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      1 //===- llvm/ADT/ilist_iterator.h - Intrusive List Iterator -------*- C++ -*-==//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     13 #include "llvm/ADT/ilist_node.h"
     14 #include <cassert>
     15 #include <cstddef>
     16 #include <iterator>
     17 #include <type_traits>
     19 namespace llvm {
     21 namespace ilist_detail {
     23 /// Find const-correct node types.
     24 template <class OptionsT, bool IsConst> struct IteratorTraits;
     25 template <class OptionsT> struct IteratorTraits<OptionsT, false> {
     26   typedef typename OptionsT::value_type value_type;
     27   typedef typename OptionsT::pointer pointer;
     28   typedef typename OptionsT::reference reference;
     29   typedef ilist_node_impl<OptionsT> *node_pointer;
     30   typedef ilist_node_impl<OptionsT> &node_reference;
     31 };
     32 template <class OptionsT> struct IteratorTraits<OptionsT, true> {
     33   typedef const typename OptionsT::value_type value_type;
     34   typedef typename OptionsT::const_pointer pointer;
     35   typedef typename OptionsT::const_reference reference;
     36   typedef const ilist_node_impl<OptionsT> *node_pointer;
     37   typedef const ilist_node_impl<OptionsT> &node_reference;
     38 };
     40 template <bool IsReverse> struct IteratorHelper;
     41 template <> struct IteratorHelper<false> : ilist_detail::NodeAccess {
     42   typedef ilist_detail::NodeAccess Access;
     43   template <class T> static void increment(T *&I) { I = Access::getNext(*I); }
     44   template <class T> static void decrement(T *&I) { I = Access::getPrev(*I); }
     45 };
     46 template <> struct IteratorHelper<true> : ilist_detail::NodeAccess {
     47   typedef ilist_detail::NodeAccess Access;
     48   template <class T> static void increment(T *&I) { I = Access::getPrev(*I); }
     49   template <class T> static void decrement(T *&I) { I = Access::getNext(*I); }
     50 };
     52 } // end namespace ilist_detail
     54 /// Iterator for intrusive lists  based on ilist_node.
     55 template <class OptionsT, bool IsReverse, bool IsConst>
     56 class ilist_iterator : ilist_detail::SpecificNodeAccess<OptionsT> {
     57   friend ilist_iterator<OptionsT, IsReverse, !IsConst>;
     58   friend ilist_iterator<OptionsT, !IsReverse, IsConst>;
     59   friend ilist_iterator<OptionsT, !IsReverse, !IsConst>;
     61   typedef ilist_detail::IteratorTraits<OptionsT, IsConst> Traits;
     62   typedef ilist_detail::SpecificNodeAccess<OptionsT> Access;
     64 public:
     65   typedef typename Traits::value_type value_type;
     66   typedef typename Traits::pointer pointer;
     67   typedef typename Traits::reference reference;
     68   typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
     69   typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
     71   typedef typename OptionsT::const_pointer const_pointer;
     72   typedef typename OptionsT::const_reference const_reference;
     74 private:
     75   typedef typename Traits::node_pointer node_pointer;
     76   typedef typename Traits::node_reference node_reference;
     78   node_pointer NodePtr;
     80 public:
     81   /// Create from an ilist_node.
     82   explicit ilist_iterator(node_reference N) : NodePtr(&N) {}
     84   explicit ilist_iterator(pointer NP) : NodePtr(Access::getNodePtr(NP)) {}
     85   explicit ilist_iterator(reference NR) : NodePtr(Access::getNodePtr(&NR)) {}
     86   ilist_iterator() : NodePtr(nullptr) {}
     88   // This is templated so that we can allow constructing a const iterator from
     89   // a nonconst iterator...
     90   template <bool RHSIsConst>
     91   ilist_iterator(
     92       const ilist_iterator<OptionsT, IsReverse, RHSIsConst> &RHS,
     93       typename std::enable_if<IsConst || !RHSIsConst, void *>::type = nullptr)
     94       : NodePtr(RHS.NodePtr) {}
     96   // This is templated so that we can allow assigning to a const iterator from
     97   // a nonconst iterator...
