 26 ret i32 123 27 28 return: 29 ret i32 0 30 } 31 32 ; CHECK: attributes #0 = { noreturn nounwind } 33 ; CHECK: attributes #1 = { nounwind readnone } 34