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      1 // Copyright 2017 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
      4 package main
      6 import (
      7 	"bytes"
      8 	"fmt"
      9 	"math/rand"
     10 	"os"
     11 	"runtime/debug"
     12 	"sync/atomic"
     13 	"syscall"
     14 	"time"
     16 	"github.com/google/syzkaller/pkg/cover"
     17 	"github.com/google/syzkaller/pkg/hash"
     18 	"github.com/google/syzkaller/pkg/ipc"
     19 	"github.com/google/syzkaller/pkg/log"
     20 	"github.com/google/syzkaller/pkg/rpctype"
     21 	"github.com/google/syzkaller/pkg/signal"
     22 	"github.com/google/syzkaller/prog"
     23 )
     25 const (
     26 	programLength = 30
     27 )
     29 // Proc represents a single fuzzing process (executor).
     30 type Proc struct {
     31 	fuzzer            *Fuzzer
     32 	pid               int
     33 	env               *ipc.Env
     34 	rnd               *rand.Rand
     35 	execOpts          *ipc.ExecOpts
     36 	execOptsCover     *ipc.ExecOpts
     37 	execOptsComps     *ipc.ExecOpts
     38 	execOptsNoCollide *ipc.ExecOpts
     39 }
     41 func newProc(fuzzer *Fuzzer, pid int) (*Proc, error) {
     42 	env, err := ipc.MakeEnv(fuzzer.config, pid)
     43 	if err != nil {
     44 		return nil, err
     45 	}
     46 	rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano() + int64(pid)*1e12))
     47 	execOptsNoCollide := *fuzzer.execOpts
     48 	execOptsNoCollide.Flags &= ^ipc.FlagCollide
     49 	execOptsCover := execOptsNoCollide
     50 	execOptsCover.Flags |= ipc.FlagCollectCover
     51 	execOptsComps := execOptsNoCollide
     52 	execOptsComps.Flags |= ipc.FlagCollectComps
     53 	proc := &Proc{
     54 		fuzzer:            fuzzer,
     55 		pid:               pid,
     56 		env:               env,
     57 		rnd:               rnd,
     58 		execOpts:          fuzzer.execOpts,
     59 		execOptsCover:     &execOptsCover,
     60 		execOptsComps:     &execOptsComps,
     61 		execOptsNoCollide: &execOptsNoCollide,
     62 	}
     63 	return proc, nil
     64 }
     66 func (proc *Proc) loop() {
     67 	generatePeriod := 100
     68 	if proc.fuzzer.config.Flags&ipc.FlagSignal == 0 {
     69 		// If we don't have real coverage signal, generate programs more frequently
     70 		// because fallback signal is weak.
     71 		generatePeriod = 2
     72 	}
     73 	for i := 0; ; i++ {
     74 		item := proc.fuzzer.workQueue.dequeue()
     75 		if item != nil {
     76 			switch item := item.(type) {
     77 			case *WorkTriage:
     78 				proc.triageInput(item)
     79 			case *WorkCandidate:
     80 				proc.execute(proc.execOpts, item.p, item.flags, StatCandidate)
     81 			case *WorkSmash:
     82 				proc.smashInput(item)
     83 			default:
     84 				log.Fatalf("unknown work type: %#v", item)
     85 			}
     86 			continue
     87 		}
     89 		ct := proc.fuzzer.choiceTable
     90 		corpus := proc.fuzzer.corpusSnapshot()
     91 		if len(corpus) == 0 || i%generatePeriod == 0 {
     92 			// Generate a new prog.
     93 			p := proc.fuzzer.target.Generate(proc.rnd, programLength, ct)
     94 			log.Logf(1, "#%v: generated", proc.pid)
     95 			proc.execute(proc.execOpts, p, ProgNormal, StatGenerate)
     96 		} else {
     97 			// Mutate an existing prog.
     98 			p := corpus[proc.rnd.Intn(len(corpus))].Clone()
     99 			p.Mutate(proc.rnd, programLength, ct, corpus)
    100 			log.Logf(1, "#%v: mutated", proc.pid)
    101 			proc.execute(proc.execOpts, p, ProgNormal, StatFuzz)
    102 		}
    103 	}
    104 }
    106 func (proc *Proc) triageInput(item *WorkTriage) {
    107 	log.Logf(1, "#%v: triaging type=%x", proc.pid, item.flags)
    109 	call := item.p.Calls[item.call]
    110 	inputSignal := signal.FromRaw(item.info.Signal, signalPrio(item.p.Target, call, &item.info))
    111 	newSignal := proc.fuzzer.corpusSignalDiff(inputSignal)
    112 	if newSignal.Empty() {
    113 		return
    114 	}
    115 	log.Logf(3, "triaging input for %v (new signal=%v)", call.Meta.CallName, newSignal.Len())
    116 	var inputCover cover.Cover
    117 	const (
    118 		signalRuns       = 3
    119 		minimizeAttempts = 3
    120 	)
    121 	// Compute input coverage and non-flaky signal for minimization.
