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      1 ; RUN: opt < %s -S -speculative-execution \
      2 ; RUN:   -spec-exec-max-speculation-cost 4 -spec-exec-max-not-hoisted 3 \
      3 ; RUN:   | FileCheck %s
      4 ; RUN: opt < %s -S -passes='speculative-execution' \
      5 ; RUN:   -spec-exec-max-speculation-cost 4 -spec-exec-max-not-hoisted 3 \
      6 ; RUN:   | FileCheck %s
      8 target datalayout = "e-i64:64-v16:16-v32:32-n16:32:64"
     10 ; Hoist in if-then pattern.
     11 define void @ifThen() {
     12 ; CHECK-LABEL: @ifThen(
     13 ; CHECK: %x = add i32 2, 3
     14 ; CHECK: br i1 true
     15   br i1 true, label %a, label %b
     16 ; CHECK: a:
     17 a:
     18   %x = add i32 2, 3
     19 ; CHECK: br label
     20   br label %b
     21 ; CHECK: b:
     22 b:
     23 ; CHECK: ret void
     24   ret void
     25 }
     27 ; Hoist in if-else pattern.
     28 define void @ifElse() {
     29 ; CHECK-LABEL: @ifElse(
     30 ; CHECK: %x = add i32 2, 3
     31 ; CHECK: br i1 true
     32   br i1 true, label %b, label %a
     33 ; CHECK: a:
     34 a:
     35   %x = add i32 2, 3
     36 ; CHECK: br label
     37   br label %b
     38 ; CHECK: b:
     39 b:
     40 ; CHECK: ret void
     41   ret void
     42 }
     44 ; Hoist in if-then-else pattern if it is equivalent to if-then.
     45 define void @ifElseThenAsIfThen() {
     46 ; CHECK-LABEL: @ifElseThenAsIfThen(
     47 ; CHECK: %x = add i32 2, 3
     48 ; CHECK: br
     49   br i1 true, label %a, label %b
     50 ; CHECK: a:
     51 a:
     52   %x = add i32 2, 3
     53 ; CHECK: br label
     54   br label %c
     55 ; CHECK: b:
     56 b:
     57   br label %c
     58 ; CHECK: c
     59 c:
     60   ret void
     61 }
     63 ; Hoist in if-then-else pattern if it is equivalent to if-else.
     64 define void @ifElseThenAsIfElse() {
     65 ; CHECK-LABEL: @ifElseThenAsIfElse(
     66 ; CHECK: %x = add i32 2, 3
     67 ; CHECK: br
     68   br i1 true, label %b, label %a
     69 ; CHECK: a:
     70 a:
     71   %x = add i32 2, 3
     72 ; CHECK: br label
     73   br label %c
     74 ; CHECK: b:
     75 b:
     76   br label %c
     77 ; CHECK: c
     78 c:
     79   ret void
     80 }
     82 ; Do not hoist if-then-else pattern if it is not equivalent to if-then
     83 ; or if-else.
     84 define void @ifElseThen() {
     85 ; CHECK-LABEL: @ifElseThen(
     86 ; CHECK: br
     87   br i1 true, label %a, label %b
     88 ; CHECK: a:
     89 a:
     90 ; CHECK: %x = add
     91   %x = add i32 2, 3
     92 ; CHECK: br label
     93   br label %c
     94 ; CHECK: b:
     95 b:
     96 ; CHECK: %y = add
     97   %y = add i32 2, 3
     98   br label %c
     99 ; CHECK: c
    100 c:
    101   ret void
    102 }
    104 ; Do not hoist loads and do not hoist an instruction past a definition of
    105 ; an operand.
    106 define void @doNotHoistPastDef() {
    107 ; CHECK-LABEL: @doNotHoistPastDef(
    108   br i1 true, label %b, label %a
    109 ; CHECK-NOT: load
    110 ; CHECK-NOT: add
    111 ; CHECK: a:
    112 a:
    113 ; CHECK: %def = load
    114   %def = load i32, i32* null
    115 ; CHECK: %use = add
    116   %use = add i32 %def, 0
    117   br label %b
    118 ; CHECK: b:
    119 b:
    120   ret void
    121 }
    123 ; Case with nothing to speculate.
    124 define void @nothingToSpeculate() {
    125 ; CHECK-LABEL: @nothingToSpeculate(
    126   br i1 true, label %b, label %a
    127 ; CHECK: a:
    128 a:
    129 ; CHECK: %def = load
    130   %def = load i32, i32* null
    131   br label %b
    132 ; CHECK: b:
    133 b:
    134   ret void
    135 }
    137 ; Still hoist if an operand is defined before the block or is itself hoisted.
    138 define void @hoistIfNotPastDef() {
    139 ; CHECK-LABEL: @hoistIfNotPastDef(
    140 ; CHECK: %x = load
    141   %x = load i32, i32* null
    142 ; CHECK: %y = add i32 %x, 1
    143 ; CHECK: %z = add i32 %y, 1
    144 ; CHECK: br
    145   br i1 true, label %b, label %a
    146 ; CHECK: a:
    147 a:
    148   %y = add i32 %x, 1
    149   %z = add i32 %y, 1
    150   br label %b
    151 ; CHECK: b:
    152 b:
    153   ret void
    154 }
    156 ; Do not hoist if the speculation cost is too high.
    157 define void @costTooHigh() {
    158 ; CHECK-LABEL: @costTooHigh(
    159 ; CHECK: br
    160   br i1 true, label %b, label %a
    161 ; CHECK: a:
    162 a:
    163 ; CHECK: %r1 = add
    164   %r1 = add i32 1, 1
    165 ; CHECK: %r2 = add
    166   %r2 = add i32 1, 1
    167 ; CHECK: %r3 = add
    168   %r3 = add i32 1, 1
    169 ; CHECK: %r4 = add
    170   %r4 = add i32 1, 1
    171 ; CHECK: %r5 = add
    172   %r5 = add i32 1, 1
    173   br label %b
    174 ; CHECK: b:
    175 b:
    176   ret void
    177 }
    179 ; Do not hoist if too many instructions are left behind.
    180 define void @tooMuchLeftBehind() {
    181 ; CHECK-LABEL: @tooMuchLeftBehind(
    182 ; CHECK: br
    183   br i1 true, label %b, label %a
    184 ; CHECK: a:
    185 a:
    186 ; CHECK: %x = load
    187   %x = load i32, i32* null
    188 ; CHECK: %r1 = add
    189   %r1 = add i32 %x, 1
    190 ; CHECK: %r2 = add
    191   %r2 = add i32 %x, 1
    192 ; CHECK: %r3 = add
    193   %r3 = add i32 %x, 1
    194   br label %b
    195 ; CHECK: b:
    196 b:
    197   ret void
    198 }