1 ; RUN: opt < %s -simple-loop-unswitch -instcombine -gvn -disable-output 2 ; PR2372 3 target triple = "i386-pc-linux-gnu" 4 5 define i32 @func_3(i16 signext %p_5, i16 signext %p_6) nounwind { 6 entry: 7 %tmp3 = icmp eq i16 %p_5, 0 ; <i1> [#uses=1] 8 %tmp1314 = sext i16 %p_6 to i32 ; <i32> [#uses=1] 9 %tmp28 = icmp ugt i32 %tmp1314, 3 ; <i1> [#uses=1] 10 %bothcond = or i1 %tmp28, false ; <i1> [#uses=1] 11 br label %bb 12 bb: ; preds = %bb54, %entry 13 br i1 %tmp3, label %bb54, label %bb5 14 bb5: ; preds = %bb 15 br i1 %bothcond, label %bb54, label %bb31 16 bb31: ; preds = %bb5 17 br label %bb54 18 bb54: ; preds = %bb31, %bb5, %bb 19 br i1 false, label %bb64, label %bb 20 bb64: ; preds = %bb54 21 %tmp6566 = sext i16 %p_6 to i32 ; <i32> [#uses=1] 22 %tmp68 = tail call i32 (...) @func_18( i32 1, i32 %tmp6566, i32 1 ) nounwind ; <i32> [#uses=0] 23 ret i32 undef 24 } 25 26 declare i32 @func_18(...) 27