1 # Compile with: 2 # cat >modules.modulemap <<EOF 3 # module Foo { 4 # header "Foo.h" 5 # export * 6 # } 7 # module Bar { 8 # header "Bar.h" 9 # export * 10 # } 11 # EOF 12 # echo 'typedef int bar;' >Bar.h 13 # echo '@import Bar; typedef bar foo;' >Foo.h 14 # echo '@import Foo; foo f() { return 0; }' >module-warnings.m 15 # clang -cc1 -emit-obj -fmodules -fmodule-map-file=modules.modulemap \ 16 # -fmodule-format=obj -debug-info-kind=standalone -dwarf-ext-refs \ 17 # -fmodules-cache-path=ModuleCache \ 18 # -fdisable-module-hash module-warnings.m -o 1.o 19 # 20 # Test for module-related warnings. 21 # 22 # RUN: rm -rf %t.dir && mkdir %t.dir && mkdir %t.dir/ModuleCache 23 # RUN: cp %p/../Inputs/module-warnings/1.o %t.dir 24 # RUN: cp %p/../Inputs/module-warnings/Foo.pcm %t.dir/ModuleCache 25 # 26 # RUN: dsymutil -f -oso-prepend-path=%t.dir -y \ 27 # RUN: %p/dummy-debug-map.map -o %t 2>&1 | FileCheck %s 28 # 29 # Module-not-found should be reported only once. 30 # The exact error message depends on the OS so we don't check for it. 31 # CHECK: warning: {{.*}}Bar.pcm: 32 # CHECK-NOT: warning: {{.*}}Bar.pcm: 33 # 34 # RUN: cp %p/../Inputs/module-warnings/libstatic.a %t.dir 35 # RUN: dsymutil -f -oso-prepend-path=%t.dir -y %s -o %t 2>&1 | FileCheck %s 36 # CHECK: rebuild the module cache 37 # CHECK-NOT: static libraries 38 # 39 # RUN: rm -rf %t.dir/ModuleCache 40 # RUN: dsymutil -f -oso-prepend-path=%t.dir -y %s -o %t 2>&1 \ 41 # RUN: | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=STATIC 42 # STATIC: warning: {{.*}}Bar.pcm: 43 # STATIC: note: Linking a static library 44 # STATIC: warning: {{.*}}Foo.pcm: 45 # STATIC-NOT: warning: 46 47 --- 48 triple: 'x86_64-apple-darwin' 49 objects: 50 - filename: libstatic.a(1.o) 51 symbols: 52 - { sym: __Z3foov, objAddr: 0x0, binAddr: 0x10000, size: 0x10 } 53 ... 54