    122 	notexecuted := 0
    123 	for i := 0; i < signalRuns; i++ {
    124 		info := proc.executeRaw(proc.execOptsCover, item.p, StatTriage)
    125 		if len(info) == 0 || len(info[item.call].Signal) == 0 ||
    126 			item.info.Errno == 0 && info[item.call].Errno != 0 {
    127 			// The call was not executed or failed.
    128 			notexecuted++
    129 			if notexecuted > signalRuns/2+1 {
    130 				return // if happens too often, give up
    131 			}
    132 			continue
    133 		}
    134 		inf := info[item.call]
    135 		thisSignal := signal.FromRaw(inf.Signal, signalPrio(item.p.Target, call, &inf))
    136 		newSignal = newSignal.Intersection(thisSignal)
    137 		// Without !minimized check manager starts losing some considerable amount
    138 		// of coverage after each restart. Mechanics of this are not completely clear.
    139 		if newSignal.Empty() && item.flags&ProgMinimized == 0 {
    140 			return
    141 		}
    142 		inputCover.Merge(inf.Cover)
    143 	}
    144 	if item.flags&ProgMinimized == 0 {
    145 		item.p, item.call = prog.Minimize(item.p, item.call, false,
    146 			func(p1 *prog.Prog, call1 int) bool {
    147 				for i := 0; i < minimizeAttempts; i++ {
    148 					info := proc.execute(proc.execOptsNoCollide, p1, ProgNormal, StatMinimize)
    149 					if len(info) == 0 || len(info[call1].Signal) == 0 {
    150 						continue // The call was not executed.
    151 					}
    152 					inf := info[call1]
    153 					if item.info.Errno == 0 && inf.Errno != 0 {
    154 						// Don't minimize calls from successful to unsuccessful.
    155 						// Successful calls are much more valuable.
    156 						return false
    157 					}
    158 					prio := signalPrio(p1.Target, p1.Calls[call1], &inf)
    159 					thisSignal := signal.FromRaw(inf.Signal, prio)
    160 					if newSignal.Intersection(thisSignal).Len() == newSignal.Len() {
    161 						return true
    162 					}
    163 				}
    164 				return false
    165 			})
    166 	}
    168 	data := item.p.Serialize()
    169 	sig := hash.Hash(data)
    171 	log.Logf(2, "added new input for %v to corpus:\n%s", call.Meta.CallName, data)
    172 	proc.fuzzer.sendInputToManager(rpctype.RPCInput{
    173 		Call:   call.Meta.CallName,
    174 		Prog:   data,
    175 		Signal: inputSignal.Serialize(),
    176 		Cover:  inputCover.Serialize(),
    177 	})
    179 	proc.fuzzer.addInputToCorpus(item.p, inputSignal, sig)
    181 	if item.flags&ProgSmashed == 0 {
    182 		proc.fuzzer.workQueue.enqueue(&WorkSmash{item.p, item.call})
    183 	}
    184 }
    186 func (proc *Proc) smashInput(item *WorkSmash) {
    187 	if proc.fuzzer.faultInjectionEnabled {
    188 		proc.failCall(item.p, item.call)
    189 	}
    190 	if proc.fuzzer.comparisonTracingEnabled {
    191 		proc.executeHintSeed(item.p, item.call)
    192 	}
    193 	corpus := proc.fuzzer.corpusSnapshot()
    194 	for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
    195 		p := item.p.Clone()
    196 		p.Mutate(proc.rnd, programLength, proc.fuzzer.choiceTable, corpus)
    197 		log.Logf(1, "#%v: smash mutated", proc.pid)
    198 		proc.execute(proc.execOpts, p, ProgNormal, StatSmash)
    199 	}
    200 }
    202 func (proc *Proc) failCall(p *prog.Prog, call int) {
    203 	for nth := 0; nth < 100; nth++ {
    204 		log.Logf(1, "#%v: injecting fault into call %v/%v", proc.pid, call, nth)
    205 		opts := *proc.execOpts
    206 		opts.Flags |= ipc.FlagInjectFault
    207 		opts.FaultCall = call
    208 		opts.FaultNth = nth
    209 		info := proc.executeRaw(&opts, p, StatSmash)
    210 		if info != nil && len(info) > call && info[call].Flags&ipc.CallFaultInjected == 0 {
    211 			break
    212 		}
    213 	}
    214 }
    216 func (proc *Proc) executeHintSeed(p *prog.Prog, call int) {
    217 	log.Logf(1, "#%v: collecting comparisons", proc.pid)
    218 	// First execute the original program to dump comparisons from KCOV.
    219 	info := proc.execute(proc.execOptsComps, p, ProgNormal, StatSeed)
    220 	if info == nil {
    221 		return
    222 	}
    224 	// Then mutate the initial program for every match between
    225 	// a syscall argument and a comparison operand.
