1 ; RUN: opt < %s -debugify -licm -S -o /dev/null 2 ; 3 ; The following test is from https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=36238 4 ; This test should pass (not assert or fault). The error that originally 5 ; provoked this test was regarding the LCSSA pass trying to insert a dbg.value 6 ; intrinsic into a catchswitch block. 7 8 target datalayout = "e-m:w-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128" 9 target triple = "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc19.11.0" 10 11 %struct.e = type { i32 } 12 %struct.d = type { i8 } 13 %class.f = type { %class.b } 14 %class.b = type { i8 } 15 %struct.k = type opaque 16 17 @"\01?l@@3HA" = local_unnamed_addr global i32 0, align 4 18 19 define i32 @"\01?m@@YAJXZ"() personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__C_specific_handler to i8*) { 20 entry: 21 %n = alloca %struct.e, align 4 22 %db = alloca i32, align 4 23 %o = alloca %struct.d, align 1 24 %q = alloca i8*, align 8 25 %r = alloca i32, align 4 26 %u = alloca i64, align 8 27 %s = alloca %class.f, align 1 28 %offset = alloca i64, align 8 29 %t = alloca i64, align 8 30 %status = alloca i32, align 4 31 call void (...) @llvm.localescape(%class.f* nonnull %s, i32* nonnull %status) 32 %0 = bitcast %struct.e* %n to i8* 33 %1 = bitcast i32* %db to i8* 34 %2 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.d, %struct.d* %o, i64 0, i32 0 35 %3 = bitcast i8** %q to i8* 36 %4 = bitcast i32* %r to i8* 37 %5 = bitcast i64* %u to i8* 38 %6 = getelementptr inbounds %class.f, %class.f* %s, i64 0, i32 0, i32 0 39 %7 = load i32, i32* @"\01?l@@3HA", align 4, !tbaa !3 40 %call = call %class.f* @"\01??0f@@QEAA@H@Z"(%class.f* nonnull %s, i32 %7) 41 %8 = bitcast i64* %offset to i8* 42 %9 = bitcast i64* %t to i8* 43 %10 = bitcast i32* %status to i8* 44 %11 = bitcast %class.f* %s to %struct.d* 45 %c = getelementptr inbounds %struct.e, %struct.e* %n, i64 0, i32 0 46 br label %for.cond 47 48 for.cond: ; preds = %cleanup.cont, %entry 49 %p.0 = phi i32 [ undef, %entry ], [ %call2, %cleanup.cont ] 50 invoke void @"\01?h@@YAXPEAH0HPEAIPEAPEAEPEA_K33PEAUd@@4@Z"(i32* nonnull %db, i32* nonnull %c, i32 undef, i32* nonnull %r, i8** nonnull %q, i64* nonnull %u, i64* nonnull %offset, i64* nonnull %t, %struct.d* nonnull %11, %struct.d* nonnull %o) 51 to label %__try.cont unwind label %catch.dispatch 52 53 catch.dispatch: ; preds = %for.cond 54 %12 = catchswitch within none [label %__except.ret] unwind label %ehcleanup 55 56 __except.ret: ; preds = %catch.dispatch 57 %13 = catchpad within %12 [i8* bitcast (i32 (i8*, i8*)* @"\01?filt$0@0@m@@" to i8*)] 58 catchret from %13 to label %cleanup7 59 60 __try.cont: ; preds = %for.cond 61 %tobool = icmp eq i32 %p.0, 0 62 br i1 %tobool, label %if.end, label %cleanup7 63 64 if.end: ; preds = %__try.cont 65 %call2 = invoke i32 @"\01?a@@YAJXZ"() 66 to label %cleanup.cont unwind label %ehcleanup 67 68 cleanup.cont: ; preds = %if.end 69 br label %for.cond 70 71 ehcleanup: ; preds = %if.end, %catch.dispatch 72 %14 = cleanuppad within none [] 73 %g.i = getelementptr inbounds %class.f, %class.f* %s, i64 0, i32 0 74 call void @"\01??1b@@QEAA@XZ"(%class.b* nonnull %g.i) [ "funclet"(token %14) ] 75 cleanupret from %14 unwind to caller 76 77 cleanup7: ; preds = %__try.cont, %__except.ret 78 %p.2.ph = phi i32 [ 7, %__except.ret ], [ %p.0, %__try.cont ] 79 %g.i32 = getelementptr inbounds %class.f, %class.f* %s, i64 0, i32 0 80 call void @"\01??1b@@QEAA@XZ"(%class.b* nonnull %g.i32) 81 ret i32 %p.2.ph 82 } 83 84 declare %class.f* @"\01??0f@@QEAA@H@Z"(%class.f* returned, i32) unnamed_addr 85 86 define internal i32 @"\01?filt$0@0@m@@"(i8* %exception_pointers, i8* %frame_pointer) personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__C_specific_handler to i8*) { 87 entry: 88 %0 = tail call i8* @llvm.x86.seh.recoverfp(i8* bitcast (i32 ()* @"\01?m@@YAJXZ" to i8*), i8* %frame_pointer) 89 %1 = tail call i8* @llvm.localrecover(i8* bitcast (i32 ()* @"\01?m@@YAJXZ" to i8*), i8* %0, i32 0) 90 %2 = tail call i8* @llvm.localrecover(i8* bitcast (i32 ()* @"\01?m@@YAJXZ" to i8*), i8* %0, i32 1) 91 %status = bitcast i8* %2 to i32* 92 %agg.tmp = alloca %class.f, align 1 93 %3 = bitcast i8* %exception_pointers to i32** 94 %4 = load i32*, i32** %3, align 8 95 %5 = load i32, i32* %4, align 4 96 %6 = bitcast i8* %exception_pointers to %struct.k* 97 %7 = getelementptr inbounds %class.f, %class.f* %agg.tmp, i64 0, i32 0, i32 0 98 %8 = load i8, i8* %1, align 1 99 store i8 %8, i8* %7, align 1 100 %call = invoke i32 @"\01?j@@YAJVf@@JPEAUk@@PEAH@Z"(i8 %8, i32 %5, %struct.k* %6, i32* %status) 101 to label %invoke.cont unwind label %ehcleanup 102 103 invoke.cont: ; preds = %entry 104 %g.i = getelementptr inbounds %class.f, %class.f* %agg.tmp, i64 0, i32 0 105 call void @"\01??1b@@QEAA@XZ"(%class.b* nonnull %g.i) 106 ret i32 %call 107 108 ehcleanup: ; preds = %entry 109 %9 = cleanuppad within none [] 110 %g.i2 = getelementptr inbounds %class.f, %class.f* %agg.tmp, i64 0, i32 0 111 call void @"\01??1b@@QEAA@XZ"(%class.b* nonnull %g.i2) [ "funclet"(token %9) ] 112 cleanupret from %9 unwind to caller 113 } 114 115 declare i8* @llvm.x86.seh.recoverfp(i8*, i8*) 116 declare i8* @llvm.localrecover(i8*, i8*, i32) 117 declare i32 @"\01?j@@YAJVf@@JPEAUk@@PEAH@Z"(i8, i32, %struct.k*, i32*) local_unnamed_addr 118 declare i32 @__C_specific_handler(...) 119 declare void @"\01?h@@YAXPEAH0HPEAIPEAPEAEPEA_K33PEAUd@@4@Z"(i32*, i32*, i32, i32*, i8**, i64*, i64*, i64*, %struct.d*, %struct.d*) local_unnamed_addr 120 declare i32 @"\01?a@@YAJXZ"() local_unnamed_addr 121 declare void @llvm.localescape(...) 122 declare void @"\01??1b@@QEAA@XZ"(%class.b*) unnamed_addr 123 124 !llvm.module.flags = !{!0, !1} 125 !llvm.ident = !{!2} 126 127 !0 = !{i32 1, !"wchar_size", i32 2} 128 !1 = !{i32 7, !"PIC Level", i32 2} 129 !2 = !{!"clang"} 130 !3 = !{!4, !4, i64 0} 131 !4 = !{!"int", !5, i64 0} 132 !5 = !{!"omnipotent char", !6, i64 0} 133 !6 = !{!"Simple C++ TBAA"} 134