     98   template <bool RHSIsConst>
     99   typename std::enable_if<IsConst || !RHSIsConst, ilist_iterator &>::type
    100   operator=(const ilist_iterator<OptionsT, IsReverse, RHSIsConst> &RHS) {
    101     NodePtr = RHS.NodePtr;
    102     return *this;
    103   }
    105   /// Convert from an iterator to its reverse.
    106   ///
    107   /// TODO: Roll this into the implicit constructor once we're sure that no one
    108   /// is relying on the std::reverse_iterator off-by-one semantics.
    109   ilist_iterator<OptionsT, !IsReverse, IsConst> getReverse() const {
    110     if (NodePtr)
    111       return ilist_iterator<OptionsT, !IsReverse, IsConst>(*NodePtr);
    112     return ilist_iterator<OptionsT, !IsReverse, IsConst>();
    113   }
    115   /// Const-cast.
    116   ilist_iterator<OptionsT, IsReverse, false> getNonConst() const {
    117     if (NodePtr)
    118       return ilist_iterator<OptionsT, IsReverse, false>(
    119           const_cast<typename ilist_iterator<OptionsT, IsReverse,
    120                                              false>::node_reference>(*NodePtr));
    121     return ilist_iterator<OptionsT, IsReverse, false>();
    122   }
    124   // Accessors...
    125   reference operator*() const {
    126     assert(!NodePtr->isKnownSentinel());
    127     return *Access::getValuePtr(NodePtr);
    128   }
    129   pointer operator->() const { return &operator*(); }
    131   // Comparison operators
    132   friend bool operator==(const ilist_iterator &LHS, const ilist_iterator &RHS) {
    133     return LHS.NodePtr == RHS.NodePtr;
    134   }
    135   friend bool operator!=(const ilist_iterator &LHS, const ilist_iterator &RHS) {
    136     return LHS.NodePtr != RHS.NodePtr;
    137   }
    139   // Increment and decrement operators...
    140   ilist_iterator &operator--() {
    141     NodePtr = IsReverse ? NodePtr->getNext() : NodePtr->getPrev();
    142     return *this;
    143   }
    144   ilist_iterator &operator++() {
    145     NodePtr = IsReverse ? NodePtr->getPrev() : NodePtr->getNext();
    146     return *this;
    147   }
    148   ilist_iterator operator--(int) {
    149     ilist_iterator tmp = *this;
    150     --*this;
    151     return tmp;
    152   }
    153   ilist_iterator operator++(int) {
    154     ilist_iterator tmp = *this;
    155     ++*this;
    156     return tmp;
    157   }
    159   /// Get the underlying ilist_node.
    160   node_pointer getNodePtr() const { return static_cast<node_pointer>(NodePtr); }
    162   /// Check for end.  Only valid if ilist_sentinel_tracking<true>.
    163   bool isEnd() const { return NodePtr ? NodePtr->isSentinel() : false; }
    164 };
    166 template <typename From> struct simplify_type;
    168 /// Allow ilist_iterators to convert into pointers to a node automatically when
    169 /// used by the dyn_cast, cast, isa mechanisms...
    170 ///
    171 /// FIXME: remove this, since there is no implicit conversion to NodeTy.
    172 template <class OptionsT, bool IsConst>
    173 struct simplify_type<ilist_iterator<OptionsT, false, IsConst>> {
    174   typedef ilist_iterator<OptionsT, false, IsConst> iterator;
    175   typedef typename iterator::pointer SimpleType;
    177   static SimpleType getSimplifiedValue(const iterator &Node) { return &*Node; }
    178 };
    179 template <class OptionsT, bool IsConst>
    180 struct simplify_type<const ilist_iterator<OptionsT, false, IsConst>>
    181     : simplify_type<ilist_iterator<OptionsT, false, IsConst>> {};
    183 } // end namespace llvm
    185 #endif // LLVM_ADT_ILIST_ITERATOR_H