    226 	// Execute each of such mutants to check if it gives new coverage.
    227 	p.MutateWithHints(call, info[call].Comps, func(p *prog.Prog) {
    228 		log.Logf(1, "#%v: executing comparison hint", proc.pid)
    229 		proc.execute(proc.execOpts, p, ProgNormal, StatHint)
    230 	})
    231 }
    233 func (proc *Proc) execute(execOpts *ipc.ExecOpts, p *prog.Prog, flags ProgTypes, stat Stat) []ipc.CallInfo {
    234 	info := proc.executeRaw(execOpts, p, stat)
    235 	for _, callIndex := range proc.fuzzer.checkNewSignal(p, info) {
    236 		info := info[callIndex]
    237 		// info.Signal points to the output shmem region, detach it before queueing.
    238 		info.Signal = append([]uint32{}, info.Signal...)
    239 		// None of the caller use Cover, so just nil it instead of detaching.
    240 		// Note: triage input uses executeRaw to get coverage.
    241 		info.Cover = nil
    242 		proc.fuzzer.workQueue.enqueue(&WorkTriage{
    243 			p:     p.Clone(),
    244 			call:  callIndex,
    245 			info:  info,
    246 			flags: flags,
    247 		})
    248 	}
    249 	return info
    250 }
    252 func (proc *Proc) executeRaw(opts *ipc.ExecOpts, p *prog.Prog, stat Stat) []ipc.CallInfo {
    253 	if opts.Flags&ipc.FlagDedupCover == 0 {
    254 		log.Fatalf("dedup cover is not enabled")
    255 	}
    257 	// Limit concurrency window and do leak checking once in a while.
    258 	ticket := proc.fuzzer.gate.Enter()
    259 	defer proc.fuzzer.gate.Leave(ticket)
    261 	proc.logProgram(opts, p)
    262 	try := 0
    263 retry:
    264 	atomic.AddUint64(&proc.fuzzer.stats[stat], 1)
    265 	output, info, failed, hanged, err := proc.env.Exec(opts, p)
    266 	if failed {
    267 		// BUG in output should be recognized by manager.
    268 		log.Logf(0, "BUG: executor-detected bug:\n%s", output)
    269 		// Don't return any cover so that the input is not added to corpus.
    270 		return nil
    271 	}
    272 	if err != nil {
    273 		if _, ok := err.(ipc.ExecutorFailure); ok || try > 10 {
    274 			log.Fatalf("executor %v failed %v times:\n%v", proc.pid, try, err)
    275 		}
    276 		try++
    277 		log.Logf(4, "fuzzer detected executor failure='%v', retrying #%d\n", err, (try + 1))
    278 		debug.FreeOSMemory()
    279 		time.Sleep(time.Second)
    280 		goto retry
    281 	}
    282 	log.Logf(2, "result failed=%v hanged=%v: %s\n", failed, hanged, output)
    283 	return info
    284 }
    286 func (proc *Proc) logProgram(opts *ipc.ExecOpts, p *prog.Prog) {
    287 	if proc.fuzzer.outputType == OutputNone {
    288 		return
    289 	}
    291 	data := p.Serialize()
    292 	strOpts := ""
    293 	if opts.Flags&ipc.FlagInjectFault != 0 {
    294 		strOpts = fmt.Sprintf(" (fault-call:%v fault-nth:%v)", opts.FaultCall, opts.FaultNth)
    295 	}
    297 	// The following output helps to understand what program crashed kernel.
    298 	// It must not be intermixed.
    299 	switch proc.fuzzer.outputType {
    300 	case OutputStdout:
    301 		now := time.Now()
    302 		proc.fuzzer.logMu.Lock()
    303 		fmt.Printf("%02v:%02v:%02v executing program %v%v:\n%s\n",
    304 			now.Hour(), now.Minute(), now.Second(),
    305 			proc.pid, strOpts, data)
    306 		proc.fuzzer.logMu.Unlock()
    307 	case OutputDmesg:
    308 		fd, err := syscall.Open("/dev/kmsg", syscall.O_WRONLY, 0)
    309 		if err == nil {
    310 			buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
    311 			fmt.Fprintf(buf, "syzkaller: executing program %v%v:\n%s\n",
    312 				proc.pid, strOpts, data)
    313 			syscall.Write(fd, buf.Bytes())
    314 			syscall.Close(fd)
    315 		}
    316 	case OutputFile:
    317 		f, err := os.Create(fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v.prog", proc.fuzzer.name, proc.pid))
    318 		if err == nil {
    319 			if strOpts != "" {
    320 				fmt.Fprintf(f, "#%v\n", strOpts)
    321 			}
    322 			f.Write(data)
    323 			f.Close()
    324 		}
    325 	default:
    326 		log.Fatalf("unknown output type: %v", proc.fuzzer.outputType)
    327 	}
    328 }